She looks awesome reading a novel on her own and she is loving it 🥰 (some strong word but she hears then from other sources)
Aliens Love Astronauts is a Science Fiction Picture Book written by Melinda Kisman. It is excellent for GR, RA, PR and IR rhyming book with a lot of repetition. It is silly and funny, and I could not stop laughing, and I know many kids will enjoy this book. The Elians love the Astronauts because they like to eat their boots. They eat so many boots that eventually the Astronauts stop going to their planet and send a Robot spaceship instead.
Inspiring book that takes the reader into Martine‘s life; it is writing in simple words that are essay to understand, and every page has a beautiful illustration. With his peaceful but great words, Martine had a great influence on others and helped with the end of Segregation. Sharing this book in the classroom can help inspire greatness. Theme Equal Rights.
The Wonderful things you will be is realistic Fiction picture book written in simple but beautiful words. That can be used for RA. A book that all moms, dad, and even grandparents should read to their kids. It expresses the love and expectation a grown-up has for their kids. Theme love from parents to child
A New York time bestseller
UDL 9.1 Promote Expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation
ESOL 3 Encourage Self-talk
The Last Stop on Market Street is a Coretta Scott King Award picture book. Great for RA and ST; with every single page, there is something new to discuss and share with the little ears. Every Sunday, Cj travels on the bus with his Nani. His Nany helps him view the world differently and appreciate every person no matter their disability, color, talent, income, etc. She teaches him to see beauty, even in the ugliest of circumstances.
This story is set at the time of the Great Migration. Most of Jacqueline Woodson's that express the importance of family history. The rope began the journey with the little girl's grandmother many years ago when she found it beneath an old tree, and then it passed from one person to another, holding memories from long ago. Is a F picture book great fro RA. Theme family
The other side and F book. Is a book about segregation and how two little girl show everyone that a fence would not get in the way of friendship. Theme: diversity. Great Picture book for Reading aloud and class discussion.
Award: 2001 Time of Wonder Award
UDL: 3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge
ESOL: 4 Link lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge https://www.rif.org/literacy-central/book/other-side
An excellent F picture book for readers theater. Scribbles, scribbles, and more scribbles, Who is responsible nobody knows. The mystery continued until Franken Crayon decided to solve the problem.
No award found but Michael Hall is and award winner author.
UDL 8.3 Foster collaboration and community
ESE 16 Integrate speaking, listening, reading and writing activities
Great for reading aloud. Theme perseverance. Everyone knows the story of the Humpty Dumpty, but few know what happened to him after his fall and recovery. After his fall Humpty Dumpty develop a feared to Heights, and because of this, he could not enjoy anything that he liked, such as eating a box of cereal. Eventually he did overcome his fear. It is a book with a positive meaning that should be shared with everyone.
Written by Susan Verde. Theme: Equal rights. This Nonfiction, Picture book is great for classroom discussion and read-aloud. It Is based on Georgia Badiel's childhood story. It teaches children how precious water is and that families in another part of the world struggle to have it. This book was created as a means of raising awareness that we all have the fundamental right to clean water and an education.
Snow by Uri Shulevitz excellent Fantasy Picture book, can be used fo reading AIP. Can be use to teach counting, spelling, and vocabulary. The theme of the book: greatness can come from something small. In this story with beautiful illustrations, a child celebrates the fall of snow in the city, and he counts each snowflake. Even though others think that a little snow is meaningless, he believes that it will become something spectacular.
Big Nate: Blasts off
By Lincoln Peirce
Theme perseverance. A Graphic Nobel and soon to be an animated series in Nickelodeon, Nate is New York Times bestseller. It will be great for independent reading and LC. Theme: Perseverance. Nate and his friends Have to defeat another Middle school in an Ultimate Frisbee Game. They encounter many challenges but never gave up, leading them into victory.
Toby, by Margaret Wild, is HF. The Theme grieved. It tells the story of an old Dog who belongs to Sara and her brothers. Sara has been with him since she was a baby. Toby got sick, and all of them had different ways of showing their emotion, from anger, sadness to empathy. This LC. Book an open conversation and can be a great tool to teach children that it is okay to feel the way they do when they have someone sick or that has died.
This Fantasy picture book great for reading aloud, class discussion, and Is part of a series. Written by Carl R. Sam's II and Jean Stoick. Theme curiosity. It's a must-read for animal and photography lovers. With beautiful photography to tell the story about something strange inside the forest, that none of the animals knows what it is. The animals are the one that tells the story.
This F. by Maria kondo and Salina Yoon
It is a Picture book perfect for reading aloud.
Theme friendship. This book teaches children that being disorganized can get in the way of having a healthy life and enjoying their friends. It also shows them that asking for help and helping a friend is always right. I didn‘t find any award, but Salina Yoon is an award-winner author and illustrator.
This F, Picture book was written by Kobi Yamada and Illustrated by Mae Besom is great for read aloud. The them is to trust yourself. This book encourages children to follow their ideas and what they think is correct. It also teaches them to be themselves no matter what others think and that a small idea can change the world.
Show Way by Jacqueline Woodson illustrated by Hudson Talbott is a PB, NF great for RA and IR. This beautiful book tells the story of the Jacquline Woodson‘s family. Her family was able to pass down through generation by putting together a beautiful quilt that traces their history of slavery, strength, achievements, and freedom. They sew beautiful pictures that only her family understood.
Award: John Newbery Medal
Great F book to eather RA, IR or share it in LC.
It is based on the true story of Ivan, a gorilla that was in captivity for 27 years. This book is told in the first person by Ivan him-self; it is a story of family, courage, freedom, protection and love. It is a must-read book for animal lovers, and it will be great to add to any library. The story will let you feel and imagine his life.
Award: The Newbery Medal and Theme: Animal protection
Genre P. Theme of the book Is mix, but is mostly about inclusion, history, and acceptance. “Hip Hop Speaks to children; a celebration of poetry with a beat” is a beautiful book that introduces poetry to children; It can be used to compare and contrast the different styles of poetry writing or as part of a history lesson. I enjoy them so much; some make me laugh; some make me cry. It even has martin Luther king Jr “I have a dream“ full speech.
F and LC book. This book can open conversations about discrimination, differences, respect, courage, bullying, feelings, judgment, and so on. The theme of the book is Empowerment. It is the story of Melody, a brilliant 10-year-old girl, trap in her own body, wanting to say and express so many things but unable to do it. It is heartbreaking, but at the same time, it inspires greatness. She never gave up and found a way to be heard.
This NF, RA picture book is a great addition to any classroom. “The Girl with the Mind for Math: The Story of Raye Montague“ is a beautiful and inspirational truth story, about a black African-American woman that defied all odds, in a time black people, especially women were discriminated. The theme is courage and perseverance. Award received The Amelia Bloomer Book, NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Book, NSTA Best STEM Trade Books for Students.
This F. by J. Woodson Read Aloud, a New York Times bestseller book, is a must-have for teachers; it has received multiple awards, including Jane Addams Children‘s book award. The theme of this book is acceptance. There will be moments in your life that you will feel different than everyone else around you, but ones you open up and start sharing with others, you see that you are not that different and that others will accept you the way you are.