This week‘s #WeeklyForecast includes:
* #readyourebooks
* #NoPlaceLikeHolmes #Roll100
* #ReadOrDonate #readyourTBR #Roll100
* #readyourebooks #Roll100 #SeriesLove2024
This week‘s #WeeklyForecast includes:
* #readyourebooks
* #NoPlaceLikeHolmes #Roll100
* #ReadOrDonate #readyourTBR #Roll100
* #readyourebooks #Roll100 #SeriesLove2024
These are my reading goals for September. I want to try and read mostly from my shelves until the end of the year. And catch up on books that have their sequels coming soon. #readinggoals #readyourshelves #readyourtbr
So good! Fast paced, the characters I already love doing their thing and a plot that gripped me. #15 in the series.
#Roll100 #readyourTBR #SeriesLove2024
Ready for our #BobWhiteBuddies discussion. Another fun adventure with Trixie & the gang.
#BobWhiteBuddies #SeriesLove2024 #readyourTBR
A new series. A spinoff of the Inheritance Games series. Avery & the Hawthorne men are hosting The Grandest Game. Players need to solve puzzles and beat challenges for a chance to win the prize money. Favorite old characters mesh nicely with interesting new characters.
This was my August #BookSpin book.
#BookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2024 #readyourTBR
This has been on my shelf for a long time! I pulled it from my book tree (so it‘s a #Roll100 book for me) & made it my August #ReadOrDonate pick.
This was a nice mix of mystery & magic/paranormal. The cast of characters is diverse & I want more of them. This series has now been added to my TBR.
#BookSpinBingo #ReadOrDonate #SeriesLove2024 #readyourTBR #Roll100
Last week‘s books/audiobooks were fun. They also covered the following:
5 #SeriesLove2024
4 #BookSpinBingo
3 #readyourTBR
2 #readyourebooks
2 #Roll100
1 #NoPlaceLikeHolmes
This was my favorite in Ward‘s Summer series. The story, characters and setting were fully developed and enjoyable.
#SeriesLove2024 #readyourebooks #readyourTBR #Roll100
The last book in the series (😢).
I have loved these books and the characters. This one included a bonus epilogue that showed us the characters 40 years later. While they had “real” hardships, obstacles and medical problems to deal with, they were still friends & loving life.
#BookSpinBingo #readyourebooks #readyourTBR #Roll100 #SeriesLove2024