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The Dragon Reborn
The Dragon Reborn: Book Three of 'The Wheel of Time' | Robert Jordan
106 posts | 200 read | 3 reading | 27 to read
Able to touch the One Power but unable to control its great destructive power, a great messiah named Rand al'Thor flees from his destiny.
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Mostly from Egwene, Mat and Perrin perspective, this book is the aftermath of a battle of the three growing up to the journey to Tear which I hear as Týr. Rand is in danger and his buddies aim to help him. I am really enjoying this book. I am about to crack the spine of book 4.

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Mat, looking for his three friends from Tar Valon, walking right past where they‘re staying.

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I like Zarine better than Faile but (chapter 43) she‘s starting to annoy me now.

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Bk6 of June is done! My battered 32yr old copy of the 3rd book of the WOT stood up to another reread, prob it‘s 20th(or so🤷🏻‍♀️).Rand has ditched Moiraine & Co & is on his way to Tear with them in pursuit.Mat has been cured of the dagger & with the help of Egwene,Nynaeve & Elayne,who are also now on the way to Tear, has escaped the White Tower. After finding out in Caemlyn the girls are in danger, he also heads to Tear. Cue big ending. In Tear.

TheSpineView Fantastic!💙📖📚 13mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! That is a very well-loved book!!! 13mo
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“Pedron Niall‘s aged gaze wandered about his private audience chamber, but dark eyes hazed with thought saw nothing.”
🤣 Robert Jordan isn‘t great at opening lines, but once this one gets going it‘s harrowing! Looking forward to finishing it tonight - I sense the final showdown is imminent.

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This is my stack to choose from this week! I‘m still digesting Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter, so I‘m not sure what I‘ll pick next. I‘m about 2/3 done with Dragon Reborn so that‘s probably what I‘ll focus on today #wheeloftime

Half a Soul - #LMPBC
In a Dark Dark Wood - #AAM
Still Waters/Three Men in a Boat - #trappedonanisland
Ruthy Ramirez, Farewell Tour - #frontporchpodcast
Telephone, Tiger‘s Wife - impulse reads!

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Dragon Reborn | Robert Jordan
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Plunged into DEMON COPPERHEAD last week, which is for April book club (but I have to read it now bc the library hold came in!) It is SO GOOD though, I‘m zipping through it.

Also read MALIBU RISING for my LA book club; a few more chapters of DRAGON REBORN, and listening to HITTING A STRAIGHT LICK in the car (I highly recommend the audio for the dialect!)

Plan to continue all of these this week except Malibu, which I finished!

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Series I‘m working on for #serieslove2023

I had to make a separate graphic for Hercule Poirot …

TheSpineView Looking good! 💙📖📚📚📚 2y
Andrew65 Great series, I look forward to seeing your progress. 2y
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I do love the beginnings in this series.

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Beautiful day for some audio walking and outdoor reading! Yay fall!

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This book was very good and captivating! My only complaint was that so much time was spent leading up to the end...which ended rather abruptly and shortly! A little bit disappointing there.

thereadingpal I love this series so much 2y
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Dragon Reborn | Robert Jordan

so freaking good. where has this series been all my life!

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Book 3 of Robert Jordan‘s The Wheel of Time epic fantasy saga. I‘m kind of astonished that I‘m still having a blast re-reading this series!

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And finally, I‘m hoping to finish the tagged book today, as long as this distraction on four legs lets me! The hubby is away for the night so it‘s just her and me. Let‘s see how much reading and how much playing & feeding gets done. #AwesomeApril #readathon

Leftcoastzen 🐶so cute ! 2y
Andrew65 Good luck, I‘m hoping to start that series at some point. 2y
RenePenn Awe❤️ 2y
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55 hours and 2K+ pages later, I'm now done with the first three books of the Wheel of Time series. I liked this book a lot more than the second one, maybe because it had less Rand and more Moraine. On to book 4!

