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Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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Bahahaha a YouTuber I watch says she has to stop buying books because she has a huge unread pile - 8. 8 is a pile. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

LeahBergen Eight??? Oh, that‘s precious. 😂😂 5mo
squirrelbrain Oh, bless her - she hasn‘t got a clue. 😳 5mo
Bookwormjillk That‘s not even a stack 🤣 5mo
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5feet.of.fury I take “buying breaks” a couple times a year because I don‘t like to have too much of a backlog …but 8 is a really low number. There‘s always more than 8. 5mo
shortsarahrose I have eight books currently being read in a stack on my end table 😆 5mo
TheLudicReader 🤣 seriously. Times that by about 80 and you'd have my tbr and I still keep buying. Lol 5mo
LiteraryinLawrence 8? Mere child‘s play! 5mo
Aimeesue 😂😂😂 5mo
MaureenMc Bless her heart. 😂 5mo
rockpools 😂😂😂 5mo
Ruthiella 🤣🤣🤣 EIGHT! 5mo
CSeydel 🙃 5mo
xicanti I once had a Twitter chat with someone who felt bad about her 7 unread books and was SHOCKED when I told her I‘d fought my TBR down to 75. (These days I‘ve got 12, which is more than I‘d like but still nowhere near a lot.) 5mo
Hooked_on_books Eight! Oh dear. She must be rather young. Though even when I was young, I had more than 8 TBR books. 5mo
Captivatedbybooks I have books on my TBR from like 2000 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 5mo
Leftcoastzen I make no attempts to count books on my TBR 😂 5mo
CarolynM She‘s just not trying, is she? I‘ve added twice that number to my collection in the last week alone😆 5mo
Deblovestoread Maybe when I was 8? 😂 5mo
Bklover 🙄🙄🙄 wow. 8?!?! (edited) 5mo
quietlycuriouskate Wow! It's a whole other world, isn't it? 5mo
janeycanuck You can‘t even stub your toe on 8 books! 😂😂😂 5mo
TheLudicReader @CarolynM right? And she calls herself a booktuber. Pffft. 4mo
Suet624 Oh Lordy. 4mo
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Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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I used to love the books (and tv show) featuring this #Skeleton family 🥰

#ScarathlonDailyPrompts #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash

Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I couldn‘t resist…😂🤣🤣📚📚

CoverToCoverGirl Lol 😆 I walk my cat so this is more Shady‘s style. 2y
WJCintron LOVE IT!!!! ❤ 2y
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Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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I‘m glad I didn‘t read these in public as I would have annoyed those around me with my guffawing!
1. When You are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris (actually anything by him makes me laugh).
2. At Home, by Bill Bryson
3. The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole by Sue Thousand
What about you?
@TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 @veritysalter @MoonWitch94 @runswithscissors007 @RamsFan1963 @Cosmos_Moon @Bookgoil @Lynnsoprano @Coleen_Nieto @Nute

Lynnsoprano Thanks for the tag ❤️ 4y
Nute Thanks for the tag!💕 4y
Megabooks Samantha Irby!! 4y
Singout Should I be able to copy and paste or share something like this to my own space like I can on Facebook? It seems like when I push the share button it wants to send the post to a completely different social media space. Sorry for my ignorance! 4y
Cuilin @Singout hi. I usually take a screenshot on my phone, edit, then I post. Not sure how others do it, especially on a computer. 4y
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Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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1. It‘s not scary but I won lots of competitions when I dressed as baked beans on toast! Two pieces of card and orange balloons
2. It wasn‘t scary (the tagged book) but was set in the dark and contained skeletons 🦴

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 🧡🎃🖤 4y
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Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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Just a little pharmacy-themed #HolidayLaugh for your Sunday.

#WinterGames #TeamFestivus
@wanderinglynn @StayCurious @Clwojick

+6 points (Sunday total = 642 pages)

wanderinglynn 😂😂😂 5y
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Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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LibrarianRyan hey it looks like my tree! +6 5y
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Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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A quick kids read. Loved this when I was little, and it holds up. #scarathlon #teamstoker

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
Curiouser_and_curiouser We love this book! We've had it for years, it was a favorite of all of my kids, and me too! 5y
WildQuibble @Curiouser_and_curiouser It was such a blast from the past to read it again! 5y
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Funnybones | Allan Ahlberg
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My two boys love these books! Classic Halloween reads! 🎃 👻 #ScaryScavengerHunt (with bone in the title) #scarathlon #teamstoker

JaneyWaneyB I loved these books as a kid so glad to see them still bringing joy to little ones. #ChildrensClassics 💀👻 5y
BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
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