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The Secret of Greylands
The Secret of Greylands | Annie Haynes
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I'd read this a few weeks ago with #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub but am just getting around to catching up with reviews. The story was predictable and full of outrageous cliches, but I enjoyed it all the same. I loved all the gothic elements!

Ruthiella It felt definitely more like a gothic romance than a golden age mystery to me. But it definitely had its fun moments. 🦜 2mo
kwmg40 @Ruthiella Very true. I still liked the mystery aspects, though, even if there were no surprises at the end! 2mo
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Aimeesue @Ruthiella Thé parrot was the best! ? 2mo
LeahBergen I found it fun, too! 2mo
rubyslippersreads I think the Gothic elements were what made it fun. 2mo
CarolynM It was one of those “so bad it‘s good” reading experiences 😆 2mo
julieclair It was so much fun. Especially the parrot! 🦜 2mo
kwmg40 @Aimeesue @Ruthiella @julieclair So much love for the parrot! I'm a fan too. 1mo
kwmg40 @LeahBergen @CarolynM @rubyslipperreads It was definitely a fun read, but atmospheric too -- a good combination! 1mo
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Objectively speaking, not a very good book (or mystery), but hilariously campy, silly, and hysterically gothic. I had great fun reading #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub reviews prior to starting, and everyone's comments on Cynthia really prepared me for her inability to understand what is happening right in front of her eyes 🙈 One is tempted to give her a copy of Northanger Abbey; better to be a Catherine Morland than a Cynthia! 🤣 Justice for Spot, btw.

batsy I almost screamed when having heard Gillman and Sybil discuss what can only be nefarious plans that involve her, Cynthia took a sip of the coffee that was brought to her and was like, "This tastes so weird, Sybil!" Then eats the rest of the breakfast like, "Hmm, all of this tastes so weird!!!" ? Even Spot, may he rest in peace, would have known better and barked at the toast. 2mo
CarolynM Justice for Spot! Our new club motto🤣🤣🤣 Great review. 2mo
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batsy @CarolynM Thank you! Lol Spot 4eva 🐶♥️ 2mo
Tamra 😆 Yes, poor Spot! 🐾 2mo
quietjenn Spot was by far the smartest character in the book 😅 2mo
jlhammar 😂 Yes to all of that! Great review. 2mo
batsy @Tamra @quietjenn He was definitely the sharpest knife 😂🐶 2mo
batsy @jlhammar Thanks! 😁 The group reactions and reviews definitely heightened the fun lol 2mo
LeahBergen Poor Spot deserved better! 😆😆 2mo
Ruthiella #JusticeforSpot ❤️🐶 The parrot and the dog were doing their darndest to tell Cynthia the truth. 2mo
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Fellow #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub members, my thanks to you graciously being such good sports to read this novel. I chose it and am horrified how over the top it was! The best parts were your witty comments. I counted two times a villain was twerking his mustache! The simple dialogue and writing, dim heroine, non existent mystery it was all so obvious, and the bizarrely fast forwarded HEA all disappointed.
No cute deck drinks with this book photo! 😒

