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Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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It's every parent's nightmare. Your happy, funny, innocent son commits a terrible crime- murdering a complete stranger. You don't know who. You don't know why. You only know your teenage boy is in custody and his future lost. That night you fall asleep in despair. Until you wake . . . . . . and it is yesterday. Every morning you wake up a day earlier, another day before the murder. Another chance to stop it. Somewhere in the past lie the answers, and you don't have a choice but to find them . . .
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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A good holiday read. A mother watches her loving son murder a strange man. Why? When she wakes up the next morning it's the day before the murder. The next day she wakes up a day earlier again. Each day going back further in the past offers her the chance to find clues in the past she might use to change the future.
I liked the concept and the mystery and above all Jen as a mother. I could so relate to her!

(📸 Tanabe, Japan)

Chelsea.Poole Great review. Hope you‘re having a lovely trip! 19h
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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“They, mother and son, are a zip, slowly separating as the years rush by.”

This hits home hard, being on vacation without my son for the first time.

sarahbarnes That is a powerful image. ♥️♥️ 2d
Cathythoughts ♥️ 2d
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Whoa, the end of this book gave me chills! Such a great story, and uniquely written since the story went in reverse. Found my interest waning slightly when I was part way through, and then I was quickly drawn back in. All the stars for this fabulous mystery. #audiobook

sprainedbrain I loved this book! 🤯❤️ 2w
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Jen‘s stays up late one night waiting for her son to come home. As she‘s watching out the window she suddenly sees her son but wait there‘s someone else there. All of a sudden she sees her son pull out a knife and stab a man! How could this happen? Jen wakes up the next day but it‘s the day before the murder. Jen continues waking up earlier and earlier into the past until she can piece together why her son murdered this man.

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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Really enjoyed this time-traveling thriller! Jen is shocked when her teen son commits a murder. Why did he do it? The next day, she wakes up —yesterday. Before the crime. Then several days before, then months, then years. Can she learn things from the past to prevent it from happening? There were twists that I didn‘t see coming —maybe because they‘d already occurred … 🧐 An edge-of-your-seat ride.

LiteraryinLawrence I was really impressed with this one! 1mo
Amiable @LiteraryinLawrence It was way better than I expected! A pleasant surprise. 1mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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“How segmented life is. It splits so easily into friendships and addresses and life phases that feel endless but never, never last.”

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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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This month‘s #BooksNHoes selection makes for a super-fast-paced and genuinely fun read! I could hardly put this time-traveler-ish thriller down! The book opens with narrator Jen witnessing her son murder a man the night before Halloween. But when she wakes up the next day, the pumpkins aren‘t even carved… while some twists seem more obvious than others here, it winds up full of surprises and genuinely impossible to put down!

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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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I listened on audio, and overall this was really good. It was a different take on time-loop books, as the time went in reverse. I like how the author kept me guessing and brought the story together at the end. I figured out a couple of things while others got me. I enjoyed it.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Wow I loved this! But pay attention! There is a lot to take in and it goes quickly.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Whoa! This was so so good, my mind was blown almost the entire time!

dabbe Wow! Sounds similar to #thebros! 😃 (except maybe for the words “This was so so good)... 😂 4mo
BarkingMadRead @dabbe 🤣🤣🤣 4mo
LiteraryinLawrence Right? So good! 4mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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I really enjoyed this book. Jen can‘t believe her son killed someone. Why? When she wakes up the next day, it‘s actually the day BEFORE the killing..and then she wakes up TWO days earlier, and so on until she goes back 20 years to find out why her son killed that man. Incredible storyline. I highly recommend this book.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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“New York Times bestselling author Gillian McAllister has created a thriller unlike any other in this endlessly clever, twisty story of a mother who must move backward through time to prevent tragedy from striking at the heart of her family.

Can you stop a murder after it‘s already happened?”

