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Our Fathers
Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
48 posts | 23 read | 35 to read
Nobody knows why John Baird, a quiet family man, decided one day to pick up a shotgun and murder his wife and children. On the remote Scottish island of Skellag, violent crime is unheard of, and the killings sent shockwaves through this tiny community in which the Bairds were well-known and liked. Tommy, the only survivor of the terrible crime, has returned to Skellag many years later. Faced with this reminder of the horrors that took place amongst them, the community must ask themselves again how much responsibility we have to know our neighbors. What drives a man to murder his own family? And to what extent is Tommy his father's son? With unflinching candor and powerful prose, Rebecca Wait interrogates the damaging legacy of toxic masculinity for a family and a community. Brave and urgent, Our Fathers shows how deeply family can wound and how it can offer our greatest solace.
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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It was a hard choice between Our Fathers and Amina. So different but both so good. Just like last year, my first two picks of the year came from #auldlangspine match

CBee Both are ones I very much want to read soon 😄 5mo
Sapphire @CBee I recommend audio for the adventures of Amina al sirafi. It adds to the swashbuckling feel! 5mo
Catsandbooks Yay! So great the wild card option worked here! 5mo
CBee @Sapphire good to know! Thanks 😊 5mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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I had seen many good reviews, and this book didn‘t disappoint. This is a harrowing story of family violence and those who are left behind. The way that stories get re-written and memories that we think are real are not. It is about what a community sees or chooses to see and what it deliberately does not see; how it helps and how it hinders. It is not an easy story to read, but it is beautifully written and so important. #europacollective

Texreader Excellent review 5mo
jlhammar I have so much love for this book. Wonderful review! 5mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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What an astounding book. I am so grateful to have encountered it. An amazing end to a Sunday evening with tea and 🥐
#auldlangspine #europacollective #192025 Litsy has made my reading life so much richer and I love you all for it.

monalyisha What an uplifting post! Glad you‘re here, too. 💕 6mo
CBee I‘m so happy to have “met” you! 6mo
BarbaraBB Great post! So glad you loved this book too 🤍 6mo
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Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ Glad you‘re here too! 6mo
jlhammar It really is. So glad you appreciated it as much as I did. Yay for Litsy! 6mo
TheKidUpstairs What a great tag to wake up to. Roots was such a wonderful book. The relationship between Tom and Malcolm was so thoughtfully done, their quietest moments together are what had stuck with me the most. 6mo
TheKidUpstairs That should say "this was such a wonderful book" not "roots" 6mo
vivastory This book sounds really interesting. Stacked! Thanks for the thoughtful tag 💙 6mo
Sapphire @TheKidUpstairs yes, a wonderful depiction of love despite the frailty of being human and unsure of oneself. 6mo
Gleefulreader This literally arrived in the mail this week for me and I can‘t wait to read it now. 5mo
Sapphire @Gleefulreader I hope it is a good read for you! 5mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait

Oh my ghosts, my lovely ghosts. Come with me.

CSeydel 🥲 this book 💔 6mo
Sapphire @CSeydel so much! 6mo
BarbaraBB So beautiful ❤️‍🩹 6mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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90 pages in and this book is nothing like what I had thought it would be when I missed reading it with #europacollective last summer. I am so glad it was on the @TheKidUpstairs #auldlangspine2024 list to prompt me to return to it. It‘s gorgeous and atmospheric despite the gruesome subject. And I am hooked to find the secrets to be revealed.

BarbaraBB My favorite book of 2024 6mo
jlhammar Really glad you're reading it. Such a good book! 6mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 6mo
TheKidUpstairs I almost skipped this one because the blurb made me expect a different kind of book. But reviews like @BarbaraBB 's made me give it a chance, and it will stick with me for a long time. I'm glad you're finding the same experience! 6mo
BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs 🙏❤️ 6mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Looked what arrived in today‘s mail, @Deblovestoread . Thank you so much for thinking of me. The book sounds great. 🥰😘❤️

Deblovestoread Glad it arrived. And the chocolate doesn‘t look squished…Enjoy! 7mo
BarbaraBB I hope you‘ll love the book, and I do expect so! 7mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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#12DaysofChristmas #September

I cannot choose between these two books written by Rebecca Wait. Both are 5 🌟 reads. They and The Covenant of Water made September an excellent reading month.


Andrew65 That is an excellent reading month. 7mo
BarbaraBB I can‘t wait to read 7mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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#12DaysOfChristmas #12BooksOf2023

I adored this book. Not only was it September‘s favorite but also that of the whole year. The desolate setting in the Scottish Hebrides, the uncle and his long lost nephew. Two men of so few words, yet looking for answers.

TrishB I loved this too. She‘s a brilliant author. 7mo
Andrew65 I love a good book set on the remote Scottish Islands. 7mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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I have three books I'm trying to finish today (hahaha, dream on), but none of them are favorites. So, here is my 2023 bracket!

