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The Pickwick Papers
The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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In the introduction to this edition there‘s a quote from an ad (?) by the Times from March 1836:
“containing a faithful record of the Perambulations, Perils, Travels, Adventures and Sporting Transactions of the Corresponding Members.” And I don‘t know a better way to describe this novel. But there‘s several delightful characters like Sam and Pickwick and some interesting ones like Jingle.
How does Dickens come up with all these names?

AnneCecilie And then some comments about the different editions I read. The first half I read the Norwegian translation, and from what I could tell when I switched to the English, some paragraphs had been omitted. The Everyman Library edition included illustrations, but how hard can it be to match the illustrations to the right page in the story, a lot of the times the illustrations would show up some 20p later and that annoyed me. 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Oh, it drives me crazy when illustrations don't match what is actually happening at that moment!!!! Thank you so much for reading along with me!! 9mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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I've tried to read this book multiple times and have never gotten into it, but my trusty chapter-a-day(ish) method once again came to the rescue, and I'm so glad because I really ended up enjoying this one so much. Pickwick is a great character, as are all of his friends. I loved all the plot twists. Sometimes it got a little rambly and some of the random side stories were a little ?!?!?!? but overall this ended up being great fun.

TheAromaofBooks I wish August hadn't been quite so crazy, as I would have loved to have delved into some more discussions with all of you!! I loved the parts where Pickwick was in prison &other random characters kept showing up, & I thought the ending was fantastic. Did you all have a favorite scene or storyline? Did you end up liking this one overall? Thank you so much for joining me!!

@AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead @catiewithac

catiewithac I loved everything to do with Sam Weller! 🥾 9mo
BarkingMadRead I swear, Dickens thought up the plot and then added all of those bizarre little stories here and there to make it longer 🤣🤣 9mo
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AnneCecilie In the introduction at the back in my edition, it said that Dickens was commissioned to write stories to match the illustrations, but then the illustrator died and a new one came onboard but then Dickens was the senior member. Maybe that‘s was the storyline seem more coherent as we read on? 9mo
catiewithac @BarkingMadRead and @AnneCecilie Dickens added those little stories so that poor folks would have at least one complete tale if they could only afford one of the serialized editions. 9mo
BarkingMadRead @catiewithac that‘s amazing 9mo
TheAromaofBooks @catiewithac - That is so fantastic!! What a fun thing to do. 9mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Thanks for picking this book for a #RandomClassics read along! I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the misadventures of the Pickwickians! No wonder this rollicking novel has delighted readers for nearly two hundred years; it‘s just plain fun! Sorry that I finished a few days early, but it was impossible to stop. 🥳🤓

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! It took me a while to get into this one, but once I did it has been SO enjoyable!!! Thank you for reading along!! 9mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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(thru ch47) Plot twist! And then another!! 😂

I absolutely LOVED the way Dickens got Pickwick out of prison!!! I just wasn't sure how he was going to pull it off in a way that would keep Pickwick from losing face - but he did and it was fabulous!!

And Winkle! That sly old dog! 😆

The other big highlight this week - Sam and his dad plotting to get Sam IN jail ❤

This book was hard for me to get into at first, but I am honestly loving it!!

catiewithac @TheAromaofBooks it is highly entertaining 🤓 9mo
TheAromaofBooks @catiewithac - This story has just gone a lot of directions I wasn't expecting (in a good way) 😂 9mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Oh man, prison party!!! Apparently EVERYONE is here!

I'm always kind of blown away by the concept of debtors' prison and how the whole system worked. I read The Time Traveler's Guide to Regency England with the #PemberLittens last year, and there was a whole section on how debt was handled at the time - absolutely crazy and also rather fascinating.

