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#Weekend reads @rachelsbrittain

Currently reading two books. Unexpected Odds is an impulse read for #SeriesLove2023 and Lover Eternal for #BDBBookClub #BDBBusdyRead

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Finished this audio book today. Got lots if cross stitch done while listening. Love this series. #SeriesLove2023 #ReadAway24 plus got one bingo spot #ISpyBingoMarch. @Clwojick @TheAromaofBooks @TheSpineView @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

TheSpineView Fantastic! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Bonus for multitasking!! 2mo
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This was an excellent addition to the series! As always, there is the seriousness of the crimes along with comedy from certain characters (Bob Hoon and DC Tyler Niesh). I hope the author is currently finishing up the next book because he left us with a crazy cliffhanger of an ending. #SeriesLove2023/2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

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One of my current series is #WithMurder🩸it‘s actually full of it, as a group of five YA “naturals” (profilers, lie detectors, etc.) work for a below-the-radar FBI operation to solve cold cases. It‘s got me rewatching the series Lie to Me again.

The tagged book is the second & the one I‘m currently reading. Start with the first tagged ⬇️


rretzler I didn‘t realize this was a series! 4mo
TheSpineView This series looks interesting 🤔 4mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 😱🙌🏻📚 4mo
Eggs Brilliant 👏🏻👏🏻 4mo
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The Crossing | Michael Connelly
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I really dropped the ball on #serieslove2023 Never posted a summing up !This is a photo from January last year, I read 8 Connellys , 2, Leons , 1 Silva. Shocking but true, couldn‘t find the next Thompson though as you can see, I own several! I didn‘t put Karin Slaughter in these stacks ,yet I read 3 last year.😁🤷‍♀️ Thanks to @TheSpineView and @Andrew65 for hosting!

Ruthiella Nice job! 👏👏👏 4mo
TheSpineView A very good showing. I think even one book off my TBR list is a step forward. Well done! 4mo
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The Inmate: A Novel | Freida McFadden
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#TheInmate #FreidaMcFadden #BookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2023

There are three rules Brooke Sullivan must follow as a new nurse practitioner at a men‘s maximum-security prison:
1) Treat all prisoners with respect.
2) Never reveal any personal information.
3) Never EVER become too friendly with the inmates.
But none of the staff at the prison knows Brooke has already broken the rules.

EadieB Nobody knows about her intimate connection to Shane Nelson, one of the penitentiary‘s most notorious and dangerous inmates. And they certainly don‘t know that Shane was Brooke‘s high school sweetheart—the star quarterback who is now spending the rest of his life in prison for a series of grisly murders. Or that Brooke's testimony was what put him there. But Shane knows. And he will never forget. 5mo
EadieB This is a great read from Freida McFadden. I have read almost all of her books and I have loved each and every one. I don't know how she does it but each one has a surprising ending that gets you every time. I am now waiting for the next Freida McFadden book. Love her books. If you like books that surprise you then you will love this book. You will just have to read it!
Twainy I like her books 😁 5mo
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TheSpineView Sounds good. 📖📚 5mo
DieAReader 🥳Sounds good! 5mo
SusanLee It‘s my current read 💪🏻 5mo
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March | Geraldine Brooks
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My March TBR is aggressive & as usual, I‘m not planning to get to all of it. I‘m still unsure on this month‘s #SundayBuddyRead The Golden Notebook as I‘m only through the intro & not loving it but I‘m going to try for more this weekend. This month I‘m joining in: #ChloeGongReadAlong #JaneAdjacent #NancyDrewBR #ChildrensClassicRead2024 #Naturalitsy #SheSaid #SeasonalCozies #FoodAndLit #Roll100 & a reread of Relish for my virtual foodie book club.⬇️

DebinHawaii …Also working in an #AuldLangSpine book & some for #SeriesLove2023 & there‘s a few library books too. I haven‘t listed the 3 books I have in progress on my TBR as if I don‘t finish them this weekend, the library books have to go back. OK, wish me luck! 🍀📚🍀 5mo
Catsandbooks Great stack! 💚 5mo
TheSpineView Looks good! Enjoy! 5mo
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AllDebooks Great selection. Enjoy 😊 5mo
Librarybelle Good luck! I see a number of titles on your list that are on my to read list! 5mo
Texreader ❤️❤️❤️ The Island of Sea Women. I‘m going to try to reread it this month. 5mo
julieclair Great choices! Happy Reading. 😃 5mo
sblbooks I loved Heidi! 5mo
tpixie Enjoy! 5mo
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This was funny, clever, and full of Lord Peter‘s “piffle”—this time put to useful purpose as he goes undercover at an ad agency to investigate a suspicious death. I loved the spot-on caricatures of office personalities, as well as Lord Peter‘s various small “tells”! The mystery was also satisfying—other than one trope at the end that I hate. (Another belated review for a December read!) #CloakandDaggerChristmas - classic mystery #SeriesLove2023

Ruthiella Awesome 🎅🏻🔪💀🎄I‘ve read this before but honestly, other than the ad job, remember nothing about the plot. 6mo
willaful One of my favorites. 6mo
batsy I enjoyed this a lot, too. 6mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 6mo
BarbaraJean @Ruthiella I find that to be the case for me with so many murder mysteries! I guess that adds to the re-read value when I can‘t remember who the murderer was😏 6mo
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The Christmas Veto | Keira Andrews
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Cute fake dating novel. Connor was a young preteen in the first book and he's all grown up now. There's some internalized homophobia he has to work through while he pretends to date his crush even though everyone thinks he's straight. Reid was a good love interest for him and their relationship growth was enjoyable to watch
#SeriesLove2023 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Great job!🤩📖📚 7mo
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Get Frosted | Amy Aislin
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I never posted the rest of my #WinterGames reviews since I got sick the last week so bear with me here while I catch up
Overall I'm giving this interconnected series a pick, although some were better than others. Silent Knight was my favorite, it had childhood best friends reunited & made the best use of other characters from the series, making the small town setting feel real. There're two more books I didn't get to but will try to read next year

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