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I don‘t know how I waited so long to read this series. What was I thinking?! It‘s so so so good! This one had so many new and interesting elements, and excellent character development! Can‘t wait to read the next one! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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It‘s so cold here today, so I‘m huddled up in multiple blankets, reading and drinking hot cocoa. Not a bad Saturday after all. 🥰 #MugsOfLitsy

Soubhiville Love your mug! 2y
ladym30 What a great mug!❤️ 2y
Carolhreads Cute mug 2y
kspenmoll Ditto on the mug! 2y
GypsyKat @Soubhiville @ladym30 @Carolhreads @kspenmoll Thanks! It was a Christmas gift from the hubs! 🥰 2y
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I finished book 3 just as the show started. I'll be trying to get through a few more in 2022.


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Best book of the series so far! Not a lot of Rand in it, but I was okay with it because he was also starting to annoy me. Loved that the women got some more “screen time.” My main favorite character is Verin (obviously), but I still love Perrin. I can‘t get over how much some people keep hating/distrusting others that have done nothing but help them (lookin at you, Nynaeve RE: Moiraine). Hopefully people continue to get smarter! 9.5/10

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Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
TheSpineView 👍📖📚 3y
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Book 3 complete! Enjoying the series so far, the plot is pulling me along. Starting to have some issues with the characters, but I am liking the adventures each team is going on. Will take a break before reading book 4.

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I voted this morning, then took a loooooong walk with the last chunk of THE DRAGON REBORN. Revisiting the series has churned up so many memories of when I was a young WoT fan. Like, I keep thinking about how EVERY TIME Teenage Me met another fan, they were all, “Who‘s your fave? It‘s Perrin, right? Perrin‘s the best!” And I‘d feel bad, because I found Perrin kinda boring but I didn‘t want to SAY that to someone who loved him. So. 🤷‍♀️

xicanti This is why I don‘t have the mental energy to participate in any sort of fandom. I don‘t want to shit on anyone‘s faves and/or fight it out. I just want us all to love what we love without conflict. 3y
xicanti Wow. That was a downer. I also keep thinking about how the show PROBABLY means I‘ll get to buy a Nynaeve Funko Pop!. I‘m excited about this. Even though Mat and Egwene are my faves, I‘ve always been weirdly attached to Nynaeve. My last reread was kinda tough for me because I‘d become older than her. 🤯 3y
HeyT I only read it for the first time last year but Nynaeve was my favorite so I am also hoping that if they make funko pops I can get one of her. 3y
xicanti @HeyT you just know Funko Nynaeve‘s gonna be tugging on her braid. 3y
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I forgot to share all the vegetables I picked & dealt with while I listened to my audiobook yesterday afternoon! I‘ll be eating chard all through the winter, there‘s cherry tomato sauce on the horizon, and I‘ve got enough cucumbers to do pickles once I get more vinegar & dill. Hurray!

If y‘all have any other tips for freezable stuff I can make with cherry tomatoes, especially meals, let me know. They just keep on coming. #audiocooking

Tamra If you are into canning, I made pickled cherry tomatoes out of the All New Ball Canning Book and they are delicious! (I remove the skins as I eat them and let them sit a couple of months to marinate.) 3y
Tamra Could roast them with garlic and freeze for a delicious easy sauce or condiment. 😋 3y
xicanti @Tamra canning‘s always intimidated me because of all the boiling it involves, but I might have to give it a try this year. 3y
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Tamra @xicanti you could make them as refrigerator pickles too. I have switched to a steam canner instead of water bath. Uses a fraction of the water - very easy. You can Google them. Once you get the canning bug, it‘s fun! (edited) 3y
mandarchy I use small canning jars and freeze food. The quarter cup jars are great for single ingredients, like the chard. If you only season it with salt and pepper, you can add it to anything you are making. I add it to soup or stirfry, fry it up with an egg. I also use the little jars to store cooked ground beef and leftover Costco rotisserie chicken in the freezer. It's how I can make a casserole for one. 3y
xicanti @Tamra fridge pickled tomatoes definitely sound doable! That‘s how I make pickled cucumbers and banana peppers. 3y
xicanti @mandarchy good ideas! Thanks! 3y
SamAnne I like pickling cherry tomatoes…it can be a nice side dish with meals. 3y
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Bk3 of September,Bk12 of #LittensDressedInBlood & Bk1 of #AnyWayYouReadathon is done! I‘m counting this as Bk1 coz even though I started it yesterday, I read at least 70% of it today. The third WOT book, it shows all the Emonds Fielders coming to terms with who they are. My goals for this #readathon is:
📚Read 3 books
⏱Read 20hrs
👽Read a #SciFiSeptember book

What are your weekend plans?