Do you think Pickwick is going to break and pay off the debt?? What is going to happen with ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Jingle?? How mad is Sam?? I'm actually really into this story! 😂

@AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead @catiewithac
BarkingMadRead I‘m so behind, but I‘ve read it before lol so I‘ll comment as if I‘m reading for the first time and say I would be surprised if Pickwick could survive prison for long, before giving in. He is too used to having things just so 🤷🏻‍♀️ 10mo
catiewithac 🙈 I‘m so far behind 😭 10mo
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catiewithac Nearly caught up! Reading chapter 43 now! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @catiewithac - Yay!! I seem to consistently be one day behind, so I think you ARE caught up in my book! 😂 10mo
catiewithac @TheAromaofBooks I crammed 130 pages in one day. It‘s such a good book! Lots of chuckles 🤭 10mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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(thru ch37) - Been there, Mr. Winkle, been there 😂 I don't know why, but this chapter was really cracking me up. I do have a soft spot for Mr. Winkle, who always seems to be getting into trouble just because people assume things about him. It was great to run into Bob and Ben again as well - loved their advertising scheme of delivering medicine to the wrong house! 😆
@AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead @catiewithac

Ruthiella I read this a few years ago and your posts are making me really want to reread it now. So much that I‘ve forgotten! 😀 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @Ruthiella - I really struggled to get into it at first, but now I am thoroughly enjoying it. There are some slow spots, but overall it's just so funny and while Dickens makes fun of a lot of people, it never feels mean-spirited. 10mo
TheBookHippie I want this framed 🤣👏🏼🤷🏻‍♀️. I am laughing way more than I was planning on!!! 10mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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(thru ch33) - I'm still a bit behind on this one because of life, but there has been SO MUCH DRAMA going on!! I lost it over Sam's dad's plot to get the obnoxious, hypocritical temperance leader drunk and turn him loose in the meeting! And of course Pickwick's trial! Definitely felt like the deck was stacked against him. At least the fine is down to £700 instead of £1500! Hopefully he doesn't get sent to debtors' prison over this!!

Any thoughts ⬇

BarkingMadRead I‘m behind as well, although it‘s a reread so I can still keep up 😂 10mo
TheBookHippie The legal parts of this are fascinating to me. I also find it interesting how this could actually be happening now!! I don't think much has changed.....it is a little staggering how much of this is familiar in some way to me. I wasn't planning on that! 10mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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(thru ch 30) - First off, apparently there are TWO chapter 28s in this book! I mean, how is a girl supposed to write an accurate chapter-a-day schedule if the publisher decides chapters should be repeated?! 😂 So that's my excuse for being a chapter behind haha

So much going on!! What do you all think about the random extra stories included, like this wild one about the grumpy sexton and the goblin? ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) I think I overall like them, but sometimes they feel a bit random!

I was excited to see Jingle and Trotter exposed, but I'm wondering if we're going to see them again!

I also loved the first chapter 28's descriptions of Christmas and the holiday season. I checked to see if this or Christmas Carol was published first - I didn't realize until today that Pickwick is actually Dickens's first book!! I really loved all the Christmas ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) celebrations, including the ice skating haha

Now we're back into the lawsuit drama. I'm worried about Pickwick's legal representation!!!

Any thoughts/favorite scenes?

@AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead @catiewithac
AnneCecilie It makes perfect sense to me that this is Dickens first novel. All his novels were serialized first, right? It‘s like he doesn‘t trust that he has a loyal following (and maybe he didn‘t?) and wants to give his readers a story with an ending if they just read one issue. 10mo
catiewithac These little extra stories have horror elements. I know Dickens was an admirer of Poe. The Christmas is pure Dickens! 🎄 10mo
TheBookHippie @catiewithac YES!! And this age they did thrive on horror, like ghost stories at Christmas time and such yes? Which would make this make sense even more. 10mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Okay, I am genuinely loving this book! Some of these adventures are absolutely hilarious, and the characters are finally starting to feel like recognizable individuals 😂 So many fun scenes and stories!!

Here is the updated schedule for August. I'm really looking forward to finding out what happens with a few of these ongoing stories - I'm NOT convinced Pickwick's lawsuit is in good hands! 😆

I should be back to posting once or twice a week!!

