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They Knew Mr. Knight
They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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This quote made me think of a story my mom told me, about her aunt having a permanent wave (with one of these machines!) She was so thrilled with it, she couldn‘t stop brushing her hair, until she‘d brushed out all the wave. Maybe that would have worked for Freda.

I enjoyed the book, but all I can say is, not one character was better off for having known Mr. Knight. 😏


Texreader 😂😂 3mo
LeahBergen Love it! 😆 3mo
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jlhammar Great story and images! Oh Freda. At least she didn‘t have to become a school teacher - the horror! 3mo
rubyslippersreads @jlhammar I think being married to Coggy would be more horrible. 😂 3mo
Tamra The perm was hilarious! Permanent??? 😂 3mo
UwannaPublishme Hilarious! 😂 I must show my mom these photos. She‘s been perming her hair for decades. 3mo
Aimeesue Oh, that poor silly child 😂 3mo
CarolynM Great photos! I don‘t think I‘d want to be attached to that contraption, no matter how fashionable it was to have waved hair! 3mo
rubyslippersreads @CarolynM My mom told me another horror story about a salon that caught fire with all the customers hooked up to the machines! 🤯 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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A bit slow going for me, but I ultimately really liked this #PersephoneClub selection.

Whipple has created some wonderful, fully-rounded characters, many of whom aren't particularly sympathetic for lots of the book. The plot seems entirely plausible to me and it's a fascinating and insightful insider sort of look into the rise (and fall) of a “grasping“ family*.

I'd love an entire book about Carrie, please!

quietjenn *it might not be fair to characterize them all as grasping, as it's mostly Thomas and Freda. But, everyone else is pretty complacent and willing to go along and Whipple is all about shared responsibility. 3mo
jlhammar Yes, Carrie was great, wasn‘t she? 3mo
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LeahBergen That‘s very true about the whole family‘s complacency! 3mo
Cathythoughts Nice review 👍🏻♥️ I enjoyed it too. 3mo
rubyslippersreads @jlhammar I liked the way that Thomas and Edward sort of changed places, and Edward‘s new, happy life was due to Carrie. 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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love whipple her novels are a real treat and so well written it is a shame she isn‘t widely known but thanks to Persephone we all get to enjoy her wonderful books . Not my favourite but still a fantastic gripping read on the perils of greed poor Celia
@LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads @Cathythoughts @Gissy @willaful @quietjenn @Caryl @sisilia @daena @elkeOriginal @Aimeesue @andrew61 @Tamra @CarolynM agree with you 😀

LeahBergen It wasn‘t my favourite of her books but I‘ll read any Whipple. 😆 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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Well, now I understand all of the Whipple love. Wonderful read! I always appreciate character interiority and contemplation and she does that so well. #PersephoneClub

Cathythoughts Great review! Yes , isn‘t she a great read. ❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
Bookbuyingaddict She‘s wonderful highly recommend high wages and someone from a distance 🙂 3mo
LeahBergen She‘s so good! 🥰 3mo
Aimeesue Exactly why she‘s one of my favorites ❤️🩷❤️ 3mo
CarolynM Nice review. I think I will need to read one of the titles @Bookbuyingaddict mentioned before I make up my mind about Whipple. 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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Many of the talks from the recent Persephone Festival are available to listen to for free (for the next month). I‘m currently enjoying “Wild for Whipple”. 😄 (See link in comments).

@LeahBergen @Cathythoughts @rubyslippersreads @quietjenn @Tamra @CarolynM @sisilia @Caryl @daena @elkeOriginal @Gissy @Aimeesue @Bookbuyingaddict @julieclair @willaful @andrew61

jlhammar Good to know. Thanks! 3mo
daena Thank you for sharing!! 3mo
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Cathythoughts Thanks Leah X Wild for Whipple. I love it. I‘ll give it a listen. 3mo
Aimeesue Excellent. Thanks everso! 3mo
CarolynM Thank you! I‘ve been reading about the preparations for the festival in the Persephone newsletters and wishing I could be there. This is the next best thing. 3mo
elkeOriginal A perfectly named talk indeed! 3mo
julieclair Wonderful! Thanks for sharing! 3mo
Bookbuyingaddict Wow 🤩 thank you 🙏 I was in bath when the festival was on and went to the shop but as I had the pups 🐶 we couldn‘t go to any of the talks 😒 3mo
Caryl Fantastic! I‘m looking forward to listening. Thank you, Leah! 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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#persephonebookclub 4day break in beautiful bath with best friend & the twins they‘re becoming regulars in the Persephone bookshop & the festival was on so it was very busy . Yes we left with bags of books 📚 so many to choose from ! @LeahBergen which is your favourite ❤️?