Tamra I thought it was a fun read bc it was over the top! 😂 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra I‘m so glad! I think I felt a little pressure in wondering how everyone was enjoying it/thought of it since I picked it that I probably should have sat back and enjoyed the ride! (edited) 2mo
Tamra @Jess_Read_This for sure! Besides, you didn‘t write it! 😉 2mo
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Jess_Read_This @Tamra Quite right! 😄 2mo
LeahBergen I‘m with @Tamra ! And I‘d actually try another one of her books (someday). 😆 Your new deck looks amazing! 2mo
kwmg40 I‘m only halfway through but enjoying it so far. I love all the gothic elements, even if they‘re way overdone! 😂 2mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen We had a thunderstorm roll in this afternoon which aptly turned the atmosphere Greylands like for the photo. One of these summer days I‘ll be getting a better drink and patio photo. 😂 So glad you enjoyed the book too! I was so busy overthinking it all! 2mo
Jess_Read_This @kwmg40 😂 I did a few times envision this book as a 1930‘s gothic type movie with the dialogue and Cynthia needing help for pretty much everything. I‘m so glad you are enjoying it so far too! 2mo
Aimeesue I enjoyed the over-the-topness. Sometimes it‘s fun to scream at the MC “Don‘t go in there, you fool!” and then watch them go in anyway. 😂 2mo
jlhammar Gorgeous deck! I‘m not sorry we read it. It was fun for what it was. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Aimeesue 😂That‘s true! There is always a bit of fun in that. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @jlhammar Thank you! I‘m so excited to use it this summer. And I‘m glad found a bit of fun in the book. It was not quite what I expected but had so much in the club book chats about it. 2mo
Ruthiella Your deck looks fantastic! I‘m with you on this particular title 😂, but the discussion was such fun . 2mo
quietjenn No need to be horrified - sometimes it just shakes out that way and it sounded so promising! Hope you'll have many enjoyable days and nights on that deck! 2mo
batsy The deck looks lovely! It's very much a so-so book objectively speaking, perhaps even a pan, but the campy OTT hilarity is making me laugh 😆 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella @quietjenn @batsy You are all simply the best to make me feel better about this book and liking my deck! Fingers crossed more nice days for reading on it this summer. It was a labor of love 😂 My back still isn‘t right lol 2mo
CarolynM I once chose a book for my IRL book group that was so bad (pretentious and cringey) that no one got through more than 2 chapters 😬🥴 At least this one was fun to roll your eyes at! And your deck looks fab😍 2mo
julieclair I totally enjoyed this book! Yes, it was a far cry from great literature, but it was still a fun read. And the back and forth of everyone‘s comments was a hoot! I think this was a great pick, because we all enjoyed ourselves dissing…. Um, I mean discussing… it. 😘 2mo
Jess_Read_This @CarolynM oh my gosh, I have to ask… what book did you pick?? Thanks for liking my deck and having fun eye rolling with the group on this one! I had fun too 2mo
Jess_Read_This @julieclair I‘m glad you had fun reading too! There‘s no better group than this one for dissing.. and/or errr discussing books! 😂 2mo
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Is the universe trying to tell something? #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub

jlhammar Most definitely! 2mo
Tamra Try it! (edited) 2mo
Ruthiella I think so! 😅 2mo
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LeahBergen It must be! 😆 2mo
BarbaraJean I think this is a case of: “If it's free, it's for me!“ (edited) 2mo
Jess_Read_This Sounds like it to me! 😆 2mo
Sace @jlhammar @Tamra @Ruthiella @LeahBergen @BarbaraJean @Jess_Read_This I just hit the buy with one click button. For my next trick I'll try to read it before the end of May! 2mo
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After a few false start the last two weeks, I‘ve picked this one up in earnest. And am loving reading the reactions from the #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub. It‘s so campy that already by page 16 a potential bad guy is twirling his mustache and creeping out our helplessly dim heroine.

Even if it doesn‘t turn out to be a good one, the group‘s reactions to it are making it an enjoyable one for me so far.

Sace Just curious, what's the Furrowed middle brow club? 2mo
batsy I'm about midway through and feeling the same! It's so ridiculously campy and truly funny and I keep thinking of everyone's comments about the not quite the sharpest knife in the drawer, Cynthia 😆 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Sace It‘s a bookclub here on Litsy where every other month we read a book published by (sadly now shuttered) Dean Street Press. The genre is female writers typically 1910-1960 that write about domestic life, interwar experiences, country life,etc. I think it was Virginia Woolf who coined middlebrow as writing about middle class life. It‘s a great club and it would be great if you join us on the reads! 2mo
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Jess_Read_This @batsy 😂 Me too. Cynthia lost me with all the hand wringing just trying to get from the train station to Greylands 2mo
Sace Thanks! I'd love to be tagged when the next book is picked. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Sace I will try to find the original post with the schedule and tag you. I believe the rest of the year‘s picks might be scheduled for planning purposes. And feel free to jump in on this months too. We have the entire month for reading and everyone posts their thoughts/reviews and we comment to each other there on the book. 2mo
Sace I love Litsy for all the readalongs but it is hard to find the original posts. 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Sace I know what you mean! I‘ll try to remember to tag you for the next read too. I think July‘s read will be a good one! 2mo
Sace Yes! The July pick is just the kind of thing I like to read! 2mo
Ruthiella @Sace I will add you to the tag list for the next group reads in July, September & November and @LeahBergen can add you to the voting list for when we pick new titles for 2025 if you are interested? 😃 2mo
Ruthiella @Jess_Read_This I think if you double down on the OTT silliness of this one, you will have fun reading it. 😅 2mo
LeahBergen The reactions from everyone in the club whilst reading have been the best! 🤣 2mo
LeahBergen @Sace Yes, please join us! I see you‘ve already been directed to the reading schedule post. 👍 2mo
willaful @Sace yes indeed! 2mo
julieclair Twirling his mustache! 🤣 I can see you‘re already getting into the spirit of this one. Enjoy! 2mo
quietjenn Haha, not the most subtle writing, but good fun. 2mo
CarolynM I hope you will join us @Sace This group is so much fun🥰 2mo
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella @LeahBergen @julieclair @quietjenn It just keeps getting more and more outrageously over the top. 😂 Thanks for being such good sports in reading my selection because it‘s not at all what I thought it would be. 2mo
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Do you suppose Haynes introduced the clue-in-the-Parrot?

