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We Love You, Charlie Freeman
We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
102 posts | 89 read | 5 reading | 160 to read
"Kaitlyn Greenidge's debut novel slips a very skillful knife under the skin of American life.This is a story about family, about language, about history and its profound echoes." --Colum McCann Frustrated by the limitations of cross-race communication in her predominantly white town, Laurel, a young African American girl, teaches herself to sign--a skill she later imparts to her two daughters. This ability eventually leads Laurel to uproot her husband and daughters from their overeducated and underpaid life in the South End of Boston for the bucolic Massachusetts countryside, where the Freemans are to take part in an experiment. They've been hired by a private research institute to teach sign language to a chimpanzee who will live as part of their family. Narrated primarily by Laurel's teenage daughter, Charlotte, the story goes back in time to the founding of the institute, in the 1920s, revealing shocking past experiments. This "important debut from an important writer"* is ultimately an exploration of language, race, and history. "This is an allegory that pays tribute to Ellison, to Morrison, to Wideman and Doctorow, and it is every bit as necessary and provocative as Colson Whitehead's The Intuitionist." --Colum McCann "Kaitlyn Greenidge's debut novel reminds us that it is an exciting time to be reading fiction. We Love You, Charlie Freeman is a masterful meditation on race, anthropology, history, and the hurly-burly complications of family. Greenidge's prose is incisive, clever, resounding with a deep intelligence." --*Bill Cheng, author of Southern Cross the Dog "Disturbing and deeply thoughtful . . . Through various points of views and perspectives we move through a telling of how we come to understand or misunderstand our most intimate human elements within the racialized and gendered culture we live in." --Tiphanie Yanique, author of Land of Love and Drowning
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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I had so many reactions to this book about a family that signs up to live with and teach sign language to a chimpanzee. Early on, I kind of thought I would bail, and I definitely recoiled at some bits, but ultimately I think the social commentary here is brilliant. This would be a great book club pick—there‘s so much to talk about.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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#LastCurrentNextchallenge! Please tag me if you decide to play along 😄

Lissy1 Oooh this should be fun. I‘ll fill out in a couple of days :) 3y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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This was interesting. I read it because I REALLY want to read her new book. It's about a family that agrees to participate in a study about language. But it's also about racism. And I thought the #audiobook was really well done.

#BookSpinBingo square 8

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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This book is pulling me out of my reading slump. Thank you.

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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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I have grabbed this book off the shelf twice so I finally bought it. I'm interested in how this book will turn out as I have read mixed reviews. If you've read it, let me know what you thought!

#SignLanguage #Chimp #Family #TBR #Thoughts

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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge

This book was OK. It would be a good book club pick. There‘s some good ethical and racial discussions that can come from it. I wanted more from the mom‘s point of view!

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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I‘ve been mulling over this fun new work project and finally made some progress with it both in decision-making and in execution today... here‘s a sneak peek 🤓😊📚 #BHM

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Too sick to knit, too sick to take care of the kids who have a snow day, but after 18 hours in bed I‘m finally not too sick to read!

Valink Feel better!! 6y
GloVerdino Oh no! Feel better! I'm crossing my fingers that my flight gets cancelled today so I can just stay home for the next two days (cause I already took the days off work!) 6y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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[Racism is] a metaphor “that can only be fought metaphorically, not with actual actions.”
“That doesn‘t make any sense.”
“Of course it doesn‘t make sense. Nothing about racism makes sense. If it made sense, it would mean it was real.”

I‘m not sure this is making any sense, but I‘m feeling compelled to see what happens next.


Blaire Those are my favorite pens! 7y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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📚🎉📚 this was one of my favorite reads last year and it's excellent at its regular price and is currently the ridiculous $1.99 ebook price so go go go!

ErikasMindfulShelf It‘s soooo good! 7y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Weird, off putting and yet so good. I knew I was going to have to finish it because the plot was so intriguing but I didn't anticipate enjoying it so much by the end. A successful e-reading experience for once! #riotgrams #day22 #lgbtqreads

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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‪"Courtland County bowed to Marie's demands because the people there, like well-meaning decent and caring people anywhere, were loath to think of themselves as racists but also loath to think of race at all."‬

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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"Because I do not wish my own skin was white. What I envy is not their skin but their insouciance. I envy the freedom to sin with only a little bit of consequence, to commit one selfish act and not have it mean the downfall of my entire people."

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Next up! And back to work 😣

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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I don't want this book to end but also I must know what happens!

8leagueboot It blew me away that it is her first novel! 7y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Just started this. Have heard so many good things.

ErikasMindfulShelf It's great!! 7y
Lindy @irre I enjoyed this too. 7y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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100 page rule won. I'll never know why they loved Charlie the sign reading chimp! I tried

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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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@housingworksbks had "blind date with a book" deals today. I saw a book with "monkey = human?" and I had a strong feeling it was We Love You, Charlie Freeman and I was right! Great score for $5. #IndependentBookStoreDay

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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My Sunday was cleaning, but at least I cleared off a new book where my library books can live!