CarolynM I‘m envious! 3mo
Gissy 🤩📚❤️❤️❤️ 3mo
LeahBergen Lucky you!! 😍 3mo
jlhammar Lovely! Sounds wonderful. 3mo
quietjenn Ah, wish I were there! 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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I didn‘t love this one, a low pick for me. I didn‘t feel much sympathy for anyone besides Ruth, Carrie and, to a lesser extent, Mrs Knight. I guess it was a good illustration of the dangers, both practical and moral, of getting into debt. I was impressed, once again, by the apparent ease with which a young woman could write and publish a novel 😆

Tamra Right? Writing & publishing was a snap! 3mo
LeahBergen Hang on a mo‘ … just off to write a book. 🤣 3mo
Cathythoughts Yes , getting into debt must cause terrible stresses and consequences . Sorry this one wasn‘t for you. I did enjoy it. X (edited) 3mo
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CarolynM @Tamra @LeahBergen Just dash it off, no need for rewrites or editing, you‘ll be right😉 3mo
elkeOriginal Love your bookmark! 3mo
jlhammar Yes, definitely felt for Mrs Knight. Glad she ended up finding a friend in Isabel. 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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A reread for me. I did start reading , then watched the movie on YouTube which was brilliant. I‘ve dipped in and out sinse… I don‘t think Dorothy Whipple could ever disappoint. I loved the characters , the villain and all ! Loved it ♥️ #PersephoneClub

Tamra A movie?! I will check for it. 😃 3mo
Cathythoughts @Tamra Oh do ! It‘s perfect , I think anyway. ❤️ 3mo
Cathythoughts @Tamra It was @Bookbuyingaddict who recommended the movie. Made in 1946 ! Imagine ! 3mo
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EverydayImReading @cathythoughts Sounds intriguing. I might check out the movie. Great review Cathy ❤️ 3mo
Cathythoughts @EverydayImReading Thanks Sinead 😘 3mo
jlhammar Excited to watch the movie once I‘ve finished! 3mo
daena I will also be watching the movie once I finish reading! This is my second Whipple and she really doesn‘t disappoint. 3mo
andrew61 Great review, Cathy. I wasn't aware of a film , ill try and find it but inevitably doubt that seeing the characters on screen will match my imagination. Mr knight has a Cape , is twirling his moustache , and laughing maniacally as he counts his money. 3mo
LeahBergen Lovely review, Cathy. And it definitely looks like spring in your part of the world! 😍 3mo
Cathythoughts @jlhammer oh good 👍🏻❤️ 3mo
Cathythoughts @daena She‘s a lovely writer , isn‘t she. ❤️ 3mo
Cathythoughts @andrew61 Loving your description of Mr Knight 😂 3mo
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Yes , Spring has sprung. Now if we could just find a way to keep the sun from disappearing again 😁 3mo
Aimeesue Nice review! I‘ll have to watch the movie once I‘ve finished! 3mo
Aimeesue @andrew61 Now I can only picture him as Snidely Whiplash! 🥸 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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My 5th whipple, + there is something comforting abt life in middle class 1920s England. Her characters are v well drawn, evoking the conflicting emotions in families as aging, trust, + ambition create the perfect soup of a novel, + of course a perfect villain.
@LeahBergen @Cathythoughts @rubyslippersreads @quietjenn @Tamra @CarolynM @sisilia @Caryl @daena @elkeOriginal @Gissy @Aimeesue @Bookbuyingaddict @julieclair @willaful #persephoneclub

Tamra Yes, it is a comfort read despite the villainy! 😊 3mo
LeahBergen Great review! And that looks like the wine Mr Knight should be drinking. 😉 3mo
jlhammar April has been flying by! Hope to devote some time to this tomorrow. 3mo
Cathythoughts Yes. Great review! The perfect villain indeed 👍🏻♥️ 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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Such a classic tale of human virtue & vice. 😇😈 It was a tad slow going in the middle, but gained momentum on the other side.

