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Tori is determined to prove the existence of the murderous mermaids that killed the crew of the mockumentary ship her sister worked on. She may have bit off more than she could chew.

I enjoyed this just as much the 2nd time round! Beautifully diverse cast, lots of science, a typically benign folktale creature turned on its head, & moments of character between the action. I was a little more disappointed with the abrupt ending though. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

BookmarkTavern General warning for graphic depictions of violence and death, specific warning for animal (dolphin) death in Chapter 19 9mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 9mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 9mo
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Here we have our #LGBTbookclub pick for October. Discussions will be held around the 29th. Please tag me in your reviews and comments! As always, this is open to all, and content warnings can be found here:

ShelleyBooksie So, so good! 10mo
AbigailJaneBlog @ShelleyBooksie glad to know! You're more than welcome to join us for the discussion :) 10mo
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PuddleJumper I've put this on hold at the library. Hoping it'll come in in time 10mo
willaful Too rich for my blood. :-( 10mo
BookwormAHN Yay, love this one 🖤 10mo
AbigailJaneBlog @willaful I think it's going to be a bit much for me tbh (it was the one I didn't want lol) but I haven't really read anything outside my wheelhouse for this club so I'm going to try! 10mo
AbigailJaneBlog I'm glad a lot of people seem interested though 😍 10mo
willaful I really appreciate the content warnings. 💜 10mo
BookmarkTavern Yay! I love this one! Murder mermaids! 💚 10mo
Kenyazero Placed a hold on it! 10mo
AbigailJaneBlog @willaful I'm glad! I check for every book we do and make sure to post if I find any. 10mo
peanutnine I think I'll sit this month out 🫠 10mo
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October: Code Black | Gabrielle Lord
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Vote time! I've gone for a spooky theme for October. As always, tag me in your reviews and comments. Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the tag list.



Kenyazero Voted! 11mo
PuddleJumper Voted! Don't have any suggestions at the moment. Looking towards the Christmas fluff after scary season 11mo
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BookmarkTavern Oh so many good choices! 11mo
AbigailJaneBlog Thanks all! I too am looking forward to christmas season, so start thinking on your suggestions 🏳️‍🌈✨️ 11mo
BookwormAHN I had a hard time deciding 😺 11mo
peanutnine I don't usually do horror but a couple of these sound really good 11mo
AbigailJaneBlog @peanutnine I tried to go for more "spooky" than outright horror as I'm not a fan either! 10mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My birthday month is here! Yay! 🎉📚🎉

#BookSpin A Million to One #DoubleSpin Stone Blind

#OokBOokClub The Shepherd‘s Crown

#LGBTbookclub Book Boyfriend

#LitsySciFiBookClub Project Hail Mary

#WhimsicalReads This Woven Kingdom

#DiverseCozy Mangos, Mambo, & Murder

#Roll100 Compass Rose, Legendborn, Clash of Steel

#FairyTaleReadingChallenge Cress, The Book of Gothel

TheSpineView Happy Birthday! 11mo
Kenyazero Happy birthday month! Looks like a lot of great reads planned! 11mo
julesG Happy Birthday Month! 11mo
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bthegood happy birthday month - 11mo
PuddleJumper Yay! 🎉🎉 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Happy birthday!! 11mo
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Book Boyfriend | Kris Ripper
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Gosh I cannot seem to keep on top of anything over the summer - as soon as my routine is messed up, I'm gone! So due to that, this next pick will be for September!

Discussions will be around the 24th and I can't find any content warnings so go forth with care! As always, this discussion is open to anyone who wishes to join.


PuddleJumper Looks cute! 11mo
willaful I've already read this one so won't be participating this month. 11mo
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BookmarkTavern Woo! 11mo
Kenyazero Sweet! I'm joining because I just read this and finished a week or two ago 😆 11mo
AbigailJaneBlog Glad to hear this one seems popular! 11mo
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Super duper cute graphic novel! This was funny and punny and lovely 😍 I came for the cheese puns and stayed for the amazing found family. I loved the exploration of societal norms and gender expression. And the fashion!! Gorgeous outfits and images in general. Cannot recommend this more!
#LGBTbookclub @AbigailJaneBlog #LGBTQ2023 2023 release @Kenyazero #2023ReadySetRead read at night @Clwojick

Clwojick This one looks so cute! I‘ve been meaning to read it. ❤️ 11mo
AbigailJaneBlog Glad you enjoyed it! 11mo
Kenyazero I've been seeing several super positive reviews of this one 😍 11mo
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Victories Greater Than Death | Charlie Jane Anders
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This was an action packed sci-fi adventure full of great queer characters and interesting world-building. While the stakes were high, I did have some trouble staying invested in the story - it took me a while to get through because it wasn't a book I would hurry to pick back up. But by the end I was fully committed to the characters' mission and will most likely continue the series
#LGBTbookclub @AbigailJaneBlog #LGBTQ2023 technology @Kenyazero

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Wrap-Up List | Steven Arntson
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July #BookSpinBingo wrap up @TheAromaOfBooks
My bingo card is more about mood reading than specific books
12 books read ;new, from box subscriptions and used)
Completed #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin 1 bingo line
Challenges #AuthorAMonth #Summerween #LGBTBookClub #Foodandlit
I enjoyed my reading even those categorized as “so-so” those were books I really wanted to read
“So many good books to read, so little time”😩

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 12mo
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This was such a fun read. Over the top, with manga inspired art, anachronisms out the wazoo, and full of cheesy puns. It was the perfect read for a stressful day. What a great pick for #LGBTbookclub !

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Perfect lunch/reading combo for this #LGBTbookclub pick. I‘m enjoying the story so far. It‘s the first book club pick I‘ve been able to get to in any sort of timely way so I‘m pleased with myself today. @AbigailJaneBlog

AbigailJaneBlog Glad you enjoyed this one! ✨️ 12mo
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