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Joined January 2020

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This RF picture book is an amazing book for pre-k last week of school on preparation for being a kindergartener. The teacher could use this book as an S and have a presentation or an anchor chart to list all the steps, materials and emotions that the students might need/feel for that first day of kindergarten. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R The author has the RA of this book on her website (https://audioboom.com/posts/6156573-the-night-before-kindergarten) by a literary coach. I could use this RA to support ESOL #16 and UDL 1.2 integrating a listening station in my classroom. 5y
VictoriaG This is a great story to use to prepare your students! I think so many times we only think about the first day of school books but this is great! 5y
Ryan_R This is so cute! I bet lots of little ones can really relate to this story!
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carolinem I will like to teach Kindergarten one day so I will be adding this to my stack 5y
juliap99 This book looks so cute ! 5y
SequoiaC123 This would be so cool to use to talk about procedures and steps with the students. Especially when it‘s the first week and you‘re trying to explain or create classroom rules! Great pick! 5y
DrSpalding An excellent book to include in your kindergarten classroom library. An obvious choice as a read aloud. Expand on your English learner strategy here. 5y
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Percy Jackson 1 - The Lightning Thief | Bestsellers - Books USA Press
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This MF New York Times Best Seller novel is the beginning of an amazing series that could be good for encouraging reading for pleasure in our students. The Lighting Thief is a great alternative to teach Greek mythology in a fun and entertaining way. I will like to use this book as an RT using Rick Riordan's adaptation of his book (http://rickriordan.com/resource/a-readers-theater-from-lightning-thief/). #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R I will model what an RT is in my classroom with this book and then I will ask the students to create their adaptation of this book or any other book that they like. UDL 7.1 offers individual choices and autonomy so I will provide the opportunity for them to choose which book they want to adapt to an RT. ESOL #8 ask us to do direct instruction, that‘s why I will model and show how to create RTs before letting them do their own. 5y
victoriamaria I really wanted to get into this series! 5y
Ryan_R Everyone always talks about how good this series is, but I never had the chance to read them! 5y
ShardaeP I remember reading this when I was in high school and I have seen all the movies. It is great the author made a RT script for teachers to use. 5y
DrSpalding What an excellent resource! Readers theater aids fluency. 5y
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Giggle, Giggle, Quack | Doreen Cronin
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This MF picture book is a fun story about a mischievous duck who performed tricks to his caretaker. It is a good book to teach key details and character development. I will use the Westonwoods/Scholastic study guide (https://westonwoods.scholastic.com/products/westonwoods/study_guides/giggle_giggle_quack.pdf) and RA this book while using the guiding questions provided. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R I will encourage my students to do think, pair and share in small groups to answer the guiding questions that I will provide. I will need to assure that my students know from the beginning of the lesson what is the objective, in this case, character traits and development UDL 8.1. 5y
amandar I really like your idea of having students do think, pair and share in small groups! Even young students benefit from discussions! 5y
deiacovab This seems like a good book for word play too isn‘t it? I haven‘t read it but it looks super cute. 5y
Ryan_R What a classic! Love it! 5y
DrSpalding I love this series of books and characters. Focusing on character traits and using multiple books in the series would be wise. English learner strategy? 5y
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Crenshaw | Katherine Applegate
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I'm not completely done with this book, but for what I read so far I will like to use it in my future classroom. This MF New York Times Best Seller novel by Katherine Applegate talks about homeless, eviction, hunger and poverty in a way that is easy to explain to elementary students. This could be a fun book to RA after lunch or recess. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R We can use the publisher's study guide and discussion questions (https://images.macmillan.com/folio-assets/teachers-guides/9781250043238TG.pdf) to highlight big ideas and relationships UDL 3.2, as well as continually monitor students‘ comprehension ESOL #6. 5y
Ryan_R Love your rug! What a cool photo. Also, the resource used was a nice tie to the book! 5y
victoriamaria Ahhhhh! I read this this semester too! It‘s so goood 5y
DrSpalding Excellent resource using the publisher. Expand on your English learner strategies. This book is an excellent addition to your classroom library. 5y
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This P picture book is a fun alternative to showcase this genre to students. Jack Prelutsky uses regular day topics to create his poems. The one I love the most from this book is called ”I have to write a poem for class” and talk about how the character is struggling to write a good poem for his class. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R We can use this poem to teach the elements of poetry in a CR. Listing the elements vocabulary words could help with ESOL #20. Giving them options on how to present their poems could help with UDL 1.1. Prelutsky has a writing activity on his website that gives students the opportunity to finish a poem that he started (http://jackprelutsky.com/online-writing-activities/). (edited) 5y
Brennap Yes this would be great to introduce poetry! 5y
DrSpalding You went straight to the poet for your resource. Wise. He has several excellent anthologies and choral reading is a smart strategy. (edited) 5y
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Aesop's Fables | Ann McGovern
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This TL book provides the reader with around 65 retold fables. They are short and easy to read. This book could be a good IR for a daily reading log. I will use these readings for short homework reading at home. ESOL #38 said that provide a short reading for homework could help ELL. Doing that we can promote expectations that the students will read at home like in UDL 9.1. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R In the scholastic website, they have two great activities for students to do while reading this book. One is keeping a record of words of advice that could be a fable in the future. And in the other one, the students write fables where the character of one of the book‘s fable becomes the main character in another of the book‘s fable. (https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/aesops-fables-extension-activities/) 5y
