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The Marrow Thieves
The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
In a future world ravaged by global warming, people have lost the ability to dream, and the dreamlessness has led to widespread madness. The only people still able to dream are North America's indigenous population, and it is their marrow that holds the cure for the rest of the world. But getting the marrow, and dreams, means death for the unwilling donors. Driven to flight, a fifteen-year-old and his companions struggle for survival, attempt to reunite with loved ones, and take refuge from the "recruiters" who seek them out to bring them to the marrow-stealing "factories."
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Wonderfully written story. One of my top three reads for this year.

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Very good, but it didn't pull me in the way I hoped it would. I didn't feel the emotional beats very strongly; the scenes were realistic (i.e. stunned silence instead of “performed“ grief), but it took away a bit from the impact. Still, the writing is beautiful and the story is compelling. A great portrayal of strength and resilience, teen angst and struggles, and youth's desire to learn from elders and preserve culture.

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline

Wow. Just wow. Started and finished this book today because I couldn‘t put it down!

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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This YA story doesn‘t seem far from reality. It tells the tale of a ravaged earth due to pollution and climate change. Indigenous peoplx sounded the alarm; no one listened. In this new world, only they have the ability to dream when asleep. And white people now hunt them down to steal this last thing they could not destroy before. This book will be banned if it hasn‘t already. Read it. Decolonize.

TheLudicReader Such a great book. 14mo
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Eggs Great choice 👏🏻👏🏻 1y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline

Dystopian novels can have a similar feeling to them but Dimaline takes a new approach. An interesting story line with a warning for present day readers. Highly recommend!

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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@AmyG got it today - thank you! ♥️♥️ Love that you put “my book twin” on the card 👯‍♀️♥️

AmyG Well, it‘s true! Glad you got it and I am always happy to pass books on to you. 😘 2y
CBee @AmyG thank you 😊 2y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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I know that I am late to the game here, but I absolutely loved this book. Within minutes of finishing, I had placed an order for the sequel. I can't wait to read it and see what happens to Frenchie & the rest of the characters. I became extremely invested in their lives and relationships. Over the course of the short 231 pages I laughed, I cried, I hoped & I mourned. I highly recommend this book for all young adult readers & everyone else too.

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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An award winning book and deservedly so.
Thank you @Bookgoil for gifting this to me in a swap. Beautiful book.

It will be off to you soon @CBee


CBee Even better that you loved it because I probably will, too! Thanks friend 😊 2y
Bookgoil So glad you enjoyed it! One of my fave reads the month I read it! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Megabooks Great list @Cinfhen the midcoast was on mine too! 2y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Not easy to find but here is a blurb on the back-beginning with “IT”. #TBRTarot for December. And when I am finished I will send this on to you @CBee

CBee That was fast!! Yay! 2y
TheKidUpstairs Such a great book! 2y
AmyG @TheKidUpstairs Good to hear! 2y
Reggie Oh, I hope you like this AmyG. This was one of my favorites from last year. 2y
AmyG @Reggie I don‘t know how this was not on my radar sooner as so many loved it. 2y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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A dystopian setting in which most people have lost the ability to dream, with catastrophic psychological results. Indigenous people, who can still dream, are hunted for their marrow to create a serum to treat others.
A great synopsis yet it‘s another YA novel I cannot relate to. Call me a snob, I don‘t know, but this really didn‘t work for me. Note to self: stop reading YA adventures for a while!!

