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Tough Sh*t: Life Advice from a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good
Tough Sh*t: Life Advice from a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good | Kevin Smith
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I‘m a huge Kevin Smith fan in general (photo taken at one of his talks 11/2019), I listened to this book on #audible and I recommend the audiobook because Smith‘s delivery is impeccable. Major topics include working with Bruce Willis on Cop Out, making Red State, his relationship with his wife, the death of his dad and being “too fat to fly”. Plenty of humor and insight for old fans, or new fans.

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Got in some audio walking today with Kevin Smith‘s Tough Sh*t. His Bruce Willis impersonation is 🔥#spring #audiowalking #bfc2021

rather_be_reading LOVE your hair; Dunkin rocks and brb running to look this book up! 3y
5feet.of.fury @rather_be_reading thank youuu 💜 3y
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I always enjoy Kevin Smith's writing. I love hearing his stories & perspectives. & all his stoner humor & dick & fart jokes (because I'm really a 14 year old boy on the inside). 😁 I'm glad this was my 2nd book for the #BookSpinBonanza! #DoubleSpin

& I think Isadora will be my costar for all my #BookSpinBonanza posts! 😻


TheAromaofBooks Do you think Isadora is drawn to books with faces on the cover? 😂 4y
faelinwolf @TheAromaofBooks I think she's drawn to anything that she can rub her face on! Both my cats seem to love books & will come to sniff them, rub their faces on the edges, or just lay on them. 😸 It's a weird coincidence that my first two books had faces on them! 4y
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That 70s Show has ALWAYS been one of my favorites. Kitty is my favorite character. People aren‘t getting the message to stay home, so I thought a some “KittyWit” would be appropriate. 😂🍷🥂🥃🍺 #stayhomeanddrink #that70sShow #KeepLitsyPositive #pandemichumor

JenReadsAlot Yes!! 4y
sudi It's like everyone decided this is the right time to take a stroll 😑 4y
MoonWitch94 @sudi I‘m feeling fortunate that people in my neighborhood cross the street or walk far away from others when we see each other coming. But I live in a small neighborhood, with a lake, so I‘m lucky. So many people in my state still aren‘t listening and are being charged criminally (which I agree with!). How are you holding up?!?! 4y
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MoonWitch94 @JenReadsAlot ☺️👍🏻 4y
sudi @MoonWitch94 in our area not many people are out on the streets but that's only because there are police everywhere if they spot a person on the street they usually take away their identification and file a case against them for endangering other people, they only let people go if they have to buy groceries. But in the other states it's the same as ever. They're the reason this lockdown will go on longer 😞 4y
MoonWitch94 @sudi I saw video of police in Mumbai making people who were out do squats, jumping jacks & strenuous activities before taking their IDs. It varies state to state here as well; some states have no restrictions, others are on lockdown. I also saw pictures of how empty the streets of Mumbai are & it was creepy. I hope you‘re safe 💜 4y
sudi @MoonWitch94 it's true, in my area the police were actually singing 😆. People are not listening to instructions so the police have no option. I haven't been anywhere, only went a few times for milk and eggs. There haven't been any cases nearby, hopefully it stays that way. Hope you're safe too 💕💕💕 4y
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So I go in to the optometrist for a routine eye examination and come out with a diagnosis of cataracts and macular degeneration. The cataracts are from steroid injections I get for a joint disease and can be surgically removed. The macular degeneration is really scary and could eventually lead to blindness. My solace in life is reading and I may lose it. I was not prepared for any of this. At least I have Rose. #dogsoflitsy #pitbullsoflitsy