BarbaraBB My favorite book of the year too! 7mo
lauraisntwilder @BarbaraBB It was a stunner! 7mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Tommy was just eight years old when his father murdered his mother and two siblings on a remote island off the coast of Scotland. Many years later, he‘s back for a visit and also to try to come to terms with his life. By the end of the book, we learn all the secrets as well as the histories of all the major characters. This book will stay with you.

jlhammar Yes! Definitely one that stays with you. One of my favorites this year. 8mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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This is so lovely! Thank you, my sweet friend. The book looks fabulous. And coffee 🙌🏻 (my favorite). Bit that bookmark. Ha! I could think of a book or two that apply. 🤣 😘

Deblovestoread You are most welcome! Enjoy! 9mo
BarbaraBB The book 🥰. You‘ll love it! 9mo
TrishB Second @BarbaraBB the book is great! 9mo
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AmyG @Trishb @BarbaraBB Now I am even more excited! 9mo
Tamra It is a great read! 👏🏾 9mo
Chelsea.Poole LOVE Our Fathers! Hope you enjoy! 9mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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My oldest is a university graduate 💛💜👏🏻 I got to finish my book driving to and from and I‘m thankful for the hope at the end

Ruthiella Congratulations to your son! 👏👏👏 9mo
mcctrish Thank you @Ruthiella 9mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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What a book. Such beautiful writing and descriptions in the midst of unimaginable horror. The character development is impeccable. I was sad when it ended and will be thinking about Tommy and his family for a long time. I‘m officially a Rebecca Wait fan after this one.


squirrelbrain So good! ❤️ 10mo
sarahbarnes @squirrelbrain truly! ♥️ 10mo
Aimeesue Such great writing in this one! 10mo
BarbaraBB I am a Wait fan too now! 10mo
jlhammar What a book, indeed! Great review. I'm so glad we chose this for #EuropaCollective. I'll definitely be reading more Wait. 9mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Friday night is basically a repeat of Thursday but with higher end chips. Do I know how to party, or what?!

Ruthiella Whoa! Slow down there missy! 😂 10mo
mcctrish @Ruthiella I know 😆 people be like “how does she do it?!” 10mo
Tamra My kinda PARTYYYYYY 10mo
mcctrish @Tamra 👯‍♂️😂 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Phenomenal. A quiet, powerful, devastating story about a man who commits a terrible crime. Years later, the only survivor returns to the island he once called home, adrift & struggling with being the one to survive. He isn‘t the only one who wonders about that night, about his father, about what led to the horrific act of violence. I read this for my IRL book club & I‘m sure it‘ll make for a very interesting discussion. Highly recommended.

jlhammar Perfect choice for a book club - so much to discuss! Great review. So glad you appreciated it as much as I did. 10mo
TracyReadsBooks @jlhammar Really, really good. I think I‘ll probably revisit this one in the future. It‘s a really well-written, carefully crafted story that asks some important questions. 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Totally uninvited, I jumped on the #EuropaCollective read for September after seeing so much love for this one. I‘m telling you, I was blown away!! Themes of isolation, memory, guilt, and inheritance are expertly expressed through grown Tom, who‘s returned to his childhood home on a remote island where he experienced unbearable trauma. Will he be able to heal from the wounds of his past by facing the pain of returning home? A top book of the year!

AmyG Stacked! High praise. 10mo
jlhammar So good, right? Happy you could join us! 10mo
TheKidUpstairs Right?!?! I was not expecting to love this one as much as I did. SUCH a good read. 10mo
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lauraisntwilder Wasn't it great?? I just loved this one. 10mo
Tamra Sooo good! I‘m glad you jumped on board! 10mo
BarbaraBB That was a wise decision! It‘ll be one of my all time favorites I think! 10mo
Chelsea.Poole @AmyG I think you‘ll love it! 10mo
Chelsea.Poole @jlhammar @tamra Makes me curious about the next pick! I think I saw the next one will be December…? 10mo
Chelsea.Poole @TheKidUpstairs @lauraisntwilder yes, a bit of a hidden gem! I hadn‘t heard of it prior to the Litsy discussions. Another reason to love this bookish place 🥰 10mo
Chelsea.Poole @BarbaraBB I can see why! I know it‘ll stick with me too!! 10mo
TheKidUpstairs I'm pretty sure December is 10mo
Chelsea.Poole @TheKidUpstairs thanks! Are you planning to join? 10mo
jlhammar Chelsea, I‘ll tag you now on the post that shows our picks through 2024 and will include you on future #EuropaCollective posts. Join us whenever time and interest allow! 10mo
TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole I'm planning on it! 10mo
Tamra @Chelsea.Poole yes - I hope you join! 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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An uncorrected proof—which clearly states is not for resale on the cover—is not what I ordered but it‘s what I got. Sigh. The dangers of buying used books online I suppose. This is the first time it‘s happened to me (but probably not the last). That being said, I didn‘t pay a lot and I‘m not disappointed to have an ARC—it‘s always fun to compare it with the published edition—so it could be worse.

jlhammar Oh no, that‘s not cool. Fantastic book though. Hope you enjoy! 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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🍁 Tagged is my one 5🌟read for September.

🍁🍁 Scarathalon…the reading, the games, the community, the fun 🎃

Tagging everyone!

