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Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth about Food and Flavor
Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth about Food and Flavor | Mark Schatzker
A lively and important argument from an award-winning journalist proving that the key to reversing America s health crisis lies in the overlooked link between nutrition and flavor. In "The Dorito Effect," Mark Schatzker shows us how our approach to the nation s number one public health crisis has gotten it wrong. The epidemics of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes are not tied to the overabundance of fat or carbs or any other specific nutrient. Instead, we have been led astray by the growing divide between flavor the tastes we crave and the underlying nutrition. Since the late 1940s, we have been slowly leeching flavor out of the food we grow. Those perfectly round, red tomatoes that grace our supermarket aisles today are mostly water, and the big breasted chickens on our dinner plates grow three times faster than they used to, leaving them dry and tasteless. Simultaneously, we have taken great leaps forward in technology, allowing us to produce in the lab the very flavors that are being lost on the farm. Thanks to this largely invisible epidemic, seemingly healthy food is becoming more like junk food: highly craveable but nutritionally empty. We have unknowingly interfered with an ancient chemical language flavor that evolved to guide our nutrition, not destroy it. With in-depth historical and scientific research, "The Dorito Effect" casts the food crisis in a fascinating new light, weaving an enthralling tale of how we got to this point and where we are headed. We ve been telling ourselves that our addiction to flavor is the problem, but it is actually the solution. We are on the cusp of a new revolution in agriculture that will allow us to eat healthier and live longer by enjoying flavor the way nature intended."
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This was a 🍅🍅🍅🍅 non fiction read about how our palate has been changed to readily eat chemically flavored food and about how our food (animal and vegetable) have had the taste bred out of them for low cost high yield reasons. Flavor is tied to emotions, and eating is emotional. We are programmed to look for the most flavor, and unfortunately, that is tied to processed food. Some scientists are trying to reverse this, but have an uphill battle

KristiAhlers That sounds like a super interesting read. When we lived in Europe food was so good over there as they don‘t allow all the preservatives and crap we allow in our food over there. We have not done ourselves any favors with what we have done to food. 2y
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This was so interesting. And so sad. It makes me want to go back in time to taste all the flavours that used to come (naturally) with food (without having to add fake flavours, sauces, spices, etc). A few people here and there are trying to bring back some of the original strains for some of the foods (chicken, tomatoes), cont in comments...

LibraryCin but the industrial farmers and companies don‘t want any part of it unless it can be done just as cheaply and create just as much yield. Sad sad sad. Would love to have some companies catch on to this (and yes, I realize it would be more pricey). 2y
Chrissyreadit I think this is a book everyone should read. 2y
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Finished my #bookspin yesterday. It explained how the food we have today is so much blander than food in decades past and what we have done to combat that with lab generated "flavors". It was some interesting food for thought lol sorry the pun had to be made.

I started Lost Roses to get that double bingo before Augut ends!


TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! I've been reading the tagged book & find it absolutely fascinating as the author explores how using the correct balance of salt, fat, and acid has such a huge impact on the flavor of our food! Her theory - using a bit more salt & fat to draw out natural flavors is better than consuming a lot of artificial ones! 4y
Selena85 @TheAromaofBooks I'll see if I can get my hands on it, I'd be interested in reading about that. The biggest takeaway from Dorito Effect was it pays to spend a little more. Mass produced foods, even produce and meats, are bland and lack the nutrition they should have. I'm a thrifty spender, but it made me reconsider what I lose to save a few dollars. 4y
TheAromaofBooks That can definitely be true. Over the last couple of years I've made a concerted effort to purchase more of my meat locally. I'm not always successful, because it usually involves going to the small out-of-the-way grocery that doesn't have everything else I need, but that store raises & slaughters their own beef & pork - the difference in taste + the reassurance of a much shorter chain & knowing how much fresher it is has made a difference! 4y
TheAromaofBooks It also means that I know where that animal was raised. I know a lot of people who don't eat meat because they don't agree with the way it was raised, which I can respect. However, supporting farmers who are “doing it right“ has a much larger financial impact for them than not supporting the meat factories does, if that makes sense. Anyway, not trying to get preachy!! I'm still feeling my way through the process of eating better. 4y
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An Eye opening view of flavor and how the manufacturing of such is a slippery slope. We have been misled by the food factories of today. Take a stand and eat real food.