Reecaspieces So sorry! Keeping fingers crossed treatment works. And audible books may become your best escape for a while. 5y
Soubhiville Oh gosh, sorry to hear that. Hopefully it won‘t progress that way. 5y
Emilymdxn I‘m so sorry, sending good wishes for it not to go that way. I don‘t know if this helps at all but when I had very bad problems with my hands a few years ago, I didn‘t know if the pain would improve or get worse, and I couldn‘t hold books at all and thought I might never be able to read, and I found assistance with ways to work around it. Books are more accessible then ever and I hope audio or similar could work for you if necessary 5y
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Scochrane26 I hope things get better. Sorry to hear this. 5y
AmyG I‘m sorry. May the macular degeneration go very slowly. I know someone who has had it for a long long time and is lucky it progresses slowly. 5y
SW-T Virtual hugs your way. I‘ve heard macular degeneration progresses slowly so hopefully you have time to explore treatments and alternative reading options - technology is amazing and constantly being improved. And dogs are the best when you need unconditional love and support 💕 5y
Aimeesue Eye stuff is super scary. I will say, though, that a good retinologist/ophthalmologist is worth her weight in gold. Due to diabetic retinopathy, I've had both cataracts and crazy blood vessels distorting my vision. But I had both cataract surgery and laser coagulation, and I still can see well enough to drive, read, etc. I hope the same will be true for you. 5y
kimmypete1 Love you! ❤️ 5y
Nute That kind of news is never easy to hear. Thank goodness for our puppy companions who help us to stay hopeful. Find comfort with Rose tonight and then tomorrow is a new day with a lot more energy to start to figure things out and make a plan for care and treatment. {{{HUGS}}} 5y
BlameJennyJane So so sorry. 🤗 5y
Eggs I‘m so sorry to hear about your eye troubles-sending prayers and hugs. 5y
MidnightBookGirl I am so sorry, Lil! You know that I am always here (specifically if you need help before/after cataract s) and I will read to you (and do all the voices) if you ever need it! 5y
HOTPock3tt Hugs! ♥️ Praying for it not to progress that way. Keep updated on the new advances in technology, and stay under your doctors care 5y
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#30junebooks @howjessreads #laughter My husband and I are really big fans of Kevin Smith. These books always make me laugh. The picture is of us meeting Jay and Dante from Clerks🤗 And my cat Kacy wanted to make an appearance.

brit91 Beautiful cat!!😻😻😻 5y
Tungstensmum Well, now I want to read some ksmith books 5y
Dragon 😻 5y
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Kevin Smith had a massive heart attack last night in between shows for a taping of a new comedy special. Fans of his know how verbose he is (quite the opposite of Silent Bob), and I recommend reading his Instagram/Facebook post about facing death. (This photo was posted from his hospital bed.)

Here‘s hoping he‘s back at it soon!

Liatrek I love him and had just watched his Black Panther review. Hope he gets better soon❤️ 6y
InLibrisVeritas I just saw this an hour ago! I'm glad he's okay. 6y
RedbagReadbooks @dariazeoli not cool ☹️ 6y
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SandyW Apparently he's thinking of going vegan now. 6y
dariazeoli @SandyW It‘s the first thing I thought of when I heard, especially since his wife is vegetarian and his daughter is a vocal vegan. 6y
Purrfectpages Omg! This is the first I‘m reading of this! 6y
Soubhiville Oh no! I hadn‘t heard yet either. 6y
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And who the fuck doesn‘t wanna be Batman? Batman has an impeccable moral compass, he‘s clever and mysterious, and when fucktards get sassy, he punches them in the face.

RaimeyGallant And he's Canadian. :) Like me! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. 6y
dboypr Thank you! 😊 6y
ReadingOver50 Love Kevin Smith. Dogma is my favorite movie 😄 6y
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I thought this one was worth sharing in several places, so apologies if you follow me elsewhere.

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So here's the tough shit: Security, normalcy, convenience, protection, and identity are opiates you've gotta wean yourself off before you can be an individual. You can't stand out if you're blending in.


As much as you want to walk your own path, you're terrified of standing apart because the path offers security, normalcy, convenience, protection and identity.


There's an accepted norm, and when you deviate from it, life gets more difficult.


It's tough realizing you're done doing that which defined you.