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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My weekend feels like I‘m spinning my wheels as I try to do some school work, clean my house, get weeds in the garden under control, catch up on reading, do 4 loads of laundry ( I do love doing laundry so that‘s not a big deal) and take it easy. Simultaneously. #mentalmadness but it feels like summer so I only want to do outside things

Tamra I get it! 😉 Well, not the summer temps part exactly. (edited) 10mo
mcctrish @Tamra we are having the weekend weather I‘ve been dreaming of since school started, it will all go to hell after this and that‘s fine, I just want one last blast 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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What a great start for #EuropaCollective - 5/5

What does it mean to be the only survivor of a family massacre? How to live with being related to a man capable of such atrocities? How to make sense of such a tragedy? What could have been done differently? How to live with ghosts?

All these questions are present in this beautifully written book. Every word, every sentence rings right, feels true. This novel is a tour de force. It's just perfect.

Deblovestoread Great review! 10mo
BarbaraBB Wonderful review and I couldn‘t agree more 💖 (edited) 10mo
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader @Deblovestoread @BarbaraBB Thanks. I really liked this book. I'm a sucker for atmospheric novels. The introspection of each character was very interesting to read. 10mo
jlhammar Yes, such a great first #EuropaCollective read! Here‘s to many more! Terrific review, I felt the same. It will definitely be among my 2023 favorites. 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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I've been slowly collecting Europa Editions titles for years (probably starting with Elegance of the Hedgehog?), so I've been very much looking forward to our first #EuropaCollective read. This book did everything right for me. I'm drawn to fiction with a literally bleak landscape, and Litta was perfect. I was so shocked by the "bombshell" surprise at the end, BUT what Tommy said to Fiona at the end put everything in perspective so well.

jlhammar Yes, that ending! Shocking and heartbreaking, for sure. And I agree about the setting/landscape. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Great review! 10mo
BarbaraBB Fab review! And I prefer your edition over mine 😀 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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I absolutely tore through this one—it was incredibly compelling even through it was not especially plot-driven. The book examines the psychology of a small, tight-knit community, and how social expectations weigh differently on people of different temperaments. How pride and a desire not to be found lacking can catastrophically hinder communication and intimacy even in a place where everyone knows everyone else‘s business. Gripping and profound.

CSeydel Big thanks to #EuropaCollective for bringing this book to my attention! 10mo
CSeydel 4th book completed for #SummerEndReadathon @TheSpineView 10mo
BarbaraBB The (lack of) communication between those two men was written so well and felt so true. Fab book and review! 10mo
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CSeydel @BarbaraBB Yes, it was so poignant being in Malcolm‘s head while he struggled to come up with the right things to say. I was also thinking of the barriers to communication between Katrina and Fiona. 10mo
BarbaraBB And what to think of Katrina and John? I wish they had talked more before getting married 💔 10mo
TheSpineView Sounds good! 10mo
jlhammar Wonderful review! This book also got me thinking about domestic abuse and how often it can get overlooked or explained away if physical harm isn‘t witnessed or there are no visible bruises, breaks, etc. 10mo
CSeydel Oh I just checked my list and this was my #bookspin for September @TheAromaofBooks 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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jlhammar Great quote! 10mo
CSeydel @jlhammar There were so many wonderfully insightful quotes in this book! She really nails the psychology of coping with unhappy memories 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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#IdiomInsight Day 15: There is a literal and metaphorical #UnderTheWeather vibe to this book that is grim, brooding, and grief-stricken. I love our first #EuropaCollective title. I have been abandoning novels left and right so I am glad to have finished reading this while reading three other novels I have been reading on and off for months now.

Eggs Great photo 🍤 🥬 🍽️ 10mo
jlhammar So glad you loved it! Great description of the vibe. One of my favorite reads this year, for sure. 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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I collect Europa Editions because they are, bar none, fabulous reads. This was no exception.
Tom, the only survivor of a family annihilation tragedy that took place when he was young, returns, floundering, to the isolated island where it happened. His return stirs up emotions and fears in the islanders as they are all forced to deal with the slow motion fall-out of the event and what led up to it. Beautifully, movingly done.

Tamra Yes! I think our Europa collective is going to be full of great reads. 😁 10mo
jlhammar I agree, so moving. Wonderful review! 10mo
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Deblovestoread Great review! Have loved every Europa I‘ve read so far. 💜 10mo
squirrelbrain I think I may well start collecting Europa editions too… I haven‘t read many but the ones that I have were fabulous. 10mo
Cathythoughts Yes ! Very moving and beautifully done. X 10mo
Aimeesue @Tamra I sure hope so! It‘s hard to go wrong with Europa. 10mo
Aimeesue @jlhammar Thanks! I thought it was going to be a hard read, given the subject matter, but it was much less horrible (in terms of depictions of violence) than I had anticipated. 10mo
Aimeesue @Deblovestoread It‘s kind of a shortcut for me when I can‘t decide what to read - there‘s always another Europa to chose from! 10mo
Aimeesue @squirrelbrain Good reads with lovely covers! They do look nice on a shelf. 10mo
DrexEdit Looking forward to this read, even if I know I won't get it done in September! 😊 10mo
lauraisntwilder I collect them, too. I just finished this one last night and it was amazing. 10mo
Aimeesue @DrexEdit it‘ll be there when you get to it! It‘s a good one. 10mo
Aimeesue @lauraisntwilder Right? Soooo well done! 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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There‘s not much more that I can add to all of the other #europacollective reviews for this wonderful book.