AnneCecilie Thank you for the new updated schedule 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @AnneCecilie - I start to get confused when it no longer matches the basic 1 = 1 formula for the month 😂 10mo
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catiewithac I‘m caught up! Reading chapter 30 today! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @catiewithac - Did your edition have TWO chapter 28s??? Because mine did! 😂 10mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Greetings, fellow Pickwickians!! Well, I have obviously fallen behind, as I am only on chapter 15!! My goal is to be caught up by the end of the month (chapter 31 on the 31st) so that we can go into August on schedule and with more regular check-ins!! How are all of you holding up? Are you enjoying the shenanigans?
 @AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead @catiewithac

BarkingMadRead I took a week off for a book lovers convention, so I also have to catch up. I‘m on chapter 18 10mo
TheBookHippie I‘m catching up too! On chapter 20. 10mo
AnneCecilie I‘ve kept up with the schedule. I don‘t want to spoil anything, but it must have been quite the sight seeing Pickwick following the hunt in a wheelbarrow. The Norwegian translation divided the book in 2, so I‘m almost done with book 1 and the library doesn‘t have book 2, so I will soon be switching to the English edition. 10mo
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catiewithac I'm in the middle of Chapter 22. I got distracted by an unintentional “Dark“ rewatch marathon. Back at Pickwick tonight! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks So how would you all feel about starting with chapter 26 on August 1 and continuing with a chapter a day from there? My life is completely insane this week helping my sister and while I think I can do two chapters a day to catch up, I'm not confident about three 😂 And Anne can spend this week feeling good about being ahead of schedule 😆
 @AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead @catiewithac
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks sounds good -my elderly parents basement flooded 😵‍💫😵‍💫it‘s been a week 🤪 10mo
catiewithac I can get with that plan. Pickwick is meant to be fun. If we wanted to suffer beyond imagination we‘d be reading Thomas Hardy! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - Oh my goodness, apparently it's just a week for family disasters!!! I hope their place didn't sustain too much damage!! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks @catiewithac - Exactly!! I'm actually really enjoying this book and don't want it to feel like a chore I have to slog through every day!! 10mo
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks it‘s a lot of damage, but fans are going and insurance adjusters are kind. What a mess. 10mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Ch9&10 - Oh my, such drama! I felt quite bad for Miss Wardle, and not just because she's referred to as the “spinster aunt“ more than she is by name. That Jingle! What a cad! And poor Mr. Tupman, so taken in! I hope Tupman and Miss Wardle are able to make up, because they seemed pretty adorable together before Jingle got involved.
@AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead @catiewithac

catiewithac We met Sam Weller!!! 11mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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What is the best time of day to read Charles Dickens? My favorite time is the predawn hours.

The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Ch7&8 - I am loving some of these chapter headings 😂 The Pickwick crew continues its country sojourn with some shooting gone (mildly) awry. Poor Mr. Winkle seems incapable of admitting he doesn't actually know how to do something 😆 The crew meets back up with the friendly stranger from earlier & we FINALLY get his name!!! No surprise, Mr. Jingle is actually up some nefarious purposes, manipulating Mr. Tupman & Miss Wardle against each other!!

TheAromaofBooks While there are still a LOT of names and characters to keep straight, I actually am enjoying this one - its much sillier than A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield, and A Christmas Carol, which are the other Dickens that I've read.

@AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead
TheBookHippie I‘m finding this is not as tedious as last time I tried. Also it doesn‘t feel as gloomy if that makes sense? I do love the chapter titles and with the sheet of characters I‘m fairing a bit better. It reminds me of very old days when I was on bedrest for 7 months with my daughter and started watching soap operas and trying to figure it all out! 😅😵‍💫 11mo
AnneCecilie Amazing chapter headings and I agree this feels lighter and funnier than other Dickens 11mo
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TheAromaofBooks @catiewithac - I haven't read that one yet!!! But it is on my TBR. 11mo
TheBookHippie @AnneCecilie lighter is the correct word! 11mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Ch6 - We start with lots of fun and games, and end with another completely random tale of tragedy and redemption 😂 I was intrigued by the game Pope Joan, which I don't remember hearing of before. Despite this Wiki article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Joan_(card_game) - I'm still not sure I quite get how it works, but I love this fancy table!!
@AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead

