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Strong Female Protagonist
Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
With superstrength and invulnerability, Alison Green used to be one of the most powerful superheroes around. Fighting crime with other teenagers under the alter ego Mega Girl was fun -- until an encounter with Menace, her mind-reading arch enemy, showed her evidence of a sinister conspiracy, and suddenly battling giant robots didn't seem so important. Now Alison is going to college and trying to find ways to help the world while still getting to class on time. It's impossible to escape the past, however, and everyone has their own idea of what it means to be a hero.... After a phenomenal success on Kickstarter, Brennan Lee Mulligan and Molly Ostertag bring their popular webcomic into print, collecting the first four issues, as well as some all-new, full-color pages!
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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I liked it. The world building is interesting; like, did the storm create the powers? Or was the storm a result of the powers manifesting? Why some kids and not others? Good thing the story continues online!

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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I enjoyed this one. Especially the little snips of information at the bottom of each page. They were silly! I can't wait to get to book 2. I kept seeing book 2 at the comic store we frequent and then found book 1 in my things! Ha So fun when you find books!

#the52bookclub2022 Prompt 6: HouseHold Object on Cover
#PennyADay 3.36

#JustAnotherGraphicMonday #ReadMyRoom
@Bookworm54 @AkashaVampie @AsYouWish @jb72

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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I spilled coffee in my bag !!!

RaeLovesToRead Oh noooooes!!!! ☹☹☹ (At least it will give the books a nice crunchy texture? I weirdly enjoy the feel of dried out books 😅) 2y
ElizaMarie @RaeLovesToRead ha! Yeah now they look like they are loved 2y
BookDragonNotWorm Gotta love the smell of books - especially when there's coffee on them! 2y
ElizaMarie @BookDragonNotWorm ha!!! Good way to think of this :) 2y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Reading on an airplane. #travel

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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The subtitles underneath the panel reveal that the two guys on the right are unhappy that they are not getting a bigger role than extras in the bar.

The gags in the subtitles are another reason to pick this up.

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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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(no spoilers, just language)

Me reading this page: *guy gets hit with gun* did someone just throw a gun at you?
*Reads the next pannel* that's what I said!

I'm making my way through this comic (graphic novel?) and loving it so far. It's a fun read.
#LGBTQ #LGBTQAuthor #Comic #LGBTQComic

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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✨ We love a strong lead! ✨

— check out next post 🕶⚔️

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Epic, Boxing Day sale #bookhaul from #BookOutlet! They have the best sales and best rewards program! I went crazy with the graphic novels, but the prices were soooo good!

If you haven't tried Book Outlet and want to, you can get $5 off your first purchase of $25 with this link: https://goo.gl/Nqe8gA

BookishMarginalia 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 6y
Reviewsbylola I‘m back to ordering only from them. I got 30 books for $140 from the sale and there were some really amazing books in there!! I love seeing what gems I can find on their site. 6y
beccaeve @Reviewsbylola It's amazing! They really can't be beat. I often find deals cheaper than used books. The order above with my reward points only cost $50! For 12 books! I love it 6y
silentrequiem Ooh. I didn't see that Le Guin box set. Nice! 6y
beccaeve @silentrequiem that was an exciting find! It's normally a $40 set 6y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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I voted early last week so I got to spend my evening finishing up this graphic novel. The story is great - a young, disillusioned former superhero deals with adjusting to real life and going to college - but the sketch-style art wasn‘t always up my alley. Definitely going to read book two though! 🦸‍♀️

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Slajaunie 😂 6y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag

Love the art style, love the story!! Lucky for me my housemate has the second book.

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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1. Rhys and Feyre
2. Edward and Bella
3. Ben and Leslie 😍
4. Travis Willingham and Laura Bailey
#manicmonday @JoScho you always make Monday a little brighter

MirrorMask Ben and Leslie ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
JoScho You are so sweet to say that. Thank you ☺️💖 6y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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The text at the bottom of this page made me laugh. So true!

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Loving this new #graphicnovel ! There‘s plenty of intrigue and of course, Alison is a great strong female protagonist. ❤️

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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A bit uneven. The beginning was confusing bc it was missing the entire backstory. It seemed to be continuing from a previous book, although that wasn‘t the case. Some parts were really good, I liked how Allison, despite her super powers, was unsure, like any other typical college student. And some of the backstory was interwoven well into the current story. However, the story itself was choppy. Artwork was fine, not as strong as others I‘ve read.

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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One of the things I loved most about this #graphicnovel was that there was footnotes on every page.