ValeriaCastaneda23 WOW! 64 fables, I definitely need to purchase this book. Your scholastic website you‘ve linked is also so resourceful 5y
DrSpalding Classic traditional literature and scholastic is an excellent resource. This is a nice anthology! 5y
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This B novel takes us inside a hard year of an African American teenager. The book shows the struggle this girl has to go through during segregation times in Alabama in 1963. Being a child of a famous baseball player she experienced amazing opportunities in her life, but at the same time she was the only black kid at her school and her family (especially her brother) was struggling to live up to her father‘s name. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R I would like to use this book for an AS about Sharon Robinson. I could have my students answer a couple of HOT‘s questions about her that they could find on the book and/or other resources ESOL #36. 5y
Zelymarie.R UDL 1.3 offer alternative for visual information and this video (https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/videos/teaching-content/sharon-robinson-interview-robinson-being-daughter-jackie-robinson/) could help students visualize how was being the child of a famous baseball player. 5y
Brennap Oooh yes this would be a great story to read in the classroom to talk about history as well! 5y
victoriamaria I really enjoy how creative you are with your pictures 5y
DrSpalding This is an excellent choice...book and resource. Sharon Robinson is the daughter of the famous Jackie Robinson that broke the baseball barrier. 5y
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Thanksgiving on Thursday | Mary Pope Osborne
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This HF book takes the characters and the students to the first Thanksgiving in 1621. The characters learn about planting, cooking and how everything happened during the first Thanksgiving. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R Mary Pope Osborne‘s Classroom Adventure Program provides a lesson plan that discusses the book as well as teaches the students about pilgrim life (https://www.mthclassroomadventures.org/application/files/1214/8604/9833/mth-27-lesson-plan-planting-time-in-plymouth.pdf). I will like to use this book as an SR focusing on activating prior knowledge of how students celebrate this holiday with their own families. UDL 3.1 and ESOL #4. 5y
DrSpalding Remember that magic treehouse is fantasy not HF 5y
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I found this NF book fascinating and really good for elementary students' research. During black history month (and during the rest of the school year) this book could help students learn important facts about bold women of our culture. This book could be a great RA or to use IR for research purposes. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R Vashti Harrison made a collection of reading-aloud of her own book (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0PuvFVu-5P0) and this, as well as the book, could be a variety of resources students could use to optimize challenges UDL 8.2. Providing information about significant people from different countries could be useful for ELL, ESOL #28. 5y
DrSpalding Another great series of nonfiction however these are biographies. Mini biographies in fact. 5y
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This SF picture book is a great way to integrate ELA with science for our students. This book explains in detail what do you need to know if you decide to go to the moon. In my future classroom, I would like to use this book as an interactive RA along with the lesson plan called Blast Off! (http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/blast-vocabulary-instruction-using-946.html) to teach technical vocabulary. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R This lesson plan could help students clarify and/or learn technical vocabulary. UDL 2.1 and ESOL #5 5y
DrSpalding Quality resource that you should use often. Expand on your universal design and English learner strategies. 5y
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Annie's Life in Lists | Kristin Mary Mahoney
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This RF Sunshine State Young Reader novel is a fun book about a teenage girl and all the changes her life has in one year. The book is easy to read because is all wrote in lists. This minimizes the threat of reading and the distractions UDL 7.3. The book could be a great IR for readers that get intimidated by long books. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R I found an RA (https://www.tes.com/lessons/_TGR-fhK3RH03g/annie-s-life-in-lists-read-aloud) that could be perfect for the distance learning teachers are providing to the student during these times. I could use this book as an alternative way to teach how to use lists and/or timelines ESOL #9. 5y
DrSpalding I added this to my stack. Nice job finding a Sunshine State book. Use this program in your future classroom. 5y
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Wonder | R. J. Palacio
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This RF New York Times Best Seller novel by RJ Palacio is an excellent book to do a RA right after lunch to calm down our students. The book teaches the reader about acceptance and inclusion as well as how to be kind to each other. With this book, I would like my students to do an AS so they can learn how the idea for this book came to the mind of the author. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R In small groups, I will allow my students to watch this video (https://youtu.be/Hh5qbE62IyY) where the author discusses the book during an interview. I will give them options on how to present the info they find like infographics, presentations or writing. With these activities, I use ESOL #48 that talk about alternative assessment and also UDL 5.2 that talk about multiple tools for construction and composition. 5y
DrSpalding This is one of the best books as noted by Julius flip grid. Check that out. Better job with your English learner and universal design principles here. 5y
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Blended | Sharon M. Draper