It‘s a quiet book but with a powerful impact - loved the burgeoning relationship between Malcolm and Tom. Did anyone else think that they‘ll stay in touch?

As you can see we‘re having a ‘van day‘ in the Lakes due to the iffy weather…. Much reading will be done today!

jlhammar Quiet, but powerful indeed. That‘s a perfect way to describe this book. I felt hopeful that Tom and Malcolm would stay in touch, that Tom would come back for visits. 11mo
Tamra I felt an ongoing relationship was iffy. 🫤 11mo
BarbaraBB Lovely review. Glad you loved it too. I have high hopes for Malcolm and Tom 💕 11mo
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TheKidUpstairs Great review! I think they will stay in touch. I think Tom went back to the island in search of a lot of answers that he may never find, but I think that one thing he did learn was that Malcolm will always be a touch point he can return to. 10mo
Megabooks Hope you had a good day reading. Makes me think of 🙂 10mo
robinb Obviously “van” days can be fun too. 📚😉 10mo
JillR Added to list! (Hope your weather improved, we had a weekend camping in the Lakes recently and the weather was also iffy) 10mo
squirrelbrain @JillR - we‘ve had a few decent days but today, not so much! 🌧️ 🌧️🌧️ Another van day calls I think, then back home tomorrow. 10mo
Suet624 Europa books have become my must read books. 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Emily St. John Mandel‘s blurb on the front accurately describes this book. It will definitely be on my best of 23 list and I will be thinking about it and sharing it often. Excellent 5🌟

Thanks @jlhammar for starting #EuropaCollective This book might not have come to my attention otherwise. And I can‘t wait to read what‘s next. I think Europa Editions has magic sauce in picking out their publications.

#SummerEndReadathon Book 6 of 20

Tamra I agree - all the stars! 11mo
BarbaraBB Wonderful review and I totally agree. I don‘t think I would have read it either without #EuropaCollective! 11mo
jlhammar Great review! I‘m so glad I read this one. We‘ve got a wonderful group and some fantastic reads ahead, I think! 11mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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BarbaraBB Enjoy! It‘s so good!!! 11mo
jlhammar 💔 11mo
Tamra So wonderful! 11mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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“He would never again forget that although he and John had grown up in the same house, they had each had a different set of parents, an entirely different childhood.”

I often wonder if this is always true or just in homes that are dysfunctional.

Loving this book so far!

jlhammar So glad you‘re loving it! This is one of the passages I found especially insightful. I think this can be true even for people raised in a relatively happy/healthy home. 11mo
sarahbarnes I‘m hoping to get to this one soon! 11mo
suvata Straight to my TBR 11mo
Tamra Isn‘t it great?! I could not put it down last night and stayed up to finish. 11mo
BarbaraBB @Tamra Me too! 11mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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#IdiomInsight Day 9: The only survivor of a family trauma / tragedy inevitably feels #DownForTheCount in this atmospheric novel where setting and weather almost play like another character. Brooding, grim, and haunted. I am loving this #EuropaCollective pick for the month of September. 💕

jlhammar Yes, so atmospheric and haunting! I‘m glad you‘re loving it so far. And your photo is making me very hungry. 11mo
BarbaraBB Enjoy both! 11mo
Eggs Sounds as good as those onion rings! 11mo
batsy Now that's a meal I can dig into! 11mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Brilliant!! 💫 An incredibly tense & gripping atmosphere pervades the story as characters plumb the depths of their guilt over the murder of a local family. The physical and emotional isolation makes it palpably claustrophobic, and the desolation of a Hebridean island is the perfect setting! #europacollective

Tamra Fiona! Oh my word, that was a bombshell I did not see coming. 🫢 11mo
jlhammar So good, right? Wonderful review and beautiful pic! 11mo
jlhammar Oh my gosh yes, Fiona!! That was quite shocking. And so very sad. 11mo
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Tamra @jlhammar I suspect it‘s going to be hard to find a Europa we don‘t enjoy. 👍🏾 11mo
Tamra @jlhammar very sad. Frustrated & unfulfilled woman who turns on another. 😔 I can‘t imagine making that revelation and then having to live with the consequences! Though it‘s understandable nobody saw it coming - or didn‘t want to see it coming. Things like that just don‘t happen in “our community.” 11mo
BarbaraBB Fab review! And the Fiona twist I didn‘t see coming! 11mo
CSeydel Such a powerful book. Fiona‘s involvement surprised me, too. (I kept wondering if the twist was going to be that Katrina had actually committed the murders.) At first, of course, I was furious at Fiona for being so awful, but if you stop to think about the narrative she had constructed for herself (Katrina thought she was too good for the islanders, John was the friendly one, “one of us”) then it makes so much sense. Still heartbreaking. 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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I don't know what I can add to all the other reviews praising this book. It was absolutely brilliant, definitely one of the best of the year for me.

Years ago, on a remote island in the Hebrides, John Baird murdered his wife and two of his children before turning the gun on himself. Now, surviving son Tom returns to the island to try and find sense in the riot of memories that haunt his brain.