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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I actually have some books that #startwithuvw#marchintoreading I loved both The Ukrainian and Russian notebooks as well as The Women in the Castle. Haven't read the others yet but this reminds me I need to get to them!

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Next up! I'm about fifty pages in and I think I'm going to really like this.

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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Today's #libraryhaul in my brand new tote bag! A friend picked this up for me while she was traveling for a conference at Oxford. It has the oath a librarian used to take printed on it in English and Latin. My favorite part (not pictured) includes a statement promising not to light the library on fire. 😂

Smrloomis I like that they had to take an oath against that. You never know when a librarian might set a library on fire 😂 7y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Starting, 'cause the Tournament of Books is right around the corner!

Suet624 How many have you read so far? 7y
GregZimmerman @Suet624 Only 6. Got some work to do. (edited) 7y
Well-ReadNeck @GregZimmerman @Suet624 Just recently filled in my bracket. What are your picks to win it all? 7y
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Suet624 @Well-ReadNeck I saw the bracket briefly on Litsy but couldn't find it again. Went searching online as well with no luck. Can you send me a link to the bracket? 7y
Suet624 @GregZimmerman this is the first year I've tried to read them all. Some of the books I really had some trouble getting all the way through and wondered why, why, why? 7y
Well-ReadNeck The website is not the most user friendly, for sure. 7y
Suet624 @Well-ReadNeck thanks so much! I've read 11 of them but I haven't read Moonglow yet, which I think will be an important one to get to. 7y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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This was so close to a pick because I really liked both storylines but I kind of want either a whole book about Nymphadora in 1929 or a whole book about Charlotte in 1990. The attempt to cram them into the same novel just never quite fit and neither had enough time to develop. There is though an undercurrent of loneliness, and desire to be special, among all the characters that almost ties the novel together. Just not quite. #ToB2017

auntie_jenn agree 100% 7y
outis Exactly. Too much in one book (or in the pages allotted to this book). I wanted more of everything here, but got enough of nothing. 7y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Lots of interesting and challenging ideas and characters here, but it just didn't come together for me. Overall it felt like many of the story lines incomplete or underdeveloped and the overall effect was unsatisfying.
#ToB2017 #ToB17
#lovetitles #feistyfeb

merelybookish I agree. Some interesting themes but not a strong contender. 7y
BkClubCare Agreed. 7y
Suet624 I agree that it's not a strong contender but I also couldn't put it down. 7y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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#lovetitles #feistyfeb Day 14- Happy Valentines Day!!

Reviewsbylola Loving Frank is one of my favorites! 7y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge

Loved it! Started with a slow burn but by halfway through I couldn't wait to learn the whole story. Such a unique and exquisite story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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I'm embarrassed by the amount of time it took me to read this book - just never really swayed me even though there are lots of interesting themes and topics of discussion. It's part of the #TournamentofBooks this year and if it weren't I probably would've bailed. #ToB2017 #ToB

outis I feel exactly the same way about this one. 7y
susanw I haven't read it yet and really have no desire to. If I get all the others read, maybe. I just feel it's similar to We are all Completely Beside Ourselves, which was a so-so for me 7y
PlannerGirlBookClub @susanw I can totally relate - I read WAACBO and I liked this one a little more but I didn't love it. I think I just don't like books with apes in them? 7y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Back to partying! 🎉 #litsypartyofone

PlannerGirlBookClub I've been in the middle of this book for weeks! What do you think of it? 7y
Julsmarshall @PlannerGirlBookClub It took awhile to get into it but I'm invested now and looking forward to how it moves forward 😄 7y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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My first author event of 2017! A wonderful evening with A.J. Verdelle, 'The Good Negress' & @kkgreenidge, 'We Love You, Charlie Freeman'
#aboutlastnight #spinesvines #blackhistorymonth

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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I was surprised to find several errors in this book.

KennethTolesJr Self published? 8y
slhbooks Love to catch the boo-boos. Or is it boo boos?? I make so many myself that I can't be too critical of someone else😉 8y
Suet624 @KennethTolesJr Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill published it. @slhbooks, I wish I could make money proofreading. I'm great at it. Insurance forms, year-old menus, you name it. I find it. They pop out to me in bold letters. 8y
KennethTolesJr @Suet624 Ah. That's sad... publishers should always be better. 8y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Moving from a heavy memoir to a Tournament of Books novel. What a 180 degree turn. I had no idea what it was about -a family raising a young chimp as part of a research project?? !!! And yet it's so much more than that. So far I can't put it down.