Oh, I feel Celia‘s longing for Field Place. #PersphoneClub

@rubyslippersreads @quietjenn @CarolynM @andrew61 @LeahBergen @Cathythoughts @Caryl @sisilia @Aimeesue @elkeOriginal @Gissy @Bookbuyingaddict @julieclair @willaful @daena

Tamra Mr. Greene, such a decent person despite the hen pecking. 💚 3mo
LeahBergen And Mr. Greene had Mrs. Greene worrying a bit when he finally stood up to her. 👏👏 3mo
LeahBergen I want a Field Place, too. 😆 3mo
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jlhammar I‘ve barely made a dent in this. April has been too busy! I‘ve enjoyed what I‘ve read so far. Looking forward to some good reading time to finish the month. 3mo
Tamra @jlhammar life gets in the way of reading. 😏 3mo
Cathythoughts Field Place ♥️ 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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Dorothy Whipple is always an enjoyable read and this one was no exception. As the afterword states, it‘s a “comforting middle-class drama” but I also found it quite suspenseful due to the titular villain, Mr. Knight. It had the feel of a 1930s Rosamunde Pilcher, if that makes sense? 😆

What did you think, #PersephoneClub ?


CarolynM I‘m finding it a bit hard to get into. Probably more about me than the book. 3mo
Cathythoughts I did really love it, and got totally caught up in the story. This would be a reread for me. But I confess to watching the film and then slacking off on the reread … I‘m dipping in and out ❤️ and Yes , definitely suspenseful due to Mr Knight ! (edited) 3mo
andrew61 I enjoyed it as well, leah. The characters are all well drawn including the villainous mr knight. You can't go wrong with dorothy. 3mo
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daena I‘m moving slow, because life. But enjoying it nonetheless. Very intrigued by Mr.Knight, and even more so now by his villany! 3mo
Tamra I‘m still in the middle and enjoying it. She fleshes out her characters well and there is a bit of a snarky undertone I appreciate. It isn‘t an entirely a cozy domestic novel. 3mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m behind, as usual. 😏 3mo
LeahBergen @CarolynM I hope it improves for you but if not, oh well! We should enjoy our reading. 😘 3mo
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts I‘m looking forward to setting some time aside to check out the film! 3mo
LeahBergen @andrew61 Yes! Her characters really are so well-drawn. 3mo
LeahBergen @daena My life‘s been a bit intrusive into my reading time lately, too. 😆 3mo
LeahBergen @Tamra It‘s a tad cozy in setting but I felt dread from the beginning. 😆 3mo
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads 😆 Oh, well! 3mo
quietjenn I'm with @rubyslippersreads and @daena and have quit a bit left to go! 3mo
LeahBergen @quietjenn It‘s a bit of a Persephone chunkster! 3mo
Aimeesue Still working my way through this one. I do love Whipple, but I‘m stuck in the cloister with the reluctant nun! Both are gripping me at different times! 3mo
LeahBergen @Aimeesue Haha! You‘ll have to share your reading time between the two, I guess. 😆 3mo
jlhammar I‘m not very far in, but enjoying it so far. Eager to get back to it. My April reading has not been going to plan! Will hopefully still finish by the end of the month. 3mo
LeahBergen @jlhammar Mine hasn‘t been going as planned either. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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Each time I pick up this book to read I think of Mr. Greene.😭

“‘Unfortunately, it was a moment of sanity. All the rest seems madness to me.‘” #Perspephoneclub

