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Love Her or Lose Her
Love Her or Lose Her: A Novel | Tessa Bailey
New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey returns with a unique, sexy romantic comedy about a young married couple whose rocky relationship needs a serious renovation... Rosie and Dominic Vega are the perfect couple: high school sweethearts, best friends, madly in love. Well, they used to be anyway. Now Rosies lucky to get a caveman grunt from the ex-soldier every time she walks in the door. Dom is faithful and a great provider, but the man she fell in love with ten years ago is nowhere to be found. When her girlfriends encourage Rosie to demand more out of life and pursue her dream of opening a restaurant, she decides to demand more out of love, too. Three words: marriage boot camp. Never in a million years did Rosie believe her stoic, too-manly-to-emote husband would actually agree to relationship rehab with a weed-smoking hippie. Dom talking about feelings? Sitting on pillows? Communing with nature? Learning love languages? Nope. But to her surprise, hes all in, and it forces her to admit her own role in their cracked foundation. As they complete one ridiculousyet surprisingly helpfulassignment after another, their remodeled relationship gets stronger than ever. Except just as theyre getting back on track, Rosie discovers Dom has a secret... and it could demolish everything.
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I enjoyed the first book. When I found out this was about a married couple on the rocks, I was eager to read. This was unique for Tessa Bailey as she usually writes books about new romances. I found both Rosie & Dom SO BORING. Dom is like a caveman with zero personality... me provide for woman, grunt. Rosie is a bit of a drip. I also found Travis & Georgie to be over the top in this novel.
Oh, yes.. the nickname "Honey Girl" ??
Overall - cringe.

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I love Rosie and Dominic‘s relationship! This book is equally swoon worthy and steamy. Absolutely loved the second book in this series!

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Rosie leaves her husband Dom until he shows her more love. They both go into marriage counseling. What Rosie doesn‘t know is Dom has been hiding something from her. What is it? Will they be able to fix their marriage together in time?
This was a cute second chance romance. I didn‘t like their non-communication, but I liked that they went to counseling for that. The spice was there. The characters were okay, but I liked their chemistry & arcs more.


What a sweet story. Their marriage issues were so realistic, I think many couples struggle to keep romance alive. There were many funny moments lightening the story. I loved that the topic of the book was expressing emotional intimacy. Though I am not complaining about the level of spice - and whoaaa the scenes were verrrry nice to read.

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I enjoyed this book, if not just because of the last ditch marriage therapist. Rosie and Dominic have kept their marriage together with sex. I commend Rosie for leaving to fulfill her needs. I commend Dominic for doing whatever it took to win her back. Even a weird therapist. (W/ right ideas) Nice to hear about the love languages and ideas to implement them. Yea, borderline too much sexual stuff for me. But I read it as husband and wife desire

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Really enjoying the book. I feel a bit of familiar connection between them. If not just because I recognize this from my parents. Dominic, like my dad, shows love in deeds. They‘re both military guys, too, so I sense that as well. Same as Rosie and my mom needing words. Yeah, the point that the only thing that kept them together was the sexual attraction? They miss each other, but Rosie doesn‘t feel appreciate anymore.
Also; marriage therapist

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Another 5⭐️ book from Tessa Bailey! It was sweet and it made me fall in love with the characters more and more. I love having the background characters grow as well. Ready for book 3!

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Went from hating Dominic to loving him and I liked that this romance wasn‘t a meet-cute but a rebuilding of love that was already there

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This is a hotter than the cover leads you to believe, a five alarm 🔥. A little messy and predictable but a pick for me, even if just barely. All these home renovation romances make me want to knock out a wall or two. 😂 #MarvellousMarch @Andrew65

Andrew65 Looks good 👏👏👏 3y
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Ooof. This one isn‘t for me. I tried but I‘ve also realized my time is too valuable to waste it reading a book that I‘m not enjoying.

