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Of Time and Turtles
Of Time and Turtles: Mending the World, Shell by Shattered Shell | Sy Montgomery
8 posts | 6 read | 16 to read
National Book Award finalist for The Soul of an Octopus and New York Times bestseller Sy Montgomery turns her journalistic curiosity to the wonder and wisdom of our long-lived cohabitants--turtles--and through their stories of hope and rescue, reveals to us astonishing new perspectives on time and healing. When acclaimed naturalist Sy Montgomery and wildlife artist Matt Patterson arrive at Turtle Rescue League, they are greeted by hundreds of turtles recovering from injury and illness. Endangered by cars and highways, pollution and poachers, these turtles--with wounds so severe that even veterinarians would have dismissed them as fatal--are given a second chance at life. The League's founders, Natasha and Alexxia, live by one motto: Never give up on a turtle. But why turtles? What is it about them that inspires such devotion? Ancient and unhurried, long-lived and majestic, their lineage stretches back to the time of the dinosaurs. Some live to two hundred years, or longer. Others spend months buried under cold winter water. Montgomery turns to these little understood yet endlessly surprising creatures to probe the eternal question: How can we make peace with our time? In pursuit of the answer, Sy and Matt immerse themselves in the delicate work of protecting turtle nests, incubating eggs, rescuing sea turtles, and releasing hatchlings to their homes in the wild. We follow the snapping turtle Fire Chief on his astonishing journey as he battles against injuries incurred by a truck. Hopeful and optimistic, Of Time and Turtles is an antidote to the instability of our frenzied world. Elegantly blending science, memoir, philosophy, and drawing on cultures from across the globe, this compassionate portrait of injured turtles and their determined rescuers invites us all to slow down and slip into turtle time.
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My #naturalitsy friends may love this one. A quick read about turtles and those that save them and the science behind why we care for turtles and what we can learn from turtles about time. What amazing creatures.

TheBookHippie Need!!! 2w
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I love this book! Sy Montgomery lives the life I should be living! She works with animals and their carers or those who study them and then writes books about her experiences. She‘s written about octopuses, pigs, and a collection of essays, “How to be a Good Creature”. This one is my favorite of hers I‘ve read so far though. These turtles and the people who serve them have my heart! I admire the rescue organizations Sy mentions in the book.

bibliothecarivs I was able to meet Montgomery at our state library conference a few months ago and get a copy of How to be a Good Creature signed as a Jólabókaflóðið gift for my teen daughter who loves animals. 3w
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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:



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This was fabulous! If you enjoyed The Soul of an Octopus I HIGHLY recommend this.


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Tonight‘s #hyggehour involved listening to my husband read from the tagged book. We meant to make a fire in the fireplace, but that didn‘t happen so a YouTube fire it was 😂. I just started a new job last week, so an hour of calm on Sunday nights is perfect before starting another busy week.

TheBookHippie Yay!! Hope the new job goes well! 8mo
AmyG Wishing you all the best in your new job! 8mo
maich Congrats on the job and wshing you the best! 8mo
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charl08 Sounds perfect - good luck. 8mo
AllDebooks Good luck with your new job. x 8mo
Megabooks Congratulations!! 🎉🎉 and I hope you enjoy the book! I did. 👍🏻 8mo
slategreyskies I love YouTube fires! 🔥 also, I don‘t know how it is that I‘ve never come across your account and followed you, but that changes today! :) 5mo
JamieArc @slategreyskies Welcome to my feed ❤️ 5mo
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Page 5 of this book 🤣🤣. I always knew I liked Sy Montgomery.

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I really enjoyed Sy‘s recounting of her time learning about a local turtle rescue in New England and the wonderful work they do. Those involved clearly have a deep love for these animals and it made me find them delightful as well. What dragged it down was her repetitive pressing of her politics into the book in a way that didn‘t help the narrative and often distracted from it (and I‘m on the same side of the aisle with her).

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Sy‘s book on octopuses made me give up eating them, and her book about turtles is no less moving. Prevented from traveling a lot for this book due to Covid, she focused on a turtle rescue near her home in Massachusetts. I fell in love with the giant snappers she mostly worked with. I had worked with a few previously as well, and they are much maligned but surprisingly smart and interesting. The people she worked with were very cool, too.

ShelleyBooksie Her books are awesome ♡ 12mo
marleed Years ago headed to I29 in N Missouri. Traffic stopped on the state highway for the slow move of a massive snapping turtle. Nat‘l Guard dudes on training got out of their vehicle unsuccessfully coaching it to the MO river. Along comes an old farmer in an older truck, pulled over, slipped on gloves, walked through the guardsmen, picked up the turtle vertically, placed it in the path to the river. Got back in truck and drove away. Funny! 12mo
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