#pop22 #OwnVoicesSFF

Cinfhen I feel ya #BookSnob 😂😂I 2y
squirrelbrain Doesn‘t sound like my kind of book either! 2y
LeahBergen I hear ya! It‘s not very often that I connect with YA. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
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TheLudicReader Too bad. I loved this one. 2y
BarbaraBB @TheLudicReader I know. You and some others whose opinion I value. That‘s why I picked it up in the first place but it just didn‘t work for me. 2y
TheLudicReader @BarbaraBB well, that‘s what‘s amazing about books, right. Like I can‘t understand all the Colleen Hoover love. At all. Lol. 2y
BarbaraBB @TheLudicReader We agree on that 😉 2y
BarbaraBB @LeahBergen @squirrelbrain @Cinfhen I knew you‘d understand me 🤍 2y
Megabooks Girl, just say NO to YA! 2y
BarbaraBB @Megabooks I should!!! 2y
Cortg Next! Nothing wrong with moving on! 2y
bthegood A book snob would not have picked it up to begin with - at least you try different genres - and yes, I agree with others - just say no 😂 2y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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The Marrow Theives is a dystopian novel where the world has destroyed the planet and has lost the ability to dream. That is, almost everyone. The North America Indigenous people can still dream and are hunted for their marrow to save the rest of the world from dreamless sleep. This story follows Frenchie and the people he as made into a family, just wanting to survive.

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Beautifully written!

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline

This was good. I probably would have liked it slightly more in print, because ebooks are not always my friend. This is billed as young adult, but older adults can enjoy this too. There is very little teen romance angst.

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Another book I would have enjoyed more if it had existed when I was a teenager but was still quite compelling for me as an adult (prolly cause it wasn't the angsty teenage drama that usually comes in YA?)

I did find the first half of the book quite bleak and while it's not like the second half is suddenly all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, there are a few moments that shine through that left me with a more uplifted feeling than I expected.

TheLudicReader Reminds me I need to read the sequel. 2y
janeycanuck @TheLudicReader oh, I didn‘t realize there was one! I‘ll have to keep my eye open for it. 2y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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I thought that I was going to love this by its premise, dystopian indigenous world where tribes are being hunted by recruiters to be put into schools but where they never return. Too little history of how this came about and the characters just never seemed to be defined. I wanted to love it.

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline

Excellent read. A widely varied group of Indigenous people on the run from people who want their bone marrow to restore dreams. At times heartbreaking. The author is Metis, so the characters are well-drawn. A quick read, it makes you think long after you finish.

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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The glowing #Reggimendation for this was the push I needed to finally pick it up! I'm with @Reggie - great book. The dystopian setting + indigenous perspective was super powerful, as was how the author integrated the theft of dreams and forced relocation to “schools“ [shudder]. The standard YA dystopian brutality-alongside-teen-identity-and-relationship-stuff - which I like! - was there. But with extra depth and stellar writing. On to Book 2 soon!

readordierachel Love a good Reggimendation! Must get to this one soon 👍🏼 3y
Reggie Lol, ❤️, I‘m so glad you liked this. I loved the character who was gay but that wasn‘t his identifying characteristic. He was a teacher, a leader, a caretaker, and someone who was in mourning. I just respected Demaline so much for writing someone like that. 3y
Christine @readordierachel They are golden! Hope you enjoy this when you get to it! 3y
Christine @Reggie YES! 100% agree. (And see spoiler comment below... :) 3y
Christine @Reggie I shouted (loudly!) at that Isaac reveal at the end - loved it! 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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"Sometimes you risk everything for a life worth living, even if you're not the one that'll be alive to live it."

BarbaraBB Beautiful quote 🤍 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Best book I‘ve read all year. Indigenous people are being hunted in a climate change ravaged world where people have stopped dreaming and the only cure is the bone marrow of indigenous people. We follow teenage Frenchie as he and his group of found family must navigate the wilderness and come back in touch with who they are. This book was scary, poignant, tender and everything I wanted in a coming of age tale. All the dystopian picks!!!

