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The Clocks
The Clocks: A Hercule Poirot Mystery | Agatha Christie
Sheila Webb expected to find a respectable blind lady waiting for her at 19 Wilbraham Crescentnot the body of a middle-aged man sprawled across the living room floor. But when old Miss Pebmarsh denies sending for her in the first place, or of owning all the clocks that surround the body, its clear that they are going to need a very good detective. This crime is so complicated that it must be quite simple, declares Hercule Poirot. But theres a murderer on the loose, and time is ticking away.
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I always love a good Christie but I really enjoyed this one especially. Normally I'm just along for the ride but the mystery in this one was very intriguing and had me thinking about it between listening and trying to figure it out. Poirot did not do much except solve it in the end, but I liked following the inspector and Colin in their investigations.
#SeriesLove2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Well done! 6mo
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Andrew65 Can‘t beat some Agatha Christie. 7mo
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I love it when my daughters gift me books, & I love it even more when they gift me one of their own favorites. My 18yo has extensively read Christie & this is her favorite - great hook at the beginning! Rose looks less impressed.

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Close to being done with the Poirot books but disappointed that the last 2 I‘ve read hardly have Poirot in them. This one was interesting, I figured out who the murderer would be but not completely how it happened. The characters aren‘t that intriguing though, so more Poirot would have improved it.

Ruthiella I think she was running out is steam a bit with the later books… 2y
Scochrane26 @Ruthiella Probably, there‘s so many of them! 2y
MrsK Her earlier Poirot‘s are the best…but for me any Christie is better than no Christie ❤️❤️ 2y
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Scochrane26 @MrsKinvestigates I think I‘ve liked all her books so far, but some of the earlier ones are better. I love Miss Marple, too. 2y
MrsK @Scochrane26 you should definitely try some of her stand alones…Secret of Chimney, The Sittaford Mystery, The Seven Dials, etc. 2y
Scochrane26 @MrsKinvestigates I‘ve read most of her books in the last few years. My goal is to read them all. I can‘t remember if I‘ve read secret of chimney yet. 2y
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Although a Poirot novel, he is absent for a majority of the book. Evidently much older and much retired, he is still an impressive presence. He ultimately helps Colin Lamb and Detective Hardcastle break through the extraneous trappings of a mysterious murder. Clocks, mysterious phone calls, misidentification. Every time Poirot spoke, I found myself reading it in the voice of David Suchet‘s Hercule Poirot. I had to laugh at myself. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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In the UK clocks go back this weekend so I get an extra hour for #24B4Mondsy

kezzlou85 Ooh thanks for the reminder. I had forgot that was this weekend. 4y
rsteve388 Wait Brits practice DST???! Whaaaaaat?! 4y
Andrew65 @rsteve388 Yes last weekend in October and last weekend in March, one hour on each occasion. (edited) 4y
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Book 10 of the year! Hoping to drown out my rough work week.

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Once Upon A Book Club Advent Edition
Day #12

Last day! Today was this super cute clock! Im afraid without the numbers ill never be able to tell what time it is!

Merry Chritmas Littens!!! 🎄

Texreader Merry Christmas!! 🎄🎁 🎅 5y
GloVerdino Maybe that‘s the point?? 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Merry Christmas! 5y
bookish_wookish In the story it was opposite! Her clock was always broke so someone gave her this as a replacement so she wouldnt be late anymore! @GloVerdino 5y
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@wanderer15 and I left right after our wedding on Sunday for a honeymoon in England! We are starting with 3 days at a reading retreat on the Suffolk coast. It has been relaxing and lovely so far! There are 8 guests in total and we are reading, talking about books over meals, going on short walks, and drinking lots of tea. Last night we ate with Sophie Hannah, whose Poirot novels I love! So it was fitting that I started with a reread of this novel.

ravenlee Congratulations and have a wonderful honeymoon! 5y
DrexEdit Congratulations! It sounds and looks absolutely perfect! 😊 5y
TheSpineView Congrats! 🥳 5y
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Merethebookgal How cool! And congrats! 5y
BekaReid That's awesome! Congrats!! 5y
Lreads Congratulations! ❤️🎊❤️ 5y
Emilymdxn Congratulations that‘s fantastic! And welcome to the uk! This is a lovely country for readers when it‘s at its best. If you‘re in London or Surrey and want any advice or to say hi let me know! 5y
Reecaspieces Lovely! Congratulations 5y
mabell Congratulations! Your trip sounds wonderful! 5y
readordierachel Congratulations! 5y
BookNAround Congratulations. And what a lovely honeymoon. 5y
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I could solve book cover puzzles every day!

