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The Soulmate: A Novel | Sally Hepworth
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Here is maybe half of what I have on my potential #AugustTBR. I‘m still looking for a five-star read this month, so if you have any thoughts, please push me in the right direction! 🫣😅 #Rushathon

PirateJenny Always Grady Hendrix! 11mo
ShelleyBooksie Atticus sounds wonderful!! 11mo
MartinaLove Dark Corners and Terms and Conditions 11mo
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It‘s been a weird reading month so far. I‘m slowly getting through my #AugustTBR, but I‘ve had a limited amount of 4⭐️ reads, and NO 5 ⭐️ reads so far.

Thankfully we‘ve still got more than half a month left to up those numbers! Going to share the rest of my TBR, and maybe you guys can tell me which ones are worth my time 😆🫣 #Rushathon

DieAReader 🔥🔥🔥 11mo
Andrew65 The only way is up! 🥰 11mo
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Continuing with my New Years resolution to read my own shelves, these are some of the goals for this month.
#Augusttbr #Readyourtbr #readyourownshelves

Bingo! | Rosemary Wells
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Here is my #AugustTBR #bookspinbingo card!

My #bookspin pick is: Godkiller by Hannah Kaner which I‘m excited to read - fantasy standalone!

My #doublespin pick is: A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab - I read book one of this series several years ago and never continued, so I‘m going to read book 1 again and hopefully get to this book 2 as well.

This TBR is too ambitious, but we‘ll see how it goes.

TheSpineView Best of luck! 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Enjoy!!! 12mo
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Dog Days of August | G F Gorman
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My #AugustTBR is completely unreasonable. Hopefully, audiobooks will help me get through a chunk of this and I‘m still debating on bailing on Bad Monkey and A Boldly Daring Scheme. The Bone Readers is likely to get pushed aside along with the rest of the Beatrice Hyde-Clare books. I didn‘t put either Camp Litsy books because I‘m still waffling on whether on not I even want to try them. 🤷🏻‍♀️

kspenmoll You can do it!!!! 12mo
Littlewolf1 I have been meaning to start the Red Rising Saga for a while now… what were your thoughts on it overall? 12mo
DGRachel @Littlewolf1 I love the series. Love. It. BUT…it is heavy. The first book is a little slow and on my first read through, I liked it enough to want to continue, but I didn‘t love it. I‘ve come to appreciate it more on rereads. Book 2 is my absolute favorite series to date and I threw it across the room when I was done and cried for the 13 months I had to wait for Book 3 to be published. ⬇️ 12mo
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DGRachel Book 3 was amazing, a complete emotional roller coaster and I was content to let things end there. Pierce decided to write a second trilogy that starts 10 years after Morning Star ends. I devoured Iron Gold, but sobbed through the last 50 pages or so. It took me 2 years to be brave enough to pick up Dark Age. Dark Age is brutal. I‘m actually not looking forward to rereading because I know it‘s emotional. ⬇️ 12mo
DGRachel I haven‘t cracked open Light Bringer yet as I‘m waiting until I finish rereading Dark Age. Oh and the second trilogy is now a quartet because Pierce couldn‘t bring it all together in one book, scrapped more than half of what he‘d written, and is splitting the conclusion into Light Bringer and Red God. 12mo
DGRachel @Littlewolf1 …and in summary - epic battle scenes and softer, emotional moments, and very little space to catch your breath or dry your tears. It‘s madness and chaos, triumphs and huge failures, and I love it all. 12mo
Littlewolf1 @DGRachel oh wow, ok so that is definitely going to be on my list to start next month. When it gets to a point that you throw a book across the room, that‘s a book worth reading. 12mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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Here is my way too ambitious #AugustTBR - as I‘m a #LitsyTeacher and go back to work in 2 weeks 🤯

There are a few hold overs from July as I got in a romance mood so I did not finish a few things.

As always I will be doing #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo

*edit saw the month long #Rushathon #readathon and will participate in that too!

Soscha Imma be with you for The House at the Bottom of the Lake. I got the audio on hold. It‘s not very long, 5 hrs, about. 12mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 12mo
Andrew65 Great to have you with us on #Rushathon. Enjoy the next 2 weeks, it comes around quickly. 12mo
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Roll the Dice | Robbie Cox
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Here is my #Roll100 picks for my #AugustTBR

The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman - I‘ve heard not great things about this one, so it may end up being a DNF, but I can get it off my TBR either way.
A House at the Bottom of the Lake by Josh Malerman - another one with mixed reviews, but I like weird books so we‘ll see
The Blood Trials by N. E. Davenport - I‘ve heard this one is great so I‘m excited for this one.

Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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The end of summer has definitely sunk in as I completed my first full week of school. #LitsyTeachers
My #20in4 #Readathon plan is to try to finish my current reads:
🎧The Burning God
📖Making the Match & Bone Shard Emperor
Then at least start 2 books from my #AugustTBR
🎧Things We Never Got Over
📚The Hunger of the Gods

Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😊 Hope you had a good first week. 2y
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Bloomsbury Girls: A Novel | Natalie Jenner
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Very late with my #AugustTBR because I was supposed to pick up a couple of library holds at the beginning of the month but one seems to have gotten lost between branches? Poor book…

Anyway. July wasn‘t a great reading month between work and starting a kitchen reno so the stack is high this month. But I‘m nearly done the to-do list for this weekend and am just going to veg with books!

DisneyFan Americanah and Salt are both great. I am proud to own both.Looking forward to your review of Hidden Life of Trees, that‘s been on my TBR forever. (edited) 2y
janeycanuck @DisneyFan oh, I‘ve been putting them both off for so long - Americanah because of the length and Salt because I‘m worried it‘ll be slow. I‘m really looking forward to the Hidden Life of Trees, though! 2y
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Better late than never?

🛏 Gerald‘s Game by Stephen King - currently reading along with a group in IG
✅ Granta 115: The F Word: (Feminism) - read
🌎 Granta 113: The Best of Young Spanish Language Novelists for the Monthly Key Word gxo challenge
🇫🇷 The Caretakers by Amanda Bestor-Siegal for book club
⚡️ The Change by Kirsten Miller with my sister

Wish me luck!
#tbr #AugustTBR

Ruthiella Good luck 👍 2y
PaperbackPirate Thank you @Ruthiella ! 🙌 2y
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