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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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1. Pulling together stuff for the tax return in a couple weeks. Maybe going for a hike on Saturday if the weather cooperates.
2. I wanted to be a nurse so I could be in the navy like my dad. Not sure where I got the idea that was my only option.
3. It‘s not exactly a holiday, but I will be going back to New Jersey next month to housesit for my friends who will be traveling to see the eclipse.
4. Tagged!

Cupcake12 Great answers! Thanks for joining in and have a good week x 5mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Didn‘t see where it was headed. Very clever how it all panned out. Really enjoyed this on audio.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Why have I been snoozing on this for so long? This was the crime novel I needed in my life right now- the perfect refreshing palate cleanser. While you have to have the ability to suspend a bit of disbelief to buy into the time loop concept that underpins this story, I found this original approach to storytelling about a crime both refreshing and compelling. It‘s a complex, twisty story that unravels why rather than who. Highly recommended.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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This was different.
I enjoyed this backwards time travel, slowly revealing more and more of the truth.
Even when I thought I figured it out, I was still quite taken by the ending and how it changed the whole feeling of the book.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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My current reads

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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A friend recommended this to me because I'm "a mom of boys." ??‍♀️

Having read it, I can see that she recognized in me a mother who would do anything for her children.

In this time-travel story, Jen sees her son kill someone and is so determined to save him, she finds herself traveling back through time to understand what brought her son to that point and if there is anything she can do to correct it.

The story was told very cleverly.

LoverOfLearning So clever! I quite enjoyed the structure of the story. Solid 4 stars! 6mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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This has been on my TBR pile for quite a while, and it did not disappoint. The reverse time element was intriguing and there were several plot twists, enough to keep me guessing. Recommend!

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Went in thinking standard psychological thriller. I got a time travel adventure/mystery/thriller that really did keep even eye-rolling old me guessing, baffled and puzzling. I then also got the most heart-achingly tender portrayal of mothering a teenage boy who is emerging into adulthood, revisiting the guilt and good bits of the growing up years. As I‘ve said before, a mother/teenage son narrative is going to get me every time right now 👇

JillR However, I got peeved that I guessed a major plot twist less than halfway through (makes me feel clever, but make it harder!) 6mo
squirrelbrain Great review - I have this on my TBR shelf to read. 6mo
JillR @squirrelbrain I found it a good palate cleanser. Although, unusually for me, I found the first few chapters so very tense I nearly stopped and put it to one side. Which is a good thing, for a book to get you like that, but took me by surprise. Interested to know how you find it when you get to it. 6mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Really liked this! Still debating on this question though - if the ability to travel back in time existed, to potentially change an outcome, what would you do? I‘m still not sure 🤔
#bookspin for January complete!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great question 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 6mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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So cold outside…. 🥶. Good day for a new book and a new puzzle!

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Surprised myself with how much I liked this one! Telling the story backwards was such a unique idea. Perfect blend of secrets, time-travel, discoveries, and familial bonds. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a good suspenseful thriller read.

ShyBookOwl This was great!! 8mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time
I also enjoyed My Murder, Killers of a Certain Age,
and started a new-to-me series beginning with My Sister‘s Grave

The Spy Coast - a new Tess Garrison

I traditionally read police procedurals- Alex Cross, Eve Dallas, Kay Scarpetta, Temperence Brennan, and now Robert Dugoni‘s Tracy Crosswhite