TheAromaofBooks If anyone is interested, the rules here are SLIGHTLY more understandable 😂 https://gamerules.com/rules/pope-joan/ 11mo
TheBookHippie Thank you for the links that‘s super helpful!! I think I get the concept 😅😵‍💫😂 11mo
BarkingMadRead I‘d never heard of that game before either. What a turnaround in this chapter 🤣🤣 11mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Ch4&5 - Yesterday's chapter with the military reenactment seemed rather appropriate for the 4th! 😂 Dickens did a great job capturing the “fun“ of a festive crowd and also the panic of being in the wrong place at the wrong time! I loved today's chapter with the horses. I think of everyone from this time period being good at riding/driving horses because they were so ubiquitous, but I suppose just like many people who live in metropolitan areas ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) today don't bother to learn how to drive, not everyone from then actually had to know how to handle horses!
@AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead
catiewithac I‘m late to the reading party but getting caught up. Dickens is a true comical genius! 11mo
TheAromaofBooks @catiewithac - Yay!! Glad to have you along!! I don't post every day, but I try to haha 11mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Ch3 - What a weirdo, random story. And I like how my edition double-downs on the strangeness with its caption for this scene 😂 I was really hoping that the mysterious stranger (who somehow hasn't been named yet!) was going to at least get socked in the nose, but sadly no.


@AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead

AnneCecilie I agree, so far there hasn‘t really been a coherent story. I feel that Dickens is making fun of his main characters. 11mo
BarkingMadRead Omg this picture is awful 🤣 but shockingly accurate. Times like this, I‘m reminded that Dickens was paid by the word 🤣🤣🤣 11mo
catiewithac This little tale was a faithful description of alcohol withdrawal complete with hallucinations and seizures. I‘m finding that I like the darker asides than the main events. 11mo
TheAromaofBooks @catiewithac - I think it's interesting that Dickens manages to keep the overall story lighthearted by having these more serious/dark/thought-provoking stories as little separate tales told by a different character, not something that is actually happening to one of the main Pickwickians. 11mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Ch2 - A bit on the long side, but quite a lot of action!! The Pickwickians pick up a stranger who is full of lively stories but may be a little sketchy. I was quite entertained by the cabby who gave them a bunch of nonsense and then tried to fight all of them at once! However, I can't find out what he thought they were going to “inform“ about?? Thoughts?? Then we have the whole stolen jacket/mistaken identity/almost duel that ends with everyone ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) becoming BFFs 😂

Which part of the chapter did you find the most entertaining/interesting?

Also, my edition is from 1924 and claims to be a reprint of the first edition, including these dramatic illustrations - I love them!!!

@AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Starting this today (a little late but better than nothing!) with @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Oooo I like your cover!! I started reading chapter 2 this morning. Why is it so long!? 😂 11mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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I've tried to read this one before and been unsuccessful, despite enjoying other Dickens books. Hopefully this character list helps me a little, because chapter 1 kind of had a big name dump 😂 I marked out what appeared to be spoilery bits!

What inspired you to pick up Pickwick Papers? I've always wanted to read it ever since I read Little Women as a girl - the March sisters seemed to enjoy it so! I looked it up and realized that PP was ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) first published as an actual book (rather than serially) in 1867. LW was published in 1868, so PP was definitely in vogue at the time!!

Any other first chapter thoughts?