andrew61 Yes, especially being married to the dreadful Mrs greene. 3mo
LeahBergen I had to come back here to comment as I just read that part this afternoon! “I watch you from the upstairs windows”. Eek! 😱 I was cringing with secondhand embarrassment. 🤣 3mo
Tamra @andrew61 yikes, yes! 3mo
Tamra @LeahBergen 🫢 I felt so badly for him, but at the same time if I were Celia I‘d feel a tad weirded out afterwards ever being outside or standing in the window. 3mo
LeahBergen Exactly! 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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CarolynM Long gone here, and I don‘t think I recognised it in the moment😆 3mo
willaful @CarolynM We never do... 3mo
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LeahBergen @CarolynM @willaful @daena Nope. We sure don‘t! 3mo
Cathythoughts Agreed @CarolynM we don‘t believe it at the time .. 3mo
Cathythoughts Yes fleeting beauty ❤️ I‘m enjoying my laughter lines 😂 it‘s the only way to go. X 3mo
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts I‘m enjoying mine as well! 😆 3mo
andrew61 Great quote leah, it goes so well with the opening image of her in bed admiring her hands. I also like how celia's awareness of her aging is at the same time as freda is just becoming aware of herself. 3mo
LeahBergen @andrew61 That‘s so true, Andrew. And there‘s also a touch of sadness in how much Celia is willing to sacrifice to ensure that Freda enjoys her youth, isn‘t there? 3mo
andrew61 @LeahBergen, yes, freda is a bit of a madam. But I loved Ruth and Douglas. 3mo
Tamra @LeahBergen @andrew61 aligns with Celia‘s rumination how the youthful pursuit of self is subsumed by real life once children enter the picture. 3mo
LeahBergen @Tamra It does, doesn‘t it? 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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Yes, I think I have just found my drink of choice," barley wine, bovril, black beer, and port." I wonder if I could substitute marmite as I don't think I've had bovril since I don't know when.
@LeahBergen @Cathythoughts @rubyslippersreads @quietjenn @Tamra @CarolynM @sisilia @Caryl @daena @elkeOriginal @Gissy @Aimeesue @Bookbuyingaddict @julieclair @willaful

rubyslippersreads Sounds awful, but maybe there‘s enough alcohol that you wouldn‘t care. 🤢🤷‍♀️ 3mo
Cathythoughts Sounds like strong stuff in every way. Let us know if you make some up .. might be just the tonic we all need 😁 🙈 3mo
Bookbuyingaddict @andrew61 🤣🤣 I do love ❤️ marmite and port . My gran use to have strange concoctions like these 🤢 3mo
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LeahBergen 😆😆 3mo
CarolynM I think I‘ll pass🤢 3mo
daena That sounds brutal 3mo
Aimeesue Oh dear. At least it‘s pewer! 😂 3mo
Rissreads 🤮🤣 3mo
Lindy I will remember this next time I‘m feeling peaky. 😉 3mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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@LeahBergen @Cathythoughts @rubyslippersreads @Gissy @quietjenn and all our #persephoneclub #persephonebooks for you it‘s on YouTube just incase you run 🏃‍♀️ out of time ⌛️ to read it 😆😘

Cathythoughts Oh ! Thankyou 😘 4mo
Cathythoughts 1946 ! That‘s brilliant, I hope I can get it now. 4mo
quietjenn Thanks! 4mo
LeahBergen Thanks so much! 👏👏 4mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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#persephoneclub has anyone started this one on our list yet ? It‘s next on my TBR I am a huge fan of Dorothy whipple books 📕 apparently this was also made into a film 🎥
@LeahBergen @Aimeesue @jlhammar @rubyslippersreads @quietjenn @sisilia @CarolynM @Oryx @elkeOriginal @BookNAround @Eyelit @Gissy @Tamra @andrew61 @HeatherBlue @rsteve388 @Kristin_Reads @willaful @mom_of_4
How is it so far @Cathythoughts ? 🙂
(Mollie is giving Teddy a wash 👅 😆

jlhammar Not yet. This will be my first Whipple so very excited. Hoping to get started this weekend. 4mo
Tamra I‘m enjoying it, but life is an interruption! 😁 4mo
rubyslippersreads Haven‘t started it. I‘ve enjoyed the Whipples I‘ve read, so I‘m looking forward to this one. 4mo
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Cathythoughts It‘s a reread for me. But it‘s a pleasure to reread. A film ???!!!! I must look it up. 👍🏻❤️ 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 4mo
quietjenn I've read a few chapters and seems promising! 4mo
Bookbuyingaddict @Cathythoughts I found the film !! It‘s on YouTube - sadly not on sky or Amazon like most forgotten oldies I have a mountain ⛰️ of ironing plan to watch it tomorrow have a lovely 🥰 day 4mo
Bookbuyingaddict @jlhammar oh my goodness ! You must must read highwages i think it‘s her best but someone at a distance is her most famous , i enjoyed that too but adored highwages . They were sisters was also made into a film 🎥 see above 👆 both on YouTube happy 😃 reading 📖😘 4mo
BkClubCare @Bookbuyingaddict - wow! I hadn‘t realized they had made movies of DW‘s books. Exciting. ❤️ 4mo
LeahBergen I haven‘t started yet! 4mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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Starting now #Persephoneclub 🤍🤍🤍🍷