squirrelbrain Best book you‘ve read all year?! Now *that‘s* some recommendation - stacked! 3y
CuriousG There is a sequel to it that just came out in October. I think it's called Hunting By Stars. I haven't read it yet, but it's on my TBR because I also loved The Marrow Thieves. 3y
NikkiM5 Sounds real good, stacked 3y
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leah152 Gonna keep a lookout for this one! 😊 3y
Ruthiella I think Jenny also read this and maybe spoke about it on her podcast? 🤔 3y
Reggie @squirrelbrain just a warning but not really, it‘s YA, but it is so deep concerning Indigenous people and their history, Demaline had a nice writing style, and it made me cry really hard twice. It‘s good stuff. 3y
Reggie @CuriousG As much as I loved this one I don‘t know…. I didn‘t want or think a sequel was needed to The Handmaid‘s Tale or Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. I don‘t know. I‘ll wait for the reviews maybe. 3y
Reggie @NikkiM5 @leah52 it‘s so good, I hope ya‘ll love it. 3y
Reggie @Ruthiella I believe so, like a year ago? Or 2 years ago. After the weather events this week, this book also hit on future climate events concerns in me. In the book, both of our coasts are gone. The Great Lakes I believe have turned to mud. It gets real scary without even talking about the 7 kids just trying to survive. 3y
BarbaraBB Oh wow. Stacked. 3y
AmyG Wow that‘s high praise. Stacked! 3y
vivastory Going to be honest: once I read "Best book I've read all year" I immediately added it to my TBR. Great review ? 3y
LaraS Reading your review is making me remember all the reasons I love this book…I think it‘s time for a re-read ☺️❤️ 3y
Centique What a high note for December to find your best book of the year! 🙌🙌 3y
Bookzombie I love your review! I have had this stacked since I watched a booktuber talking about it. Demaline‘s Empire of Wild has been on my shelf from the library since November. 3y
Reggie @BarbaraBB @AmyG @vivastory I thought it was great. And now 2 days later I‘m thinking of the larger themes of the book I didn‘t get while reading it. So good. Hope ya‘ll like it if you get to it. 3y
Reggie @LaraS ❤️ I knew it was gonna be good but was so surprised by how good! 3y
Reggie @Centique 🙌🏽🙌🏽 I‘m gonna have to check out her other ones. 3y
Reggie @Bookzombie It really had me internally chewing my nails, and full body clenched in some parts. Sooo good. 3y
stretchkev Moving up the pile now! 3y
Rissreads My kind of book! Stacked baby! ♥️ 3y
readordierachel This just shot to the top of my tbr! 3y
GatheringBooks Wow! This sounds perfect for our #DecolonizeBookshelves2022 reading theme! 💕 3y
Reggie @GatheringBooks Yes! It‘s an amazing book with a lot to say. 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline

I was intrigued by the premise but bailed TWICE. I felt like the plot was very slow, but maybe it gets better?

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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CuriousG Loved The Marrow Thieves! Have the sequel on my TBR stack. 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Finished my reread of TMT. It was just as good the second time + now I feel ready to tackle the sequel.

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Although stronger in some parts than others, overall this is an excellent post-apocalyptic novel. Dimaline's one-step-from-reality plot reminds me a little of Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam trilogy, how Atwood intentionally made everything that happens in that trilogy something that had already happened in real life somewhere. The Marrow Thieves is particularly chilling because I can't quite dismiss it as outrageous.

CuriousG I feel exactly the same way about this one! Are you planning on reading the sequel to it? I believe it was just released a few weeks ago. 3y
ImperfectCJ @CuriousG I only just now discovered the sequel while posting my review. I might have to check it out. There are definitely some unresolved questions I have after finishing this first book. How about you? Are you planning to read the sequel? 3y
CuriousG I am definitely planning on reading the sequel, just haven't got my hands on it yet. 🙂 3y
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ImperfectCJ @CuriousG I just put it on hold on Libby. I should get to read it in 2-6 weeks. :-) 3y
BookwormM You had me at Atwood 3y
ImperfectCJ @BookwormM I've been thinking about this since I saw your comment. Just to make sure I'm not engaging in false advertising, it's just that one particular approach to dystopia that reminds me of Atwood. The tone is different from Atwood, a little like Michelle Paver's Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, a little like Paul Tremblay's Cabin at the End of the World, but not completely like either of those. 3y
BookwormM Don‘t worry I won‘t hold you to it and even Atwood books can be totally different to each other 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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This was good. I had a bit of trouble getting into it at the very start, but it only took a couple of chapters. I didn‘t like one of the decisions Frenchie made near the end of the book, but that ended up working out better than I‘d expected. I also thought the very end was unrealistic, but it was good up to that point. It‘s a pretty fast read

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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SamAnne Looking forward to this one. 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Posting some book recs in honour of Truth and Reconciliation Day. 🧡

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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YA, dystopian read. It is helpful if you know some history of the Native people of Canada. Mentions of residential schools, hair, language all have much more clarity if you do.
I enjoyed this book. It is well written, the pacing is just right, the characters are interesting. I do wish it had been longer though. I could have lived in this book much more - would have loved deeper past stories of each characters.

