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The Winner's Kiss
The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
107 posts | 171 read | 6 reading | 86 to read
War has begun. Arin is in the thick of it, with the East as his ally and the empire as his enemy. He's finally managed to dismiss the memory of Kestrel, even if he can't quite forget her. Kestrel turned into someone he could no longer recognize: someone who cared more for the empire than for the lives of innocent people-and certainly more than she cared for him. At least, that's what he thinks.But far north lies a work camp where Kestrel is a prisoner. Can she manage to escape before she loses herself? As the war intensifies, both Kestrel and Arin discover unexpected roles in battle, terrible secrets, and a fragile hope. The world is changing. The East is pitted against the West, and Kestrel and Arin are caught between. In a game like this, can anybody really win?
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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#Kiss 💋 #LuckyInLove 💋👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻💌💘

#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful as always 💋 5mo
Eggs Stunning 💋📚👄 5mo
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Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Finally, all that tension from “The Winner‘s Crime” resolves itself. The characters have grown and matured, and I like who they‘ve become. A fitting end to their story.

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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This is well written and the romance is well done, but it was too long, character driven and slow paced for me. #BookSpin #September #DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 4y
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Finally done with this Trilogy! I loved it so much! I adored the MC‘s and In the last book just fell in love with Roshar! 😍❤️ I didn‘t want it to end so soon! 🥺

Powered_By_Plants These look great, just read the blurb on the first & sounds like it has a little Romeo and Juliet vibe 😁 4y
Mishu94 @Powered_By_Plants haha it was really nice! I finished the series in three days! Was hooked! 😁 4y
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Onto the final book! I‘m in love with this series! 😍❤️

AkashaVampie That cover is gorgeous!!! 4y
Mishu94 @AkashaVampie thank you! 🤗❤️ 4y
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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This series continues to bring such joy to my heart

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Day 25: Dresses ❤️💕

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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My Used Books Winter Haul, because sometimes you will just buy more books!

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Finished this reread

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Oh my goodness, such a great conclusion to a fabulous series! I have fallen in love with these wonderful characters and I am sad that it's over...
#thewinnerskiss #thewinnerstrilogy #marierutkoski #goodreads #youngadult

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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I could not really get into this book, I couldn't focus and I was always distracted while reading it. I was confused as to where the characters were etc.

But the characters development was really interesting and I loved/hayted to get to see Kestrel changing like that because of what she had been through. Their relationship also evolved in different ways and it was great to read.

In the end it is a nice series I just could not get into this one.

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Finally decided to finish this trilogy !

#currentlyreading #marierutkoski #thewinnerskiss

Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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I can't even begin to explain how much I loved this book. It was a beautiful compelling story and this book gave its proper goodbye and conclusion.
Finishing these series is bittersweet and I want to go to my corner and happy-cry. 😭😍💗🌹📚

Bklover It‘s hard to find your next book after finishing a much-loved series! Pretty covers on these! 6y
fenblablabla @Bklover it truly is, but I'm waiting for my "Court of thorns and roses" copy and I have heard good things about it ?❤️ fingers crossed! 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚🎉Hope you are enjoying it here! 6y
fenblablabla @DebinHawaii thank youuu!!!! 😊🎉📚💕 6y
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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The last book in the winners trilogy! I found this book to be much better than the second which I was super happy about because The Winner‘s Crime was mildly painful. Kestrel and Arin are the cutest couple and the fact that they weren‘t separated the entire book this time around was phenomenal. Kestrels father makes me angry and Roshar is hilarious!

Rated 4/5 on GR

#thewinnerskiss #marierutkoski #thewinnerstrilogy #yareader #fantasy #love

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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I typically weave a trilogy into my summer reading and I chose The Winner‘s Trilogy this year! Just started the last book today on the beach; I‘m so anxious for the ending!

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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4/5 ⭐️ This is just a guilty pleasure book that makes me happy. It‘s the third in the series and there isn‘t anything spectacular about it. I just love that it takes me somewhere else and into another life.

Read my full review on Goodreads:

RaimeyGallant Nice review. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Jess7 Welcome!! 6y
RaimeyGallant Of course! 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻🌸 6y
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Loved this one. I thought it was the perfect conclusion to the trilogy. It‘s filled with action, romance, and everything in between.