Cont'd in comments...

TheKidUpstairs It is a story of the connections that hold us up, and those that drag us to the deep. A story that asks how to keep living after the unthinkable. And a story about masculinity, both toxic and not, that explores how to be alive in all its conflicting simplicity and complexity. Tom and his Uncle Malcolm are two of the most genuinely human characters I've come across in recent reads.

jlhammar So glad this ended up a pick for you. I agree, just brilliant and will also be among my favorite reads of the year. Great point about the contrasting portraits of masculinity. Loved Tom and Malcolm. 11mo
BarbaraBB So true what you say about masculinity. And I loved Tom and Malcolm and how they, without words, were able to share their affection 11mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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This is me…..🤣

TrishB Me too 😁 11mo
Amiable I refuse to comment on the grounds that it may expose just how much tea I drink every day. 😀 11mo
jlhammar 😆 11mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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The temperature has finally dropped a bit, so I can enjoy some outdoor reading time. This book is absolutely fantastic so far. I'm so glad it was chosen for this month's #EuropaCollective read, I don't think I would have read it otherwise!

squirrelbrain Oh good, everyone seems to love it so far! I‘m reading it next week. 11mo
TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain I don't want to overhype it for you, but I think this is one you'll love, too! 11mo
Tamra I‘m enjoying the atmosphere of it! 11mo
TheKidUpstairs @Tamra yes! She does a great job of atmosphere and sense of place. And the characters feel so genuine and human, I find myself feeling so deeply for them so quickly. 11mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Our. #EuropaCollective title for the month is also a fit for #IdiomInsight Day 8 since this is murder #FairAndSquare

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 📚💙 11mo
Eggs Well done👏🏻👏🏻 11mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Does anyone else have issues with hoopla jumping around in a book? I was reading the tagged, and it jumped ahead a chapter, then jumped a couple pages forward again. When I tried going back a couple pages to find my place again it jumped straight back to the beginning.

So frustrating, and it's not the first time this has happened. Off to buy the book instead!

ShelleyBooksie That has happened to me with other audiobook programs and it drives me Bananas! 11mo
BarbaraBB Frustrating! Maybe everyone wants to read that book now 😉 and the system collapsed?! 11mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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“Oh my ghosts, he thought. My lovely ghosts. Come with me; we‘ll try Glasgow.”

What a moving closing passage 😭 Our first #EuropaCollective pick is a stunner! I loved it. Deeply affecting. And wow, the writing! So many tender and insightful passages that stopped me in my readerly tracks. See comments below for some of my favorites. I definitely need to seek out some more Wait.

Can‘t wait to read all of your thoughts in the days and weeks ahead!

jlhammar Okay, first, to those who have finished, that Fiona revelation! So sad and shocking. I can't imagine living with that. 11mo
Cathythoughts That‘s a beautiful quote you have there. I loved that too ❤️ 11mo
Cathythoughts I read another book of hers that I loved 11mo
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jlhammar “Malcolm was so shocked he couldn't think of an answer. He would never again forget that although he and John had grown up in the same house, they had each had a different set of parents, an entirely different childhood.“ So perceptive - I think many of us often think this of our siblings, baffled at how we could have grown up in the same house, same parents and seemingly have such different experiences. 11mo
jlhammar “Tommy adored no one as he adored his mother. He had confided in Nicky once, when they were very little, that he loved his mother even more than God and Jesus, and Nicky had told him, 'You can't say that,' before adding comfortingly, 'I do too.'“ 11mo
jlhammar “Malcolm could see it was silly to dwell on something like this. In any case, he knew as well as anyone what a strange darkness the past was, how we plucked pieces from it and refitted them to our own purposes. The past was a story we told ourselves.“ 11mo
jlhammar “Malcolm wished more painfully than ever that Heather was alive to meet Tommy again. It would have made her so happy. But you couldn't live your whole life only looking to the dead. Life was a hard struggle, a long dark night, and we had best be thankful for those left to us to love.“ 11mo
BarbaraBB I love your review and your quotes. So touched by this book and those sentences. That ending indeed. And I teared up at this one: “She thought I would so much have liked to live.” 11mo
jlhammar @BarbaraBB Oh my gosh, yes, forgot about that one! 😪 It's all just so good. 11mo
jlhammar @Cathythoughts Good to know! I'm going to have to put that one on my to-order list. 11mo
BarbaraBB And Fiona indeed. The part she played in it all. And what‘s she‘s got to live with ever since - her biggest satisfaction being the crispy sheets of her bed. The poor woman but she made a big mistake and didn‘t really seem to have learned from it 🤷🏻‍♀️ 11mo
squirrelbrain Looking forward to this (next week)! 11mo
Sparklemn I thought I could work past the domestic violence but it was too much for me. I'll join you for The Postcard in March!
jlhammar @Sparklemn Totally understand. Glad you‘ll be joining us in March! 11mo
Aimeesue @jlhammar @BarbaraBB re Fiona: she‘s in denial, no? She‘s buried her part in it so deep that I think she really doesn‘t realize what she did. That‘s why she gets so flustered when Tommy returns, right? If I remember right, she told him, but it took a couple of days before it happened, so she never really had to acknowledge to herself that that info is what pushed him over the edge. 10mo
jlhammar @Aimeesue Yes, great point, I think you‘re right. I don‘t think she can face/admit to herself the terrible mistake she made. It‘s just too much. 10mo
BarbaraBB @Aimeesue she tries to convince herself she played no part in the outcome because it was a few days earlier. Seeing Tommy again is bringing it all back. The damage she did. It‘s such a sad book. But I adored it. 10mo
CSeydel @Aimeesue Three weeks passed before it happened. She is in deep denial. Emotionally she had come to feel that Katrina was a little stuck up and was just using her, and that John was a friendly and decent fellow. She just can‘t face how wrong she was. 10mo
lauraisntwilder I finished last night, so I'm finally going through and reading reviews. I agree with everything you've said -- such good quotes! Oh, FIONA! She really had me in her corner, too... 10mo
Aimeesue @CSeydel Lotta justifyin‘ going on there with Miss Fiona. Psychologically, it makes sense though. How could you live with yourself otherwise? 10mo
CSeydel @Aimeesue Exactly. You simply couldn‘t. (edited) 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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#EuropaCollective ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I kept putting away this book because I didn‘t want to read on, didn‘t want it to end. It is drowned in sadness. The desolate setting of a small Scottish island. A father killing his family, a surviving son.
Years later Tommy returns to the place that has haunted him ever since.
And yet. The “terrible beauty” of the island, the awkward kindness of his father‘s brother. Two men of few words, looking for answers. ⬇️