Aimeesue 😂😂😂 2mo
rubyslippersreads 😂🦜 2mo
Ruthiella 🤣🤣🤣Totally! 🦜 2mo
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CarolynM 🤣 Polly didn‘t wait for the 3rd act. He/she was giving it away from start to finish! 2mo
LeahBergen What @CarolynM said! That bird was singing from the “get go”. 🤣🤣 2mo
julieclair Love this! 🦜🦜🦜 2mo
batsy Now that I'm about halfway through I'm cackling away at this 😂🦜 2mo
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Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, our Cynthia. I suppose she makes up for it with her “tender, adorable ways.”😆 I was definitely feeling impatient and annoyed with our heroine and would have liked more mystery (the reader pretty much knows what‘s up from the get-go), but still fun for what it is—an entertaining, atmospheric tale.


julieclair Tender and adorable have to count for something, right? 😆 2mo
Tamra Agreed, still fun. It started out so gothic I had hopes the mystery was going to be more substantial. Oh well! 2mo
Ruthiella Sharp as a butter knife! 😆 2mo
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batsy I'm interested to meet this infamous butter knife of a heroine when I finally get started 😅 All of the reviews about this have piqued my curiosity lol. 2mo
quietjenn I did not find her ways tender and adorable 🤣 2mo
CarolynM Do you think “tender adorable ways” is manspeak for “nice to look at and too thick to be threatening”? 2mo
LeahBergen Oh, our “few sandwiches short of a picnic” Cynthia. 😆😆 2mo
jlhammar @CarolynM Oh my gosh, totally! 2mo
jlhammar @quietjenn Right? I couldn‘t help but roll my eyes when Sir Donald was saying that to her. What a match they make! 2mo
Jess_Read_This I am loving everyone‘s comments and reviews. My reading experience with this book is definitely enhanced by the group‘s reactions to it. 2mo
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Am I the only one who thought the introduction comparing this to Agatha Christie was a bit much? I enjoyed it, but felt like I could see what was coming a mile away. It was much more Gothic romance to me than murder mystery. And Cynthia might be the dopiest Gothic heroine I‘ve ever encountered. 😂


Tamra 😆 dopey, yes! 2mo
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quietjenn Definitely not just you, with the intro. 2mo
Ruthiella Awesome photo and review! 😂😂😂 I did not read the introduction, but I am vicariously annoyed on Christie‘s behalf. (edited) 2mo
willaful @Ruthiella 😂 Also, Christie's characters, though very much types, have some *life* to them. These were such cardboard cutouts. 2mo
julieclair Spot! 🥹 And I didn‘t read the intro, but Christie?? Ummm…. that would be no. 😆 2mo
jlhammar Poor Spot 😢 Yes, agree with all of that! 2mo
batsy Haven't read it yet but I guess the intro writer went all in to sell this book to the reader 😁 2mo
CarolynM I skipped the introduction, but it sounds like it might be amusing. This one was nothing like any Agatha Christie I‘ve ever read. 2mo
LeahBergen They did Spot dirty in this book. He deserved better. 🤣🤣 2mo
Jess_Read_This Oh geez, I skipped the intro and am glad I missed that comparison. From what I‘ve read so far this no comparison at all. Not even in the remotest of possibilities is this novel comparable to a Christie mystery. 2mo
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OMG Cynthia! Could you be any more of a drip? And your taste in men is terrible. All the “secrets” of this story were so well flagged (I mean, Letchingham? The clue‘s in the name, love) but they just passed you by. Sigh…

But it was good, campy fun and I enjoyed it.


