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Forever My Girl
Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
I was never supposed to be a rock star. I had my life all planned out for me. Play football in college. Go to the NFL. Marry my high school sweetheart and live happily ever after. I broke both our hearts that day when I told her I was leaving. I was young. I made the right decision for me, but the wrong decision for us. I've poured my soul into my music, but I've never forgotten her. Her smell, her smile. And now I'm going back. After ten years. I hope I can explain that after all this time. I still want her to be my forever girl.
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin

I hated Nick. There was a time where I would have loved to reconnect with my high school boyfriend but am also glad we didn't work. #littensloveromance @StayCurious

RamsFan1963 Long time no see!! Hope you're doing well 1mo
audraelizabeth @RamsFan1963 yea, might be looking for a better job. Some of my recent reads arent on here. I did start marked by magic. So far pretty good. 1mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Well…it‘s finished. So many characters that I didn‘t like. The next book is about characters I did like so I may give it a listen since I can borrow the audiobook. I‘m still undecided.
There were many cringe moments and bad choices in this one. Still, a so-so not a pan.


TheSpineView Agree with your assessment. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Lukewarm about this book. I just didn't connect with the characters mainly because their actions didn't make sense. Josie, never told Liam he had a son. Girlfriend, there are such things as attorneys if you can't get him to talk to you. And then Liam, he walks out on the love of his life, his soul mate without a backwards glance. This plot just doesn't work. 2.5ish⭐️ Read this for #Littensloveromance @StayCurious

StayCurious I gave it the same star rating and I‘m usually generous haha 2mo
TheSpineView @StayCurious I just didn't feel it deserved a higher rating. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.35-37: Meh. I mean, they finally get their HEA but because I didn‘t really like them as characters I‘m finding it hard to care? Maybe that‘s a bit harsh. I just found myself constantly irritated during this book. But it certainly made for some fun discussions and I enjoyed reading it with you all! ⬇️

StayCurious Do I think I‘ll continue the series? Probably not because, as much as I‘m a bit interested in some of the other stories, there are so many other books out there there is no time for a series I might not be fully invested in. 2mo
TheSpineView I have to agree with you. I just never cared what happened. This is a reread for me. I gave it 4 stars but thought it was 3.5, now I am thinking I should have rounded down instead of up. I don't think I'll read the others in the series either. 2mo
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Kshakal 100% agree with you!! 2mo
CrowCAH Thanks for leading us @StayCurious ! I won‘t be continuing the series. But like everyone it was kinda on the okay side for me. The first half with Mason‘s death was very emotional. But when it focused on the family dynamic and Josey and Liam it lost the immediacy, felt like the reader was just a viewer and not invested. They did get their HEA, so it‘s a romance. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Agree 💯, but thanks for being our fearless leader! Even if our book isn‘t a winner, it‘s always fun to see your memes and discussing with the group! 😂 2mo
LiseWorks I agree with you Renee, there are a lot more series I m invested in. I still like Liam and felt sorry that he had parents like that. It would have been great to see his dad's reaction about Noah. 2mo
dabbe #fanofthepan! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
julieclair @CrowCAH “just a viewer and not invested” is the perfect way to put it. 👍 @StayCurious your daily memes and our discussions still made this “meh” book lots of fun! 😃 2mo
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A good story overall. I kind of want to continue the series for Nick's story. Thanks to @StayCurious for hosting #LitsyLoveRomance Readathon. 3 bingo spots for different months. #ISpyBingo @Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks #SeriesLove24 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView #ReadAway24 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

TheSpineView Fantastic!!🤩📖 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.33-34: I feel like Sam would have made a bigger scene while being fired. It was over too quickly! A fit would‘ve been thrown. But I guess that‘s a good thing. No mo‘ drama. I mean, Nick‘s gone, Sam‘s gone, Josie‘s practically living with Liam…which was so quick but I guess they have waited ten years. Noah isn‘t too broken up about Nick. So alls well that ends well. Oh, there are still 3 chapters? Sigh-We‘ll finish tomorrow.