Eggbeater Great job! 👏👏👏 Thanks for joining! 3y
MidnightBookGirl That's a great start to the weekend! 3y
kimmypete1 Wonderful start to the weekend. Thanks for joining! 3y
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Finally received the wool I ordered weeks ago, bloody Auspost had an embargo on packages for a couple of days to help deal with the backlog they have(lockdown means online shopping for everything the last two months!)so I‘m #audioknitting to the 3rd in the WOT series. Hopefully I can finish this scarf for my son while it‘s still cold enough to wear it.

PhyllisH Lovely blue yarn 💙🧶 3y
RaeLovesToRead That looks cosy! 😊 3y
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Conflict with #disability becomes a major issue for a main character in the Wheel of Time series (trying not to include spoilers!) after receiving a wound that won't seem to heal.


Eggs ❤️✅💙 3y
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Haven't posted in a while, as I've been on a #julyjourneys of my own to Aruba (pics hopefully forthcoming), but it did give me a chance to finish book 3 of the WoT. A familiar pattern is emerging in how these books are structured- split the group into three parts, travel cross country, have adventures, and then reconvene for the climactic scene. The formula works, though. A minor quibble that each book seems to introduce a new enchanted object 👇

The_Penniless_Author ...or bit of prophecy that was never mentioned before, but at least they fit within the existing story for the most part. 3y
DivineDiana How nice to “get away” to Aruba! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you are having a great time!! 3y
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#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

Pedron Niall's aged gaze wandered about his private audience chamber, but dark eyes hazed with thought saw nothing.

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This third book of The Wheel of Time focuses more on the supporting characters. We meet some new characters as the complexity of storyline increases. The pacing in this one was just right for the character development Jordan seemed to be striving for in this one. Some of the questions from the first two books remain unanswered, and more are raised as the scope of the plot expands. Looking forward to book #4!

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"Pedron Niall's aged gaze wandered about his private audience chamber, but dark eyes hazed with thought saw nothing."


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I've been #audiostitching Pretty Little Dublin while listening to The Dragon Reborn.

This is my second time with book three. I'm rereading (listening this time around) them to refresh my memory so I can finally finish the series. I left off in the middle of book 6 several years ago. This one was probably my favorite so far. I am not fond of Rand, and I enjoyed that this one followed the other characters more.

silentrequiem Very pretty! 4y
Ladygodiva7 My favorite series!! I need to do a reread someday. 4y
BookishTrish This is gorgeous! Dublin holds a special spot in my heart. 4y
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Okay, this is my favorite one so far out of the 3 I have read. SO MUCH PERRIN!! I loved that we got to deal with his struggle more. The character development of Perrin and Mat was amazing. I am constantly sitting here going “I can‘t trust you new character” and I love that feeling. There is so much but it‘s all handled in such a careful manner that it‘s easy to follow along. And the end, ugh yes I need to read book four now. Ahh I love this .

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Erhnmm excuse my outburst. I just started book 3 and 4 chapters in and the focus is still on my favorite character and I AM HERE FOR THIS! My audiobook is due back in 6 days (I got sidetracked playing Monster Hunter) but now knowing how much focus is on Perrin this go around I Have no worries about not finishing the audiobook in time haha.

Dragon Reborn | Robert Jordan

While not as action-packed as the Great Hunt, this book still has a lot of epic-ness.

Rand is side-lined in this book, for good reason. In this book, we got a lot more Perrin and a LOT more Mat. This is basically Mat‘s book because of how much he steals the show.

There are some genuinely kickass plot lines and I feel like once the characters just let loose, it‘s going to become even more of a wild ride. Can‘t wait to start the next one!

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I enjoyed this. I‘m enjoying seeing the variety of plots and POVs.

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No spoilers or anything but does Rand ever become likable again? He‘s a bit of a (huge) jerk right now which is sorta understandable but I really miss his sweet personality.

