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My Life in Middlemarch | Rebecca Mead
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Figured now might be a good time to finally read this one, with all things MM fresh in my mind.

jlhammar I‘ve had this on my shelves for years. Haven‘t read it yet so look forward to your thoughts! 1y
quietjenn @jlhammar Same! I'm actually attending this library copy with a digital arc in my files. 🫤 1y
JenniferP A really enjoyed this! 1y
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Ruthiella Oh yeah! I forgot about this book. I too will take special care to see what you think. Maybe I‘ll pick it up if you like it. 1y
quietjenn *alternating, not attending. Someday I will proofread thoroughly before posting ... 1y
kspenmoll I read this after my first read of Middlemarch- thinking of rereading it. 1y
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Middlemarch | George Elliot
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#PemberLittens #Middlemarch
Mr. Brooke doesn‘t have a train of thought; he has a roomba of thought.

Liz_M 😂 1y
kspenmoll 😂😂 well said! 1y
IndoorDame 🤣🤣🤣 1y
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MicrobeMom Thank you for the tag! I am going to check out this readathon! My first was very successful! 1y
Librarybelle Good luck!! 1y
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Librarybelle Hooray!! 2y
Cinfhen I find it‘s hard to have so many books going at once!! I admire your ability to keep track 😅 2y
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TheBookHippie 🖤🖤🖤 2y
Cinfhen I‘m listening to The Godmothers too and I‘m really enjoying the story!! Looking forward to discussion tomorrow 😊 2y
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Middlemarch (Revised) | George Eliot
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My very boring #Nook version of #Middlemarch. I went to several places looking for a copy & could not get one, so I settled for an Ebook. If I like it, I may invest in an illustrated copy. So many #PemberLittens have posted theirs, and they are gorgeous!

BarkingMadRead Your ebook is soooooooo much lighter than the physical copy lol it‘s like weight lifting 🏋️‍♀️ 2y
dabbe I read mine on my Kindle and appreciated not having to carry around a big tome! The story is so worth it! 2y
MoonWitch94 @BarkingMadRead That is quite true, haha! @dabbe I am enjoying it so far. 2y
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I‘m not sure what I‘m getting myself into, but I own #Folio editions of both of these books, so I‘m going to sign up for both of these #chunksters

#ChunksterChallenge #PemberLittens #Clarissa #middlemarch #groupreads #chapteraday

Amiable Yay! Email me (AmyBF45 at gmail.com) and I‘ll send you the graphics you can post when you‘ve completed #ChunksterChallenge2023 2y
LeahBergen I‘m reading Clarissa, too (well, when my copy arrives)! 2y
Aimeesue Me too! I am THRILLED that the reading sched follows the dates of the letters. Y'ALL ARE MY PEOPLE! 😂 2y
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TheBookHippie Oh how pretty!!! 2y
batsy Ooh! 😍 I loved both books. 2y
Klou Omg where did you get that shelf decoration from, on the right? It's gorgeous 😍😍😍😍 2y
rubyslippersreads @Klou I found her at a thrift shop, and she just had to come home with me. 2y
kspenmoll What a gorgeous photo & books & all of it! 2y
New Kid on the Book Beautiful photo! 2y
Klou @rubyslippersreads what a great find!! I'd have been the same. Its stunning! 2y
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My Life in Middlemarch | Rebecca Mead
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#ArtfulAugust #booksAboutBooks Geez , I bought this a long time ago.I love Middlemarch , but read it years ago , my plan was to reread Middlemarch , then get to this book. I‘m easily distracted, what can I say?

batsy I had grand plans to read it soon after it came out, as well. Someday we'll get to it 😁 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚👍🏻📚 2y
Eggs 🥳📚😍 2y
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