Ruthiella Haha 😆 I also thought lecherous Lord Letchingham was intentionally named- just in case the reader didn‘t pick up on the veiled reference to her friend being “ruined” by him”. Cynthia was such a noodle. 3mo
quietjenn Drip is the perfect word for her. 🤣 3mo
willaful @quietjenn yes, she goes on my “heroine is wet“ shelf. 😂

Lord Letchingham's name might have been my favorite part! Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel!
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LeahBergen I immediately laughed at “Lord Lecher”, too 🤣🤣 3mo
Centique “The clue‘s in the name love” 😂 I havent read it and yet your review has me cackling out loud! Hope you and the family are all going well 💕 3mo
julieclair Cynthia was definitely a drip. With blinders on. 😂 3mo
batsy 😆 Haven't read it yet but this review is perfect. 3mo
jlhammar 😂 Great review! 3mo
sarahbarnes 😂😂😂 3mo
Aimeesue Right? Did she never read Dickens? 😂 3mo
BookWrym Never heard of this but now I really want to read it 🤣🤣 3mo
CarolynM @Centique Hope all is well with you too💕 I‘ll send you an email. 3mo
Rissreads All these references have made me snort! 🤣🤣🤣♥️♥️♥️ 2mo
Jess_Read_This I‘m twenty pages in and I think I‘m finding everyone‘s comments/reviews a bit more entertaining than the book! 😂 2mo
CarolynM @Jess_Read_This Sometimes it‘s fun when everyone piles in on a book😆 2mo
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Secret of Greylands | Annie Haynes
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Hooray for all the Gothic vibes! Boo for a heroine who is, er, let's be kind and say very, incredibly naive. 🤣 As a book, it's super readable and I mostly enjoyed it. But I also did a lot of eye-rolling and had to tamp down some irritation.


Tamra Yes, 🙄 🙄. Hahaha 3mo
LeahBergen “Naive” is a nice way of putting it. 🤣 3mo
Ruthiella You are very kind to Cynthia! 😂 But it was fun in its way. 2mo
jlhammar Well said! I felt the same. 2mo
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Found this picture on a blog showing book covers with women running away from houses. Check it out: https://fantasy-ink.blogspot.com/2010/11/gothic-romance-covers.html .

I‘m sorry (not sorry) to be a curmudgeon-maybe it‘s all the Nancy Drew I‘ve been reading, but I found the mystery to be blindingly obvious and the hero & heroine to be about interesting as a paper bag & both too stupid to find their way out of one. 🙊