@AnneCecilie @TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead
AnneCecilie It‘s Dickens and I tend to like his books and want to read more of him. I quite liked the tone of the first chapter and it left me wanting to read more. 11mo
TheBookHippie It‘s one I‘ve not read I‘m determined to read it I did DNF before. I actually sent an email to the teacher who printed me a Middlemarch character list for a cheat sheet for this one too 😅😂😂😂 holiday weekend but I shall report back!!! So far I‘m just holding my breathe! We can do it!!!! 11mo
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TheAromaofBooks @AnneCecilie - Yes, I'm quite interested to see what adventures await this little group!!! 11mo
TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - I would definitely be into a cheat sheet if you find one (I pretty much never mind spoilers LOL) because I have tried to read this one twice and just couldn't quite get everyone sorted! 11mo
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks if I can finish Middlemarch I can do this one!!! 11mo
TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks okay I emailed you a list ! Hopefully it‘s correct and went through!!! My girl child had a list 😂👀 she‘s 35😂😂😂😂😂. 11mo
Clare-Dragonfly I really ought to read this so that part of Little Women will make sense next time 😂 11mo
TheAromaofBooks @Clare-Dragonfly - It's genuinely the reason I have always wanted to read this one!!! I remember being so confused by that section when I read Little Women as a child haha 11mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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repost @TheAromaofBooks
Okay!! I totally fell apart on my #RandomClassics posts, but I am BACK for July (kind of 😂) and reading The Pickwick Papers a chapter a day until I finish!! I'll be posting a few times a week, depending on life, so if anyone would like to readalong/be tagged/join in the conversation, let her know if you'd like to be tagged!

BarkingMadRead Ohhhhhh I have this one and I haven‘t read it yet. Maybe I‘ll join you! 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Thank you for the repost!! 11mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Okay!! I totally fell apart on my #RandomClassics posts, but I am BACK for July (kind of 😂) and reading The Pickwick Papers a chapter a day until I finish!! I'll be posting a few times a week, depending on life, so if anyone would like to readalong/be tagged/join in the conversation, let me know!!

I'm tagging those who expressed interest a while ago, but no worries if this fell off your radar since July 1 is, you know, tomorrow! 😅

TheBookHippie I have it!!! I am ready!!! 11mo
TheAromaofBooks @TheBookHippie - Yay!! I totally dropped the ball with hosting any kind of readalong with my May and June books, although I did read/am reading them. But I'm going to try again for July. Optimism springs eternal around here 😂 11mo
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TheBookHippie @TheAromaofBooks I get that!!! 🙃 11mo
AnneCecilie I‘m ready. The Norwegian publisher split the book in two, but I have the first part ready to go and will get the second as we get closer to chapter 24. 11mo
TheAromaofBooks @AnneCecilie - Yay!! I'm excited to read this one with you all!! 11mo
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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9. This took me months to get through. My least favorite Dickens, probably as it was it episodic, enjoyed some parts. 3/5

The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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This is a book where you can experience the fabulous characters and wonderful word play that will become a Dickens trademark. It reads like a series of very short, connected stories. It is sometimes a bit dry but if you just enjoy for what it is, it can be a fun reading experience. 🎩

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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Finished Pickwick tonight and am entirely pleased with it. What a satisfying book and what a good egg was Mr. Pickwick. I so enjoyed sharing in his adventures and am already looking forward to my next Dickens. #whatthedickens

EvieBee Yay! What an accomplishment! 💕💕 3y
merelybookish Good work! 3y
LeahBergen This is one I‘ve always been meaning to read. 🙄 3y
Lcsmcat Yay! I‘m glad you enjoyed it! I laughed so hard!! 3y
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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October Reads. I did finish the Decorating Club in October as well.

The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Done! That was fabulous, I just love me some Dickens! #whatthedickens #happilyeverafter it doesn‘t help much with #scarathlon2021 lol but it was a nice long book that earned me lots of reading hours! #teamhendrix @StayCurious @Clwojick @Lcsmcat thanks for reading along with me! Looking forward to the next one!

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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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And they all lived happily ever after - even Job Trotter! I thoroughly enjoyed this early Dickens. His humor shines through and you can see the themes that are to occupy his pen for years. Thanks for the inspiration @Cuilin and all the #whatthedickens readers. Especially @BarkingMadRun for keeping me company through the world of Pickwickians.

Linsy I need to try! They mention it in Little Women and I've always been curious, but I've never read longer than a short story by Dickens! I'm a bit nervous. 3y
Lcsmcat @Linsy This might be a good one to try, as it‘s fairly short chapters, each of which is almost a short story. If it were written today I could see it being described as “linked short stories.” 3y
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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#whatthedickens @Cuilin @BarkingMadRun I‘m at 95%. I think I‘ll finish it over the weekend.