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I loved Fix Her Up (1st in this series) and was looking forward to this, but as a divorcee who went through a traumatic breakup and divorce, watching a couple fix their marriage just isn‘t quite working for me. Only 33% through, and I‘ll keep going, but this one isn‘t really doing it for me.

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Not my favorite, but cute

Reggie I loved their out there marriage counselor. 4y
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I read this in one day. In my read to escape plan this worked I read this in a day - it‘s not my favorite but I‘ll probably read the next one in the series.


Read this book in a day! Couldn‘t put it down!

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This is the first book I've finished while in the hospital, with plenty of time to go in my stay for more. The sexy talk was a little too extreme for me and I cringed when Dominic called Rosie honey girl. But I did like how this was about rediscovering why they love each other and how they support each other in their marriage.

ElizaMarie I didn‘t mind honey girl but... I agree the sex talk was a bit much! 4y
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I was hesitant to read this one as books where a married couple have a falling out and put it back together aren‘t usually my thing. I really got into this one in the beginning, there were lots of feels and heartache. I didn‘t like one aspect of the ending at all and how it was handled really brought me down. They needed more time to deal with it imo.

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Wow, it makes me so sad I really didn‘t like this book when Fix Her Up was a favorite from last year. Dominic and Rosies marriage is on the rocks and the only thing they have is dominating sex? No, it did not work for me and was weird to read and the chemistry didn‘t read on the page. My face was permanently in a what in the world expression the whole book. I liked Rosie, Dominic was dominating and a liar and probably my least favorite hero ever.

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I am using this for the free space for my goals because ... Well I think this will be the last book I read this month (seeing as tomorrow is May)

I enjoyed this book. However there were a lot of parts that made me super angry. Like I don't have an issue with hot and heavy, I like hot and heavy but I don't think that solves relationships. I don't know.. I would say this book was a bit of a so-so for me
#bookishbingo #AprilBingo #Challenge


So I like the idea of therapy to fix what‘s wrong in your relationship. I guess what is irking me about this (so far) is that the hubby goes back to physically trying to seduce her. She needs more ...

I feel like men think their penis has magical powers and all they have to do is wave it around and everything is all better..

Okay maybe why I‘m especially annoyed is because I just received an unsolicited dick pic this morning :/

erinachu Sometimes it is just easier for men to wave their penises around. Some men aren't taught any better than "sex fixes relationships". Then when they get into relationships, they're confused. 4y
ElizaMarie @erinachu ugh yes! 4y
erinachu Still not an excuse for unsolicited dick pics 4y
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Ugh settling is something nobody should do. It sucks to feel so alone in a marriage.

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Heard some good reviews on this one. So I‘m giving it a check out.

CBee How are you feeling? 4y
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I love that this #romance centers on an already married couple working through a rough patch, so not your typical romance formula. It definitely falls on the steamier side of the spectrum (let's just say physical chemistry is NOT why they're seeing a therapist 😳). I personally enjoyed it but the 🔥 may not be to everyone's taste.

PS: These characters are first introduced in Fix Her Up, so while it can stand alone, it's better read in order.

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This romance was hot (and maybe a little intense for my taste) but the relational growth and psychological/relational work between the characters was inspiring. This author definitely has some counseling experience, because the therapy the characters go thru together is spot-on! It‘s inspiring to see a romance with married characters working on their relationship.


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Fun, heart warming romance. Great addition to this series.

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I wanted to like this more. The other reviews I‘ve read here are on point: good premise but it‘s hard to like Dominic (I don‘t) and Rosie would probably be better off without him. Great use of the love languages, but this relationship just didn‘t work.

Also, it‘s skeezy how Dom hyper-focuses on Rosie‘s attractiveness, and makes me wonder how he‘d feel if she, say, had a baby and ended up with saggy boobs and stretch marks.

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I really liked the premise of this book, about a couple with married couple struggling and going through counseling. However it suffers from the “Just Tell The Truth!!!” problem. It is so frustrating. Also, I have no issues with a good sex scene but the ones in this book felt like they belonged in another book. I‘m just squeaking this into so-so. #romantsy #diversereads

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“Rosie Vega: a department store shopper‘s worst nightmare.”