BarbaraBB ⬆️ I adored every page and am deeply moved by the book. I am extremely glad it was selected as our first #EuropaCollective read as I probably wouldn‘t have read it otherwise. (Photo: Vassiliki, Lefkada, Greece) (edited) 11mo
Emilymdxn I really loved this book too! 11mo
See All 22 Comments
Cathythoughts Great review 👍🏻❤️ 11mo
wanderinglynn What a great spot to read! ⛵️💙 11mo
Chelsea.Poole Lovely photo and your review makes me want to read this book 11mo
BarbaraBB @Chelsea.Poole Please do, it‘s worth it 🤍 11mo
BarbaraBB @Emilymdxn I am so glad I picked it up. One of my favorites of the year so far 11mo
Tamra Just started! Your vacation spot is hopefully an antidote to the sadness of the book. 11mo
TheKidUpstairs Great review! My library doesn't have this one, so I was debating whether to buy it or not. You've convinced me! 11mo
BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs Totally worth it! I am even considering buying the gorgeous Europa Edition as well 😇 11mo
BarbaraBB @Tamra Absolutely! The Sun adds a lot to the gloomy atmosphere of the book 😄 11mo
sarahbarnes Just now reading your review of this - I definitely want to read it! And gorgeous pic. 11mo
Deblovestoread Great review. Looking forward to starting. 11mo
squirrelbrain Great review and a fabulous picture as always! 11mo
LeahBergen Wonderful review! 11mo
jlhammar Gorgeous photo and great review! I just finished last night and absolutely loved it. I agree, so moving. Hoping to post my review soon. 11mo
Chelsea.Poole @TheKidUpstairs this definitely seems like a you-book! 11mo
BarbaraBB @jlhammar So happy you loved it too. I was really blown away by it all. Grateful we chose this book! 11mo
TheKidUpstairs @Chelsea.Poole it really does, doesn't it? Everyones reviews so far have been calling to me. And I just found it on hoopla! I swear it wasn't there last week! 11mo
lauraisntwilder Once again, I prefer your cover to the US edition. 10mo
BarbaraBB @lauraisntwilder I love the Europa Editions one! 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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I couldn‘t get a copy of the book. So , kindle it is.
I was very excited as I started this book .. ‘ Thriller of the Year‘ and so it began. I thought it was good , just not what I expected. It turned out differently, more of a thoughtful book. I loved the Scottish island, the weather, the people. A deep reflection on Tommys tragic life. I did enjoy it. I just wanted ( expected ) to be more scared 🙈. A pick 👍🏻 #EuropaCollective

Tamra I‘m happy to see you posting! 😍 Thanks for the heads-up - I won‘t expect it to be a thriller in the scary sense. 11mo
Cathythoughts @Tamra Thanks X if you‘re not expecting it , it may be very different X 11mo
Cathythoughts @Tamra Next up , All Done By Kindness 👍🏻😁♥️ 11mo
See All 14 Comments
mcctrish Thx for the reminder 🤦🏻‍♀️ 11mo
Cathythoughts @mcctrish I know the feeling 😁 we take a lot on sometimes X 11mo
squirrelbrain Great review - I don‘t think I was expecting a thriller but I haven‘t even read the blurb again since we nominated it. I‘m reading it next week. 11mo
Cathythoughts @squirrelbrain I imagine you‘ll enjoy it. It‘s a good book. ♥️ 11mo
jlhammar Fantastic review! Yes, I‘m finding it much quieter, much more reflective (and heartbreaking) than expected. I‘m nearly halfway through and really enjoying it so far. Some great writing. 11mo
julieclair I love thoughtful books and great writing. Haven‘t started this one yet, but I expect I‘ll love it. 11mo
Cathythoughts @jlhammar Yes, the writing is great. So readable. ❤️ 11mo
Cathythoughts @julieclair Oh good. I‘m sure you‘ll enjoy it ❤️ 11mo
BarbaraBB I wasn‘t expecting as much of a thriller as you did, so wasn‘t disappointed with the lack of excitement. I loved the quietness of the book 🤍 11mo
Tamra The blurb definitely makes it sound like it‘s going to be more of a traditional thriller. It‘s more of an emotional thriller and a bit of an unresolved one at that since Tom‘s memory is questionable. 11mo
Cathythoughts @Tamra Very good point about Tom. Strange ending … strange book, but I enjoyed it. 11mo
66 likes14 comments
Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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“If she had survived, Katrina would have said what people always say: that it had been a day like any other.”


