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An epistolary novel, concerning the Sisters of St.Winifreda and their struggles with a crumbling bell tower, a rat infestation, and a leaking roof with no money to pay for repairs. Through kindness, prayer, ingenuity, good neighbors and some luck, the Sisters build a community while rebuilding their convent. A cheering and uplifting tale.

Librarybelle Love your photo! 2w
Aimeesue @Librarybelle Who doesn‘t love a clothes-peg nun? 😄 2w
See All 16 Comments
Librarybelle 😁 2w
marleed You even have a flying-nun habit ♥️ 2w
Deblovestoread Love the nuns! 2w
quietjenn Yay for your pic! 2w
kspenmoll Wonderful review-love your nuns!!! 2w
jlhammar Oh my gosh, those clothes-pegs! 😂 Love it. Wonderful review! 2w
charl08 Always here for the #nunlit. Stacked 2w
Aimeesue @marleed Flying nuns are the best kind, imo! 😂 1w
Aimeesue @Deblovestoread Aren‘t they great? I pulled the image from a Catholic kids website. Who knew there was such a thing? 1w
Aimeesue @quietjenn 🖤🖤🖤 1w
Aimeesue @kspenmoll Thanks! Borrowed the pic, but I do love them. I‘ve made wooden soldier ornaments from this kind of clothes peg, but nuns would be fun to try too! 1w
Aimeesue @jlhammar Aren‘t they great? Thanks! 1w
Aimeesue @charl08 I think I love the #nunlit because a convent is one of the spaces in which women were “allowed” to manage and run things in days of yore. I love seeing how they overcome all the obstacles that are deliberately thrown in their way. 1w
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Just the sort of sweet, feel good and lightweight novel that I needed, after a rather long week. I very much enjoyed Sister B and her community (big C and little c). The ending felt a wee abrupt, but it just guaranteed that I'd immediately download the sequel, so I guess well-played Fran Smith?

Tamra This sounds lovely. ☺️ 2w
jlhammar Look forward to spending time with Sister B today! 2w
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This was an enjoyable lightweight read. I liked getting to know the village and nuns as they worked together to improve their lot all told through letters.


jlhammar Glad to hear you enjoyed it! It‘s in my stack for this weekend. I could use something lightweight right now. 2w
Aimeesue Looking forward to starting this one! 2w
Deblovestoread @jlhammar Me too. And the letters are short so easy to dip in and out. 2w
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First cup of the day. A thread of joy & irreverence runs through this epistolary novel. #nunlit

jlhammar I‘ve only just started - enjoying it so far. Hoping to finish this weekend. 2w
KathyWheeler I enjoyed it. It was perfect for the mood I was in. 2w
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While I‘m glad I read this for #nunlit, I didn‘t like it as much as I wanted to. Love the LGBTQ+ representation, but didn‘t like Sister Holiday that much, although I could get used to her. She makes many seriously dumb decisions. There are a couple of scenes with a character, Nina, that I didn‘t see the point of. Many of the secondary characters aren‘t that well-drawn. Mara Wilson, however, did a great job narrating. #audiowalk

jlhammar I started print and I‘m not sure what to make if it yet. Very noir. I might switch to audio. 1mo
KathyWheeler @jlhammar I really did like the narrator. 1mo
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It was so much cooler today (89° F) with a bit of a breeze, so I actually walked around 2:00 instead of 7:00pm. We‘re getting a lot of backstory here as opposed to mystery solving. That‘s probably because it‘s the first of the series. Sister Holiday has some anger issues she needs to handle. #audiowalk #nunlit

jlhammar Looks like a pretty walk. I‘m planning to start this very soon! 1mo
KathyWheeler @jlhammar it‘s the Japanese garden near where I live. It‘s very nice, but I rarely walk there because there‘s usually a lot of people — it‘s a popular place for people to get prom, graduation, engagement, and wedding pictures taken. 1mo
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I wasn‘t feeling fantasy today, so I started Scorched Grace for #nunlit. So far, I‘m liking it and especially like our main character, Sister Holiday. I‘m starting to have to walk in the evening because it‘s just too hot during the day to walk outside, which I prefer to walking at the rec center. #audiowalk

Murder by Lamplight | Patrice McDonough
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The End.

dabbe 💙💚💙 1mo
Texreader Gorgeous 1mo
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