TheSpineView I agree on the drama with Sam. The lack of has my wondering if this is a different character. 2mo
LiseWorks I couldn't figure out why she showed up half naked. Way to make yourself be what did she call Josie? A Wh..e.? It was rather done quickly. 2mo
CrowCAH I agree Sam gave up rather easily. I‘m not heartbroken over Nick being gone. He removed himself from a situation in which he never should have been in. Noah is taking everything pretty chill. Almost seems like he‘s younger than 10, because I would think a ten year old would be more vocal and questioning than he is. 2mo
julieclair That whole Sam scene was just bizarre. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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This was so not my favorite… the characters annoyed me and the plot wasn‘t all that great… oh well, can‘t win them all! #littensloveromance @StayCurious

StayCurious We really can‘t! I didn‘t like it either - I‘m sure you could tell. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.31-32: well at least they listened to each other and talked things out. And now they‘re cozy cozy again lol. Well why not - I mean now that Nick is out of the way (I say with a bit of sarcasm). Now they‘ll have to deal with Sam before she does something stupid - wait, who‘s at the door?

LiseWorks Yeah, it's Sam at the door. She's going to cause trouble pretending she's the girlfriend. What is she up to? Why did Josie cover her mouth. Did she bring Nick back? Is she pretending she's pregnant with Liams baby? 2mo
CrowCAH Yeah at least the adults are talking some stuff out. Sam is up to no good showing up at the door. 2mo
TheSpineView Seems there is always a trouble maker in the crowd. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.29-30: well, Liam should‘ve for sure handled things with Sam in a better way. Not that she‘s not completely overstepping here but he could‘ve talked to her about what was going on and what his plans were. Yikes. At least Liam‘s mom seems genuinely interested in Noah. We‘ll see about his father.

CrowCAH I don‘t like Sam she‘s very pushy. I agree Liam‘s mom seems really interested in Noah and getting back into Liam‘s life. 2mo
TheSpineView Not a fan of Sam. Actually, I don't get a lot of the actions of these characters. 2mo
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LiseWorks Liam should have set boundaries with Sam. She is something else. I can see why Liam left with his parents being the way they were. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Sam is a piece of work! She‘s coming on way too strong, desperate really. But I agree, Liam should‘ve set boundaries. He apparently just doesn‘t like to communicate with anyone. 🤦🏻‍♀️ (edited) 2mo
julieclair I‘m adding Sam to the list of characters I don‘t like in this book. It‘s a long list. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.27-28: ugh. Just when I think I‘m starting to like one of the characters in this book they do something that pisses me off. Like Nick. He was mature and apologized to Liam but then continued to act like an ass. And the whole Africa thing? Without talking to Josie? Please. And I think Liam buying a house on his parents‘ street might be a mistake. They want nothing to do with him or Noah.

Kshakal I have rolled my eyes so many times at these characters!! 2mo
LiseWorks I think Nick just wanted Liam's girl since high school. The letter from Nick when Josie was still with Liam in high school really showed his character. And the Africa thing, how controlling is that? 2mo
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CrowCAH Gosh the Africa Doctors Without Borders was just a d%*k move. Like did he seriously think Josey was going to be okay with uprooting her life and Noah‘s?! Like how much did Nick think she loved him. Not enough to follow him to another continent! 2mo
julieclair Well, the whole Africa thing will make it easy for Josie to dump Nick. 2mo
TheSpineView I think there is not much Nick will not do to keep Josie. I predict that the harder he pushes the easier it will be for Josie to walk away. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 All Nick did with that maneuver was dig his own grave! 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.25-26: well a confrontation btw Liam and Nick was bound to happen. Liam handled it well actually. And Nick was decent to go and apologize. But man, I really dislike Josie. I mean in general, but especially when she gets all cozy with Nick and then has the gall to accuse Katelyn of looking too cozy with Liam. I mean dear lord! I guess we can say these characters are “real” and “flawed”. Geez, they certainly are.