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Art can't be graded, because it's going to mean something different to everyone. You can't apply a mathematical absolute to an art because there is no one formula for self expression.

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Hockey analogy part 2.....

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Yep, I'm sticking with it. (Hockey analogy part 1....)

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Truth. It took a while to hook me into this book, but I think I'll finish it now.


We project identities onto movie stars, forgetting most are really just blank canvases across which some very cool performances happen.


But who we want or need people to be and who they really are tend to be miles apart-especially in the movies.


One of the things that helps you focus less on an undesirable present is the eternal promise of a hopeful future.


Figure out what you love to do, then figure out how to get paid to do it.

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The trick.


In the face of such hopelessness as our eventual unavoidable death, there is little sense in not at least trying to accomplish all of your wildest dreams in life.

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I have been a fan of Kevin Smith movies since Clerks.

What I like most about his movies is that despite the non-stop profanity, they somehow manage to be touching and human. And hilarious. This book delivers the same, especially the audio, which Smith narrates himself. He dishes on the movie business, his friends, wife, Bruce Willis, Tarantino, Miramax, etc, with lots of body-fluid humor and candid insight.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk I probably watched Mallrats weekly in college, and I'm a fan of the rest of his oeuvre as well. I imagine he'd make a great narrator. 7y
Gezemice @TobeyTheScavengerMonk My favorite is Dogma. Alanis Morrisette! Loved it. And yes, he is an excellent narrator. Highly recommend the audio! 7y
Soubhiville My husband is a big fan. To the point he wants to name our next dog Kevin Smith. I'm not joking. 7y
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Gezemice @Soubhiville Tell him Silent Bob is better 😉 7y
Soubhiville @Gezemice, lol, ok I will. We aren't getting a second dog until we own our next home, so he probably has a year or so to decide! 7y
GoldenGirl My favorites! 7y
Gezemice @GoldenGirl Awesome! I don't know any women Kevin Smith fans - good to know I am not the only one! 7y
GoldenGirl @Gezemice Every single time Clerks or Clerks II (or anything with him, really) comes on you can bet I am watching it! 7y
Gezemice @GoldenGirl I have not seen Clerks 2 or Red State, but all of the others. Hard to watch with kids around... 7y
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Opened my Audible app. First books I see. Pick one, any one. 😎👍🏻

Gezemice Oh, Kevin Smith, narrated by Kevin Smith! I have not heard of that one. If you pick that, sign me up to get your opinion! 7y
Redjewel_7734 The Statues That Walked gets my vote ☺ 7y
Gezemice Ok I went to amazon and listened to a sample of that book and I was reminded what I love about Kevin Smith. It is totally gross and absolutely hilarious. I am buying it! 7y
CrowCAH The Statues that Walked caught my eye first. 7y
LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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Best quote in the whole book. 🙌🏻🎨

SuperPunkNinja Preach! 💕 8y
802Librarian This is why I changed my major from art in college. I'd spend hours on something and a professor would tell me it didn't look like I tried 😔 8y
That-Bookish-Hiker My husband is a graphic designer and in order to take upper division classes He has to get all his work together and present it. He didn't pass because his work wasn't what they were looking for. I said something similar to this quote when we found out. Maybe it had a little more cursing lol. 8y
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[DELETED] 1409720085 I love this! ❤️ 8y
UwannaPublishme Bravo! 👏🏻👏🏻 8y
MrBook 😎🙌🏻 8y
MrBook @NHLibrarian I hear ya! Same happened to me with my creative writing courses *sighs*. 8y
MrBook @That-Bookish-Hiker You are awesome. Just thought you should know that 😎👌🏻🙌🏻. 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😎👌🏻 8y
MyNamesParadise My creative writings didn't match my schools program idea of what writing should be and it made me hate the program, the school, and most of the other people in my program that thought they were so great....yep still pissed about it. Mainly pissed bc it stopped me from writing what I liked and I still haven't gotten back into writing 2 and a half years later :( 8y
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