RaeLovesToRead Yes, love a good procedural! 8mo
Chrissyreadit I love watching police procedurals too- like Shetland and Bones. Do you have one you absolutely recommend to read? 6mo
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tpixie @Chrissyreadit I haven‘t read a lot of them lately. But I was pleasantly surprised by the Tracy Crosswhite series- it‘s new to me and reminded me why I liked them. (edited) 6mo
tpixie @Chrissyreadit I was quite surprised that he wrote another book (totally different genre) that I loved 6mo
Chrissyreadit thanks!!! adding My Sisters Grave to my tbr. I‘m unsure i would like extraordinary life…. because i really struggle with serious , sad close to real life (although there are some exceptions) but murder…. no problem 🤣 6mo
tpixie @Chrissyreadit lol I understand! Paranormal things can scare me in my home when I read about them, but I can read a murder mystery!! 6mo
tpixie @Chrissyreadit Serendipity! I started listening to a podcast & Robert Dugoni ( author of My Sister‘s Grave) was on it! What a coinkydink. I had to share with you. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/you-are-what-you-read/id1707901821?i=10006... 6mo
Chrissyreadit @tpixie THANKS 🎉🎉🎉 6mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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A murder takes place immediately. Jen is watching out the window when she sees her son murder a stranger outside their home. Then this book takes a quick turn and Jen starts going back in time in order to figure out who this person is and why her son just killed him. Kinda like Groundhog Day but better. Really enjoyed this one!

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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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I love a good time travel story and this one did not disappoint! How far (back in time) will a mother go to keep her son from committing murder??

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Starting this book club choice, I thought I‘d be slugging through it, but I really enjoyed the listen! I do love a good time travel book and was intrigued by the time loop Jen was stuck in as she continued to go back in time putting the pieces together after her 16 year old commits a murder.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Thank you for my lovely gifts, Jenny! @jenniferw88

The book sounds great, I love the little extras (always a fan of stationery!), and of course the 🐿️ card is gorgeous!


jenniferw88 I'm just sorry it's so late! 🤣 9mo
squirrelbrain No worries @jenniferw88 - I forgot to say thank you for the book for my Mum too. 9mo
BarbaraBB Thanks for your lovely email! Will reply tomorrow 🩷 9mo
Caroline2 Oh I really enjoyed this one. Keeps you on your toes. 9mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Jen watches her son commit a murder and then travels backwards in time to try and figure out why it happened and how she can prevent it. I did enjoy this book although I found that it did drag a bit at the beginning of the book. The twists were good and kept me guessing for the first part of the book - once I got to the middle-end of the book I was able to put it all together. The writing was ok - but overall I enjoyed this book.

Cortg I‘m @ 1/2 through this one on audio for bookclub. So far so good. I live a good tine travel story! 9mo
Jess861 Agree - very neat concept to travel back and live out a day and then continue to travel back in time. 9mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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It is a cloudy, gloomy day so I'm starting this book with an iced coffee for my October book club. I find the concept of going back in time to figure out why the crime was committed quite interesting so I'm excited to dive in.

#IcedCoffee #GloomyDay #Thriller

Allylu Loved this book!! 10mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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This was such a smart time-jumping, mystery-thriller, family-drama. I need to read more by this author!
🦋 ⏰🦋

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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Eggs So pretty 🤩 🧡🎃 10mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🧡🧡🧡 10mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Great premise and writing. I‘m having a hard time putting the audio down. Life is getting in the way of my reading!

marleed I loved this book! 10mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Started off a little slow but the premise had me intrigued. I‘m glad I stuck with it. It ended up somewhere I was completely surprised by. Lots of twists throughout and a satisfying end thought provoking ending. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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I need a moment to process the game-changing plot twist I just witnessed. There's nothing like a good mid-point jolt!

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister

One of the best books I‘ve ever read! Genius. A must read! I cannot say anymore without giving spoilers but this book really is one of the most clever, most engaging novels I‘ve ever had the pleasure to read.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Haven‘t been to this particular beach in a while. I started this #reesesbookclub pick and the suspense starts immediately, in the 1st chapter. The story line includes a lot of “going back in time” and trying to fix the wrongs. So enjoyable, you can‘t wait to turn the next page #summerreading #librarybooks #beachreads #bookclub

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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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I'm not a huge thriller reader, but this one was really good!