#ya #fantasy

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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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#bookmail just waiting on the Winners Curse. They have gorgeous deckled edges ❤️📚

ScorpioBookDreams Deckled edges!! 😱🙈😱🙈 6y
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Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Welp. I‘m almost done with this series. Not sure what I‘m going to do with my life afterwards #thispleasedmyromanticlittleheart #THEPOLITICSTHEINTRIGUETHEHEARTBREAK

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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Loved this conclusion to the series - it was intense and addictive and heartrending all at the same time. I need to lose myself in a dramatic page turner every once in a while and the last 2 books of this trilogy fit the bill.

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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After not blogging for 6 months, it is time for me to get back to it. Hopefully I will have posts to publish next week but if not I will definitely be around on social media.

#imback #amreading #thewinnerskiss #fantasy #ya #yareads #romance

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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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This book came to mind for today‘s prompt of 💋 for #EmojiNov from @RealLifeReading

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Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Another one of my auto-recommends!💋 #emojinov

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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This series is one of my faves ever!! The FEELS was absolutely insane but I LOVED IT!!

TaylorMay I've been wanting to read it but I'm already neck deep in so many other series. Happy to know that it'll be worth it once I get to it though 💙 7y
sincerelykarenjo @TaylorMay it so is!!! I binged the series 😂 Yeah I know what you mean about being neck deep! I‘m so behind on a lot of books on my TBR lol 7y
TaylorMay Right?!? I mean they just keep coming out with new books? What is that? It's like they just want us to keep reading forever or something 😉 Oooh I'll make sure I have access to all of them then when I decide to jump in 7y
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sincerelykarenjo @TaylorMay seriously!!! I buy books faster than I can read them lol 😆 7y
TaylorMay Lok don't we all? I can't even keep up with the ones I don't buy. I have 4 holds that popped up from the library all at the same time!! 😓 I can't pick what to read first! 7y
sincerelykarenjo @TaylorMay I feel yah! I‘m got into a reading slump then after I got sick... I‘m so behind my Netgalley TBR and my own personal TBR... yet I still want to buy more books haha 😆 The struggle is real!!! 😂 7y
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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OMG! The end of a trilogy full of suspense, uncertainty, and what a growth of characters. The latter is probably my favorite thing when it comes to books. You can actually see how some of the characters grow, in a good or a bad way. Tbh, some characters deserve a decent punch in the face in this piece. And the action development often held me on the edge of my seat. This was sooo close to five star rating. 4.4/5⭐

GondorGirl I've never heard of this series! I'll have to check it out. 7y
KnjiskiZmaj @GondorGirl you should. It's more YA, although it's listed as fantasy, but the trilogy overall is really good 7y
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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I should be working...


Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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I really enjoyed reading this trilogy! I don't know what to do now that it's over...

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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Another great YA fantasy series ❤️ I loved Kestrel and Arin, and especially the dynamic between the two of them and Roshar. Once again, I end up liking a book/series for the main characters and falling in love with it for the secondaries. 😆

#ya #fantasy #greatcharacters

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Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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I have high hopes for this book as the last 2 were fantastic

398.2 I have been meaning to get to this series. Enjoy! 7y
NeverendingTBR Thanks @398.2 really looking forward to getting into it 7y
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Afternoon All!
QOTD: What is your favourite Genre?
AOTD: For me, my favourite genre is High Fantasy. I have tried reading a few other Genres but I always find myself coming back to YA Fantasy. I do have a few Contemporary books which I want to read but I'm worried I might not like them! 🙈

#bibliophile #bookphotography #yareads #yalit #yafantasy #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #prettycovets #thewinnerskiss #acowar #strangeandeverafter

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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??My first post on here! I'm not sure how everything works, but we'll see how this works.
The Winner's Kiss is the last book I finished and I loved it!
?? So mein erster Post, juhu! Ich bin noch nicht sicher wie alles funktioniert, aber ich bin gespannt wie alles läuft.
Das letzte Buch das ich gelesen habe war The Winner's Kiss und es war super!
#howdoesthiswork #bibliophile #thewinnerskiss #marierutkoski #bookoftheday

Chachic Guten tag! Welcome to Litsy! 🎉🎉🎉 Hope you enjoy your time here. 7y
KimSlr @Chachic thank you! 7y
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Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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This trilogy is one of the best that I've read ❤ Amazing writing, fast pace story and also... strong female main lead! 💪 I recommend this trilogy for whoever will like romance, action, conspiracy and betrayal...