LiseWorks Oh, I wasn't happy with her either. She needs to make a decision, not string both along. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Josie was way over the line about Katelyn and Liam! I agree, Renee, I didn‘t like Josie at all. There was a point where I wanted to scream at Josie to just make a choice-either Liam, Nick, or neither of them! Her back and forth was tiring. 2mo
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CrowCAH I‘m not sure why Josey even thought Liam would go for Katelyn. Like hasn‘t he made it clear Jojo is the only one for him?! 2mo
Roary47 Agreed. @LiseWorks @OriginalCyn620 @CrowCAH Even though Nick was horrible here he‘s already feeling second best. I feel bad for how Josie is treating him. Then Katelyn shut her down real quick. I get that Josie was hurt as a teen, but dang girl if you have baggage from another relationship don‘t get into another one. 2mo
julieclair Poor Katelyn. The fact that Josie would even suspect her of this is awful. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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This started out as an emotional read, since everyone is meeting for a funeral. But it gave Liam the opportunity to come back to his hometown and see what he all missed out on for the past ten years… like his girl, Josey. It‘s a romance, so all turns out well in the end.

Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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2✨ I don‘t want to spoil anything for the buddy read. I‘m sure all of us agree that Liam and Josie were really close to crossing a line that none of us wanted to read. Liam is a bad boy as his rock star self and not nice to women. That was another issue I know I had through this book. Then Josie couldn‘t seem to think with her own mind. It was a hard read, and I‘d like to continue to give it a chance in the next book. #LittensLoveRomanace

Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.23-24: ugh. There‘s a feeling in the pit of my stomach. Will Liam and Josie cross the line? I don‘t like cheating and I don‘t like books with cheating. I never look too far into the books we read as a group because I don‘t want too many spoilers. I read alongside you all. And sometimes I pay for that🙄 I hope they stick to the sidelines - at least until she figures out what she‘s doing with Nick.

LiseWorks I'm pretty sure Liam told her it was up to her. Although he sure pushed the limits with her. I think she needs to tell Nick what she wants. I don't like cheaters either. 2mo
Roary47 I also don‘t like cheaters. They definitely are dancing on a line. 2mo
CrowCAH She sure needs to be honest with herself and who she wants. (As a person who has finished the book, they don‘t cross a line. Everyone breathe easy.) 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.21-22: yikes. Yikes to Liam‘s parents and yikes to Sam. Yeesh - Liam‘s got some toxic people in his life. Also, Josie going to LA on her own without Noah as a buffer is asking for trouble. At least break up with Nick first!

LiseWorks I had a feeling that it was his parents that had him leave, Grandma Betty was mentioned before. And oh boy with Josie going to LA 2mo
CrowCAH Gosh keeping secrets is never good. She wanted to go to see Liam. She should just call it off with Nick. 2mo
Roary47 This is bad ideas all around. I ended up finishing today so I could see how it panned out. 2mo
julieclair My goodness, his parents are tough duty! And Josie going to LA… here we go! 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Yeah, this one didn‘t do it for me. Right out the gate, Liam, the MMC, acted like an entitled prick and never got much better. And there was zero communication between him and JoJo, the FMC. They barely even attempted to communicate with each other. And there wasn‘t even any spice! Uninteresting characters and no spice does not a good romance make…at least for me!


willaful I have no regrets about bailing! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2mo
StayCurious I‘m so with you. It‘s a shame because it has generally good reviews and was made into a movie (the movie is better 😳😮) 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch. 19-20: I wonder if they should‘ve told Noah with Nick there. I mean isn‘t he the third parent and shouldn‘t he get a say? I‘m not sure. It‘s an iffy situation all around. I do know that Liam kissing Josie and telling Noah he loves her is going to confuse everyone. And Josie wanting to roll her eyes when Nick says “our son” really says it all. I don‘t think she really loves Nick. I think he‘s been a placeholder.

