The first thing that came to mind…
The first thing that came to mind…
We went to ECCC today. I am so happy that I got to meet Veronica Roth & Marissa Meyer.
Roth was so freaking nice! We joked and laughed about our crazy days and running late. I wish I had gotten a selfie with her...maybe next time.
This is one of my favorite books from when I was younger than I just reread. I love the action and the excitement. I also love Tris as a strong female mc!!
Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up
Dear reader,
You will love this series and I can‘t wait to hear your thoughts.
“Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It‘s learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.”
This book is similar to The Hunger Games trilogy, but has different elements. You could use this book to compare the different societies. I like how this book talks about being different and going against what society says you should do.
Published 2012. Set in a dystopian society that was once Chicago, people are split into five factions. Each faction has a connected virtue. When they turn 16, each child gets the opportunity to pick the faction they will belong to from then on. Tris Prior makes the decision to leave her family and join a new faction. She goes through the extensive and rigorous training of the Dauntless, all while hiding a secret about herself.
“There is one mirror in my house. It is behind a sliding panel in the hallway upstairs.“
The Divergent series was written by Veronica Roth. I read this series in middle school and I absolutely loved it. I really like these books because it allows you to feel the emotions and feelings of Beatrice, the main character. In addition, these books are packed with action that make them enjoyable to read.
My Hunger Games loving 11 year old recommended this to me, and it was pretty good! The end got a bit long, but overall, I enjoyed it. Will definitely read the next two books eventually.
⭐️: 4/5
Very good movie, a few sad parts but overall super good
It's Tuesday and time for the #Two4Tuesday questions. Thanks you for taking the time to play. I enjoy reading your answers.
Here are my answers:
🏵 Divergent
🏵🏵 Not necessarily better but when chosen correctly I think one word titles are powerful. Take Divergent as an example, the word has a tone to it and has set the mood and some expectations before you even read the first line.
Want to play? @eggs @wanderinglynn @EadieB @Lcsmcat
1. Four from Divergent
2. Bella from Twilight
3. Today I am grateful for the beautiful, quiet snow and a warm home!
If you‘re reading this, consider yourself tagged!
#Movie2BookRecs #LetterF #FantasticFour
The Theo James character in the movies is named Four for only having four fears.
I listened to this on audio which, for me, means that my mind wandered a lot. I definitely plan on reading the next book in the series in print.
An old one, but a good one. Adding this re-read to my October list! #rereads #bookintomovie #octoberread
Can you be a girl for a few seconds?"
"I'm always a girl" I frown.
"You know what I mean. Like a silly, annoying girl"
I twirl my hair around my finger. "Kay.
Tris learns her new life in her new faction.
Such a nice book, it‘s so interesting, the characters are remarkable, and everything is just perfect.
Much better than the movie. The movie did a sloppy job of telling this story. Left so many good parts out and messed up the order of events. The end wasn't what I was expecting though. It left me wanting more and wanting to read on to the next book. I can't wait to get my hands on the next book from the library! :)
I loved it! The character development was amazing! Near the end of the book, it began tugging hard at my heart strings and I enjoyed it so much! It‘s not often a book is able to do that.
For those of you that are hesitant to read this book, I bet you‘ll at least rate it a 4/5 and so I recommend that you read it, as well as watch the movie after. (And yes, there is a movie!)
I am not a big fantasy reader, but this book and the hunger games have made me love futuristic books. It shows you that you should always make decisions for yourself and not let society tell you what to do or how you should act. I find the moral of the story beautiful and the characters are so unique and made me feel really feel empowered and inspired.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 Freaking love this series! Beautiful cover 🔥
I have a very unpopular opinion about the sci-fi, ya genre, but i want to try to read outside my comfort zone so here goes🤓
I forgot to post about this when I started reading, but I decided to read this not only because my mom brought it home the other day, I went online and looked around on what this book is about. The summary of what this book is about caught my attention and the characters.
I just love these books so much and highly recommended! Lots of plot twists at the end so just be prepared, mentally. This made me laugh a lot. Especially being a big fan of the books. If you don‘t get it, read the book!
Also if you think watching the movie is better because it‘s quicker DON‘T. Read the books first because the movie makes all the characters just look different in my mind.
“I feel like someone breathed new air into my lungs. I am not Abnegation. I am not Dauntless. I am Divergent”
- Tris
Day 3 of #tarotakeover is 2 of Wands. I chose Divergent because triss is faced with life changing choices . Starting with the fact that she is divergent and has to pretend she isn‘t ! 🖤sending peace and love to @ErinSueMreads and anyone else who is facing choices and blocks in their journey!
Not a huge fan of YA fiction but I did enjoy this book and the series overall. I listened to it on audio and that may have helped. A post apocalyptic society that has divided into 5 factions, each with it own strengths and what it gives to the community but as usual, nothing is as it appears. Tris decides to leave her faction and eventually things in the entire community begin to unravel.
Day 7 of my #20Series20Days - Divergent has my conflicted opinion. The first one was amazing, second one was very good, and the third was good. As the series progresses, Tris and Four both become better, but the plot loses its intensity. The last movie was a total fail! God, it actually didn't have a plot! The first two movies were great✌️