I‘ve only had time to read the first chapter but so far I‘m loving it. If you enjoyed The Hate U Give or Dear Martin, this is a great book to pick up.
I‘ve only had time to read the first chapter but so far I‘m loving it. If you enjoyed The Hate U Give or Dear Martin, this is a great book to pick up.
Such a good YA read. Timely. Thought provoking. Discussion worthy. Set during the Rodney King riots so there‘s a nostalgia piece for me as well as various pop culture references pepper the story. Highly recommend.
This summer I made a list of sixteen books I wanted to read. I‘ve read far more than sixteen books, but still have five from that list I‘d like to get to. This is one of those books. I picked it up today and am hoping to find some quiet time to get into it.
Starting a new book tonight. I‘m loving the 1930s setting, the Adler family, and wishing I was able to get to know Florence for more than a few pages.
A little reading while I wait for my burgers to cook. I‘m loving this story so far. Has anyone else read Friends and Strangers?
I‘ve had this book sitting on my shelf for years and despite being told it was similar to Educated by Tara Westover and The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls (books I loved), I still didn‘t feel compelled to pick it up. Once I did finally crack it open, I couldn‘t put it down. Ruth‘s story is heartbreaking - and yet still hopeful. If you love a good memoir, this is one you shouldn‘t miss.
I always have good intentions of reading some middle grade/YA books over the summer months so I have new books to share with students. This summer I haven‘t read as much as in the past, but I started this today and really am enjoying it so far. It‘s a little bit heartbreaking.
I forgot how fun Kevin Kwan‘s stories are until I started this one tonight. This is perfect for what I have planned tomorrow: lying out in the sun (with sunscreen, of course) and reading.
After spending an entire week on my last book (11/22/63 by Stephen King) I‘m ready for something different. I love Katherine Center!
I‘m buddy reading this with a student. I‘m loving it but am also wanting it to be over because I have so many books waiting to be read. Real world problems.
It‘s a tough choice: watch the softball game or dig into this book.
I‘ve been hearing a lot about this book so I bumped it up to the top of my TBR pile. So far I‘m liking it a lot. And I managed to read almost 30 pages of it today during a teacher in-service which was much more pleasant than listening to our speaker.
Everyone in my house went to bed early which gave me enough quiet reading time to finish off this book. I enjoyed the suspense and raced through the last 50 pages. I‘m still wide awake and trying to decide what to pick up next.
Decided to read this with an eighth grade book club of girls. I‘m surprised by how much I‘m enjoying it.
I‘ve had an obsession with the British Royal Family since Prince Charles married Lady Diana. I‘m loving this YA novel featuring America‘s royal family.
A Saturday night spent reading a fantastic middle grade novel. There‘s not much that‘s better than that. This one is just a little bit heartbreaking.
This smart and funny novel about a woman looking for love while caring for three show dogs she has inherited is the perfect book for this spring-like Saturday here in Iowa.
Starting my first book of 2019. I have high hopes for this one that‘s already getting a lot of buzz.
This book is a little bit out of my wheelhouse, but I loved it. Plenty of suspense, a thought provoking premise, and a narrator that I loved= a book I couldn‘t put down.
It‘s so cold and windy today that I‘m sitting in my car reading during the second half of my daughter‘s soccer game. I‘ve heard the Modern Mrs Darcy recommend this book a few times, so I‘m hoping I enjoy it.
Who else would rather curl up on the couch with a book on a Friday night than go to a high school football game? Everyone in my house chose football over reading, but I‘m enjoying the book and the peace and quiet.
I‘m loving this book which is a nice break from some heavier stuff I‘ve been reading.
I meant to just read the first chapter of this tonight, but I‘m a hundred pages in and don‘t want to stop. Historical fiction that moves back and forth in time from World War II in Europe to the present day, Balson is a master at creating suspense and developing his stories.
I love books about books (I just finished The Library Book by Susan Orlean yesterday). I am totally loving this novel about a woman who inherits an indie book store after her estranged uncle‘s death. She struggles to keep the store open all the while trying to uncover what happened between her mom and uncle that caused their relationship to end.