Kshakal There is no way she truly loves Nick… I see major messiness in our future! 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Yep, a sticky situation for sure! I think Josie loved Nick (not in the same way she did Liam) but as soon as Liam came back, she knew somewhere deep down that it was over with Nick. But also, Nick was being a douchecanoe! And really, so was Liam. 2mo
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LiseWorks There is a lot of jealousy from Nick. It seems that Mason didn't like Nick in high school. It was a touching scene when they told Noah that Liam was his dad. Deep down, she loves Liam still, and she has to accept and let Nick go. There are some little hints that Nick does things that irritated Jose before Liam was on the scene. And sometimes women stay with the man because it's easier. I believe this is the case with Josie here. 2mo
CrowCAH I agree with @OriginalCyn620 she never really like liked Nick, second best. And @LiseWorks said it well! 2mo
Roary47 You don‘t love him. Let him go! 2mo
julieclair I think it was fine for Nick not to be there when they told Noah. But the kissing in front of Noah… not wise. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.17-18: k, I don‘t like Nick but I‘m also not a fan of Liam being so blatantly flirtatious with Josie. That will just confuse her more than she already is, and will certainly confuse Noah. I‘m glad they‘re going to tell Noah - I do think it‘s the right thing to do. But I think Liam needs to take a step back from Josie - she‘s not free to do what she wants. I mean she‘s engaged to someone else and that should mean something.

OriginalCyn620 I don‘t like Nick but I‘m not really liking Liam either. I feel like I‘m supposed to, but I don‘t! And it is disrespectful for him to flirt with Josie since he knows she‘s spoken for. I think he‘s doing it because he didn‘t like the way he broke things off with Josie and also just because he doesn‘t like Nick. It‘s like he‘s pissy because Josie moved on! 2mo
CrowCAH Liam is coming on strong. But Josie is kinda not sticking up for herself either. She‘s going where the wind blows and not setting up boundaries with Liam. Or being faithful to Nick. Liam has always been in the back of her mind. 2mo
LiseWorks To me, Josie is setting herself up with Liam. Yes, they should tell Noah, but why the bike ride? If she loves Nick, then don't flirt with any guy. She is asking for trouble. 2mo
julieclair She doesn‘t really love Nick. I think she just settled for him. I‘m not a Nick fan, but I do think he‘s being treated unfairly here. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.15-16: quite a bit to unpack in these chapters. First, if Josie wants to stay back from Liam, listening to his entire music catalogue probably wasn‘t the best decision. Second, I know we don‘t like Nick, but Josie is still being unfair to him. And I think she has been for a while but she didn‘t want to be alone so she keeps him around.⬇️

StayCurious At least she finally acknowledged that Liam should get the right to see Noah if that‘s what he wants. Boy, will that go down well with Nick. 2mo
LiseWorks I'm on team Liam. I don't know why he did it. But it seems like he said he tried to talk to her and she made it sound like It's OK, you can talk to coach and he'll take you back. He walked away. I really don't blame him. And he didn't know about Noah. 2mo
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CrowCAH Gosh yes a bad decision to download and listen to all the albums. She stayed so strong for 10 years and now she broke down and listened. 2mo
Roary47 I‘m just glad that Josie is letting Noah know his dad. There is still something in me that wants to hear Liam out. He made a mistake leaving Josie. He admits that. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 Again, no communication! Liam started the conversation “that night” but he didn‘t get far at all. And yes, Josie cut in with the comment about the coach, but Liam immediately walking away was him being cowardly. How was Josie supposed to know what he was feeling. She may have her faults but she‘s not a mind reader! 2mo
julieclair I am warming a bit to Liam. He sincerely seems to regret the way he handled things 10 years ago. And I think Josie downloaded all his songs because she‘s deep down wanting to be with him again, but she hasn‘t admitted it to herself yet. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.13-14: Okay. Fresh day. Fresh outlook. I will read these chapters without getting annoyed at these characters….ugh. Never mind. Liam left because he felt like he couldn‘t follow his dreams? How were Josie and his friends holding him back? Because they had certain expectations for him? I think a lot would have helped if he‘d just talked to them about what he was feeling. ⬇️

