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#WhatsNewWednesday #litsycrafters

I tried Diamond Art and I'm loving it! It's a perfect relaxing activity for #AudioCrafting. So far, I've made 3 coasters out of a set of 8.

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude @Catsandbooks

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 1w
Leftcoastzen Very nice ! 1w
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Read4life Gorgeous!! 💙💙💙 1w
KadaGul @julieclair Jewel 💎 art 🖼️ is incredibly popular these days! I've heard it's super relaxing 😌🙂‍↔️and mesmerizing! 1w
LiseWorks I like it too! 1w
julieclair @KadaGul It‘s worth a try - my guess is that you will enjoy it! I started with the coasters so I could feel a sense of accomplishment quickly. 😆 1w
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#audiocrafting #Litsycrafters

I‘m doing a stitchalong project with some other women online.

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4w
Lindy @dabbe thank you ☺️ 4w
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The Heart Principle | Helen Hoang
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I treated myself to a new book nook kit as an early birthday present. I think this speakeasy is my favourite one yet.

Likewise, I‘ve enjoyed each of Helen Hoang‘s books more than the one before, and THE HEART PRINCIPLE absolutely blew me away. It‘s a gripping dive into toxic family structures and the intense pressure that comes when the people who should love and protect you refuse to even consider your needs. Wow. #audiocrafting

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
BookmarkTavern Wow! 🤩🤩 1mo
TieDyeDude That's freakin' delightful! 1mo
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AlaMich Where do you order the kits from? 1mo
Blerdgal_Fenix Do you build it your self or get the preorder ones 1mo
xicanti @dabbe @BookmarkTavern @TieDyeDude right? I love it so much! I wish Litsy had slides so I could share pics of all the great little details. 1mo
xicanti @AlaMich Amazon, but I think a lot of toy and hobby stores now offer them, too. 1mo
xicanti @Blerdgal_Fenix I always get the kits you assemble for yourself. They‘re a lot of fun. 1mo
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I hadn‘t heard of BAD SUMMER PEOPLE until it turned up in my library‘s Express section, but I love a book about rich people behaving badly so I jumped on it. I got through the first 50% while I did various hands-on-brain-off stuff earlier, and I feel good about all my choices. It‘s like east coast Jackie Collins on vacation.

One of the things I did while I listened was block this baby shawl. I‘m happy with that result, too. #audiocrafting

xicanti NB: I call it a baby shawl because you‘re supposed to give it to a baby, but you‘re also supposed to knit it with a washable yarn. I thought I was doing just that until I read the label again halfway through and discovered I was very much mistaken. Now I guess I‘ll keep it and make something else for my cousin‘s kid‘s first birthday. 4mo
dabbe It's beautiful. 💙🩵💙 4mo
humouress Such a shame you get to keep it for yourself 😉 4mo
xicanti @dabbe thank you! 4mo
xicanti @humouress it‘s a real sacrifice. 4mo
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Wildfire | Hannah Grace
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My sister got my son the entire collection of The Land Before Time (14 dinosaur movies!) - so while he soaks that in an hour each night, I have time to do some #Audiocrafting and #Audiocolouring with these fun reads. #LittensLoveRomance #IDLR #InDeathLongReadalong

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4mo
IndoorDame How fun 🤩 4mo
AileenRR 14 movies! I‘ve only ever seen the 1st. Are the sequels any good? (edited) 4mo
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LiseWorks Oh my goodness, I had no idea there was that many lol 4mo
vonnie862 Wait, 14?! I had no idea. 4mo
StayCurious @AileenRR they aren‘t bad actually. He certainly likes them - but he‘s 2 lol 4mo
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#audiocrafting on a #caturday afternoon

dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 5mo
Leftcoastzen 😻😻 5mo
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The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida | Shehan Karunatilaka
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Doing some #audiocrafting tonight. This book is a trip!! #huey #catsoflitsy

BookmarkTavern How cozy! ❤️ 5mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5mo
Kitta I love their kits! 5mo
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Scattered Showers | Rainbow Rowell
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I finished my Greek street and installed it on my shelf! Hurray!

I also made some good progress through SCATTERED SHOWERS, which I love despite a couple of sameish stories. (Rainbow Rowell does like a bit of “best friends finally admit their attraction to one another.) The narrator uses too many emphatic undertones, though; an in-person storytelling technique that doesn‘t play well through earbuds and annoys the shit out of me. #audiocrafting

xicanti Here‘s the thing: in person, the listener can lean in, fostering intimacy with the storyteller. Through earbuds, the listener either has to strain their ears to catch everything or crank the volume up and pay for it when the narrator returns to their regular volume. I much prefer performers who adjust their tone to indicate they‘re whispering or shouting instead of actually fucking whispering or shouting. At least this one‘s not a screamer. 5mo
tpixie Amazing crafting! 💙🩵💛 5mo
xicanti @tpixie thanks! This one was really fun to work on, even with all the fiddly beaded elements. 5mo
tpixie @xicanti yes! Love the bookstore and the lights! All the details! (edited) 5mo
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Like a Love Story | Abdi Nazemian
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Doing some #audiocrafting with my little peanuts. #huey #lennox #catsoflitsy

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww 🐾❤️🫶🏻 5mo
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A friend started the tagged book a day ahead of me and had mostly bad things to say about it, but I like it a lot so far. I think it‘s gonna be a harrowing and insightful read.

In a less harrowing mode, here‘s a preview of my Greek street with the third wall attached and the lights hooked up! It‘s hard to tell in the photo, but the mirror against the back wall means you can see all the bookstore‘s angles. #audiocrafting

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So cute 💙🤍 5mo
tpixie I loved the book! An amazing woman and story. It is a hard read at times so I can see why not everyone would like it. I‘m amazed by your workmanship!!! 5mo
dabbe Amazing! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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Traci1 That is lovely. 5mo
AlaMich I love that! (edited) 5mo
xicanti @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @dabbe @Traci1 @AlaMich it makes me happy every time I peer into it! 5mo
xicanti @tpixie my friend‘s big complaint is that she finds Elizabeth unbelievably naive about her situation, which isn‘t an issue for me because I think it makes sense that someone living in 1860 wouldn‘t be as informed about wrongful asylum incarcerations and patriarchal abuses as we are here in 2024. She says she does find the book interesting in general, though. 5mo
tpixie @xicanti 👍🏻 they were so much more isolated then- no TV, internet, radio… (edited) 5mo
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