Nebklvr One of the best dystopian novels I have read. 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures @Nebklvr I like her writing the only other book of hers I have read is have you read any others of hers? 3y
Nebklvr @ChaoticMissAdventures I haven‘t but I have been meaning to do so. (edited) 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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My county has a summer reading program for all ages that I participated in. If you complete the program, you can choose a free book from a list. This is the book I chose and I'm really looking forward to reading it soon.

CuriousG Just read this in July and it was fantastic! 3y
booksandsympathy @CuriousG good! I'm glad to hear that. Makes me more excited to read it. 3y
TheKidUpstairs I loved this one! There's a follow up coming out soon, so it's a great time to read it! 3y
booksandsympathy @TheKidUpstairs I'll definitely have to look into the follow up 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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The story is great with just enough detail, to let your own imagination fill in the dystopian horrors- both social and environmental. But best is the writing style- observant, compassionate, allowing enough poetic description to wonder but never heavy handed, with a thrill of pace that keeps picking up until the end.

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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Don't want to say too much and spoil it, but I can say that this book completely shattered my reading slump. So engaging and so much to think about. Have a friend that uses this in a high school English class and I completely understand why. Many teachable moments, plus keeps you reading to find out what will happen. Definitely take the time to read this one!

TheKidUpstairs She's got a sequel coming!!! I loved this book. 3y
CuriousG @TheKidUpstairs I had no idea about a sequel coming - that's such good news!! 3y
CuriousG @TheKidUpstairs Thank you - have it programmed into my reminders now! 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Been waiting for the book to get me out of my months-long slump, and finally have found it! 90 pages so far this morning, and the odds of me accomplishing anything other than reading today are steadily decreasing. Glad to have the freedom today to ditch responsibility and just go with it!

BookInMyHands I love those days! This has been on my TBR forever… 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I can‘t get out of my slump!! I‘m glad you did!! ❤️ 3y
CuriousG @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It has taken me a good 6 months of doing very little to no reading, to finally feel like I'm getting passed the slump. Hopefully you see the end of your slump soon! 3y
CuriousG @BookInMyHands Definitely worth moving this one up the TBR - very engaging! 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Mitch was smiling so big his back teeth shone in the soft light of the solar-powered lamp we'd scavenged from someone's shed. #firstlinefridays

This Friday, being the day after a difficult Canada Day, I decided to share the 1st line from a book by a Metis author, in honour of the children of the residential school system, and those who continue to be impacted by that generational trauma.

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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I'm posting one book per day from the ever growing unread stacks in my personal library. No description or explanation, just books I own and plan to read. #tbr

Day 45

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Here's my #bookspin list for March. I kept the first half of the list mostly the same from last month, but changed it up a bit further down. Can't wait to get started!


TheAromaofBooks Yay!!!! 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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I never would have picked this up if it wasn't for The Sword and Laser podcast & I'm glad I did
This was very different to the fantasy I normally pick up. Set in a world similar to our own, in the future where people have lost the ability to dream. A post apocalyptic setting, but not your average fantasy go to. There is strong character development in this book & the backstory of characters is given to us piecemeal along their journey for survival

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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline

Great book, very interesting, bittersweet and heartbreaking at times, read as part of the #PopSugarReadingChallenge2021 and @bookriot #ReadHarderChallenge2021 4/5

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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I finally read this YA dystopian novel where people perceived as being indigenous are kidnapped in hopes their bodies will help everyone else regain the ability to dream. The novel is more about the groups of people living on the run and the ways they connect and build community - very little is about the mad scientist component (this is okay but was a bit surprising based on how much it is included in most summaries of the book.) ↘️

ReadingEnvy Also in the background are the history of the "residential schools," climate change, and human-directed environmental destruction. It's set in the future so California is gone, the Great Lakes are toast, etc.

