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Latest Readings | Clive James
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Sharing this from the awesome @Clwojick ! I‘m currently reading 2 books: an audiobook (Shadowshaper) and a novel (Jackaby). I‘ve been DNFing so many books but still going.

What are you reading?

CocoReads Oh so many! I have bookmarks in 10 but I‘m really only actively reading 3 right now: Phantom Prey by Sandford, Winter‘s Gift by Alex Nichols, and The Devils Punchbowl by Greg Iles 6y
tomes4gnomes 5, which is very unusual for me. I‘m normally a one-book-at-a-time kind of gal. L‘appart, Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm, All Things Wise and Wonderful, an audiobook of Bossypants, and I‘m using the Serial Reader app for A Christmas Carol. (edited) 6y
SilversReviews Only ONE...I can‘t read more than one book at a time. I am reading WHERE THE WILD CHERRIES GROW by Laura Madeleine. Loving the book. 6y
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ThatNerdyBookwyrm I‘m listening to the last Odd Thomas book and reading The Bear and the Nightingale. I have six more books on deck to get finished before the end of the year (five of which are short stories). 6y
Bourriquet76 3 and an audio :) I usually have a car book, a kindle book, and a house book. (edited) 6y
dylanisreading @CocoReads 10! The Devils Punchbowl is an intriguing title. @tomes4gnomes Way to go! @SilversReviews Word. Sometimes I only feel like reading one book at a time. @BookyBookwyrm I‘ve heard such good things about The Bear and the Nightingale. Six books! That‘s awesome! @Bourriquet76 I like your style. 6y
CocoReads @Bianca I do that a lot—start a whole bunch and then just focus on the 2 or 3 most compelling at the moment. 6y
jfalkens 3 😫 I usually do one but I have Dorothy Must Die(win from #Amys5kGiveaway), The Name of the Wind(#TNOTWBUDDYREAD) and The Eye of the World 6y
Pamwurtzler 3 - I‘m actively reading The Forgotten Room and dipping in and out of What Happened and Goodbye Christopher Robin. 6y
BarbaraJean I‘m only reading one, which is very rare for me! I‘m reading The Name of the Wind for the #TNOTWbuddyread (but am really behind b/c of all the others I‘m trying to finish before the end of the year). Just finished Cutting for Stone last night and am about to start Exiles by Ron Hansen, both for #LitsyAtoZ. (edited) 6y
dylanisreading @CocoReads That‘s a good strategy for finding something you like. @jfalkens I should be reading The Name of the Wind, but I had to return it to the library, and I‘m waiting until after I move to buy my own copy. @Pamwurtzler @Astroneman Very cool. @BarbaraJean I‘m very behind on that buddy read too! 6y
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Dorothy Must Die | Danielle Paige
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Up next is one of my new books from #Amys5kGiveaway 😊 thank you so much again @MommyOfTwo 🤗🤗🤗🤗

MinDea How did it go today with the kitties?? 6y
jfalkens @MinDea good, they were much more relaxed today 😊 thank you for asking 🤗 6y
MommyOfTwo Enjoy! 6y
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MinDea Yay! Hopefully you were more relaxed today too! 6y
jfalkens @MommyOfTwo thank you 😊 @MinDea thank you, I was 😊 6y
CatGV Oh, that book is so good! :O 6y
jfalkens @CatGV yay I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊 6y
CatGV @jfalkens I sure did! I am a huge fan of retellings and this one is nicely done. Will you be reading it some time soon? 6y
jfalkens @CatGV I'm working on it now but I have 3 others going and I'm not very good at multi-reading. I'm about half done with one, then I have to catch up on #epicbuddyread then I'll be able to continue this one 😰 6y
CatGV @jfalkens Haha, I feel your pain. I multi-read about 15 books at the same time. It‘s atrocious but weirdly thrilling and addictive at the same time. o.O Though I, too, am bad at it. I would say pick the best method for you, darling! :) I admit the finish-one-then-read-another-one method is much more healthy psychologically even though I can‘t seem to be capable of it. ;) 6y
jfalkens @CatGV I like the one at a time method so I can fully get into the story, if I switch between books it takes me a few chapters to get back into it 😊 but I do see how it could be thrilling to read so many at once, you probably don't get bored, some books have slow parts but you can switch to a different one for a while when that happens 😊 6y
CatGV @jfalkens Exactly why I love to read many at the same time! However, I do understand your reasons for the one at a time method (heck, it takes me a few chapters to get back into it too!) and I wish I could stick to it but alas I can‘t. Haha! 6y
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Starting one of my new books that I won from #Amys5kGiveaway that came yesterday from @MommyOfTwo 😊 They didn't have this #graphicnovel in the database so I tagged the original book.

