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Marilou Is Everywhere
Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
25 posts | 14 read | 33 to read
Consumed by the longing for a different life, a teenager flees her family and carefully slips into another -- replacing a girl whose own sudden disappearance still haunts the town. Fourteen-year-old Cindy and her two older brothers live in rural Pennsylvania, in a house with occasional electricity, two fierce dogs, one book, and a mother who comes and goes for months at a time. Deprived of adult supervision, the siblings rely on one another for nourishment of all kinds. As Cindy's brothers take on new responsibilities for her care, the shadow of danger looms larger and the status quo no longer seems tolerable. So when a glamorous teen from a more affluent, cultured home goes missing, Cindy escapes her own family's poverty and slips into the missing teen's life. As Jude Vanderjohn, Cindy is suddenly surrounded by books and art, by new foods and traditions, and most important, by a startling sense of possibility. In her borrowed life she also finds herself accepting the confused love of a mother who is constitutionally incapable of grasping what has happened to her real daughter. As Cindy experiences overwhelming maternal love for the first time, she must reckon with her own deceits and, in the process, learn what it means to be a daughter, a sister, and a neighbor. Marilou Is Everywhere is a powerful, propulsive portrait of an overlooked girl who finds for the first time that her choices matter.
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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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More recent Dollar Tree finds 🖤
I think all the blues look nice together.

#dollartree #dollartreefinds #bookhaul #newbooks #haul #dollartreehaul

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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Another impulse contemporary fiction #audiobook purchase!

Jude has gone missing. Cindy‘s brother was dating Jude, and Cindy starts coming around Jude‘s house after the disappearance. Jude‘s mom is an alcoholic who can‘t accept what has happened to her daughter, and Cindy takes advantage and slides into Jude‘s life. This odd tale was full of interesting twists and turns that kept me entertained.

I am loving Kristen Sieh‘s narration these days!

Cinfhen Hmmmm, an evil Cindy!! Maybe ?? 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I got it at the current audible 2-for-1 sale. I am all about Kristen Sieh doing awkward young characters right now. It‘s just my favorite!! 3y
Cinfhen What else has she narrated?? Her name sounds familiar but i can‘t remember where I know her name/ voice from!?!! 3y
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Megabooks @cinfhen These two that I really loved (edited) 3y
Megabooks @cinfhen And this one that I preordered 3y
Megabooks Contemporary fiction with quirky heroines basically. @Cinfhen 3y
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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith

"I stood by the window and watched an icicle with the sun pouring through it. It went bright as an arc flame."

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith

"The house smelled wrong, like milk in the back of a mouth."

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith

"I heard him crying. It was shuddery. It sounded like he was chipping pieces off a big rock, but trying to be quiet about it."

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith

"And I had a way of standing around which indicated I would like to be pulled inside out and swiftly disappeared from the earth."

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith

"She slept under a pile of coats, like everyone had just left a party and run out into the snow."

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith

"Inside the gas station was a store that had basically one of everything. All the food was pushed to the edge of the shelf with nothing else behind it, so it looked more like someone‘s private soup museum than a grocery."

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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Today‘s card is: four of clubs (wands); STABILITY


This makes me think of Cindy from the tagged book. She come from a neglectful and abusive family and tried to take on another identity to attain a more stable life... in some ways.

Repost and tag a friend! I‘ll tag some people who played yesterday:
@wanderinglynn @Chrissyreadit @DaveGreen7777 @Eggs @MoonWitch94 @TheSpineView @TheAromaofBooks

Eggs Thanks for the tag 🤗 4y
TheSpineView Thanks for tagging me!❤🏷 4y
MoonWitch94 Thanks for the tag 💗⭐️ 4y
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DaveGreen7777 Hmmm... I‘ll have to think about this one! 🤔 Thank you for the tag! 🏷 4y
wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag! ☺️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks Thank you for the tag!! 4y
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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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I spent a really great weekend with my best friend who was in town to visit, so I didn‘t get a lot of reading done. Thought I‘d share a past read. I read this one last year and thought it was great. Covers a lot - mental health,classism, abuse, mystery and trauma. A pretty quick read!