[These titles are in brazilian portuguese, my native language ❤]

utterpandamonium I wanted to read this one for so long but I still haven't done it yet 😁 I'm a bit hesitant because I'm not sure if its more political or fantasy or romance and I'm really not so into political drama 😂 7y
MandieLopes @utterpandamonium I undestand what you are saying. But If I could say something about this trilogy, the romance is strong, even in the parts that are not really romantic (I'm struggling a bit here to explain without spoilers 😅) The main characters are so complex so you sometimes forget the political drama. I think you should try... and decide yourself if you can go forward or not! 😉 7y
utterpandamonium @MandieLopes I'll probably try and pick up the first book soon! Thanks for explaining it 😊 7y
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MandieLopes @utterpandamonium I hope you enjoy it! 😁 7y
MrBook Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay with us 😊👍🏻. We're the most positive, tight-knit, passionate bibliophile community you'll meet. Careful: this'll take over your life. 😂👏🏻🙌🏻 7y
MandieLopes @MrBook Thank you so much! I entered this community knowing that it will be hard to leave 😂😅 7y
MrBook 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Enjoyed some time today reading outside.

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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"Proud girl. Hard, noble heart. And a liar, a liar"

Kestrel from the Winners Trilogy, Locke Lamora, and Eugenides of the Queens Thief series are some of my favorite protagonists. Liars all.

#lies #maybookflowers

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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"You could offer her a seat,” Arin said.

“Ah, but I have only two chairs in my tent, little Herrani, and we are three. I suppose she could always sit on your lap."

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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The perfect ending to an amazing series. 💖

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Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Books & Tea! 😍😍

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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski

Fantastic ending to the series! This book gave me so much anxiety but I loved every minute of it.

Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Perfect book to read for Christmas❤🎄🎀
#winnerskiss #lamaldiciondelganador #marierutkoski

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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski

Finished up this series today as Part 1 of my #labsoundtrack. A solid ending, with forgiveness and cooperation playing large parts.

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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I just love this series. I'm about halfway through the 3rd book. kestrel and Arin are killing me!!

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Don't let the depressed prom queen covers fool you!! I couldn't put this series down!😍😍😍😍😍

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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really enjoyed reading this one, once I started it I didn't want to put it down. the 2nd book was a bit of a letdown for me, so I was a bit worried heading into this one, but I'm glad to say that all my worries were for nothing.
The Winner's Kiss delivers a satisfying end to this trilogy about the daughter of a general & a enslaved young man 📚

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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The tension! The stakes! The plotting! Marie Rutkoski needs to teach me how to write because this YA trilogy crushed it right down to the very end 👑

Jokila This is the YA trilogy I thought you might like! 👆 @sharimichele 8y
ultrabookgeek OOO thanks! Adding to my TBR! 8y
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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This one was kind of disappointing to me compared to the other two in the series. While I loved the exploration of the relationship between Kestrel and her Father, I found the romance aspects to be boring and the trope used at the beginning of the book annoyed me a lot.

BookNerdBritt This one was a slower read for me too due to being so heavy on the romance. On the other hand, I thought they deserved it after everything they've been through! 8y
CaitlinSiem I wasn't much of a fan of book one, book two redeemed itself for me, and I was looking forward to book three. Now I'm nervous 🙊 8y
Brittbritt @CaitlinSiem you should definitely read it cause it does wrap the series up well but just expect it to be a bit slower and more romance heavy 8y
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The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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I finished the series! And the third book didn't suck!

The Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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Winner's Kiss | Marie Rutkoski
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The beginning of this one was not what I expected (and stressed me out quite a bit). I enjoyed getting to see these characters pick up the pieces and try to forgive each other. I liked this quote and appreciated the way things wrapped up.

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