KathyWheeler I love your review! Stupid characters drive me nuts. 3mo
willaful I'm with you. 3mo
Ruthiella @KathyWheeler Thanks! If the heroine had had any smarts at all, it would have been a very different book. 3mo
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Ruthiella @willaful Glad I‘m not alone! 😅 I‘m not mad I read it, but I could have tolerated a wee more actual mystery. 3mo
CarolynM 🤣 Too true! 3mo
quietjenn 🤣🤣🤣 bahaha. I can't disagree! 3mo
Tamra 🤣 great review! I still thought it was fun for those very reasons! The beginning held all the gothic promise of a spooky mystery. Too bad she couldn‘t carry it off. 3mo
Suet624 🤣🤣🤣 3mo
jlhammar Hilarious review! I‘m not very far in yet. 3mo
sarahbarnes 😂😂😂 3mo
LeahBergen I agree … and yet I still found it fun! 🤣 3mo
Ruthiella @LeahBergen @jlhammar @Tamra @quietjenn @CarolynM I think I would have been more amused if I had known what to expect. Less Du Maurier and more Carolyn Keene. 😆 (edited) 3mo
elkeOriginal Fantastic review. 3mo
elkeOriginal The link to those covers! Amazing!! 3mo
Ruthiella @elkeOriginal Thanks ! 😊 3mo
Ruthiella @The_Book_Ninja Perfect! 🤩 3mo
Reggie Lol 2mo
Jess_Read_This I‘m only twenty pages in and already Cynthia‘s helplessness is irritating me. 2mo
Ruthiella @Jess_Read_This Get used to it! 😂 2mo
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An intriguing Golden Age mystery. Layers of lies and deception. Each time a new clue dropped, I wanted to shake the characters and yell “figure this out!” Tense, atmospheric, and very entertaining! I enjoyed this #FurrowedMiddleBrowClub read.
#ISpyBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Tamra Yes - shake shake shake wake up! 😂 3mo
Ruthiella I had this one pretty much sussed by the first chapter! 😆 3mo
LeahBergen Even the parrot was yelling, “Figure this out!” 😆😆 3mo
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Ruthiella @LeahBergen I know, right?!?! Where do you think the parrot learned that phrase Cynthia? 🦜 🤦‍♀️ 3mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
julieclair @LeahBergen @Ruthiella I think the parrot may have been the smartest character! 😂🦜 3mo
LeahBergen @julieclair Definitely! 😆 3mo
Jess_Read_This I‘m just getting into now after a few false starts the past two weeks. And it seems like from the get go everyone has it figured out 😂 2mo
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Secret of Greylands | Annie Haynes
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Just what you would expect from a golden age mystery - pure entertainment. 😊

The end made me laugh. #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub

Tamra It‘s amusing how transparent the plot is and how it‘s all wrapped up with a pretty bow. 😂 3mo
LeahBergen So transparent! You just KNEW that scratched wrist was going to come into play. 😆 3mo
jlhammar Beautiful blooms 🌺 I just started last night. Enjoying it so far! 3mo
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julieclair @Tamra @LeahBergen Yes! And the transparency made it all the more fun! 3mo
Tamra @julieclair yes! 😜 3mo
Tamra @jlhammar desperate for color! Enjoy the novel, total light entertainment. 3mo
quietjenn Yeah, I'm only a little over halfway, but some things seem very clear to me that Carolyn is not picking up on 🤣 3mo
quietjenn (I mean, I guess I could be wrong, but ...) 3mo
Ruthiella @quietjenn You are not wrong! 😂 3mo
Tamra @Ruthiella @quietjenn no, but it‘s fun in a simple way! 3mo
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This book reminded me so much of the ‘70s era, “woman fleeing a house” covered Gothics that I loved as an early teen.

It had it all: a spooky manor on the moors, an eye-wateringly dim heroine, a dishy hero who catches her every faint, and even a parrot squawking out clues to the “mystery”. We as readers can see how this mystery is going to pan out from a mile away but the journey is campy and fun. A great “flu read”! 😆


