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Thank you #Litsyland for providing a safe and happy place to share the love of reading.

And bless you #LitsyFriends for providing another year of havens in storms, soft places to fall and laughter through the pain.

Wishing you all a happy, peaceful and healthy new year.


DGRachel 🥳 Happy New Year! 7mo
robinb @DGRachel 🥰🥰🥰 7mo
Bookzombie Happy New Year! 🎆 7mo
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LeahBergen Happy New Year! ❤️ 7mo
Mimi28 Happy New Year!! 🎈🎊🎆 7mo
robinb @Bookzombie @LeahBergen @Mimi28 HAPPY 2024!!! 🎉🎉🎉 7mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!!! 🎈🎊📚🎉❤️ 2y
dabbe Welcome, @normalreadinglife! You'll love it here! 😊 2y
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fredamans Welcome to Litsy! 2y
Andrew65 Thanks for the tag @Birdsong 😍, welcome to Litsy @normalreadinglife 🤗 2y
hannah-leeloo Welcome to litsy @normalreadinglife thanks for the tag @Birdsong28 happy reading all 📚❤️📖 2y
Monica5 Welcome to this great community of booklovers 2y
julesG Welcome to Litsy @normalreadinglife! Thanks for the tag @Birdsong28 😘 2y
TrishB Thanks @Birdsong28 😘 hi 👋 2y
RebelReader Welcome @normalreadinglife! Thanks for the tag @Birdsong28 2y
tpixie @Birdsong28 thanks for the tag!! Welcome to Litsy @normalreadinglife !! Check out the bio of @Chrissyreadit for tips! 2y
FashionableObserver Hey there, @normalreadinglife! Welcome, welcome! Thanks for the tag, @Birdsong28! 💜📚💜 2y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy🥳📚😊 @normalreadinglife 1y
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Happy Valentines Day Littens 😍❤🥰 love to you all my friends from me, kids and the animal ark hehe 👩‍👧‍👦💝💌 #valentine #litsylove #litsyvalentine #litsyfriends I would tag all my friends but have waaaayyyyy too many here 💖 💕 💗

Cupcake12 Love to you and your family too xx 2y
hannah-leeloo 🫂❤ thank you @Cupcake12 2y
Pageturner1 happy valentines day ❤️ 2y
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hannah-leeloo Thank you @Pageturner1 😊 💓 2y
BookwormAHN Happy Valentine's Day 💗 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy Valentine‘s Day ❤️ 2y
52 likes8 comments
Untitled | Untitled
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The last few cards have been trickling in this week, but I think she's done. My card tree is all filled up this year. Mostly thanks to my Litten friends. Thanks everyone. #LitsyCardSwap #PoutinePenPals #LitsyFriends #PenPals

TheBookHippie I love this! 3y
StayCurious Wow! This is great💙 I hope you are doing well - will write soon 3y
erzascarletbookgasm Love this idea! 3y
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Amiable That‘s adorable! I love it. 3y
MaureenMc 😍 3y
PaperbackPirate ❤️💚 3y
BiblioLitten I love this post! Even last year I did♥️ 3y
96 likes7 comments
Christmasaurus | Tom Fletcher
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Hello everyone sorry for the radio silence I've just got home tonight. 🍸
I had a great Christmas I spent it with some extended family last minute so I wasn't alone.
We had a great laugh and lots of food and pudding 🥰
I am so grateful to you all for all the cards and presents. You made me feel so loved 😘 Thank-you ❤ #litsycardswap
#litsylove #cards #jbuk #litsyfriends #litsyfamily #giving #Christmastime #christmasspirit

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23rd December its my birthday 🎂
I turn 34 years old today.

What happened on my birthday:
: I got dumped then blackmailed.
: I gave myself a day of rest and did nothing.
: I gave myself a full day off social media.

