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What Remains of Heaven
What Remains of Heaven: A Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery | C.S. Harris
15 posts | 20 read | 9 to read
Sebastian St. Cyr's search for the killer of the controversial Bishop of London leads him from the back alleys of Smithfield to the power corridors of Whitehall to the well-guarded secrets of his own family's past.
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I might have been on a tiny little murder spree these past weeks, thanks to #EasterCrime. @Leniverse

My latest adventure took me to Regency London where Sebastian St. Cyr was on the hunt for the person who murdered a bishop. A case that revealed secrets that had been buried for decades.

#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65

TheSpineView As long as the murder spree is just fiction it works. You know it is a good week when you don't have to hide a body.🤣🤣🤣 4mo
julesG @TheSpineView 🤣🤣🤣 4mo
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Starting March with #SeriesLove2023 Both books are number 5 in their respective series. Love both series!

TheSpineView Great way to start the month. 1y
Andrew65 Village Secrets is next up for me in the series. A bit off kilter at the moment. 1y
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#librarybook #policeprocederal #VictorianLondon
I have not read a Sebastian St. Cyr mystery in quite some time. I do enjoy the setting so far: the gritty streets of London, the country church with its ancient crypt open to the sky now that a wall came down during construction. The power of the Church of England in spiritual, political, & social matters, is quite clear. And of course St. Cyr himself, a complicated,enigmatic figure. Only 55 pgs.in!

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A very productive week, Seven Books Finished And 2032 Pages Read.
Quite a range of books!
@Cinfhen #WeeklyReport

MrBook Niiiice! 5y
Andrew65 @MrBook Thanks, a productive week (although short books) after only finishing one the previous week. 5y
TrishB A great week 👍🏻 5y
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Andrew65 @TrishB Thanks, it was. 5y
Crazeedi Wow great job Andrew! I have to read 6 more book to reach my goodreads goal by end of year, think I'll make it? If I were you I would!! 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Good luck with that.i still need to read 13 books before the end of the year for my Century challenge as well as a handful of other books I am committed to. 5y
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Sebastian is asked by Archbishop of Canterbury to investigate 2 corpses found in an ancient crypt separated by decades. Many suspects. Page turner & lots of twists and turns keep the plot moving. This series just gets better and better. Keeps me wanting Sebastian and his love, Kat, to get back together. Looking forward to the next in the series and highly recommend to those who love historical mystery.

16 pts

#WinterGames #JingleBallers #TBRRead

FantasyChick Ooooh this sounds good! I might have to stack this one 16pts 5y
EadieB @FantasyChick This is the 5th book in the series so you should start at the 1st book in order to get to know the characters from the start. 5y
Crazeedi I know I've read 3 maybe 4 of these, I have to check 5y
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The Sebastian St Cyr Series just goes from strength to strength! This has rapidly become a favourite series, strongly recommended if you like crime books, historical mysteries, Regency books, or just well written mystery and Suspense books. Love the way how C S Harris wove so much of Sebastian‘s story in alongside the murder mystery. What is not to love and I strongly recommend you give these a try. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Just wish easier to get hold of in UK

