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House of Sky and Breath | Sarah J. Maas
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How did I not know this would be so huge! #iLoveBigBooks

FantasyChick I was just browsing the bookstore and saw a copy. I thought the same thing! I had no idea it would be this big. Now I need to think of where I'm going to out it when my copy comes in 🤣 3y
Follow.my.read @FantasyChick I had to do some shelf rearranging myself 🤣 3y
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My current reads! Enjoying both books 📚 #currentlyreading #ilovebigbooks

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OK. Ridiculous book problem: when you‘re not reading your book because it‘s too big and floppy and you can‘t figure out to hold it in your hands and you don‘t have a convenient little book-holding table and you can‘t tell anyone except Littens about your problem because non-Littens just stare at you like you‘re crazy or something. Yep, I‘m looking at you, War and Peace. #ILoveBigBooks

Leftcoastzen 😂😂 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa YES! Kindle app for a few chapters, they probably have it for free. But YES, I‘ve been there! You want to know what happens but your arms are tired or your neck hurts from craning over the mammoth tome. 7y
emilyhaldi I‘m currently having the same issues with this one 😆 7y
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Lindy @Riveted_Reader_Melissa You are correct. War and Peace is one of the free ebooks in the Gutenberg Project. (edited) 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Tiffy_Reads posted a cool reading prop pillow!! I‘m thinking of getting one!! 7y
Lindy @Suelizbeth I save the reading of bulky physical books like this for times when I can sit at a table. That‘s how I handled a big one that took me about 6 weeks: 7y
amvs1111 This problem is exactly why I ended up breaking down and buying a Kindle. Wrist strain! 7y
SandyW Yup, we can all relate. Like others have mentioned, ebooks solved that problem for me. 📱 7y
batsy 😂 If I'm reading a physical #chunkster I'm like @Lindy, I sit at the table 7y
azulaco This is the perfect excuse to lie on your side in bed while you read. 7y
mrp27 The struggle is real. 7y
erzascarletbookgasm 🙂 we get you. When I was reading Anna Karenina physical copy, I had to sit at the table. 7y
AshleyHoss820 I‘m having the same issue with John Adams! It‘s not as long as W&P, but it‘s a chunk AND it‘s a dang hardcover! 😩😩😩 Don‘t worry! We feel your pain! 😊 7y
xicanti I feel this post deep in my soul. 7y
Zelma Ugh, I hate reading big bulky books for this reason. I love a chunkster but hate holding them up. I specifically read 11/22/63 on my nook @emilyhaldi 😋 7y
Gezemice I know! I love reading in bed, but something huge like that is tough to hold. So I was reading it on my Kindle. I tried reading our Riverside Shakespeare - huge tome - and gave up and downloaded Shakespeare onto my Kindle. 7y
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Soubhiville Lovely cover! 7y
Sydsavvy @Soubhiville it is a gorgeous book! 7y
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Finally getting back to this one! I have been longing to pick it back up the last 2 days, but I felt I had to finish the disappointing library book I was reading. So, now I can get back to this big-boned beauty! River has a rough life, clearly. I disturbed her third nap of the day.
#slowburn #ilovebigbooks #beaglesoflitsy #nslittens

emtobiasz ❤️❤️ River ❤️❤️ 7y
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The Luminaries | Eleanor Catton
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#funfridayphoto #ilovebigbooks Some of the 800+ page books I have read in the last few years

Ole Middlemarch, Karamazov and Luminaires ...great books on my five star list 👍 8y
Reviewsbylola I have The Luminaries waiting for me. 8y
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The Fiery Cross | Diana Gabaldon
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Little Bear thinks all those dots mean a book is very, very big! I read strictly digital for several years due to arthritis, and started to judge big books in quite a different way. #ilikebigbooks #ilovebigbooks #booktober

DuckOfDoom 😍 bear 8y
LitLogophile Seeing how much longer Drums of Autumn and The Fiery Cross are than GOT makes me want to give up Outlander right now 😂 8y
geodynamical_nonfiction Is that tablet strapped to the bear? I bet he makes the best book stand! In your lap or cuddled next to you on a bus. 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @lostlogophile The weird thing about the dots is that they don't seem consistent. Drums and Fiery aren't the same length (Fiery is longer), but there drums are equal. If they're your thing, it doesn't matter how long. 😃 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @DuckOfDoom @geodynamical Bear loves you too! He protested mightily about being my prop, but is ever so curious about the bus ride idea. 😜 8y
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Little Women | Louisa May Alcott
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1. This was my first "big book." I read it for Six Flags tickets with the 600 minute reading club 2. When did it turn into 6 hours?!?! That's BS! Make them earn those tickets by reading 10 hours!!! #ilovebigbooks #booktober

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Complete Works | Plato, John M. Cooper, D. S. Hutchinson
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In a way #ilovebigbooks, but I'm not gonna lie, every time I start new one I'm a little afraid! It's like climbing a mountain. I think some of my proudest personal moments may be finishing those books like Atlas Shrugged (not pictured) and Infinite Jest. Ulysses (third from the top) is next up.