#Capricorn #mybirthday #peoplearecruel #lifestories #rightthewrongs #goingintothefuturealone #thefirststepisthehardest #bookfriends #litsyfriends

SRWCF Happy birthday! Sorry u got dumped then blackmailed. Screw them!!! 3y
kaysworld1 @SRWCF Thank you for the birthday wishes 😘 3y
Smrloomis Yes what @SRWCF said!!! So sorry that person sucks 😔 Hope things are looking up soon! 🤗🤗🤗 3y
CarolynM What @SRWCF said. Hope there are plenty of happy days ahead before your next birthday comes around. 3y
TrishB Sorry it was so bad! Hope the next year is better ❤️ 3y
23 likes5 comments
On Christmas Eve | Ann M. Martin
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My #jolabokaflod package's will be going out to Europe first week in December to two wonderful human beings. ❤ ✈
@MaleficentBookDragon 😊

#jolabokaflodswap #swaps #MerryChristmas #kindnessabdgiving #litsyfriends

monalyisha @kaysworld1 I think I strangely assumed you‘d tagged me by mistake in this because of #NewYearWhoDis. 🙈🤦‍♀️ I think something may have arrived for me from you today? From Book Depository? Either that or it‘s something I ordered & forgot about — but I don‘t dare open it in case! 3y
kaysworld1 @monalyisha Sorry about tagging the wrong person fixed now. No I haven't sent out any package's yet so it's not from me, I think it's safe to open 😆 3y
monalyisha @kaysworld1 Ha! I was right then! I‘ll have to look through my confirmation emails first. Could always be something from someone else. Thanks for clarifying! 3y
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Thank you so much Cindy, you‘ve cheered me up on sad Monday ❤️
I thought you were sending me your copy, thank you for the new copy. Looking forward to reading it.

Cinfhen So glad it arrived on a day that you could use some cheering up XX There‘s another book too!! An early bday gift 💝 3y
Cathythoughts So lovely ❤️ 3y
TrishB @Cinfhen oh thank you ♥️ (again!) 3y
TrishB @Cathythoughts it definitely is ♥️ 3y
92 likes4 comments
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Onto the second book this weekend. What's everyone got planned for their weekend? Happy reading and weekend littens 📚🪶❤🦉📖 #teeturtle #owl #hogwarts #weekendreading #litsyfriends #litsylove #seriesreading

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m working! 3y
hannah-leeloo Awww I hope you get some break hun @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @hannah-leeloo thank you!! 3y
SilversReviews How cute!! 3y
38 likes4 comments
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As if there is any other film to watch to start this series again 😁❤📖 happy reading and weekend everyone ⚡🦉🏰🔮🧙🏻‍♂️🤓 wingardium leviOsa 🪶 with @TheWolfbehindTheEyes #litsylove #litsyfriends #magic #hogwarts #harrypotter

Jackal121 @hannah-leeloo what a wonderful series. Even the movies are good. 2022 the next fantastic beasts is to come out. Looking forward to that 3y
TheWolfbehindTheEyes Oculus repairo @@hannah-leeloo 3y
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TheWolfbehindTheEyes Glad to have you as my reading partner and marathon buddy 3y
hannah-leeloo I'm really looking forward to that, watched the fantastic beasts before Harry Potter hehe @Jackal121 haven't read the books yet as waiting for the 3rd. Will be worth it. 3y
Jackal121 @hannah-leeloo yeah, I expect it to be a good movie, now that they've revealed Credence to be a Dumbledore. 3y
hannah-leeloo Agreed. Will see what happens due to that knowledge @Jackal121 3y
Jackal121 I need to pass out 3y
Mishu94 @hannah-leeloo now I feel like watching the movies 😂 3y
hannah-leeloo I'm on the 4th film lol @Mishu94 chapter 7 of the first book haha 3y
Mishu94 @hannah-leeloo you‘re going good!!!!! 3y
hannah-leeloo Got to love a marathon hehe @Mishu94 3y
Mishu94 @hannah-leeloo for sure! 😂😂 3y
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