EadieB @ Andrew65 I'm finishing this tonight as I was babysitting all day and watching Christmas movies. Nice review and I agree that the books get stronger and stronger and they are well written! 5y
CoverToCoverGirl Excellent review! You‘re really making me want to add this series to my already enormous TBR list. 5y
Andrew65 @CoverToCoverGirl Thanks, it would be a great addition to your Mount TBR. 5y
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Andrew65 @EadieB Thanks, it is an excellent series. 5y
Crazeedi @Andrew65 @EadieB @gradcat I dont know if I've read the first one, I have to check. And I'll have to get busy on this series for sure! Great review Andrew, I know if you like I will like!! 5y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi Thanks 😊, and I‘m sure you will like them. 5y
gradcat @Andrew65 Thanks for the tip, Andrew. I‘ve been a bit under the weather, so I‘m very behind (as usual)! I‘m just finishing up the Cara Black book! 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat Oh no, hope you are o n the road to recovery. After the flooding locally in early November we have got the worst flu bug going round Think ever seen. Never ever known so many children off each day. 5y
gradcat @Andrew65 I can‘t remember when I was so weakened by a flu or cold, etc. Maybe it‘s just that I‘m old! I hope you and your family have made it through the flooding and flu unscathed! ♥️ 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat Yes so far but devastated school attendance. Worst ever flu outbreak I‘ve known. 🤒😷 5y
gradcat @Andrew65 Make sure you all take good preventive measures. I‘m finally up and about, but it really shattered me. ♥️ 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat Still holding out surrounding by ill people. 😷 🤞 5y
gradcat Stay well. You don‘t need any more health issues! 😱 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat Despite those health conditions and the excessive hours I‘ve put in recently been one of the healthiest people around school. 5y
gradcat That‘s amazing—that flu must be awful! 🤒 5y
Andrew65 @gradcat Never known a worse time in 29 years in school. 5y
gradcat 🤒 😱 5y
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This is the schedule for the Group Read of What Remains of Heaven, Book 5 in the excellent Sebastian St Cyr Series. This takes place on Librarything.

All welcome to join us. If you want to join post below and I will post the link to the Group. 😊🤗

EadieB @Andrew65 Thanks for the schedule! 5y
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Love this series

LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! #LitsyWelcomeWagon
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 5y
Kaylamburson Welcome to Litsy!!! I hope you love it here!! 5y
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PurpleyPumpkin Welcome to the Litsy family! It‘s a great community and I hope you enjoy it here. 😉👍🏽 5y
jpmcwisemorgan Welcome to Litsy!!! 5y
Smrloomis Welcome! 🥳 5y
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Sebastian St. Cyr. I‘ve been meaning to get to this series for awhile. Only on book 5 but I already bought them all! So good. 👀❤️📚

EadieB Love this series too! I‘m getting ready to read Why Mermaids Sing. 6y
tonyahoswalt I'm enjoying the first book! Hoping to finish it today. 6y
robinb I‘ve read them all too...a favorite series of mine! Wish I had your nice collection though...mine are mostly on Kindle or were borrowed from the library. One day...🤞😊👍 6y
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TaciturnWhenReading @EadieB Hope you enjoy it! 6y
TaciturnWhenReading @robinb I found almost all of them on ThriftBooks! 6y
robinb @TaciturnWhenReading I definitely want to collect. I want to be able to re-read when I‘d like. Thanks for the tip on ThriftBooks. 👍 6y
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The twists keep coming…

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On to book four of today‘s #readathon! If you‘re a fan of historical mysteries, this series is great for binge reading - fast paced, short chapters, lurid in an entertaining way. #Deweys24HourReadathon

Jprglisa Way to go!!! Cheering you on! 6y
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I am seriously devouring this mystery series. Harris is a master with historical details, character development, plot movement, etc. These books are true treasures to read! ❤ Oh, and can I just say....I am loving this cover! 5/5 #romantsy #osrbc

Karenlovesbooks Your posts are reminding me that I need to get back to this series! I've read the first couple and really enjoyed them. 8y
robinb #karenlovesbooks, I am so happy that I took a little break from my historical romances to try some historical mysteries! This series has me hooked....I'm in for the long haul! 😄 8y
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5th book in this historical mystery series.
Love this series. Shit hits the fan in this installment. Must read in order. 😱

robinb Can't wait to get to this one! I just finished When Gods Die....so glad I discovered these! 8y
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This series keeps getting better with every book. Sebastian St. Cyr (my literary crush 😍) is as dashing, intelligent, and clever as always.

DGRachel I ❤️ this series! 8y
LizzyM I think I need to start this series. I have come across it multiple times but I just haven't gotten around to trying it! 8y
Bookworm83 @LizzyM I say do it. You won't regret it! 8y
MamaGina I love this series too ... The women are as strong, complicated and interesting as the men, definitely no shrinking violets here! 8y
Thessalia You had me at "Literary Crush"... I am a sucker for figures described like this (guy or gal really). 8y
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