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An Alphabetical Life
An Alphabetical Life: Living it Up in the World of Books | Wendy Werris
13 posts | 4 read | 17 to read
Traces the author's thirty-six-year journey of self-discovery and literary enlightenment, a time marked by her temporary job at a 1970s Hollywood bookstore; an array of colleagues, lovers, and prestigious authors; and her relationship with her Jackie Gleason Show writer father. Original.
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Some recent garage sale finds. #bookhaul

Ruthiella Hiram in particular looks adorable! 😻 11mo
quirkyreader Finding that bee book was a major score. 11mo
LeahBergen Lucky you! 👏👏 11mo
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#fortheloveofbookmarks #vintage I think I missed my calling , should have been an archivist.These were all found in used books.Gautier was here in Phoenix, I don‘t know anyone who remembers it. Went thru the paper on microfilm, ads & articles in the 1960s about it.Bonanza Inn started in the 70s. Pickwick was legendary. Tagged author became a rep.,worked there ,Crown Books hired some from there during their Ca.expansion.Owner was a real character!

Ruthiella 😎 Very cool! 3y
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Another photo/book challenge - @Eggs is hosting #AugustABC

Eggs @TheEllieMo Thanks 😘😘 5y
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I think I'm doing this wrong. 😄 I just read the book that got the least number of votes for the #MakeMeReadIt readathon. Guess I'm more of a mood reader than I thought. On to the top vote getter now!

UwannaPublishme 😁😁😁 6y
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1. Beartown-Its on my mind as it‘s lead is increasing for being my first read in August. #makemereadit
2. Braunschweiger-I eat this about once a year either mixed with cream cheese on crackers or sliced on white bread smeared with Miracle Whip! #farmgirlbackground
3. Beatriz Williams!!!
4. Big Brother. This is the 1st time watching this. #sisterpressure I love Tyler-those blue eyes and that big smile...If only I were 25 years younger...(sigh) 🤣

Jess7 Yay! I LOVE Big Brother!! Who are you rooting for this season? 6y
RebelReader @Jess7 Tyler is my first pick to win followed by Sam 6y
Jess7 Same! #TeamTyler all the way!! Although did you watch last night‘s episode? Sam got a little snippy with her nominations. I wonder if that will put a Target on her back for next week 6y
RebelReader @Jess7 I agree! She should have kept it short and sweet. I wouldn‘t be sad to see Kayla go though. She bugs me! 6y
jillannjohn Looks like I need to catch up on my Big Brother episodes! 6y
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One of my #bookishresolutions this year is to finish the #TBRbingo that I created last year. I only read 6 books from it, and I want to read all 25. I put the remaining 19 books all together, so it's easy to grab one when I'm looking for something to read next!

Cinfhen I need to finish mine too🙈 7y
Sarah83 Sounds quite familiar to me 😂 7y
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My goal was to read ten books from my #TBRBingo by the end of the year. I'm halfway there!

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My #booknerdconfession, when I visit any bookstore I look at the books in alphabetical order. I've done this since I was a kid. Along the same lines I always start a series at the beginning and read in chronological order. I'm a fairly messy person but have some quirks about order and organization. #fallintobooks #booknerd. Photo from my favorite local independent bookstore - Taylor books.

TrishB Absolutely always have to read a series in order! 7y
PandaPanda Agreed! The idea of reading a series out of order gives me a horrible feeling. 7y
Ms_T I most definitely have to read a series in order. 7y
Blaire @TrishB @PandaPanda @Ms_T right!! I always google to ensure I'm going in chronological order by date published! :) 7y
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#junebookbugs #life

I read this book a few years back about the life of a woman who started her career working as a bookseller and then moved into book publishing. An interesting read.

smilingshelves This one is sitting on my shelf. I just haven't gotten around to reading it yet! 7y
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I'm 9/26 for #litsyatoz as of June 1. Once I plow through my book of the month backlist, I'll get back into the swing here.

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#TBRtemptation post 5! I already know this'll be a regular re-read 😁👏🏻. Wendy took a temp job at a Hollywood bookstore in 1970. 35 years later, she's a big name in the industry. She fleshes out the book industry over that time period with the fun & excitement & energy she cherished. She was only 1 of 2 female book reps in the country in 1976, & she shows how she pressed on. She met amazing figures along the way! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 7y
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Yay reading challenges! I'm joining @BookishMarginalia and loads of other Litsians on this one. Pick either author surnames or first words of titles (or a mix of both) and try to complete the alphabet in 2017! I haven't decided on any of the ones I'm going to read yet, guess it depends what I get for Christmas 😄. Link to sign up here: http://goo.gl/3hGewG. #LitsyAtoZ

BookishMarginalia Thanks for the repost! I think this will be great fun! 8y
kspenmoll Excited; may help me organize my way through a little ( ha) of my TBR stacks! 8y
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While this is an interesting look into the world of book selling, unfortunately the author comes across as pretentious and self-congratulatory for much of it. I definitely enjoyed learning a bit about the book business, given that my only involvement in it is as a consumer. 😁

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