StayCurious And Josie getting so mad at Noah for talking to Liam - yeah, that‘s only going to make him more angry when he discovers the truth. I‘m not feeling romantic heartsey vibes from this book but I‘m still interested in how things will play out. Should I be? 2mo
Kshakal I am glad these chapters are short because if they weren‘t I might not be able to do it! So annoyed at them! 2mo
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StayCurious @Kshakal I was thinking the same thing 😆 2mo
CrowCAH Yeah his reasoning for leaving is not good enough for me. 2mo
LiseWorks I'm waiting for something to happen. I got the feeling that his leaving was because of his parents. Something happened there because he doesn't even want to go see them. And I am so upset with Josie. Why did she get so mad at her son? 2mo
StayCurious @LiseWorks I think he just felt pressure from his parents. I don‘t think they supported his new path at all and he probably resents them for it. 2mo
Roary47 Ugh. This was not the chapters I was looking for. 💀 2mo
OriginalCyn620 I got behind this weekend so I‘m catching up, but there‘s zero communication going on in this book. Can we chalk it up to them being young? Mayne to a point, but it also seems like plain common sense. 2mo
julieclair I keep hoping that something really traumatic happened to make Liam leave the way he did, because right now I‘m not liking him much. And I‘m furious with Josie for yelling at Noah. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.11-12: Still don‘t care for Liam. Until I‘m told otherwise, it seems like he was tired of his charmed life & decided a change was needed. I hate that the people in his life became burdens & were expendable. Even if his parents forced his hand there was a better way to break free. But - Josie can‘t keep Liam and Noah apart unless she gets a handle on what they both want. It‘s not just about her-It needs to be most about Noah

LiseWorks I always feel sorry for the man when they find out they have a kid they didn't know about. I still say there really had to be a good reason for Liam to want to disappear like that. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 I do think Josie needs to have a conversation with Noah. It would be so much worse if he finds out the truth from someone else! It doesn‘t seem like that possibility has occurred to her. 2mo
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CrowCAH I‘m kind of surprised she actually hadn‘t told Noah about her dad. What has she said about Liam this whole time? 2mo
Roary47 @LiseWorks I agree there has to be a good reason. I hope… I see them both at fault for this. Plus they still love each other. Noah needs to be in the front of their minds when they make decisions. @OriginalCyn620 I agree that she needs to tell Noah before he finds out. 2mo
julieclair Finally had a chance to start this book, and I‘m enjoying reading all the comments. I think Josie needs to tell Noah asap, and also needs to have a serious talk with Liam about allowing him to be in Noah‘s life and her fears that he‘ll disappear and devastate Noah. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.9-10: nuh-no Liam. You don‘t get to act broken hearted. You decided to leave. You made the choice to go. Granted you didn‘t know about Noah but you did know about Josie. So don‘t play the martyr. And Josie: you can‘t NOT tell Noah. He deserves to know who his dad is. Both these characters are irksome.

Kshakal I think I like this book so far but the characters are annoying me at this point! 2mo
StayCurious @Kshakal yes! Like I want to see them grow but it needs to start happening 🔜 2mo
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LiseWorks I read a book for Christmas that was just like this from Nora Roberts lol, I'm getting annoyed that they can't communicate 2mo
TheSpineView Liam is acting like a spoiled child. He got his cake with ice too, I might add, and he is complaining he didn't pie! F'in A!!! He made his bed now he has to lay in it 2mo
CrowCAH Especially since HE changed his phone number, HE could have reached out to her. I get where she‘s coming from wanting to keep the status quo by not telling Noah, but he‘s at an age where he can figure things out or make his own decisions about Liam‘s character. 2mo
Roary47 While the characters are annoying me. I‘m enjoying the ride so far. Still curious why he left. I don‘t think he would have left the only people he cares about. He doesn‘t seem to like the fame at all. He‘s an ogre with layers. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 I agree with you all! I too want to know what happened that made Liam leave. And not just leave, but also why he cut everyone out of his life. That‘s the part that‘s bugging me. I‘m guessing his dad had to do with the leaving part, and it better be pretty bad, because then maybe we can justify his behavior! 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.7-8: Hm, I‘m seeing some red flags with Nick for sure. I don‘t like the way he manhandled Josie. Was that the first time or is it a regular occurrence? Do we think Liam was lying when he said he wouldn‘t care if Josie had moved on but seeing that it‘s with Nick pissed him off? I think he would have cared either way. Things are going to get very complicated.