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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Another great @Liberty rec! I found this book at times un-put-down-able and at others difficult to connect to. It really puts you inside the character's head, which is not always a pleasant place to be. Very well written. The MC reminds me of Merricat. 💕

I finished my first #bookspin! I will probably not get to my #doublespin this month though. This puts me at eighteen hours for #SquidgetsRoomReadathon!

starlight97 Lovely succulents 😍 4y
Linsy @TheAromaOfBooks Forgot to tag you before!! Thanks for inspiring me to finally get to this one. 💚 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!! And your succulents look way happier than mine. 😆 4y
Linsy @TheAromaofBooks I should probably admit then that my succulents died; there are my husbands. 😄 4y
TheAromaofBooks haha perfect. I do not understand why everyone acts like succulents are the easiest plants to grow! They don't communicate the same way other plants do, and I always drown them eventually. 4y
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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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My #bookspin and #doublespin. I wasn't getting into Marilou before, but absolutely can't stop since picking it up again. So glad it was my No. 12! @thearomaofbooks

TheAromaofBooks Ooo these both look fun! I love the cover of the folk tales book. 4y
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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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Just starting another @Liberty rec! #currentread #jumpstart2020

P.S. My phone broke. But apparently it's not all bad because I just found out I can Litsy on my computer! #litsytips

MyNamesParadise I recently realized Litsy works on the desktop too! Very cool! 5y
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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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Read this one from. The 2020 Tournament of Books short list. So original! I absolutely couldn‘t put it down. #ToB20

Cinfhen The cover is great!!! 5y
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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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I forgot to mention that I was reading this one! It‘s another good messed up family drama.

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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith

This book started out hard to get into but eventually I couldn't stop reading and it even made me cry a little.

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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I looked around for the five dollars. I thought I had been holding it the whole time, but it was gone. I thought of the five dollars sheltering in a hidden root tent, shuddering in the wind alone like that. It made me cry. I cried to think of anything being alone, even if it could not draw a breath 🥺

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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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Starting this one while The BFG is all “If I fits, I sits.” I‘m not going to tell him that he does not fit...🤫

CaroPi Boxes are the best friend for a cat 5y
OriginalCyn620 That‘s so adorable! ❤️🐱 5y
LeahBergen 😆😆 He has the sweetest face! 5y
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LauraBeth @LeahBergen 😺 He‘s such a sweet cat! He loves everyone! 5y
LauraBeth @CaroPi and bags! 5y
Balibee146 He's so adorable ❤️❤️😻 5y
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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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“I wasn‘t trying to become Jude. Not exactly. But I wanted to disappear and she had left a space. When I stepped into that space, I vanished from my senses. It changed me into someone who didn‘t have my actual mind...Now I know how that sounds: teenage, teenage. I was and it brought me to wickedness. Except in wickedness, I loved the world, too, in a way so fierce I assumed no one could imagine. And I love it still.”

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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Mayvne and I are starting a new book and are very excited!!😁🎉 #puppiesoflitsy

Gina That oldie phone has me curious... 5y
Godpants Oh I‘m excited for this one. 5y
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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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Belletrist August Pick #1

I hated this book. I found the story to be pointless and the main character not only annoying, but stupid. She just seemed to be self-absorbed with her own little world and nothing else mattered. Also, how she treats the behavior of her mother as normal was frustrating. I would never be okay with a parent being out of my life. Just....don't even bother picking this up.

Photo: Amazon

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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This is my stack of signed editions, part 1 (I have 2 more events to go to!)— I went to listen to Sarah Elaine Smith and she was pretty cool, her work fascinating, and I just happened to snatch up signed copies of these other 2 new releases 😊 #bookhaul

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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Marilou is Everywhere so glad she landed here for my weekend read,Thanks @RiverheadBooks

Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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#bookmail is the best kind of mail

batsy Excellent covers for both 😍 5y
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Marilou Is Everywhere | Sarah Smith
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I read this incendiary debut this afternoon. It was exactly the right book for a sweltering summer day. The writing is so perfect and delicious, I wanted to eat it. 🍽🌺📚

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