jlhammar Whipple and wine - looks divine! Can‘t wait to get started. 4mo
Tamra What a treat! I have started and am enjoying it. 😊 4mo
andrew61 Look forward to your thoughts. Might Starr it next week. 4mo
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Cathythoughts @jlhammar Wine and Whipple 🥰 4mo
Cathythoughts @Tamra 👍🏻❤️ 4mo
LeahBergen That‘s a nice pairing! I‘ve been out of town all week and haven‘t started yet. 😬 4mo
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen I watched the movie on YouTube .. thankyou @Bookbuyingaddict ! It was so good. I loved it. Very faithful to the book too. ❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
LeahBergen I‘ll watch it when I‘m done, too! 4mo
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Oh good ! I‘ll be dying to know what you think. 4mo
Bookbuyingaddict @Cathythoughts glad you enjoyed it , I love old films 🎥 @LeahBergen hi ladies happy Thursday 😀I was going to watch it whilst ironing yesterday but our fuse box blew 💥 so I had no electricity for hours, thankfully the magic 🪄 of our local electrician put in a new one 😀they are the true wizards 🧙🏻‍♂️ aren‘t they 😆so I will watch it today ! And report back 😀 4mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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It's now April so that means it's time for one of our #PersephoneClub reads!
It's my pick this month and we'll be reading They Knew Mr Knight by Dorothy Whipple. This is a casual buddy read; read and comment on each other's posts and reviews as you see them. We usually aim to finish by the middle of the month but that's not written in stone. (5) And anyone is welcome to read along with us, of course!
Via @LeahBergen

LeahBergen Thanks for the share! 4mo
Cathythoughts Yay ♥️ 4mo
Teresereading Hi can you add me to the club? 1mo
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LitsyEvents @LeahBergen, see above 1mo
LeahBergen @Teresereading I‘ll tag you in our latest post! We‘re reading Greenery Street together this month. 1mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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It‘s now April so that means it‘s time for one of our #PersephoneClub reads!

It‘s my pick this month 👏 and we‘ll be reading They Knew Mr Knight by Dorothy Whipple. This is a casual buddy read; read and comment on each other‘s posts and reviews as you see them. We usually aim to finish by the middle of the month but that‘s not written in stone. 😉 And anyone is welcome to read along with us, of course!

Aimeesue Yay, Whipple! 4mo
Tamra 🎉🎉 4mo
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jlhammar Looking forward to it! 4mo
CarolynM Lovely! I got my copy out this morning🙂 4mo
Bookbuyingaddict Thanks so much for doing this ☺️Iv had that book on my shelf for years ! Il be starting it next and keep you all posted. Happy reading 📖 4mo
Cathythoughts I‘m looking forward to it. It will be a reread for me. I must get the book down from the shelf. ❤️ 🎉 4mo
Caryl I‘m excited for our next Persephone! 4mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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Merry Christmas to me! My Persephone order arrived today and I couldn‘t be more excited. Our #PersephoneClub selections were some of the best books I‘ve read this year. Can‘t wait for more!

LeahBergen Ooo, those beauties! 🩶🩶🩶 7mo
Ruthiella Love the Persephone aesthetic. 😍 7mo
Tamra 😍😍Those are mighty pretty bookmarks! (I buy secondhand sans bookmarks. 🥲) 7mo
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squirrelbrain Pretty! ❤️ 7mo
quietjenn Ah, so very lovely! 7mo
BarbaraBB Such a gorgeous collection 🥰 7mo
Caryl Stunning! 💖 7mo
batsy How lovely! 😍 7mo
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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This book has been a lovely companion to me on our small holiday.. it‘s described as “ comforting but not cosy “.. great characters.. this one has echoes of From A Distance. The protagonists are the Blake family & I felt that I moved in with them while reading this book. I wish them well & am sorry to say goodbye. A book about greed & the nasty Mr Knight… Another Dorothy Whipple for me soon I think 👍🏻❤️