If you waffle on YA, there is much less angst than in the Hunger Games or Divergent. The majority of the novel features characters from a broader range of ages.↘️
ReadingEnvy I had a strange experience (twice!) where I fell asleep while reading it and sank into deep dreams, so beware! 4y
Readergrrl I really enjoyed this book on so many levels!!! 4y
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ReadingEnvy @Readergrrl yes me too! The ending was surprisingly satisfying in an unexpected way. 4y
Caryl I love this book. It was our Read Brave 2020 title here in St. Paul, and last year, I got to hand out copies of it to my students to keep. ❤️ 4y
ReadingEnvy @Caryl nice! I imagine teens taking well to it. Did they? 4y
Caryl Yes, both teens and adults found it a meaningful read. This was our main pick; we also had copies of Mary Robinson‘s Climate Justice and Jewel Parker Rhodes‘s Bayou Magic to share. 💕 4y
ReadingEnvy @Caryl oh I don't know those, will look them up! 4y
CuriousG I have a friend who taught this book in her high school English class this year and said it was an amazing experience 3y
ReadingEnvy @CuriousG oh cool, I can see that working well. 3y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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I'm not crying, you're crying.
Indigenous speculative fiction is apparently in my wheelhouse. After climate change and pollution have ravaged the land and a plague has caused many to lose the ability to dream, indigenous people are hunted and harvested for their immunity. Mirroring the way these groups have had to continually adapt and fight for survival throughout the last several hundred years, a moving dystopian tale. #integrateyourshelf

SamAnne Hoping to get to her Empire of Wild this coming month. 4y
WhatWouldJaneDo @SamAnne I really loved that one as well, it has an awesome heroine! 4y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Today on the blog I'm talking about books I read because someone recommended them to me (link in bio). #TopTenTuesday

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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This book felt like it was missing something. I enjoyed many of the themes presented in the story, but I would‘ve liked some elements to have been more fleshed out. I also liked the characters - they felt like real people, even though plot-wise there were a few moments of predictability. But Overall, it was just an okay read for me.

ShyBookOwl I bailed on this pretty early on but ended up returning it and it became a 5 star for me. It really surprised me, but I get what you're saying too. 4y
MsMelissa I liked this one, but I do agree there could have been a bit more to it. I didn‘t really feel as if the story was resolved. 4y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Thanks for the tag @FantasyChick
1. Only just discovered this year, but I loved it.
2. This is a tough choice. I enjoy quite a few Canadian authors. I think I'm going to go with Louise Penny.
3. Poutine (with cheese curds, don't come at me with that shredded cheese. 😆). Or nanaimo bars! Oooh Coffee Crisp! Ok maybe I'm just hungry...lol!
I'm not sure who has participated, so if you want to join, you're tagged!
#happycanadaday @KVanRead

KVanRead Thanks for playing! It‘s not poutine if it doesn‘t have cheese curds!! And Nanaimo bars!😋😋😋 4y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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1. The Marrow Thieves
2. Other books by Native American Indigenous authors

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 😊 4y
LaraS Great picks...I spy lots of Canada Reads books in there! 🇨🇦 ❤️ 4y
Blueberry @LaraS yup, that's where I got the best ones. 😀 4y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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I first learned of this book from a list of Aboriginal Horror stories several months ago. I listened to it on audio, and it was excellent. I'm pretty sure I still would have enjoyed it in print, but I thinking listening to the story gave it more of a suspenseful, scary tone.

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Really could have done without the fat kid side character named Slopper. And I‘m not sure how many times you‘re actually allowed to pull the “but little did we know, life as we know it was about to change forever” method of creating a cliffhanger, but it‘s got to be fewer times than it is attempted here.

But still it was affecting. And that ending took me OUT.

Read for #readharder2020 prompt “a book about climate change”

The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Cinfhen Yum, rye toast!! So simple but SO GOOD 4y
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The Marrow Thieves | Cherie Dimaline
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Does anyone else‘s pets give them the “What are you doing? You should be paying attention to me, not this book” eyes? #bookswithmycalico

Tamra 👍🏾 4y
Geenie Always 💖🐺 4y
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