BarkingMadRead I‘ll likely finish by Monday, I‘m so close! 3y
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Chapter 51, and we‘re back to “blue v. buff” and the rival editors! #whatthedickens @BarkingMadRun @Cuilin

BarkingMadRead I‘m almost there! 3y
Lcsmcat @BarkingMadRun I lost count of where a chapter a day would be and just decided to keep reading. 🙂 3y
BarkingMadRead Works for me!! 3y
quietjenn Ah, I'm so far behind you all. But you definitely whet my appetite with your posts! 3y
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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I may be reading ahead, but I‘m desperate to get Mr. Pickwick out of debtors‘ prison! #whatthedickens

Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens

I enjoy Dickens generally speaking. Found this novel hard to get engrossed in. Of course the prose & vocabulary are difficult to slog through. The meandering disjointed stories are hard to follow as well.

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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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I‘ve read a lot of Dickens, but this is my first time for Pickwick, and I‘m getting the feeling he was exploring many of the themes he would expound on in later novels. I‘m getting heavy Bleak House vibes in this section, where Pickwick is in the law courts! #whatthedickens @BarkingMadRun @quietjenn

The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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I'm not entirely sure that #whatthedickens is still a going concern - and if so I am pretty belated in starting (September had a lot going on!). But! I have matter a tiny dent into Pickwick this weekend. I still can't keep the companions straight, but am finding it very funny.

Lcsmcat I think @BarkingMadRun and I are the only ones reading Pickwick right now. And we‘re being very casual about it! So jump in whenever and however you like. I don‘t know what‘s happening with @Cuilin , but I haven‘t seen her in Litsy in a while. 3y
BarkingMadRead I‘m reading a chapter a day, and I‘m currently caught up. It definitely gets a little easier to keep them apart as you go on! 3y
quietjenn @Lcsmcat @BarkingMadRun good to know! I‘ve been making pretty good progress, so not quite caught up but getting there. And it is getting easier 😀 3y
Lcsmcat @quietjenn @BarkingMadRun I was aiming for a chapter a day, but have gone at it in fits and starts. I think I‘m 2 chapters ahead now, but it won‘t last. 😀 3y
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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This chapter resonates with today‘s politics- substitute blue and red for blue and buff. But I‘m most amused by the thought of a band comprised of trumpets, drums, and bassoons! #whatthedickens @Cuilin @BarkingMadRun

BarkingMadRead Omg I‘m reading that right now and I was thinking the same thing! (edited) 3y
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Dickens gets humans. And he‘s making me wish I had an illustrated edition of this one! #whatthedickens @Cuilin

The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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My reading goals for September. Already in progress are the Dickens for #whatthedickens, Wharton for #whartonbuddyread, Shakespeare for #shakespearereadalong and the Smiley for my irl book club. The Allison is my #bookspin and Roth my #doublespin, and the Undset for #kristinl. The Hoffma is for #authoramonth, and also needs to be read. Right before the lockdown in March 2020 it was loaned to me by a woman I sang with in church choir. 👇🏻

Lcsmcat 👆🏻since choral singing is a super spreader activity, I haven‘t seen her since. But maybe if I go ahead and read it this thing will be over and we can get back to normal. Sorry guys - I should have read it right away. 😂 3y
LitStephanie 🤣🤣🤣 3y
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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So happy to be back with my first favorite author and the #whatthedickens crew! Happy September. 🙂 @Cuilin

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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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#whatthedickens starting this one today!!

Lcsmcat So are we the only two reading this now? 3y
Lcsmcat I‘m behind, but I‘m enjoying it. I hope you are too. 3y
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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“There are very few moments in a man‘s existence when he experiences so much ludicrous distress, or meets with so little charitable commiseration, as when he is in pursuit of his own hat.”