LoverOfLearning "The human head is of the same size and weight as a roaster chicken". - Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers. ?? 4y
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I didn‘t like this one nearly as much as fix her up! Felt like the husband was a possessive controlling jerk and she would‘ve been better off without him! I do have hope for the third book in the series!! Just my opinion, wasn‘t rooting for these characters to make it in the end!!

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I enjoyed this story about Rosie and Dominic. Rosie, deciding she‘s had enough silence in her marriage, leaves, and Dominic, scared and realizing it might really be over, says yes to her last chance demand of extreme couples therapy. She needs words and he needs actions which sounds easy until you see all the ways they had failed each other. A solid pick! #loveinthetimeofthecoronovirus My only cons were👇🏼

Reggie His parents were Puerto Rican and her mother was from Argentina, you would have thought there might be a little Spanglish going on, or some dirty talk in Spanish, or a Spanish pet name but no, he called her honey girl. Other than that, I enjoyed this book. (edited) 4y
BarbaraBB That hashtag 😉. The book sounds real good. 4y
batsy Reggie, I think you're doing pandemic reading right! Just need lots of fluff and softness at the moment. 4y
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Centique I think you‘re totally right, it doesn‘t feel quite the same if the language doesn‘t reflect the character and community. I‘ve read some books lately that are really good at that and now I notice when it‘s missing more than I used to. 4y
Centique @batsy I also recommend Harry Potter on audio - it‘s my ultimate de stressing tool. 👍 4y
Reggie @BarbaraBB 😊 It was pretty decent. 4y
Reggie @batsy oof, there‘s those of us at work trying to talk people down from the ledge, and then there are those trying to push people over the edge with this virus. They make me so 😡!!! So yes, I‘m enjoying myself in these books. 4y
Reggie @Centique I really wanted to say it‘s not enough to make their skin a different color. But I don‘t want to take away from the fact that the story is good. And the Heroine does reference Argentinian food. So there‘s that. 4y
batsy @Reggie It's awful how irresponsible people can be in terms of scare-mongering when so many people are already frightened and anxious. I hope you and your family and colleagues are OK. 4y
batsy @Centique I'm thinking of turning to some tried and tested comfort reads, too 💜 4y
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Afghanistan changed him but really it was learning about each other's love languages and using them effectively that saved their marriage. Open door romance featuring a sub character couple from "Fix Her Up". They could be read as standalones but they are better together. Says two more characters will get their own story in the fall of '20. I enjoyed Rosie & Dominic's persuit to save their decade long marriage. Some scenes use permitted dominance.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Fun cover!! 📚💛 4y
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I may be a horrible person but I wanted them to divorce. There were times I fake puked. It‘s not bad if you want something very intimate

Sassy_Steph Me too, I thought he was a possessive, controlling jerk! Wasn‘t impressed with this one but I look forward to Bethany‘s story!! 4y
MeJeMiller @Sassy_Steph I kind of understood his actions but they just didn‘t seem right for each other 4y
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I've read a couple of romance novels now where the protagonists are a married couple trying to fix your marriage. In this case, all Rosie and Dominic have going for them is their chemistry, every other part of their marriage has fallen apart. Despite that, it's a very steamy romance that is very fun too. I continue to enjoy this series from Tessa Bailey

anus Cool 4y
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1. Love Her or Lose Her by Tessa Bailey

2. Anything by Elizabeth Hunter, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott

3. Got a massage, a library card, and did some shopping with @rachelsbrittain


rachelsbrittain 😊😊😊 4y
mollyrotondo Yayyy to the library card! 4y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ It was fine. I actually did enjoy the first 2/3s of it, but then I was just ready for it to be over. I know it‘s a romance, but the amount of sex was so over the top. Also the pet name “honey girl” was used so often 🙄 It was nice having main characters of color, but I don‘t know that they were done justice by the author. I did love that it was about a failing marriage - that was a premise I‘m not used to in this genre.