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I began this audio on my drive to work today. I feel already like it is going to make me triple-guess every food choice I make for a while...

ashsbookmarks I want chips! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
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I realized that I'm not getting much nonfiction reading in. So, I'm listening to this audiobook about one of my favorite topics food science.
#currentlyreading #currentlylistening

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This was an educational read about how overtime we have diluted the flavour of our foods in order to grow more and more quickly. He examines how putting artificial flavours in food fools the body into thinking it's getting the nutrients it requires when it is not, likely a cause in the increase in obesity. This book has made me consider what I choose to eat, especially when I'm having a craving.

rockpools That sounds fascinating! 6y
emilyhaldi Sounds fascinating!!! And frightening 😬 6y
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Great book, if you‘re concerned about your food. So glad I read this. It was disheartening at first but there is hope and it depends on us.

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It‘s hard to tell if he‘s ashamed or feeling sick. I know if I ate almost a whole bag of doritos, I‘d be feeling sick. #badboy #dogsoflitsy

GondorGirl Poor baby! Poor bad adorable baby... 7y
Suet624 Oh dear. 7y
CocoReads He won‘t even come out of my room. Lol 7y
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TrishB Aww..... my puppy has just bit my bum and ripped my dress! I‘m now ignoring her..... 7y
JacqMac Aww he probably has a tummy ache. But he‘d do it all again. Lol 7y
CocoReads @TrishB they can be so bad! @JacqMac I‘m sure he does. I also know he‘ll probably get over it pretty quickly. 7y
Karkar Poor baby...hope he is feeling better now 7y
CocoReads @karkar he‘s back to being his usual self but I‘m wondering what other mischief he‘ll get into.... 7y
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This was a really interesting read, written with a sense of humour and obviously thoroughly researched. It's an examination of flavour and the food industry. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone with an interest in food.

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So, am reading The Dorito effect, and the author explains how food manufacturers research consumers' 'need states'- "Today there are chemicals for every need state". This line made me think of 'Chemical World' by #Blur. #Indie #food #foodwriting #foodjournalism #eatrealfood #music

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What was missing from our lives? Macaroni cheese flavoured Pringles! Of course. We munched through this tub this evening and I pick up 'The Dorito Effect'. A connection? You be the judge. 😕

geodynamical_nonfiction Did the book talk about MSG and excitotoxins?? 7y
Sparkin It did talk about MSG and also toxins but au don't think he used the term excitoxins. 7y
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Ever wonder why you crave certain foods or why other food tastes so bland? This book does a great job providing science and entertaining facts about today's food. I found it informative and thought-provoking.

[DELETED] 3803335244 Did it make you hungry while reading 🤗 7y
MicheleinPhilly Now I want Doritos. 7y
Kristy_K @ForeverNerdy Some of the time! Other times it disgusted me what I allowed myself to (unknowingly) put in my body. 7y
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Kristy_K @MicheleinPhilly Lol! It did cause some cravings. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Oh I could see that! I watched a movie called Food Inc a few years back & was a hard core vegetarian for 2 years. I do eat meat now but very limited. I also found out McDonalds has plastic in there fries! Gross (but I love Doritos 🙈) 7y
melrailey Every time I eat Doritos since reading this book I think about this book. 7y
Kristy_K @melrailey I probably will too now! 7y
Kristy_K @ForeverNerdy That's disgusting about McDonald's fries. This book won't stop me from eating Doritos (I already knew they were artificially flavored), but it did make me rethink eating a few other things. 7y
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Free from Audio Sync through Wednesday. http://www.audiobooksync.com/