Ruthiella OMG Cynthia was beyond dim! 😆 3mo
LeahBergen @Ruthiella I was questioning how she could feed and dress herself. 🤣 3mo
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Tamra I‘m really enjoying it too - hitting all the entertainment buttons. 😊 3mo
Tamra @LeahBergen 🤭 good one Leah. (edited) 3mo
catebutler Just starting this today! Lovely review, Leah. x 3mo
rubyslippersreads And the heroine is always fleeing in her negligee! 😂 3mo
ShelleyBooksie Such a spooky cover! Atmospheric. 3mo
jlhammar Fun review! Hoping to start soon. 3mo
quietjenn Oo, maybe I'll start this tonight ... 3mo
BarbaraBB That photo makes me want to see more of those shelves! 3mo
batsy This sounds fun! I'm hoping to finish a teen YA thriller 😆 then get to this next. 3mo
Cathythoughts Great review 👏🏻 I‘m loving this cover ❤️ 3mo
LeahBergen @Tamra It‘s quite entertainingly silly. 😆 3mo
LeahBergen @catebutler I hope it‘s a fun read for you, too! 3mo
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads It‘s the only way I‘D flee. 😆 3mo
LeahBergen @jlhammar @quietjenn I hope you both find it fun, too! 3mo
LeahBergen @BarbaraBB 😆 Thank you! 3mo
LeahBergen @batsy The teen YA thriller will probably be deeper. 😆 3mo
LeahBergen @Cathythoughts Thanks, Cathy! 😘 3mo
Aimeesue Great review! Eye wateringly dim is right! 😂 3mo
CarolynM Cynthia certainly was dim, but I didn‘t have much regard for Sir Donald‘s brains either. Hope you‘re feeling better💐 3mo
kspenmoll Love your review! 3mo
LeahBergen @Aimeesue So dim. 🤣 3mo
LeahBergen @CarolynM Sir Donald was as thick as Cynthia. 🤣 3mo
LeahBergen @kspenmoll Thanks! ❤️ 3mo
julieclair Sorry you had the flu, but so glad you had such a fun read to keep you company! But I do hope you were wearing your negligee while you were stuck in bed recuperating. 😂 3mo
LeahBergen @julieclair My negligee sweatpants! 😆 3mo
Jess_Read_This I‘m just reading it now after a few false starts the past two weeks. And yikes is Cynthia a tragic combination of helpless and dim and sadly I‘m only twenty pages in! 2mo
LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This Isn‘t she something else? 😆 2mo
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🕵🏻I can‘t believe it‘s May and time to read this book! I‘m so very much looking forward to reading this with the #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub. I‘m in the mood for a good Golden Age Mystery too. And fingers crossed I‘ll be granted some free time this weekend to crack it open instead of being drafted into the deck painting project we‘ve been putting off!

May my next photo of it be from a freshened deck with a beverage in hand. 📖🍸

Tamra I started it last night and it‘s intriguing! 3mo
Jess_Read_This @Tamra Hooray!! That‘s the kind of book endorsement I like to hear. 3mo
Tamra @Jess_Read_This I too am really in the mood for a good mystery. 😄 3mo
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LeahBergen I‘m sending you good “finished deck” vibes! 🤣 3mo
Ruthiella Yahoo! Hoping for a good read and a finished deck. 👍 3mo
julieclair Looking forward to your next photo! 😀 3mo
batsy Nice! And may it be anything but "grey" weather ?? 3mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen We are going to need all those vibes. We aren‘t the handiest people to have doing home improvement projects 🤣 3mo
Jess_Read_This @Ruthiella Thank you! Fingers crossed no rain! 3mo
Jess_Read_This @julieclair Thank you! I think I‘m committed now since I‘ve made public statements about future photos 😂 3mo
Jess_Read_This @batsy 😂 Definitely need the no grey weather vibes this weekend! 3mo
julieclair @Jess_Read_This You totally are committed! 😂 3mo
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repost for @Ruthiella

Hey party people! May is the month we read the next #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub book. We‘re delving in into our FIRST MYSTERY 👻 from Dean Street Press.

I‘m excited to try something new. As usual, the rules are, there are no rules! Read at your own pace and if you blurb or review on Litsy, tag the group so we can share.


original post:

Ruthiella Thank you! I always forget . 🙃 3mo
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Hey party people! May is the month we read the next #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub book. We‘re delving in into our FIRST MYSTERY 👻 from Dean Street Press.

I‘m excited to try something new. As usual, the rules are, there are no rules! Read at your own pace and if you blurb or review on Litsy, tag the group so we can share.

Tamra I‘m looking forward to this one! 3mo
Aimeesue Greylands certainly looks grey! 3mo
catebutler I have been looking forward to this one!! 3mo
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quietjenn Excited about this one! 3mo
LeahBergen Yay! The cover looks like my local weather today. 😆 3mo
batsy Looking forward! Have to admit I'm seeking out a bit of Greylands from the midst of a neverending heatwave 😆 3mo
jlhammar Looking forward to it! 3mo
Jess_Read_This Thanks for tagging all of us! Can‘t wait to read this with you all! 🌻 3mo
CarolynM Thanks Ruth. Looking forward to it. 3mo
kwmg40 I'm looking forward to this one! 3mo
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My picks for #FurrowedMiddlebrowClub May 2024 are a DSP published Golden Age Mystery by Annie Haynes and (I think Cate and I had Elizabeth Fair on the brain for 2024!) “Bramton Wick. I‘ll tag that book in the comments. Both are written by authors I‘ve been meaning to read for awhile now. Litsy doesn‘t have blurbs for either- I‘ve linked them below for plot descriptions 😄