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Finished this one in a day as I couldn‘t stop listening! A woman goes back in time to stop her son committing a crime. This was such a clever thriller with fast pacing which will keep you turning the pages

Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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#SummerSpecial Day 23: A #MotherSon story that I had to read for the Emirates Lit Foundation book club last month. Our discussion indicated how most of the members did not particularly like the story. While the idea seemed clever / ingenious at first glance, the characters felt flat and unidimensional. Paired with cold mezze from our favorite Turkish restaurant.

IndoorDame That spread looks incredible🤤🤤🤤 12mo
Eggs 💛👏🏻💙 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Wow 😮 😋 12mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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#SummerSpecial Day 13: This sort of Groundhog day almost feels like #PandemoniumDay as life seems to proceed backwards for the protagonist in her efforts to prevent a murder.

Eggs On m‘y TBR!👏🏻👍🏼👌🏼 12mo
Sapphire The food looks delicious (edited) 12mo
BarbaraBB That food 😍😍 12mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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This had an interesting concept: being in a timeloop to prevent your son from committing murder. I was hooked for the first couple of hours trying to figure out what was happening to Jen and trying to figure out the story. However, the middle was a little dull for me that I just wanted it to end. Luckily, the last 3 hours of the book was thrilling and I found the ending interesting. 3.5 🌟

#BookSpin #11 #ispyBingo
@TheAromaofBooks @Clwojick

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I have this one on my TBR as well!! 13mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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#SummerSpecial Day 7: For #ChocolateDay, here‘s some churros con chocolate with cream for y‘all!

Eggs ❤️🍫🤎 13mo
Susanita 😋 13mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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Jen witnesses her son murder another before being thrown into a time loop, waking up the day before the murder. She figures this must be happening because she‘s meant to stop the crime. But she wakes up the next day, now 2 days in the past. This concept was stellar! It was really interesting to see her solve the crime backwards. There‘s something about Groundhog Day books- right around the middle I want them to just end, but I suppose the

BooksNBowls characters feel the same way. 😅 4/5 13mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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So many unexpected twists - loved it on audio

Joshoary What an amazing book. It was engaging, intriguing, confusing but it also sensical. 13mo
Roxanareads I agree, very different but enjoyable 13mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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#VolumesAndVocals Day 24: #FireAwayCStapleton - although in this book, it‘s more like #StabAway with a crime committed by the protagonist‘s teenage son. And so, she moves back in time (unwittingly) to stop it. Interesting premise. Book pick for July for the #EmiratesLitFoundation book club.

Eggs On m‘y Litsy TBR!! That edible création looks full of sin and pleasure ?? 13mo
LiteraryinLawrence I thought this book was great! Really creatively done. 13mo
KadaGul @GatheringBooks you 😈. You picked a devilish delight to go w/ the 📖. It's hard to drop a comment because one‘s mind 🧠 keeps going to the snack and its hard to formulate 💬 when one is drooling in 🪣 🪣 #Devislish Delight 13mo
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GatheringBooks @KadaGul looove it! 💕what can i do? A girl‘s gotta do what a girl‘s gotta do. Lols. Chocolate pecan cinnabites, iced caramel coffee and a book - makes perfect sweet sense, right? 13mo
GatheringBooks @LiteraryinLawrence glad to hear that, i am finding the middle part a bit of a slog, and can‘t keep track of the days. 😭 it may just be me, really. 13mo
GatheringBooks @Eggs am glad i shared the entire thing with husband and daughter. Couldn‘t finish it all by myself. 🥮🍥 13mo
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Wrong Place, Wrong Time | Gillian McAllister
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I enjoyed reading this despite several irritating things, like continuity problems within days (e.g., a character who puts on pants then gets in the shower, presumably pantsless), weak motives for bizarre behavior, the fact that the timeline spans the pandemic and lockdown(s) but the author totally sidesteps both, and just feeling like the premise got stretched a little too far. I read it, and I enjoyed it, but I can't say it was "good," per se.

deeannloso I tried to read it but couldn‘t get interested. I bailed. 🙁 13mo
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