readingallthetime PS I do like Doritos. Especially the sweet chili Doritos. 7y
readingallthetime I had to stop listening. My Father would be disappointed in me if I continued. It blames obesity on the lack of flavor in food and blames the poultry industry. It's off my iPhone. My Dad raised poultry for over 50 years. 7y
readingallthetime It was a personal choice to bail on this book. I'm sure many will find it fascinating and horrifying. 7y
MimiLovesToRead The sweet chili ones are the only ones that are vegan. So i eat them occasionally. 7y
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Hey everyone. It's Thursday. That means it's time for 2 new FREE audio books from www.audiobooksync.com. Here are this weeks selections. There are only four more weekend of free audiobooks left.

Smangela Phew! I just did last week's yesterday! Just in time! 7y
Melli Omg I'm glad I saw this totally forgot and I wNted sugar 7y
readingallthetime I chose both books. I'm listening to The Dorito Affect. 7y
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An interesting, informative & entertaining read. As food has become mass produced, the natural nutrients have disappeared along w/ the flavor causing the creation of artificial flavors to compensate & making us to crave & overeat things like Doritos or fast food, unable to get satiated. The author explains the science well & it's fascinating-though at times a bit repetitive. Both my library e-book & audio book came available at the same time &...

UnabridgedTomes Is there a chapter about how satisfying it is to lick accumulated Dorito dust off your fingertips? Because that's part of the magic, too. 7y
DebinHawaii I listened back & forth which I liked with the exception of the unfortunately named (for me) example 'Debbie" (aka "Fat Debbie." She was addicted to milkshakes & I thought I might lose it if the narrator said "Fat Debbie" or her opposite "Skinny Sarah" one more time-but I imagine if you don't share the name it won't bother you as much! ?? A pick for sure if you like books on food science & nutrition. ?? (edited) 7y
DebinHawaii @UnabridgedTomes Yes! OK, sort of... 😆 And he'll tell you why it's part of the magic too! 👍 7y
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melrailey Yeah I liked this one a lot and it certainly makes me think every time I eat junk food --especially Doritos! 7y
BethFishReads This is the one I hadn't read. I should add it to my list 7y
DebinHawaii @melrailey Yes! It definitely does. @BethFishReads I think you would probably like it--the science is so interesting.🤓👍 7y
mcctrish I did enjoy this one 7y
Sue Mmmm, Doritos 7y
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Working out of the coffee shop this sunny morning. Breakfast is my favorite avocado toast with spicy aioli while reading about taste, flavor & how our tastebuds have been re-wired over the years by processed foods. Interesting so far. Both my audio & e-book holds for this book came in from Overdrive at the same time so I may switch back & forth as I get to work on a project. Maybe I'll discover the cure to my avocado toast addiction!?😆🍴😋

BookishMarginalia That looks delicious! 7y
Amanda23 Yummy!! 7y
Gulfsidemusing That looks SO good!!!😋 7y
Zelma But does this addiction really need a cure? 😉 7y
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This was one of the most important books I have read/listened to. We did it as a family audiobook and my kids were equally engaged. Highly Recommend!

mcipher Oh, that's terrifying! I need to go a CSA again this year to make sure we was at least some "real" food!! 8y
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Because God forbid I ever try to sit and read in my big comfy chair without her!
#sundaymornings #booksandbooze #dogsoflitsy

TricksyTails 🐶♥️ Awww cuddle bug! 7y
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Books for boys who are hard to buy books for.

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I got lost in some of the science-y stuff but loved all the parts about chicken and tomatoes (couldn't be more in my wheelhouse).

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I listened to this one on audio. It's hard to rate non-fiction but I will say that it made me reconsider what I'm eating a lot, so I will say it was successful.

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Just started this and its alternately making me hungry and sickened.