ShyBookOwl Oh that's a good line to open on! 11mo
BarbaraBB Great start! Looking forward to this month and this book! 11mo
Tamra Got it off the shelf and am anticipating a great read! 11mo
See All 6 Comments
Cathythoughts I just finished it. Not sure how I feel about it yet, I‘m going to sleep on it and then put up my review. Engaging writing for sure. (edited) 11mo
Cathythoughts Lovely bookmark ♥️ 11mo
jlhammar @Cathythoughts Thanks, Cathy. Looking forward to your review! 11mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Repost for @jlhammar

#EuropaCollective ✨September 2023✨

Salutations Storks,

It‘s almost time for our inaugural read, Our Fathers by Rebecca Wait. Read the book sometime in September, post your review &/or any thoughts along the way and be sure to tag the group.

All are welcome!

Original post - https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2626207

Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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#EuropaCollective ✨September 2023✨

Salutations Storks,

It‘s almost time for our inaugural read, Our Fathers by Rebecca Wait. Read the book sometime in September, post your review &/or any thoughts along the way and be sure to tag the group.

All are welcome!

jlhammar @LitsyEvents Please repost. Thanks! 11mo
mcctrish Thx for reminding me, I need to get a copy 11mo
Deblovestoread So excited to be reading with everyone! 💜 11mo
See All 16 Comments
Tamra Yay!!! 11mo
LeahBergen Thanks for the reminder! 👍 11mo
GatheringBooks Oh wow, thank you for the reminder. I have completely forgotten! Will try to get my copy soonest. 11mo
squirrelbrain Yay! I‘d already put my copy on my pile ready for our camping trip. 11mo
Sapphire I have my copy. Taking it on vacation next week! 11mo
BarbaraBB Love your photo! I have brought my copy on vacation! 11mo
Cathythoughts Thankyou for the reminder 👍🏻❤️😘 11mo
Sparklemn I'd like to join the read! 11mo
jlhammar @Sparklemn Wonderful! I‘ll be sure to tag you on future posts. 11mo
DrexEdit Not sure I can get a copy of the book in time, but I‘m looking forward to reading the reviews! 11mo
AllDebooks I've seen so many rave reviews for this and just discovered your #EuropaCollective group. Please add me to the taglist 😊 10mo
jlhammar @AllDebooks Great, will do! 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Our first six reads for #EuropaCollective! Thanks to everyone who helped with the selection process this week. It was so fun and I can‘t wait to read all of these with you!

SEPT23 Our Fathers - R. Wait
DEC23 A Novel Bookstore - L. Cossé
MAR24 The Postcard - A. Berest
JUN24 The Road to Dalton - S. Bowring
SEPT24 A Long Way From Verona - J. Gardam
DEC24 Belle Greene - A. Lapierre

I‘ll post reminders during the lead-up. All are welcome.

Sapphire So excited! 1y
jlhammar This will be very low-key. Simply to read the chosen book sometime during the assigned month, post your review &/or thoughts along the way and be sure to tag the group! 1y
jlhammar @LitsyEvents Please repost. Thank you! 1y
See All 25 Comments
Cathythoughts Thankyou for tagging me. I‘m excited to join in the reading 👍🏻❤️ 1y
Tamra Yay!!! So much delightful reading ahead! 1y
DrexEdit Looking forward to these reads! Now to track down a copy of Our Fathers! 😊👍 1y
squirrelbrain Exciting! And I think these were all the ones that I voted for! Thanks for doing this Jamie! 1y
GatheringBooks Woohoo! Thank you! 💕 So excited about this group. 1y
CSeydel This is perfect - thank you for setting it up! 1y
Deblovestoread What a great bunch of books will be reading together Thanks Jamie!! 1y
TheKidUpstairs Great selections, I look forward to reading with you all! 1y
LeahBergen I‘m looking forward to this! Thank you. 👏 1y
BarbaraBB Thanks Jamie, such a fine selection! 1y
julieclair These look fabulous! Please add me to the tag list. 😀 1y
jlhammar @julieclair Will do! So happy you'll be reading with us! 1y
julieclair Thanks! Looking forward to it! 1y
TheKidUpstairs I'm so excited for this one! Love the low-key and quarterly format. And the excuse to buy more Europa 😊 1y
jlhammar @kspenmoll Excited you‘ll be joining us, Katherine! Here are our first six reads. 13mo
JuniperWilde This looks great. Not sure ill@read all of them but I have 2 on my TBR list. Pls tag me. Thank you 12mo
jlhammar @JuniperWilde Awesome, will do! Excited to have you join us! 12mo
jlhammar @Sparklemn Here are all our picks through 2024. Happy you‘ll be reading with us, Lora! 11mo
jlhammar @AllDebooks Here are our picks through 2024 in case you missed it. Excited to have you reading with us, Debbie! 10mo
AllDebooks @jlhammar thank you 😊 10mo
jlhammar @Chelsea.Poole Our picks through 2024. Excited to have you read along with us! 10mo
Chelsea.Poole Excellent! Thank you ☺️ (edited) 10mo
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Okay #EuropaCollective, let the voting begin! I hope you haven‘t read either of these yet. I‘ve got back-up choices if you have.