Jess_Read_This Second Choice Tag: no blurb though. Will post link below. (edited) 8mo
LeahBergen Hey everyone! Jessica asked to throw in a DSP golden age mystery by a woman to see if we‘d be interested in that sort of thing. We DO only have a finite amount of Furrowed Middlebrows to choose from going forward! What do you all think? 8mo
Jess_Read_This Greylands plot described if everyone agrees to it: https://www.deanstreetpress.co.uk/pages/book_page/91 8mo
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LeahBergen @Jess_Read_This It‘s such a great cover, too! I‘m still deciding. 😆 8mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen I‘m really trying not to be biased but that plot dramatically has me intrigued 😂 8mo
Ruthiella I‘m down for a mystery! Though by my math, it will take us 13 years to read the FMB books left at 6 per year. 😆 (edited) 8mo
LeahBergen @Ruthiella 13 years?? 😆😆 How many have we read together so far? 🤔 8mo
catebutler @Jess_Read_This Great minds!! 🥰 8mo
catebutler And this is so hard, both sound absolutely intriguing! So, on this one, I‘m going to say I‘m happy with whatever the vote is. And if Greylands isn‘t picked I will definitely be adding it to my TBR. 8mo
LeahBergen @Ruthiella I guess it seemed like we had fewer to read because I had already read a bunch when we started. 😆 8mo
Jess_Read_This @catebutler I‘m having trouble deciding too. Both are high on my want to read list! 8mo
quietjenn I've read the Fair, so am willing to branch out a bit and vote for Greylands. 8mo
Tamra Ooooooo Greylands is intriguing! 🥺 That‘s my pick. 8mo
Ruthiella @LeahBergen As a group, we‘ve read 19, starting with 8mo
CarolynM I‘m always interested in golden age mysteries, but in this case I‘m going to vote for 8mo
jlhammar I‘m torn! Very tempted by the golden age mystery with gothic vibes, but I‘ll throw my vote in for the domestic comedy 8mo
Tamra @jlhammar I‘m just going to download both 😂 8mo
LeahBergen @Ruthiella That‘s pretty impressive! 8mo
LeahBergen I can see myself buying Greylands very soon but I‘ll be good and vote for the one I already own! 8mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m in favor of branching out to mysteries by women authors, so I‘ll pick Greylands. 8mo
elkeOriginal I already own Bramton so must vote for it. That is your own fault @Jess_Read_This 😉 8mo
julieclair Both sound really good, but for me, a slight edge goes to 8mo
batsy No objections at all to adding the Golden Age mysteries! And this one sounds so intriguing so my vote goes to it 8mo
Kimzey I am completely torn. I‘ll vote for Bramton Wick, but also love golden age mysteries. So, would be happy with either choice. 8mo
erzascarletbookgasm I love a golden age mystery but voting for the other one just because I own a copy.. 8mo
kwmg40 Could you please add me to the tag list? Thanks! Both sound good, but I'll give my vote to 8mo
Aimeesue I need more "deliciously malicious humour" in my life, so Brampton Wick it is! 8mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen could you double check my math? It looks like Greylands finished out ahead by one? Cate and I skipped voting because we were happy to read either one 😂 (edited) 8mo
LeahBergen No problem! I‘ll do another count before I create our reading schedule post. 👍 8mo
LeahBergen I‘ve counted twice and have it as a 7-7 tie. 😆 You can vote yourself to break the tie or else I‘ll do a coin toss. Which do you prefer? 8mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen 🤣Glad you double counted! Coin toss please! Let‘s have fate decide! 8mo
LeahBergen Tails it is and Greylands wins! Just so you know how my day is going … I had to do the coin toss twice, too, as I fumbled and dropped it the first time. 😆😆 8mo
Jess_Read_This @LeahBergen lol!! Our days must have been similar since I couldn‘t even do basic math correctly 😂 8mo
LeahBergen Just a usual sort of day in my world! 😆 8mo
julieclair Greylands turned out to be a wonderful pick! 👍 3mo
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