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Naptime | Elizabeth Verdick
8 posts
Naps are just a little breakbut when its naptime, many toddlers have trouble settling into sleep. This calming, encouraging book helps young children quiet down so they can get the rest they need. Eyes are closed, lights are dimmedand (yawn, s-t-r-e-t-c-h) before little ones know it, its time to wake up. Cozy illustrations enhance the text. An award-winning author/illustrator team offers a fresh look at the times and transitions all toddlers face daily, giving young children the tools to handle routines with confidence and cooperation. Part of the Toddler Tools series, Naptime can be shared before (or during) the desired time, or whenever toddlers need encouragement with routines. Includes tips for parents and caregivers.
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Naptime | Elizabeth Verdick
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Just because I‘m procrastinating……sharing nap time pic.

squirrelbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 5mo
Gissy 🐶❤️😻❤️ 5mo
LeahBergen I want to squeeze in there for a nap with them. 😆 5mo
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dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 5mo
batsy So cute! 5mo
jlhammar Aw, love that. So sweet. 5mo
Tamra @squirrelbrain @Gissy @LeahBergen @dabbe @batsy @jlhammar these two are a riot together! The cat “plays” for the $, while the dog leaps around and fake jumps him. It‘s like watching Big Time Wrestling. 😂 I‘m tempted to get the dog a kitten bc there would be no end to the crazy house. 5mo
dabbe @Tamra They are too adorable for words. 🖤🐾🐾🖤 5mo
mabell 🥰🥰 5mo
57 likes9 comments
Naptime | Elizabeth Verdick
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Blankie, book, and a chorus of night-night . . .
I guess she's ready for a nap

What a pip 🤣

Leftcoastzen Awww ! So adorable!🥰 1y
TheBookgeekFrau @Leftcoastzen Thank you ☺️ 1y
dabbe So. Precious. ❣️❣️❣️ 1y
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe Thank you ☺️ 1y
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Naptime | Elizabeth Verdick
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We are a family who cherish our weekend naps together. I caught Sietje and my hubby in a cute moment when I woke up first. Sorry this is only book related because I went from here to the library to read until they woke up 💙.

Soubhiville Actually surprised there are no cats in this photo. Venkman was under the blanket though 🤣 3y
AmyG Ha! This is so sweet. I sometimes catch Lou, when she is over, napping with my husband, too. ❤️ 3y
Nute Aww! A very sweet moment! 3y
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MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Omg, I LOVE the Cthulhu tat! 😱 3y
Chrissyreadit ❤️ 3y
Leftcoastzen Naps are the best ! 3y
Tamra Sweet! ☺️ 3y
ShelleyBooksie Adorable. Your hubby has awesome tattoos 3y
Megabooks Looks very comfy! 3y
Bookzombie Such a cute photo! 3y
LeahBergen Aww! I love it. ❤️ 3y
Hooked_on_books That is so cute! Tony once got a great picture when Bindi was little and Gunther was still with us of the three of them in bed with me. It‘s one of my favorites. 3y
Gissy Lovely photo! Sietje almost took the whole bed!🐶❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Simona Family napping time is the best❣️ And - cool tattoo! 3y
Lizpixie Love his tattoo! Cute picture❤️ 3y
105 likes15 comments
Naptime | Elizabeth Verdick
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Walked Zeek to school before it got too hot, and then did a lot of shopping getting ready for Charlotte‘s birthday party this weekend. It‘s only 2 pm but I am completely exhausted now. I‘ve also gone way over my daily step goal!

Now it‘s time for a nap before picking up the goobers and then hopefully I can read the rest of the afternoon/evening.

julesG Enjoy your nap. I'm way under my daily goal and heading for bed. See you tomorrow! 5y
Reecaspieces I had a nap today too...aren‘t naps wonderful! 5y
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CocoReads Naps sound great! I‘m home from work and technically over my goal (because I set it at 8k) but I‘m not over 10. I‘m so exhausted from last nights adventure and work today was not hectic (heck we‘ve only got 20 patients right now), which oddly, makes me more tired. I‘m seeing an early bedtime tonight! 5y
wanderinglynn Great job! 🙌🏻 And enjoy your nap! 5y
Dawnrod1970 Great job! 5y
Minispok Great job! 5y
imabusybee Great job getting in those steps 👏🏻 I hope you enjoyed the nap! 5y
LibrarianJen @julesG @Reecaspieces @CocoReads @wanderinglynn @Dawn_Rodriguez1970 @Minispok @imabusybee Thank you! My nap was good. I‘m closing out my day with almost 15k steps. I may take tomorrow off of exercise to rest. 5y
48 likes9 comments
Naptime | Elizabeth Verdick
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Not book related but saw this on Facebook and it made me giggle - basically it sums me up completely! 😅😴

wordzie 😁😂 5y
squirrelbrain Ha! I played that game this afternoon - mine was about 1.5 hours! 5y
Weaponxgirl Oh, that‘s my life. I‘m never quite sure what day it is and how much I‘m allowed to drink or what is an appropriate meal for that particular time of the day/night 5y
heidisreads This is me every evening... will my “before bedtime nap” keep me up all night or will I wake up on the couch in the morning??? 😂 5y
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Naptime | Elizabeth Verdick
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Seriously, can I have a couple of those jilted naps back?

Naptime | Elizabeth Verdick
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Is it me he loves or the chocolate in my pocket? #dogsoflitsy

DGRachel The chocolate, Mahm. ❤️🐶❤️ 7y
CocoReads I knew that's what it was too. But he didn't get any. 😂😂😂 7y
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Naptime | Elizabeth Verdick
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When you went out on Friday night and need a 2 hour nap with this munchkin to feel normal again. 👵🏼

Hooked_on_books They're so sweet when they sleep, aren't they? 🐶💙 7y
Captivatedbybooks Pickles soo pretty 7y
Sace 😍 7y
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MicheleinPhilly @Hooked_on_books Her essence is like a sleeping pill. As soon as she snuggles up I'm out like a light. 7y
RanaElizabeth Nothing more comforting than the snoozey rumbles of a sleeping dog. Forget a white noise machine, I just wanna hear my dog's snores. 7y
rubyslippersreads ❤️🐶💤 7y
LauraBeth She's so adorable ❤️ 7y
RohitSawant 😍😍 7y
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