rubyslippersreads Pretty cover! 6y
jfalkens @rubyslippersreads it is 😊 the illustrations are beautiful too 😊 6y
TricksyTails Oh my goodness! Such a cute cover! @JenlovesJT47 might love this. 6y
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JenlovesJT47 @TricksyTails ooh yes I would definitely love this, I love anything Oz related. Someone on my Goodreads was posting about a Marvel series about Oz, going to have to get my hands on that! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @jfalkens yes!!! I absolutely love it, especially the novellas. I wish she were writing more! 😪 6y
jfalkens @JenlovesJT47 yay 😊 I'm glad you love them 😊 I had never heard of them and won the first three with this graphic novel 😊 6y
JenlovesJT47 Oh that's so awesome! I would highly recommend reading the novellas. The regular books are really good but the novellas focus on the actual Oz characters instead of the MC from the other books, Amy. The first novella is my favorite in the whole series! 6y
jfalkens @JenlovesJT47 I'll have to check it out 😊 thank you 🤗🤗 6y
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Dorothy Must Die | Danielle Paige
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It's here! It's here! I've been waiting by the window all day and it was hidden in my mailbox *facepalm* I love the surprise book and your letter 😊 I can't wait to read them all 😀😁 Thank you so much @MommyOfTwo 🤗🤗 #Amys5kGiveaway #bookmail

MommyOfTwo Your welcome! 😊 6y
jfalkens @MommyOfTwo thank you again 🤗🤗 6y
Avanders Hello.... are you in the US? I have the 4th from this series waiting for a new home.... 6y
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jfalkens @Avanders hi 😊 I am in the US 6y
jfalkens @Avanders that would be awesome, thank you so much!! 6y
Avanders Awesome! Send your address to leathy18 at gmail. So happy it found a new home! I love that series. ☺️ 6y
jfalkens @Avanders sent 😊😊 6y
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Secret Santa | Scarlett Bailey
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Ready to head to the post office.
#SecretSantaGoesPostal #Amys5kGiveaway #BookmarkSwap

MommyOfTwo The one going to Canada they didn‘t have an estimate for. All the others should be there Monday! 6y
DogEaredBooks Yay! I‘m waiting on something from Etsy and then yours is ready too! 6y
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jfalkens Yay I'm excited 😀 thank you so much!!! 6y
MommyOfTwo @jfalkens you‘re welcome!! 6y
Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽♥️🎄 6y
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Congratulations @jfalkens you are the winner of my giveaway! Please email me your address at amytheel@att.net so I can send these books to you! #Amys5kGiveaway

jfalkens Omg!! Thank you so much!!! I'm excited to read them 😊😊 6y
TrishB @jfalkens congrats 🎉🎉 6y
jfalkens @TrishB thank you 😊 6y
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AmyG Yay! @jfalkens Congrats!!! 🎉 6y
jfalkens @AmyG thank you 😊😊 6y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Congratulations 🦋 6y
jfalkens @ForeverNerdy thank you 😊😊 6y
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#amys5kgiveaway Lately I'm happiest wandering around on an #audiowalk enjoying the beautiful sights around me. #luckyLitten

MommyOfTwo Nice! 6y
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Art of Happiness | Epicurus
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Happiness is...
A good book and family ❤💖💞
Join @MommyOfTwo as she celebrates the milestone of 5K in Litsy! She's doing an awesome giveaway to celebrate. There's still a few hours to enter so go over to her page for more details 😉

MommyOfTwo Aw cute kids! 6y
JoRead @MommyOfTwo Thanks! 😉😊 6y
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Sleepyhead | Mark Billingham
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Congrats to @MommyOfTwo for hitting 5,000 and being generous enough to host a giveaway. Sorry this is terrible picture but I didn‘t want to disturb her. My fluff kitty brings me great happiness #Amys5kGiveaway

kspenmoll Too cute all curled up! 😻 6y
TheLibrarian @kspenmoll She is a cutie. I couldn‘t move because she‘s curled up against my legs. 6y
mrozzz 😻😻😻😻😻😻 6y
MommyOfTwo So cute!!! 6y
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Happy | Derrek Brown
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Starting my day to a beautiful sunrise makes me happy!

MommyOfTwo Beautiful! 6y
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