Which of these would you most like to read in September? I‘ll add links to the Europa catalog in the comments.

If anyone plans to join us that I didn‘t tag, do let me know. All are welcome to read along with us!

jlhammar @Aimeesue Tag, you‘re it! You can go ahead and post your two nominations for December. 1y
See All 28 Comments
mcctrish Good lord, how does one choose?! I might lean towards Our Fathers only because I‘m not a fan of My Brilliant Friend 😆 1y
Tamra Ours Fathers - I have it stacked! 😀 1y
BarbaraBB Great choices! My vote goes to Our Fathers! 1y
Deblovestoread I‘d like to join if not too late? 1y
LeahBergen They both sound good. Let‘s see … murder and Scotland?… I‘ll vote for 1y
jlhammar @Deblovestoread Not too late at all! We‘d love to have you join us! Let me know which of these books you‘d prefer and I‘ll be sure to tag you in future posts. 1y
squirrelbrain I have a copy of Our Fathers but it‘s not Europa.. is that cheating?! 😬 I‘ll still vote for it though! 1y
jlhammar @squirrelbrain Okay, we‘ll allow it 😂 Just kidding, it‘s not cheating at all! Any edition will do. 1y
Aimeesue Our Fathers for me! The Kindle edition is on sale today for $2.99 if anyone wants an e-copy. (edited) 1y
Aimeesue @jlhammar I will peruse my giant Europa collection and post tonight! (edited) 1y
jlhammar Well, we have a clear majority for the Wait so I think we can call it! Our Fathers it is! 1y
jlhammar @Aimeesue Good luck! Can‘t wait to see which two you land on! 1y
Tamra @jlhammar 👏🏾 1y
LeahBergen Yay for Our Fathers! 👏 1y
lauraisntwilder My vote is for A Girl Returned, but I think I'm more than outnumbered! 1y
charl08 Can I jump on this read please? 😊 1y
jlhammar @charl08 Yes, please do! Just Our Fathers in September or would you like me to include you for all the #EuropaCollective posts? 1y
charl08 @jlhammar please add me to the posts- I'll do my best to catch up. 1y
jlhammar @charl08 Wonderful! So glad you‘ll be joining us. 1y
Adventures-of-a-French-Reader Both books seem very good ;) Whatever the community chooses, I'll read it! Love Europa Editions 1y
jlhammar @Adventures-of-a-French-Reader Fantastic! We‘d love to have you read along with us. I‘ll be sure to tag you in future posts. Our Fathers will be our September read, but voting is still in progress for December, March 2024 & June 2024. I‘ll tag you there so you can vote if you‘d like. 1y
Sapphire Please tag me! 1y
TheBookDream Me please! I adore Europa editions 1y
jlhammar @TheBookDream Yay! Glad you‘ll be joining us! Voting is still in progress for June 2024, September 2024 and December 2024. I‘ll tag you there now in case you want to get your votes in today before we close it. 1y
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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This was recommended by a dear friend who has never steered me wrong. She usually challenges me to move out of my reading comfort zone, and it looks as if this do the same.

Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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I really like this authors writing, she writes families, fears and miscommunications so well. This is quite a sad little read, claustrophobic setting on a small Scottish island, but I was engrossed as we found out what happened.

Cathythoughts Sounds a challenging read. Stacking 👍🏻♥️ 2y
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Short and simple but emotionally resonant. The only survivor of a brutal murder returns to his home island in the Hebrides to make sense of his memories and his similarities to his father, the murderer. I finished this in a few hours and maybe it won‘t stick in my memory loads, but it was nicely written and had very precise restraint, not too melodramatic. Between a so so and a pick but I recommend if you like a more gentle emotional thriller

thegreensofa Great review! 😊 3y
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Our Fathers | Rebecca Wait
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Tommy returns to the remote island Litta in the southern Hebrides that he left when he was a child. He stays with his uncle Malcom. Tommy, like his father, has a history of violence, which he tries to fight as much as the memories of the day when his father killed Tommy's mother, siblings and then himself. Tommy and Malcom's relationship is strange but intimate in its own way. Malcom's calm and kind personality, his cozy ... continued in comments

Anna40 ... house are a shelter for Tommy who has nowhere else to go. Juxtaposed to Malcom's house and kindness are Tommy's own violent nature, the horrible memories, his grief and the rough and stormy island. Part 2 of the book is banal compared to the clever, devastating, moving and beautiful first part. 4y
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