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1) Good question as I‘m thinking of changing it again 😂 I started out using our very first combined email handle kdgordon88. Then switched it to my current one but shortly realized I copied @RaeLovesToRead so am thinking I should change to DebLovesBooks. 🤷🏻‍♀️

2) Sew, stitch, chores, drive, puzzles, legos, drown out the tv

3) The Museum of Lost Quilts on audio. Murder Road and All Fours print.

Play along every one.


RedxoHearts I love puzzles too. I got a cute dog one I've been wanting to put together soon. One day I want to try one of those wooden puzzles with the interesting shapes. I need to get my sewing stuff back out one day too. Too many crafty hobbies lowl 2d
Eggs That‘s so funny - I often wondered what happened to kdgordon88😂😂 2d
Eggs I love that title about Lost Quilts! Sounds good 👌🏼 2d
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Eggs @Deblovestoread @RedxoHearts I love puzzles too, especially Charles Wysockie art 2d
kspenmoll @Eggs Me too! 2d
Deblovestoread @Eggs I love the look of those puzzles. Thanks for the tip. The book is the 25th in a series starting with The Quilter‘s Apprentice. I‘ve enjoyed them all. 2d
RaeLovesToRead We are both allowed to love to read 😊💕 2d
Eggs @Deblovestoread I did not realize how many quilty books she wrote! I downloaded some free ones on Audible and I was gifted another. Mt. TBR is the tallest place on earth #blameitonlitsy (edited) 2d
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I can't remember whose post I “stacked this” from but... I want to say think you. I truly enjoyed this one. Radical Self Acceptance is something I strive for. I have been actively recognizing when my thoughts get negative or mean to myself (especially my body) and this book helped to reinforce thks practice. #BlameItOnLitsy #BlameItOnLitsy

RaeLovesToRead It was MEEEEEE 🥰🥰🥰🥰 2w
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2w
Darklunarose I really loved this book. 2w
ElizaMarie @RaeLovesToRead Thank you so much for recommending this to me. I kept a document where I figured out who recommended what. But... I wasn't consistent. Anyway! Thank you again for recommending it! I absolutely loved it! 2w
RaeLovesToRead I'm just really happy to have spread its message! Quite a lot of "body positivity" books are like "I was rude to an old woman who looked longingly at my cake and asked me if I was "treating myself"". TBINAO is all about love and how people have the right to exist ? 2w
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God of the Woods | Liz Moore
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My picks for #BOTM. Honestly I wanted almost all of them but I needed to have some semblance of self control ($$$$), so I prioritized. I heard about the tagged book on a podcast last month so I‘m pleased to see it as one of my options. All my add-ons are #BlameItOnLitsy picks. 😂

Flamer | Mike Curato
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This was a #blameitonlitsy impulse read and I don't regret it. Such a moving graphic novel for young adults struggling with their sexuality/identity. Slightly based on the author's personal experience in the scouts, it examines friendship & finding community amid bullying & discrimination. But it is ultimately a story of hope in the face of all these challenges & accepting your whole self unapologetically
#LGBTQ2024 summer/nature/camp @Kenyazero

Kenyazero An excellent (but intense) impulse read! 4w
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The Housemaid | Freida McFadden
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I was a little worried that this wouldn‘t live up to the hype but it totally did! It was an unputdownable book that was deliciously twisty! I can‘t wait to get my hands on the next two!!

Texreader Ooooh stacked 1mo
kspenmoll Good! I just got it! #blameitonlitsy (edited) 1mo
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I realized this morning that I‘ve purchased 12 ebooks in the past week and 2 paperbacks. 14 books. In one week. The 3 books pictured were from this morning. They‘re all on sale on Kindle today. I have to admit that I #blameitonlitsy! 🤣

#mountTBR #readerproblems #bookhaul

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A #BlameItOnLitsy purchase with an assist from @IndoorDame

For a while now I've been telling myself that I should reserve my Friday evenings and Saturdays for Jewish reading. I haven't actually done it yet though.

(I am way less observant than my bookshelf makes it seem. "Barely observant" is probably the correct description.)

IndoorDame I‘ve been reading it this week and it‘s really speaking to me! (I‘m not sure why I‘m feeling sort of surprised since Toba always has that way about her in person 🙃) If you have a background in the traditional texts it really is the “reimagining” the title hints to, and offers new interpretations of familiar passages. If not, it‘s a fascinating look at modern obstacles to belief and spiritual practice, and possible paths around them for seekers. 2mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame well I must get this too… 😅 2mo
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie you‘ll like it! Before she even gets to any philosophy she starts with a chapter on the current neuroscience knowledge of metaphor and what thinking metaphorically does in our brains which totally rocked me! 2mo
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Sace @IndoorDame @TheBookHippie Looks like I have reading plans for Friday night! I can‘t wait to dive in. 2mo
Suet624 Sounds like a book I would enjoy. Stacked! 2mo
CoffeeK8 This sounds interesting! 2mo
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#IfSomethingHappensToMe #AlexFinlay #BookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2024 #May2024

Ryan Richardson remembers the night Alison Lane was taken and a cloud of suspicion was over Ryan as everyone was suspecting him but he was never charged. Now he has entered law school and put his past behind him. Ryan gets a call from his father while traveling in Italy. He tells Ryan that Ali‘s car has been found submerged in a lake in his hometown.

EadieB Inside are two dead men and a cryptic note with five words written on the envelope in Ali‘s handwriting: If something happens to me….
This story is told by different characters POV with a twist after twist which kept me guessing until the very ending. I have read all of the other books written by Alex Finlay and they just get better and better.
EadieB If you like fast-paced thrillers then you will love this book. I am now looking forward to his next book as I think he is an excellent writer and I know you will enjoy reading him too. 2mo
Lesliereadsalot Sounds like my kind of book..stacked! 2mo
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EadieB @Lesliereadsalot It is a good one! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great!! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
Crazeedi @EadieB another series to start!! #blameitonlitsy thanks Eadie!!!😍 2mo
EadieB @Crazeedi His books are all standalones. 2mo
Crazeedi @EadieB oh!! Well that's fantastic! 2mo
TheSpineView Fabulous! 2mo
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An intriguing, slightly mystical young adult romance. I loved how it incorporated elements from different cultures and mythologies into its theme, and that the art is really important to the story, not just illustrating the words. It would make a fantastic animated movie.


@Faranae I'm tempted to use this for URC “fine art on the cover“ 'cause it's so gorgeous or should I go more conventional?

Faranae Definitely not one of the “serious“ prompts, so I say go for it. Also, it's a graphic novel so I'll likely actually read it! 2mo
willaful @Faranae I just realized it has a spiral, so I'm going for that instead. Much harder to track down! 2mo
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Crocodile on the Sandbank | Elizabeth Peters
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#audiobook #blameitonlitsy #desert #storytelling
A suffragist & scholar of Egyptology,Amelia Peabody is the epitome of the 1920s modern woman.Armed with her journal,umbrella(a handy weapon),& new friend Evelyn, she travels down the Nile to the architectural site of the Emerson brothers.What follows is a wild caper filled with “accidents,” unknown enemies,man-made and environmental obstacles,evil adversaries,supernatural forces,& romance.

StaceGhost I love how she talks about the evil adversary lol 3mo
Eggs 🏜️ 🧡 🐊 3mo
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