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This RF novel by Sharon M. Draper is an excellent book for teaching students respect, tolerance, and the reasons why racism is wrong. As a future educator, I will like to use this book for LC along with the discussion questions that Draper‘s website provides (http://sharondraper.com/bookdetail.asp?id=75). #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R In that same study guide, there's a suggested activity called ”The Real You” where students need to write a four-paragraph essay about how wonderful they are. This activity uses ESOL #3 encouraging students to do positive thinking and also provide relevance and value to the lesson UDL 7.2. 5y
LizzettM I love Sharon M. Draper after reading her book “Out of My Mind“. I really must read this book! I like the resource you provided it gave a nice intro to this story. 5y
DrSpalding Her website is a fabulous resource and I like the idea of following up the book with a writing activity as noted. 5y
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This RF picture book was a 2019 Caldecott Honor. The whimsical images take us in an adventure to discover the curiosity and a part of the mischievousness of the main character. The author has different activities related to the book and one of them is an RT. I think this book could be a really cute RT between teacher and students! #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R I would like to use this https://www.curiouscitydpw.com/2018/09/03/big-mooncake-activities/ to introduce the story through multiple media using UDL 2.5. Doing this we provide ESOL #17 with contextual support with multiple media. 5y
DrSpalding This is a book I have been wanting to own. Nice resource. I especially like the mobile. You could actually use these cutouts for the readers theater script or to perform a storytelling! (edited) 5y
cozypunk Thanks for the link! 5y
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New Kid | Jerry Craft
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This RF graphic novel is a 2020 Newbery Medal Winner. How hard the life of a seventh-grader could be in a new school? Can we add is a prestigious school and he just wants to pursue an artistic career? Did I tell you he is one of the few kids of color in his entire grade? This book will be perfect for an LC to incorporate the multiple themes this book entails. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R Jerry Craft has this teacher guide https://jerrycraft.com/wp-content/uploads/TG-9780062691200.pdf for his book and contain discussion questions and extra activities that are perfect for understanding the themes of this story. Using this teacher guide educators can use UDL 3.3 to guide information processing and visualization including ESOL #1 teaching questioning for clarification. 5y
Zelymarie.R This is a must-read, I struggle with the graphic novel idea, but the story is so awesome that I pushed through. 5y
SequoiaC123 Wow! I think this book would be great to read amongst peers especially because it could be a “window” or “mirror” for some kids in that same exact situation. You could use this book to teach how to cope in situations like this! I don‘t prefer graphic novels, but I may just have to give this a read! (edited) 5y
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Zelymarie.R @SequoiaC123 you should give it a change is worth it!! 5y
annalor This is a great pick! It seems like to could be relatable and inspiring to many students. 5y
DrSpalding Look at all those beautiful awards! I am still working on this one. Hopefully will be able to discuss it in the future. Again, excellent idea to go to the author‘s website for resources. 5y
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Bear Came Along | Richard T. Morris
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This RF picture book is a 2020 Caldecott Medal Honor. The awesome images in this book transport us to an adventure where we learn how everyone in the forest is important and have a role. As a future educator, I will use this book for an RA that incorporates classroom roles for the students. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R This Storytime Kit https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Bear-Came-Along-Dow... will help the students express what they learn from the story in multiple variations. This resource is a great way to use UDL 4.1 with a variety of responses and navigation. Also, is good to use ESOL #16 with the integration of speaking, listening, writing and reading activities. 5y
DrSpalding I like the idea of this as a readers theater. The images are beautiful as recognized by the Caldecott committee. 5y
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This MF graphic novel is a 2020 Geisel Medal Honor. With his comedic characters the author, Cece Bell, gives us a great message of kindness, compassion, and true friendship. As a future educator, I will use this book for great PR that uses UDL 8.3 and ESOL #2 promoting and fostering collaboration and cooperation between the students. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Zelymarie.R This resource http://www.readwritethink.org/professional-development/strategy-guides/using-pai... gives us ideas on how to use PR to increase fluency. 5y
Kayla_C Zely, I think that this book would be great with students. The title of it would definitely catch their attention and they would absolutely want you to read it with them. Your resource that displays using paired reading will aid in increasing. 5y
Jennymmm Interesting book, great resource and creative post. 👏 5y
DrSpalding You read some beautiful, current award winners! Excellent resource and partner or paired reading can be used to increase fluency. More time on task! 5y
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Whoever You Are | Mem Fox, Leslie Staub
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This RF, picture book is excellent for a RA! Having it in your classroom library will help students learn about differences and similarities of people. The author website have an audio version that can be helpful for students to listen the story again. https://memfox.com/books/whoever-you-are/ This website will help you offer UDL 1.2 for alternative in auditory info and also provide EL #14 with the slower and redundant speech. #UCFLAE3414SP20

LizzettM Great image! Love how you included an auditory reference, super useful(: 5y
Zelymarie.R Thanks, I love that the author have that, I love to visit classrooms that have auditory sections because some students like to be read and they like to listen to stories over and over again!! 5y
Keishla.O I love this picture! It really made your post that much more exciting and made me more intrigued to buy this book for my own class! 5y
DrSpalding Very concise! It looks like you have everything included. The audio resource is fantastic for all students including English learners. 5y
Tabitha_H Such a great book to introduce inclusion. The audiobook is an amazing idea to include in the classroom in the listening center. 5y
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