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Dumplin' (Dumplin' #1) | Julie Murphy
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‘…hot chocolate on Mondays, because Fridays didn‘t deserve all the attention.‘

#currentread #YA #latetotheparty

CogsOfEncouragement I enjoyed this one. 😊 7mo
Sharpeipup It‘s a good one and the movie is well done. 7mo
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#Two4Tuesday #Latetotheparty

1) I talk to myself All The Time.
2) the tagged book is first in a series the full of quirky characters


TheSpineView Never too late to play!🌞 10mo
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River Marked | Patricia Briggs
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Mercy and her crew struggle to control the uncontrollable—a river monster! I‘m #latetotheparty with this series. Plus, I constantly put it down for extended periods. But that‘s only because I‘d like to stretch out my enjoyment.

My only concern is whether the author has a personal connection to the indigenous peoples and mythologies in her books. Or does she practice cultural appropriation?

#booked2023 #aboutamonster #pantone2023 #mochamousse

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BarbaraJean Late but welcome! I‘m interested to hear what you think! 2y
DivineDiana Thank you @BarbaraJean! 😊 2y
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#ChunksterChallenge2021 @Amiable #LateToTheParty I‘m joining the challenge late to tackle this 1124 page book that has been languishing in my stacks. It is set in the 14th century and I‘m all about the medieval lately. Slow and steady while I read other books too.

Mammaletterario Omg so I literally had this book in my hands to purchase today when I went to Barnes & Noble. I wasn‘t able to get it because I had some other books I actually needed to get for school but I will be back to grab it! It sounds so good! 4y
Wife @Mammaletterario I think that part of the reason I‘ve waited so long is that I want to binge it, and if I do, I‘ll get nothing done. 4y
BarbaraBB It is a wonderful read and didn‘t feel like a chunkster at all! 4y
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Amiable I have this book in my TBR pile, too! It might be my pick for Chunkster Challenge 2022! 🙂 4y
Amiable @Freespirit is also reading this right now for #chunksterchallenge2021 so you guys can cheer each other on! (edited) 4y
Freespirit Hi @Wife I am nearly half way! Loving it.. look forward to sharing the experience with you! @Amiable 4y
Freespirit I finished it 😊 How are you going? 3y
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Northern Lights | Philip Pullman
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Winter insomnia reading. This is my son s copy from age 16. Now 32! I saved it because I thought it was a classic read. Excellent brown page reading in the dead of January nights. #brownpages #classic #lyrabellaqua #latetotheparty #trilogy #phillippullman

The Group: A Novel | Mary McCarthy
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Litten #bookmail from the lovely @LeeRHarry 📚❤️

Looking forward to reading #TheGroup with everyone in Feb and to starting my #latetotheparty adventure with Ferrante!

Thank you for your friendship and generosity, Lee 😘

melissajayne Wasn‘t the book seen on an episode of Mad Men? 4y
LeeRHarry You‘re welcome Jenny! Hope you enjoy both 😊 I‘m reading the 4th book in the Ferrante series at the moment 😊 4y
JennyM @LeeRHarry I was planning to start the series in 2021 so I was very excited to see it when I opened the parcel. You‘re very kind to think of me. 😘 4y
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CarolynM How lovely!🎄🎁. There is a little something on its way to you via Booktopia 4y
JennyM @CarolynM ah, thankyou. That‘s so lovely. Feeling very spoilt today xx 😘 4y
JennyM @melissajayne oooo, I don‘t know. Looks like it would fit the part though for a Mad Men appearance (edited) 4y
Leftcoastzen @melissajayne episode 10 season 3 . The Group was a bestseller in 1963. 4y
melissajayne @Leftcoastzen thanks! There‘s a list of books that appeared or where made mention of on Mad Men somewhere. 4y
JennyM @Leftcoastzen thankyou! I didn‘t realise it was a bestseller from the 60s. I‘m looking forward to the buddy read even more now 😊 4y
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This book, on my tbr shelves since it came out, is finally moving to the read shelves.

Absolutely as good as the hype led me to believe: great writing, fantastic characters, and a completely engrossing story.

This was my #BookClubWorthy book for #Booked2020... even though all of the book clubs have already read it.



CaffeineAndCandy ❤❤❤ ᴛʜɪs ʙᴏᴏᴋ 4y
Reviewsbylola This has been on my TBR for way too long too. 4y
sprainedbrain @Reviewsbylola I read SO MANY WWII books for a couple of years, and by the time this came out I think I was taking a break from them. 😅 it‘s really good though!! 4y
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SamAnne I highly recommend Doerr's short stories. Memory Wall is my favorite collection and Shell Collector is great too. Way different than ATLICS. 4y
LitStephanie I loved this book. I listened to it a couple years back and still think about it sometimes. 4y
sprainedbrain @SamAnne I read his Four Seasons in Rome years ago and loved it. I will check out your recommendations! 4y
MicheleinPhilly @Reviewsbylola Pretty sure I‘ve had it since it was released. 4y
Jennifer3 I loved this one too! I am often late to the party on some books! 4y
Cinfhen Agree...totally #BookClubWorthy...our bookclub read it!!!! 4y
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As always, I‘m #LateToTheParty and #OutOfTheLoop. I really liked the book, but I must say that I liked the HULU miniseries more. Book 3/5🔥s. Miniseries 4/5🔥s

Joanne1 Interesting. I wonder if I‘d agree if I watched it before reading the book. I loved both but the book has my heart. 4y
ElizaMarie This is also one that I am “out of the loop“ on this one. I have it on my “list“ but I haven't seen or watched it because yeah.. I am always behind! I am glad you enjoyed it. Helps me try to bump it up on my list :) 4y
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Good Omens | Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
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Dog (Satanical hellhound and cat-worrier)

Finally reading this! Also waited all day for the light symbolism in this picture but my head got in the way, oops! I've heard so many good things about Good Omens and I loved the TV adaptation so I have high standards!

#goodomens #neilgaiman #terrypratchett #latetotheparty

MayJasper Absolutely brilliant 4y
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