Texreader Same!! 5y
Crazeedi Very cool!!❤ 5y
batsy Love this! 🕵🏽‍♀️❤️ 5y
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veritysalter I love it! Could you let me know the name of the jigsaw and the brand? ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
catiewithac @veritysalter it‘s pulp fiction by re-marks 🧩 5y
veritysalter @catiewithac Thank you, I‘ll look it up. 5y
Librarybelle Love this puzzle! 5y
Deifio Cool! 🤩 5y
RedxoHearts Now that's a cool puzzle! 5y
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Come out upon my seas
Cursed missed opportunities am I
A part of the cure
Or am I part of the disease 🎶

#clocks #julycoldplay

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An ok Christie, but not my favorite. The clues seemed fairly obvious and the mystery, overworked. Poirot didn‘t do much and then likened his role as master to dogs (investigators). 🤨 #MountTBR

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I did not like this one that much. Poirot appeared very late and was not that much involved... very disappointing ☹️ It was boring too and the conclusion was not shocking to me 😑

Moony Ja so ging es mir mit dem "Miss Marple" Krimi im März. Ich fange jetzt mit "Blauer Montag" von Nicci French an. Kennst du die Reihe bereits? 6y
Marybook @Moony Ja manchmal ist das leider so ☹️ Nein die Reihe sagt mir nichts... worum gehts ? 6y
Moony Es ist ein Psychothriller und hat als Ermittlerin die Unterstützung einer Psychotherapeutin. Im ersten Fall geht es um vermisste Kinder. Ich bin sehr gespannt. 6y
Marybook @Moony klingt interessant 🙂 6y
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ElleSkel This post is so purrrdy😍 6y
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A pretty good later Christie. I think her dislike of Poirot is showing, as he mostly stays behind the scenes in this one while others do the active detective work. An unidentified man is murdered in a blind woman‘s home, surrounded by clocks all turned to the same time. Many red herrings ensue.

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❄️Taking full advantage of this snow night ❄️ #bookandbath

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1) a mint green digital clock that I got when I was 10. It made me feel very grown up. I took that clock to college!
2) a couple musician memoirs
3) 35 for a little more than a month!
4) Nope, but within 100 miles of where I've lived most my life. Actually, within like 2 miles of where I've lived most my life.
Happy Friyay!!!

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Classic Christie - many clues, a few red herrings, a little Poirot. The lead detective and a very interested friend carry the narrative. Poirot enters as a consulting detective.

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Such a brilliant read! Dame Agatha Christie NEVER disappoints! I was hooked from the first page and had no idea where this book would go! A fantastic mystery! #AgathaChristie #bookcommunity #bibliophile #bookworm #bookporn #bookaholic #booknerd

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Two of my current reads. I'm honestly so disappointed with myself with the lack of reading I did yesterday, it's ridiculous. I'm hoping I can read more after work later today and tonight. Both these books are amazing so far! #bookstack #booknerd #agathachristie #theclocks #1q84 #murakami #bookworm #bibliophile #bookandcandle

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So, I'm not using a watermark on my photos anymore and I also changed my Litsy name to match my new bookstagram name. I remade bookstagram today! I was going to delete all my photos with TheOtherMother watermark on them but I got so far and got bored. So ignore that. 💁🏼 my new BG is private so if you want to add me @MythicReads drop a comment x

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Captivating ! !very intriguing indeed..

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Chapter 13 contains a fantastic description of a secondhand bookstore: "Inside, it was clear that the books owned the shop rather than the other way about. Everywhere they had run wild and taken possession of their habitat, breeding and multiplying and clearly lacking any strong hand to keep them down."


Libby1 Sounds like my house! 8y
Dragon Time for a reread 👍 8y
rabbitprincess @Libby1 My BF worries about our apartment becoming like that 😜 @Dragon Yay! 😄 8y
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Enjoyed it overall, but the ending felt rather rushed? Or maybe it was too many revelations at one go. Or just some things unexplained.


123 pages in, really enjoying it so far.

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Probably my favorite Christie mystery so far. Love the characters, plot, and ending. If you like mystery and a bit of romance, this is for you!

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"The afternoon of the 9th of September was exactly like any other afternoon."

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