OriginalCyn620 I didn‘t like Nick doing that to her either. Nor did I like Liam getting all pissy that she‘s with Nick now. He has no right to be! It‘s early on, but right now, I kinda want Josie to kick them both to the curb. 😂 2mo
CrowCAH I didn‘t like Nick‘s physical reaction. Uncalled for. I think we‘d all like to think we‘d be okay seeing our true love/ex with someone else, but really we‘d be envious of their situation. And even a bit mad that they didn‘t wait for a love reunion. 2mo
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LiseWorks There is no way that I would be able to be with Nick. Manhandling her like that really turned me off. I think Liam might know how Nick is, and of course, they seemed to have not liked each other in high-school, therefore the jealous reaction from both was obvious. 2mo
TheSpineView Nope, don't like Nick. I think he is going to be trouble in the future. 2mo
Roary47 I am on team kick Nick to the curb. Now that Liam knows about Noah he might want him in his life. I‘m glad that the wife of his friend who passed is inclusive. There has to be more there in his leaving. I can‘t see that he would leave them all when he was so happy without a good reason. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.5-6: well I guess cat‘s out of the bag. Do you think she should have tried harder to tell him about his son or did the fact that he changed his number make it clear that he had moved on? If he would‘ve stayed, would he have even been able to go to college with a baby on the way? Would their lives have been very different? I think he would have grown to resent her for holding him back. He seems like that type.

OriginalCyn620 She clearly tried to get in touch, so I‘m Team Josie here. I agree with her that he has no right barking at her and wanting answers. But I do think you‘re right, Renee. If he‘d known and had stayed, he probably would‘ve ended up resenting it and her. Really not liking Liam! 2mo
willaful Sorry, but I'm dropping out. Liam's incessant misogyny is just too much for me. 😞 2mo
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CrowCAH I agree, he would still have felt trapped, even if he knew about the baby. It‘s why he left, he wanted to pursue his passion and it wasn‘t the traditional house, wife, and baby story. Sometimes men have to do some growing up before they realize what‘s important. 2mo
LiseWorks And I'm on Liam's team here. Do we really know why he left? No! Something must have happened for him to leave everything, and until I know what it is, I'm sticking with him. Don't tell me that a famous guy like that could not have been reached. She knew what he was doing if he was famous. 2mo
TheSpineView @LiseWorks Not on team Liam; however, I agree that there is something else going on that has not been revealed yet. If Josie had wanted to reach Liam she could have if only through attorneys. Maybe she decided that she didn't want Liam involved with Noah afraid that he would reject them both. Who knows... Maybe this will be revealed layer too. 2mo
Roary47 I‘m sorry @willaful not that you are out. I agree with you on Liam, and will miss your insight. @LiseWorks and @TheSpineView there definitely is something else going on in his reason for leaving everything behind. I‘m here to see if it justifies leaving the only woman he ever loved. His anger at her I feel is unwarranted. Sure famous dude I‘m sure could have been tracked down, but he went out of his way to ghost her. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.3: so when he left, it looks as though he left everything and everyone. What was he running away from? And is he still running?
Ch.4: Do you think Nick knows that Josie still thinks of the past and isn‘t sure about marrying him, despite her best efforts? How must it feel to guess you‘re second place? ⬇️

StayCurious I‘m surprised that Mason‘s wife left an open spot for a pallbearer “just in case” - I‘m surprised she would want Liam involved in the funeral after all this time. 2mo
CrowCAH I do wonder exactly what happened and why Liam ran. Seems a bit drastic to leave everything behind when he had such a tight-night group of friends and a potential career in football. 2mo
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LiseWorks This fascinates me. It seems weird that Liam is even going to this funeral. I donalsongrt the impression he doesn't like his lifestyle now. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 First, your meme is on point! 🤣🤣🤣 Secondly, I agree that leaving an open pallbearer spot was odd, giving what we know about the situation. And I‘m with @CrowCAH…why did Liam leave the way he did? Very mysterious and we don‘t have all the pieces of the puzzle yet, but he clearly ran from something or someone. 2mo
willaful Liam continues to be a prime douchecanoe. What an arrogant ass.