This one cracks me up. #donteatbooks

abbiereadsbooks That's one of my favorite things about the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl series! Footnotes in comics are the best. 7y
Clwojick @abbiereadsbooks Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is on my TBR. 😉 7y
MayginReads I loved that too! I really want another one to come out soon! 7y
Andrea4 😂😂😂 7y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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I really enjoyed this one, and will definitely be picking up the second book. 💗

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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Lunch is Caesar Salad with black olives and finishing up the tagged GN. Loving it so far. 💗

Cathythoughts ❤️Caesar salad 7y
tonyahoswalt I don't remember much about that graphic novel, except that I enjoyed it. Hrm. 7y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Clwojick @TommieMarie74 loved this one too! 7y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Pretty good. The story was interesting, different from most superhero stories. The art was great. I‘m interested in seeing how the web comic is going.

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Guess who visited a new library branch today 🙋🏻

Suet624 😂😂😂😂👍👍👍 7y
readordierachel I'm intrigued by that Black Comics in your stack. Is that a compendium? 7y
queerbookreader @ReadOrDieRachel No it's a book with words, not a comic collection. It discusses the subject of race within comics, and it covers everything--like history, stereotypes, representation, writers, characters, etc 7y
readordierachel Very cool. Thanks for the details. 7y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Solid graphic novel about Alison Green former superhero Mega Girl. Intelligent, beautifully illustrated. Overall great read.

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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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"Fake geek girl" moment...

DuckOfDoom As someone who read LotR before third grade I can understand. This makes me angry 😡 7y
Lauredhel @duckofdoom Yes! (edited) 7y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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#graphicnovel Loving this so far.

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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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5⭐ Wow, just wow. This graphic novel was amazing and the first to change my views on graphic novels. More of this, please!

JenReadsAlot I might have to give it a shot! 7y
MayginReads I do think you'd like it, or at least the questions it grapples with. I don't ever recommend graphic novels. It is a webcomic, so you could check it out there, but I'd argue needing to read a whole chapter (over a page) before deciding what you think. 7y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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I couldn't pick just one #femalesuperhero (and this is just the handful I limited myself to anyhow)! #marchintoreading

RealLifeReading Great picks!! 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Nice! I always get excited when Madame Xanadu shows up in a book. It means things are about to get weird. 7y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Super heroine goes through that crisis of hitting your twenties.

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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This. 👌🏼

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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#feistyfeb day 28: #bestoffebruary
Scraping by just a few hours before the day ends! Here are the best things I read in Feb (at least those I took photos of!).

A good number of comics, a book in an Italian crime series, an American classic and an always fun supernatural series. Titles below. All except the Italian book are by women. Titles below 👇

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Sass84 Everyone in their place is gonna get that Radiohead song stuck in my brain :) 7y
FairytaleEngine Hello! You ever wondered why Cinderalla's dad would marry such a mean horrible person like Cinderella's stepmother? What every happened to her real mom? This book answers these types of questions!! 7y
GatheringBooks loving the look of everything in their place :) 7y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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If you can overlook its less than stellar title, Strong Female Protagonist is actually a pretty great read about a young superhero trying to be a regular person again. This book, a Kickstarter project, has the first four issues and the webcomic is updated twice a week at https://strongfemaleprotagonist.com

Served with black glutinous rice pudding (pulut hitam) and coconut milk

MommyWantsToReadHerBook How do you make the rice pudding? 7y
RealLifeReading You can try this recipe. I just put mine in the slow cooker and let it cook for a few hours until the rice was the right texture. You don't need pandan but it can be found in the freezer section of some Asian supermarkets. http://rasamalaysia.com/bee-koh-moybubur-pulut-hitam-black-sticky-rice-dessert/2... 7y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @RealLifeReading Thank you for sharing! Didn't realise the ingredients would be quite so exotic, but I can try and find them. Your food and books combos are always so lovely. 7y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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#bookanddinner - homemade sushi (egg, crab stick and cucumber maki)?and a female superhero comic

DebinHawaii Looks delicious! 🍣💜 7y
RadicalReader @RealLifeReading what a gorgeous looking food 7y
kspenmoll 👏😃 7y
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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag

Exactly what the title says. The main character gives up being a superhero because she wants to make a real difference, not just punch giant robots. Thoughtful and emotional.

Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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I. Loved. This. Book. I can't believe I hadn't come across it before. Such a good comic & absolutely what I needed right now. Great character development, interesting play on tropes, and interesting discussions on morality and duty. Particularly timely themes of protest and how to enact real change.

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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Part Scott McCloud, part Watchmen, part New York Four, and a little bit Incognito, this equally funny and thought provoking story had me enthralled. The warm and friendly drawing style and quirky little details keeps it relatable and a joy to read. Hope more volumes get funded 🙏🏽 🌟8/10

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Strong Female Protagonist | Brennan Lee Mulligan, Molly Ostertag
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Philosophy and ethics with a former super hero reading list #StrongFemaleProtagonist

hof1991 Alison discovers that all problems can't be fixed by punching. Not a typical capes and tights but s character study. 8y
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