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Meh. A follow up to FIX HER UP. I was so intrigued by this premise and in many ways, Bailey delivered: she really nailed a marriage that wasn't working but in really tame, boring ways. There was no huge sin or betrayal that caused things to suddenly be cold between Rosie and Dominic; they just stopped being friends. But otherwise, this book felt flat, unsexy, and busy. The side characters can't stop mugging, and the HEA feel unearned.

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I loved everything about this book. This second chance romance for a married couple who has let their relationship go. I loved seeing Rosie and Dominic open up to each other and remember why they loved each other so much. I loved visiting the characters that were in the 1st book of this series. I can‘t wait to read Bethany‘s and Wes book. I hate that I have to wait until September.

Jas16 I really loved this one too 4y
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Tessa Bailey's Love Her or Lose Her, the second in her Hot and Hammered series, is great. Its focus is the failing marriage of Rosie and Dominic Vega. (They're friends and colleagues of the couple from book 1, Fix Her Up..) Rosie leaves Dominic early in the novel because she has realized that the ONLY thing they have connecting them is an amazing sex life. And that's just not enough. ⬇️

UnabridgedPod Rosie has lost confidence, has abandoned her dreams, and has forgotten who she is, stuck in a dead-end job that further compounds her misery.⠀

For Dominic, Rosie is the center of the world, the woman who drives his every action . . . but he doesn't know how to show her (or tell her) how important she is.

I liked this book. I didn't love it. I think part of that because romance-after-marriage is not my favorite romance-novel trope. ⬇️
UnabridgedPod There's also a central misunderstanding that it took WAY too long to clear up, and I felt as if it subverted some of Bailey's messages about the changes these characters are marking. Generally, though, Rosie and Dominic are strong, nuanced characters, and Bailey's writing is solid. (This one is S-T-E-A-M-Y, so be prepared!)⠀

What romances (or just books) have you read that are focused on what happens AFTER the wedding?
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Super cute and fun. I loved the rom com and the broken marriage and them trying to save it through going through counseling. It was funny, cute, and just a fun fast read that I recommend to anyone.
#loveherorloseher #fixherup #tessabailey #romcom #chicklit #litsy #littens #bibliophile #quickread #pick #fivestars #bookstagram

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Fix Her Up was one of my fave books of the year so I'm glad the series continues! This time we're witnessing Rosie & Dominic's story.Tessa took a risk w/this one bc she used a failing marriage as a starting point for a rom-com. This one may have been better than the first, bc it was so realistic & emotional. The great drama you normally find in these books were quieter & internal which made them more tragic. #wintergames #slaybells #tbr #netgalley

MidnightBookGirl I do have Fix Her Up on my TBR piles, so I might need to get to it (I think in February I'm going to do a mix of romance and Black History Month reads). 16 pts! 5y
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Dominic and Rosie have been together forever but have stopped communicating outside of the bedroom. Rosie is done with feeling alone in her marriage. She wants out but Dominic isn‘t letting her go. I loved this book. Bailey does a great job delving into each of their emotions and how they can love each other deeply while still failing each other. I hurt for them both but there is still laughter and all the dirty talk Bailey is known for.

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Sunday afternoons were made for reading. 😊🐕💜

#romantsy #arc #dogsoflitsy

Bookzombie 💕🐶 5y
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Advanced Readers Copy of the new Tessa Bailey, a quick and breezy read that is just as heartwarming and sexy as always


I cannot state enough how much I love the Hot & Hammered series!!! I haven‘t had a chance to read her other series yet, but based of this one, she writes perspectives with such realism. Her characters don‘t do overly stupid things, they are adult conflicted, and they want to do better. I cannot wait to see what happens next with ”Bethy” & Wes!

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Out January 2020!!

If you‘ve read Fix Her Up, you will love Love Her or Lose Her. More 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Started this last night on my #kindle - it‘s an #arc from #netgalley
Publication date is January 2020!
Book 2 in the Hot & Hammered series