KVanRead Too true! 3y
rabbitprincess @KVanRead It‘s why I sewed ribbon ties onto my wide-brimmed straw hat, so that it wouldn‘t fly off embarrassingly 😂 3y
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I‘m going to try and record all of my reads this year here since my blog is just not happening at the moment. First finished was THE PICKWICK PAPERS and, past the worst first chapter of any book I have ever read, was an interesting collection of stories within stories with lots of humor, some sadness, and a bit of good old Dickens moralizing about the poor. I‘m glad I finally got to this one!

The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Just completed The Pickwick Papers, Charles Dickens first novel. Not my favorite amongst Dickens‘ novels. It is his first though written at the age of 24 in 1836, and Queen Victoria was found laughing off her chair while reading this. Has a English Don Quixote vibe of going on multiple adventures throughout England.

Dostoyes I‘ve been reading it and watching the BBC miniseries from the 80s alongside - it‘s been fun to see it come to life 4y
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Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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This was an enjoyable, rambling story.

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I had to share a sample of the incredible illustrations by Charles Keeping. Such a gorgeous book!

LeahBergen Great illustrations! 5y
Sarah83 Looking great. 😍 Anyway you need to send me your new address. 😍 Do you have my new email address? 5y
saresmoore @Sarah83 I‘m not sure if I have your new email address. You can just email me at saraesmoore @ gmail.com if that works. 😊 5y
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Sarah83 @saresmoore really like that? Or saresmoore? 😘 5y
saresmoore @Sarah83 Yes, e-mail is with the extra “a”. I just shortened it for Litsy. ♥️ 5y
readordierachel Those are very cool! 5y
Sarah83 Ah. I was only wondering. 😍 I just sent you an email. 5y
Moray_Reads I always think Keeping's illustrations really capture Dickens, I have several from this series 5y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads I agree. There‘s something almost macabre about them, but they‘re also lively. Evokes the same kind of feelings I get when I read Dickens. 5y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore even though the style is quite modern it captures the sly, puckish side of the most Dickensian of Dickens's characters Dodger, Uriah Heep, Krook 5y
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Moray, I would say, “you shouldn‘t have,” but I‘m so grateful you did! What a lovely vintage Folio of a Dickens I‘ve yet to read! Thank you, my friend, for this beautiful, generous gift and for sharing your love of books with me. ♥️♥️♥️

GrilledCheeseSamurai Niiiice! 😍 5y
Branwen It's so beautiful! 😍 5y
Moray_Reads I'm so glad it got there... Even if that's not the actual book I ordered! 😂😳 5y
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TrishB Lovely 💕 5y
LeahBergen Ooo, pretty! Wait... you ordered a different book, @Moray_Reads ? 😮 5y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads Really?? That is so funny! 5y
batsy Oooh, how lovely! 💕 5y
mhslibrarylady I love those slip covers. I have a collection of Folios but haven‘t bought any for a few years. 5y
Moray_Reads @LeahBergen @saresmoore No, I ordered Wives and Daughters! I wonder what went wrong 5y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads Haha! They were way off! It‘s still a lovely gift. ♥️ 5y
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#QuotsyApr19 Day 27: I didn‘t know of “Ode to an Expiring #Frog “ - one of the few Dickens novels I haven‘t read yet.

The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens

No other author than charles dickens would had made this 900 pages of behemoth novel such hilariously playful. While containing no plot but authentic narration, The Pickwick Papers is full of wittiness. P.s- I hearby announce myself as a pickwikian. #Charlesdickens

RaimeyGallant Nice review! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
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Hope_a Welcome to Litsy. Hope you will enjoy it here. ☀️ 5y
ReclusiveHermit @Hope_a Thank you😊 5y
AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!!📚📖💜💛💙 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌺 5y
Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 5y
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Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Thank you @Book_Lust for the sweet package! It contains all my favorite things: Dickens, coffee, and caramel! I am thankful for your kindness! ☕️

@JamieLou thank you for hosting this fun swap! #thankfulforbooksswap #thankfulforbooks 📚

JamieLou Yay! 🥳🦃😍 6y
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