Not real impressed with Josie not telling Noah anything about his dad, either, but he is young yet.
Read4life We are definitely missing key info. Liam says early on that he left the only girl he ever loved and she had a miscarriage two months later. Would he have made different choices if he knew he had a child? Mason‘s wife leaving a place for him, in my opinion, shows she knows how deep Mason‘s love for Liam went & that Liam wouldn‘t let him go without that final goodbye. 2mo
willaful @Read4life The passage is a bit confusing but I think the miscarriage was his manager, not Josie. It's not clear whether he ever knew Josie was pregnant but I suspect not. 2mo
Read4life @willaful Thank you. I‘m listening to the audio so I appreciate the clarification. 🤓 2mo
Roary47 Yes, I believe the manager was the one with the miscarriage. @Read4life @willaful There is mention of his dad and he doesn‘t seem too happy to see his dad. My thought is him leaving has something to do with him. I hope he can be accepted with his friend group again (not that I like his choices at the moment). I‘m glad that she left a spot to carry his friend. That is a great compassion move. 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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#LittensLoveRomance Ch.1. We meet Liam, who‘s definitely not coming across as a great guy. I sure hope he grows on us. But of course he should. This is a romance novel after all and we‘re supposed to like the lead. He‘s about to face his past at the most painful moment when everyone is already raw and emotional. ⬇️

StayCurious Ch.2. Uh oh - Our female protagonist is already in a relationship. I kind of hate that. I mean, in reality, you don‘t think she‘d wait for the guy who walked away and broke her heart. But the romantic in me doesn‘t want a love triangle. I don‘t like that trope. But we‘ll see what happens - it might turn out ok. 2mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 2mo
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willaful Yeah, don't love that... and her kid thinks of him as his father, that seems like it will get very complicated everyone. But I hope the book doesn't turn the new guy into a jerk just to make it easy for her to dump her. 2mo
CrowCAH I agree. I always hope whoever it is waits for their true love to return. Like they can date, but it doesn‘t work out. She‘s engaged! 💍 How will she get out of this situation?! 2mo
Roary47 I‘m also not a fan of the love triangle. I hope it works out for her and her son. Plus I hope Liam warms up on us. I‘m not a fan yet. 2mo
OriginalCyn620 So, I‘m guessing the kid is Liam‘s and he doesn‘t know he‘s a father. Seems that nobody is liking the love triangle but it‘s definitely gonna make things interesting! And yes, I hope Liam gets likable, but for a rock star, his assholery isn‘t surprising. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2mo
Kshakal Please add me to the daily posts! 😁 2mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Not my typical trope to read, but it sounded like a good story. Then I find out there‘s a movie based of off it. We‘ll see how the book is before I watch the movie.

Join the buddy readalong, starting May 12 , by reading two chapters a day.

@StayCurious will lead us this month!

Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Hello! For our May #LittensLoveRomance read we‘re reading the first in the Beaumont series, which is also a movie. I‘ve seen the movie but haven‘t read the book but it‘s been on my TBR for a while. This one is on KU I believe. Let me know if you‘d like to be tagged in my daily posts! All are welcome to join.

Graciouswarriorprincess Please tag me. Thank you. 3mo
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LiseWorks Yes, I voted for this one. I'm excited 3mo
TheSpineView I read this one and enjoyed it. I just might reread since I liked it so much 3mo
peanutnine I think I'll sit this month out. Thanks! 3mo
audraelizabeth This one is on my tbr but im thinking of starting early. 3mo
OriginalCyn620 I haven‘t seen the movie or read this one, so I‘m in! 3mo
CrowCAH Please, tag me. I‘ll try to keep up with the two chapters a day. Didn‘t know about the movie. 3mo
julieclair Looking forward to it! Thanks for the heads up about KU. 😀 3mo
Roary47 I‘m in for this month. 💛 3mo
PageShifter Please tag me, I am trying to get the book! 3mo
Read4life I‘m in. 3mo
willaful I'll give it a go. 3mo
TheAromaofBooks I've reserved it at the library, so I'll give it a whirl!! 3mo
Catsandbooks I'm gonna pass, thanks 3mo
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A rock star returns home for his best friends funeral. He knows he will see his high school sweetheart, JoJo, the girl he left behind. The author makes the reader really connect with the characters. JoJos struggles were real and relatable. All the characters had made mistakes and had to figure out how to move forward. The writing style was simple and I enjoyed the alternating POVs with flashbacks. A great quick read, time to watch the film now ❤️