I‘m a sucker for a book about books and libraries, so this one is right up my alley. Orlean tells the story of the 1986 fire at the Los Angeles Public Library in an example of narrative non-fiction at its best.
I was sucked in from the first page and couldn‘t stop reading until the last page. Allison is presumed dead in a plane crash, but her mother Maggie can‘t quite believe Allison‘s gone. She sets off, trying to learn more about Allison‘s life leading up to the crash. Allison narrates alternating chapters, and although she‘s survived the crash, she‘s not out of danger as someone is just steps behind her -trying to kill her.
I‘ve just started this, but I can‘t put it down. Very thought provoking. Timely.
So excited to get this book in the mail today, but now I‘m confronted with a huge dilemma: do I gobble up this book in one sitting or slowly savor it?
Tomorrow begins a new school year for me - my 21st in education. Excited to hear Manny Scott, one of the original Freedom Writers, speak at our opening ceremony. Starting this book tonight. How much can I get done by tomorrow morning?
Excited to crack this one open. I‘ve been hearing great things about it and I‘m in need of a story I can get lost in.
I am loving this book- the Southern setting, Ole Miss college life, the sorority rush process, Miss Pearl the housekeeper who takes care of the Alpha Delt girls- I can‘t put this book down! #LisaPatton #StMartin‘sPress
This book is the perfect blend of memoir and samplings from Goldstein‘s advice column.
School shooting stories are not easy to read, but there are a lot of them out there and many that are really good. The narrator in this book is fantastic, even though it‘s a tough read. (And interesting tidbit- Keplinger wrote The Duff which was made into a movie popular among my teen daughters and their friends).
Although I have heard of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, this YA novel is the first I‘ve read on this topic. Nielsen‘s novel is well researched- another great addition to the large collection of WWII books already published
We‘ve just left for vacation for the next ten days. I hope I brought enough/appropriate clothing. I was more concerned with the books I‘d be taking along. First up is The Gunners. I‘ve heard good things about this one.
So excited to get an ARC (and other goodies) of Rush by Lisa Patton. I‘ve loved her previous novels and am thrilled she has a new book coming out. This one is right up my alley- a Southern novel set at Ole Miss. #tandemliterary #lisapatton
I‘ve got a review of this one coming up later this week on my blog. I love this cover and have heard great things about it. I‘m happy to be sitting in the waiting room at the orthodontist‘s office so I can start reading. #WmMorrow #HarperCollins #TLC Book Tour
This foodie memoir has been sitting around in my house since it came out in 2009. Why has it taken me so long to pick it up?! I now have several recipes I want to try out and a great memoir to recommend to other readers.
So excited to meet up with Kate Reddy again. Both of us have older kids now and are entering a different stage of life. I‘m hoping I love her as much in this book as I did in I Don‘t Know How She Does It
You can never go wrong with Gordon Korman. Looking forward to a great middle great read.
I‘m really enjoying Monica Hesse‘s new book, The War Outside and I loved Girl In The Blue Coat by her. Little did I know- she also wrote American Fire- an adult nonfiction book that I absolutely loved.
I am officially done with school for the summer and have started on the stack of books I brought home from my school library. You can‘t go wrong with Margaret Peterson Haddix!
The weather is finally nice enough for me to sit outside and read. And what a great book! I started this before work this morning and don‘t want to put it down.
I absolutely loved this one that felt a little like Sophie Kinsella‘s books and a little like The Rosie Project. Susan Green‘s carefully ordered life is turned upside down when her mother dies and she finds herself pregnant and single at forty-five. There are parts that will make you laugh and parts that will make you want to strangle Susan, but you will root for her to find happiness until the last page is turned.
I should probably go to bed, but instead I feel the need to start this book. I‘ve heard it‘s amazing.
Going to bed a little early so I can start this one. I‘ve been a fan of Giffin‘s since she published her first book, so I have high hopes for her latest book.
Excited to hear Rob Buyea speak tonight. I love his books. ❤️
This memoir is fantastic! Weiss writes of her privileged NYC upbringing in the early 90s and her tennis coach who killed himself after a scandal destroyed his career. #williammorrow #TLCBookTours
I‘m starting this one as soon as my errands are done.
Starting this tonight. I‘m hoping it lives up to all the hype.