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Les mis?rables | Victor Hugo
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Les mis?rables | Victor Hugo
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Last Day of School for my girls! Plan to finish reading this chunkster this month! #ReadLesMis

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Day 30: Wrap-up
I explained a bit in my story yesterday how crazy our May was. It was my goal to #readlesmis in May but it looks like I‘ll be finishing it in June instead and I‘m okay with that. Even with it being the only thing I‘ve read, I‘m about 1/2 way through. It‘s outside the norm of my typical reading experiences, and I‘m enjoying the journey so much. #Ampersand2018 #ReadingResolutions

Slajaunie Beautiful picture! 6y
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Les Misrables | Victor Hugo
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Last night my husband asked, “Aren‘t you finished with that book yet?” It‘s not often that I spend an entire month reading a book. I told him I was almost to the half-way mark!

As much as I love zipping through books, it‘s actually been nice to have one that can marinate a bit. I am loving getting the “background” stories to so many of the characters that I have known from the musical version only.

Plugging along! #ReadLesMis

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Day 18: Snug
Even the cats are feeling lazy today.
42% done with #ReadLesMis which is not quite on track to finish in May but not too far off! Plugging away and hoping to have some down time for reading this weekend.

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Day 14: Sky
We made a quick road trip to go see Hamilton ⭐️ this weekend. I used what daylight I had to #ReadLesMis 📚. Still reading about the convent...that part is kind-of going on forever.

Les Misrables | Victor Hugo
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Totally crushing it on my #ReadLesMis challenge this month! It doesn‘t even bother me that it‘s probably the only book I‘ll read all month because I‘m so happy with myself for finally taking the plunge and reading it. (Continued in Comments...)
Day 11:
Ready to Tackle #Ampersand2018
Fiction Friday #ReadingResolutions

lauraodom I‘m really impressed with Hugo‘s writing. It‘s overly descriptive in one chapter, a historical narrative in the next, and full of suspense the next.
I was practically biting my nails last night when Valjean and Cosette were hiding from Javert!
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Ah! Little Cosette is now with Valjean and all is right in the world.

While Book Second on the Battle of Waterloo was rough, I feel like Book Third was the reward for having made it through. Valjean‘s role as Cosette‘s redeemer is just perfect.

Also, I can‘t stop hearing the songs from the musical keep going through my head. 😂🎶

#ReadLesMis #AmReading

Bronte_Chintz Gorgeous picture! 6y
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Day 6: Shelfie
The season of life we are in makes our weekends crazy busy, so I had very little time for reading yesterday. About to sit down with my book and try to get back on track to #ReadLesMis in May! I feel a little bit like its homework and I‘m behind! Yikes!

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Day 1: May TBR
In May I‘m joining a group of ladies on Bookstagram who are reading Les Mis! I‘m excited because it‘s one that‘s been sitting on my shelf for ages waiting for “some day” when I get to it. 😳 If you want to join in, search for the #readLesMis hashtag on Instagram.