mauveandrosysky Yeah, this one was so compelling. 8y
Foxyfictionista There's another book along these lines called We're All Completely Beside Ourselves. I thought it was pretty good. I haven't read this book yet though. 8y
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Foxyfictionista @Cinfhen Thank you. It would have made much more sense for me to tag the book. 😄 8y
Suet624 @Foxyfictionista @Cinfhen, thanks. I'll check that one out too. 8y
merelybookish Just finished this last night. I liked it! 8y
Suet624 @merelybookish I liked it too. It turns out she was a writer in residence at a small college 5 minutes away from me in the boonies of Vermont. That really surprised me. Anyway, it was weighty without being weighty, if you know what I mean. Lots to think about. 8y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Finished #TOB2017 book #7 and this one will be book #8. I know NOTHING about this but I sure hope it is lovely and uplifting. The title suggests lovely, yes?

Megabooks Fantastic! Loved it! 8y
BethFishReads I didn't love it. But I was in minority 8y
ValerieAndBooks Looks like a interesting storyline, based on the synopsis! 8y
BkClubCare @ValerieAndBooks - it is interesting so far. 8y
BkClubCare @BethFishReads - yea, it was ok. 😊 8y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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What I thought was going to be somewhat of an easy read turned out to be quite heavy and thought-provoking. There's a lot to process from this one... Excellent book!

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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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"I am not beautiful and I am sarcastic and I believe I am better than most in this town and that is why I am a thirty-six-year-old orphan with no husband..."
---Kaitlyn Greenidge: We Love You, Charlie Freeman

Kinda sounds a bit like me... LOL

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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🔔📚🔔 one of 2016's best books is on sale for $1.99!!! Gooooooooooooo!

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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Just done with the treetop walk at Oatway rainforest. Look at the giant ferns below us. It was scary but fun. Back to catching up with Charlie Freeman on my Kindle.

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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This book was so much deeper than I had expected--to be honest I didn't know what to expect when I began to read it. An interesting take on race, racism and its lasting effects.

EvieBee So glad you enjoyed this one! It's on my TBR. 8y
Buddys_Momma @EvieBee84 Yes this was really a unique book! 8y
Mixedreader Such a great read 8y
BellaBookNook This sounds good. I will have to add to my TBR for next year! 8y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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"She made things magic for him."

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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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oh boy! this was an absolute mess in the best way possible. i read some lukewarm reviews on goodreads after i finished...some people missed the memo: this book isn't about a monkey. at all! i really recommend this one.

Suet624 Psst...read the memo...😂😂😂❤️ 8y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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The elevator pitch is "family adopts chimpanzee as member of the family," but this book is so much more: it's a powerful inquiry of how we talk about race (or more often don't) in America. A phenomenal read, and a must-read at this political moment. You'll be hooked by page 2, I promise.

Matilda This was one of those excellent makes-you-uncomfortable books. 8y
WanderingBookaneer I've been meaning to read this and you've convinced me to do so sooner rather than later. Thanks! 8y
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BethFishReads I wasn't a fan but I think I'm in the tiny minority 8y
nyashajunior @BethFishReads I'm with you. 8y
Suet624 I'm on page 26 and am blown away already. 8y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Assorted #reading snacks for #booktober Day 21 - I'll be making use of many of these tomorrow, plus a mega fresh veggie platter. 😍

DebinHawaii Yum! 🍴👍 8y
stacybmartin @DebinHawaii I know! Gotta keep up the strength for the #readathon ! 8y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge

I love this more for what it made me think about than the actual characters. It's fascinating and thought-provoking.

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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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I really liked this book. The writing flowed really well and I especially liked the Nymphadora chapters. I think she could have written a book just about her. My only disappointment was I wished we got more insight into Laurel's thoughts but overall I think it was a great debut novel.

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge

Hmmmm.... this was just really strange...even though I did understand the symbolism. I think the characters could have been more developed and the connection between the past and the present been a little more cohesive.

MrBook Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay, I think you'll like it here 😎👍🏻. 8y
Omi_Lawashe Thank you! 8y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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Finally have frames for the two posters I picked up at the Decatur Book Festival! Aren't these two lovely? 😍 Now I just have to figure out where to put them. 🤔

LeahBergen Beautiful! 8y
Lacythebookworm Those are great! 8y
Lola Love those! And I JUST read an opinion piece that she wrote in the NYT. Crazy. 8y
kdwinchester @Lola seriously? I need to go find that ASAP. 8y
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We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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It is finally a teeny bit cooler so I can read on the porch 😀Just started this one!

We Love You, Charlie Freeman | Kaitlyn Greenidge
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I'm a sucker for a good reading list. This one was put together by Mailchimp and the Decatur Book Festival. Looking forward to picking up a few of these and seeing the authors next weekend! #dbf2016

Litlady Consider this one stacked!! 😊🤓‼️📚 8y
BethFishReads I didn't love this 8y
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