marleed Oohh, I‘m intrigued! 3y
erzascarletbookgasm It sounds lovely. I‘ve never read Whipple, stacking! 3y
TrishB Fab review! 3y
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JamieArc Beautiful book 😍 3y
Cathythoughts @marleed It‘s very good 👍🏻 (edited) 3y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm I‘ll look forward to your thoughts whenever you may get there ❤️ 3y
Cathythoughts @TrishB Thanks Trish ❤️ 3y
Cathythoughts @JamieArc It is that 👍🏻❤️ 3y
LeahBergen Dorothy Whipple is always such an immersive read for me. ❤️❤️ 3y
Ruthiella I love Dorothy Whipple! I‘ve not read this title yet, however. 3y
BarbaraBB Wonderful pic. I don‘t know this Whipple! 3y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Immersive is the word .. and she is an author you introduced me too .. Thankyou 😘 3y
Cathythoughts @Ruthiella I think this is my third .. Someone at a Distance is still my fave .. but I‘ve loved them all 3y
Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB Thanks & Yes this is a good one 👍🏻❤️ 3y
shawnmooney Cathy, how about a “bite-sized book chat” about this novel? I am pretty sure you are familiar with the series. The playlist is here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU-61cZp1pQdBH5V0Zb9q-2ujl4PY8nhf I‘d be delighted to have you on as a guest! 😁 3y
Cathythoughts @shawnmooney Thanks so much for asking me Shawn. I‘m too shy in that kind of situation , so I will decline your kind offer. I love your series and I‘m enjoying the bite-sized chats with some of my favorite Litsy friends! Thanks 🙏 😊 Cathy 3y
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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I went to the mall today to get some much needed new clothes. I got frustrated because I couldn‘t find anything that fit or was the right kind of fabric. Yes having Autism has drawbacks when picking out clothes. So I went into Schuler Books and found a #Persephone for six American dollars. It‘s didn‘t have the bookmark, but you can‘t go wrong with the price.

JamieArc Schuler books? Do you live in Michigan?? 6y
Aimeesue Persephone❤️❤️❤️ 6y
LeahBergen Dorothy Whipple. 💕 6y
quirkyreader @JamieArc yes I do. And I am a proud #mittenlitten 6y
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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A little blurb from the post script which is far more articulate than I could be.

I really liked this one, even though it was a bit of a slow burn and I knew what was going to happen as soon as Mr. Knight was introduced. But that's fine. Whipple writes well and with insight into every day domesticities and human behavior.

Gotta love #persephonebooks - they haven't let me down yet. 😃

They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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There are so many truths in this book - and this one is the most resonant.

They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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Whipple gets it. I love it when authors get everyday relationships and domesticity so right - and I love the feminists tone this book sometimes adopts.

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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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Freda, already kind of annoying, is now basically dead to me. 😂

sprainedbrain 😂😂😂 7y
diovival LOL 7y
DrexEdit 😄😄😄 7y
RealBooks4ever 🤣🤣🤣 7y
63 likes4 comments
They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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For @elkeo and any other #persephonebooks aficionados out there... the lovely endpapers for tagged book 😃

Moray_Reads 😍😍 7y
Lcsmcat Lovely! 7y
elkeOriginal Ohhhhhhh....PREEEETTTYYYY. 😻😻😻 7y
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Owlizabeth Swooooooon 7y
Reviewsbylola Very pretty! 7y
quirkyreader Very lovely. 7y
Jess_Read_This 💕sigh💕 so pretty! 7y
Lmstraubie Lovely 💕💕 7y
132 likes8 comments
They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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I may have to work this weekend (sadly no #litsypartyofone for me 🙁) - but I can at least sneak a little reading in.
looking forward to checking off another #persephonebooks selection 😁

LeahBergen I have this one on my TBR pile, too. 7y
elkeOriginal Show us the endpaper in this one! 7y
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They Knew Mr. Knight | Dorothy Whipple
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This was one of the three Persephone Books I picked up. They were as expensive used as they are brand new off the Persephone website, but when I pointed that out to the store owner he slashed the prices by 50%.

Susannah These Persephone editions are so beautiful. I keep having to remind myself that I really need to be interested in the topics of the novels before I purchase them just 'cause of the pretty. 😍 8y
quirkyreader I just love #Persephonebooks. But when I purchase them, I see them as a special treat. 8y
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