Geeklet Whoops. I marked the wrong book. I‘m on The Shadow Rising. Still, same question though. 5y
xicanti I got SO tired of Rand, to the point where I totally disengaged from him for most of the series, but I did find he became worth investing in again over the last three or four books. Different from how he was in the beginning, but worth it. 5y
Geeklet @xicanti Awesome! Thanks. As long as he‘s not the giant jerk face all throughout the story. I‘m really over his attitude. 5y
DaveGreen7777 If it‘s any consolation, while Rand can still be a bit of a pill at times over the next few books, I found him much more likable in “The Shadow Reborn”. In fact, the next book has my favorite Rand moment in the series so far! 😀 5y
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Hard for me to decide between pick and so-so. I know tons of people love this series, and it‘s okay for me, I‘m not sorry I‘m reading it, but I‘m not loving it. It just doesn‘t grab me the way many other fantasy series do. So many characters, and Jordan is not portraying them in a way that makes me really care. I predicted the overall plot of this one and based on the first 3, I‘m pretty sure that I know what‘s coming in the next ones. 3.5⭐️ #2019

Graywacke It‘s not for everyone. (He‘ll go off the beaten track in the upcoming books, but it‘s only fun if, well, it‘s fun...) 5y
cherinium I have yet to venture into this series. So many love it, yet I'm afraid I won't. I'm turned off by the covers big time. To be fair, I think most fantasy novels have cheesy covers, and I end up loving them when I finally decide to read one. 5y
rretzler @Graywacke I want so much to like it, but Jordan is no Tolkien, or Hobb, or Martin, or Bujold. He doesn‘t put his characters through the wringer. Even the final battles in the three books that I‘ve read seem tame. Rand never seems in any real danger. ☹️ I want to be afraid that these characters won‘t make it to the end of the book - and I just don‘t see that happening, unfortunately🤣🤣🤣 (edited) 5y
rretzler @cherinium I really want to like the series, but I guess I‘ve been spoiled by authors who really put their characters in the worst possible situation and just when you think they‘re safe, they‘re in a much worse situation. Somehow after a lot of agony, they may (or in some cases may not) end up surviving. Lois McMaster Bujold and Robin Hobb are fantastic at that, as is of course George RR Martin! 5y
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Another early start, another few chapters. 🤗 #fantasy #epicfantasy #buddyreadWOT

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Not moving ..... Not sorry 🤗😂 #audiobook #audible #fantasy #epicfantasy #buddyreadWOT how‘s your weekend plans looking?

CouronneDhiver Working both days... 5y
Slajaunie Cleaning and packing for our trip next week. 5y
Geeklet Usual weekend junk. I think we‘re going to a friend‘s house this evening for a little game night. Next weekend is gonna be fun though. I‘m going to Columbus to visit some friends from college and have a low key bachelorette weekend. 5y
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Andrea4 Today I spent largely in the sun and tomorrow will be a BBQ at my mom's- long weekend in Canada :D 5y
Derf @andrea4 Sunday is the first day of the working week in Dubai 🤦🏻‍♂️😞 5y
Andrea4 @DannyHattan so is Thursday the last day? 5y
Derf @andrea4 yup Thursday is the last day ☺️ 5y
Andrea4 @DannyHattan that would totally throw me! How long did it take you to get used to that? 5y
Derf @Andrea4 I worked in Saudi Arabia before moving here, between the 2 I‘ve been here 5 years ...... so@it‘s taken me 5 years to get used to 🤦🏻‍♂️😂 5y
Andrea4 @DannyHattan wow, lucky you living in such interesting places! Will you ever go home? You'd be definitely turned around!😂 5y
Andrea4 @DannyHattan also...kind of random but would you ever want a penpal? I think I'd kind of get a kick out of mail from Dubai!🙈 5y
Derf Yeah we would like to retire in the Scottish Highlands. Dubai doesn‘t have a conventional postal service, that‘s why I‘m never able to enter book swaps etc. 😞 so I use @Litsy and Goodreads (although I‘m struggling with this 🤦🏻‍♂️) instead 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 (edited) 5y
Andrea4 @DannyHattan and yet another place I want to travel to! That sucks about the postal service but hey, at least there are other ways to communicate! 5y
mutlee @DannyHattan Where did you live in Saudi Arabia? I spent 8 years of my childhood in Jeddah. 5y
Derf @mutlee I lived and worked in Riyadh, spent a little time in Jeddah and Tabuk too. 🙌🏻 5y
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