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Starting this tonight 📕❤️

Charityann Love your bookmark!!🎃 10mo
Michreader3 I loved this movie! Let me know how the book is! 10mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Eggs 🩵🎶🩶 13mo
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Eggs Perfect 🤍🖤🤍 1y
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Seeing previews for the movie piqued my interest in reading this story. I wanted to read the book before I saw the movie, because as we all know, usually the book is better. I have a feeling the movie will be better. There is no depth in this book. Everything just keeps conveniently working out for the characters. Very predictable. Overall it is a cute quick read, but very surface level. Sometimes you need a fluff book.

Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻📚❤️ 4y
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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1. Taking these two goof balls for a walk
2. Forever my girl
3. Today I took a mental health day. Wint for a king walk with my son and my dogs
4. All chocolate
@4thhouseontheleft @howjessreads #friyayintro

alisiakae Your pups are so cute! And they look like they could be a handful at times. 4y
Coleen_Nieto @4thhouseontheleft thank you so much! Yes they can be handfuls, but they're so sweet and funny. 😃 4y
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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I recently discovered this comic and I find it to be delightful. It's written in Spanish, but you cash also find some in English. It's called Macanudo.

Cuilin @Coleen_Nieto cute drawing. 4y
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😺 5y
wanderinglynn Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻 5y
DarcysMom Welcome to Litsy! 🤩 5y
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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This movie was so cute! So far the book is too!

Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin

Well this doesn‘t get any better. ⭐️

Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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I wanted a lighter audiobook but 20 minutes in and I think the male protagonist is a bit of an entitled dick. Here‘s hoping for some character development.

#romance #audiobooklove #allthebookspodcast

Heretherebedragons Ha! Wow. Yeah. You can tell even from the synopsis. What a Special Snowflake ❄️ (edited) 6y
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Read the book last November and just saw the film. Check both out!

Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Well, yesterday got away from me, so I‘m a day late. Thanks @Eggbeater for the tag! #TrivialThursday

1. “When It Rains It Pours” by Luke Combs.
2. I literally just started the tagged book, so I have no idea about a potential star rating yet.
3. Wolf Hall, I think.
4. Since I‘m late, if you have done this yet, you‘re tagged.

JoScho 😘 6y
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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Spending the day working in the yard with my man, but thanks to all you Littens I am still getting some book time in! Thanks for telling me about Hoopla! Grabbed this audiobook because my tween daughter wants to see the movie...guessing the movie is much different than the book??

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Forever My Girl | Heidi McLaughlin
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Y'all, if Queen Colleen (Hoover) recommends a book, you read it. I was skeptical at first, but I listened to all 6 1/2 hrs of this last night bc it was so good. I'd never heard of it until Colleen mentioned doing a meet up at the showing for premiere night of the movie. I still didn't think too much of it until I came across it on Libby while doing a search.


vkois88 I got on the waiting list & it popped up the other day. Omg. I started out thinking I'd end up bailing bc the male MC is insufferable in the first couple of chapters, but then I fell in love with the overall storyline.
vkois88 Liam Westbury - aka Page - is a country music megastar who has been haunted for 10 yrs by the biggest mistake he's ever made in his life... leaving his one and only true love behind in order to pursue said music career. When fate brings him back to the town he hadn't been able to get out of fast enough, he's hit with a huge surprise. Go along with Liam as he embarks on a journey to repairs the most important relationships in his life. 4.5🌟 6y
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