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Old Baggage
Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
31 posts | 23 read | 38 to read
What do you do next, after youve changed the world? It is 1928. Matilda Simpkin, rooting through a cupboard, comes across a small wooden club an old possession of hers, unseen for more than a decade. Mattie is a woman with a thrilling past and a chafingly uneventful present. During the Womens Suffrage Campaign she was a militant. Jailed five times, she marched, sang, gave speeches, smashed windows and heckled Winston Churchill, and nothing nothing since then has had the same depth, the same excitement. Now in middle age, she is still looking for a fresh mould into which to pour her energies. Giving the wooden club a thoughtful twirl, she is struck by an idea but what starts as a brilliantly idealistic plan is derailed by a connection with Matties militant past, one which begins to threaten every principle that she stands for. Old Baggage is a funny and bittersweet portrait of a woman who has never, never given up the fight.
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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Next up . . . Back to the 20s I think.

Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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Thank you so much, @Bren912 - this #jolabokaflod is great! I am super excited to try these candies (which sound perfect) and looking forward to finally reading Lissa Evans. Happy Christmas to you and yours!

Thanks for making it happen, @MaleficentBookDragon #jolabokaflodswap

Bren912 I hope you enjoy the book and let me know how those sweets are! 🎄🎅🏼 7mo
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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This book was very enjoyable company as I spent 12 hours travelling home across the south of England during yesterday‘s storms

Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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Taking stock of my progress: I finished Old Baggage by Lissa Evans, which was really great! 😀 I‘m about half way through The Seed Collectors... @Andrew65 . I‘m hoping work this week is chill so I can switch off when I log out!


Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
BookNAround I have Old Baggage on the shelf waiting for me because I enjoyed the other Lissa Evans I read. 4y
Ruthiella @BookNAround I‘ll have to check out her earlier books! 😀 4y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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In difficult times this gentle, funny, and moving book was perfect. Mattie simpkin is a great character + with flea + other former suffragettes we see what may of happened to some of the fighters for votes in 1928, a changed world where universal sufferage is due but yng women seem unaware of the past heroics and the spectre of fascism looms as a battle for the heart of the yng happens on parliament hill. Loved this, + put it down smiling.

Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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“Just a sketch, really” is one of the lines of the Joker played by Jack Nicholson. Aileen destroyed a ceiling and a valuable painting by passing out and leaving the bathtub running. I‘ve read a lot of justifications by drunkards but this one is the best. Poor Aileen! #humor

Aimeesue I looooooove this book. ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
DivineDiana 😂 5y
jillrhudy @Aimeesue I just got another by her! 5y
Aimeesue @jillrhudy I enjoyed that one, too, though I didn't think it was quite as good as Crooked Heart and Old Baggage. Hope you like it! 5y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans

For when you want a relatively gentle book that still engages the brain. An ageing suffragette creates a club to teach a group of girls how to be the women of the future. But gets sidetracked when she realises a relationship to one of the girls. Very good historical fiction with robust interesting characters. A little let down by the link from climax of story to ending. Overall very strong pick.

Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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So to be clear nothing really happens in this book however for me it‘s a pick. The language is reminiscent of my much loved girls school stories and the characters are a delight. There is an underlying message here about social change not being ‘done‘ after one big win ether for society or the people who enable the change. I will be seeking out more of Lisa Evans books.

Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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batsy Ha, this is a perfect description! 5y
Tanisha_A Hahahah 5y
BiblioLitten 😁 5y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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There's a touch of Wodehouse in Evans' character descriptions.

LeahBergen That‘s great! 😄 5y
readordierachel Oh, I love this! 5y
batsy Oh, this is another perfect one! 5y
jillrhudy I'm planning to read it right after The Starless Sea BUT as it turns out NetGalley will send librarians absolutely anything that the publishers are giving out (squeeeeee!) on their Librarian Exclusives page, so I also have the January Isabel Allende and the February Rhys Bowen and the Ann Patchett that will be out week after next. And who knows what beguiling holds will come in? 5y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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A rainy night, a book, and a London Fog. My idea of perfect. I used to drink them back in the day, but I'd forgotten how much I like them until my daughter announced her discovery of a London Fog in a tea shop a few months ago. London Fog = Earl Grey tea + vanilla + a splash of milk. I use vanilla syrup because I take sugar anyway, but Harney & Sons makes a Victorian London Fog tea, if adding sugar ain't your thing.

Melissa_J Love London Fog! I‘ve also had apple cinnamon fog (with caramel syrup) and it‘s delicious too 😋 5y
Hoopiefoot I ❤️ London fogs. Enjoy! 5y
Tamra Oh, that sounds delicious! 5y
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Aimeesue @Tamra SO delicious. I'm not a huge fan of Earl Grey on it's own, but the vanilla works some sort of tea magic with bergamot. Strange, huh? 5y
Aimeesue @Melissa_J Oooh, I'll have to try with apple cinnamon and caramel. Maybe in the fall, though. 😄 5y
Aimeesue @Hoopiefoot Thanks! I DID. And I'm going to enjoy another one today! 5y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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jillrhudy Descriptions of this nature are so very Us, aren‘t they? 5y
Aimeesue @jillrhudy They are, darling, they are. Redolent of Plum, yes? 5y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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I ordered this one after reading Crooked Heart, which was great. This takes place before CH and gives Mattie a starring role, much deserved. I‘ve had the same conversations with modern women who are complacent about their rights and say they “don‘t need feminism.” Frankly, that amazes me.

DGRachel Love that cover! 5y
Aimeesue @DGRachel Isn‘t it just gorgeous? ❤️ 5y
Melissa_J That cover is fabulous! 5y
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Izai.Amorim People take their rights for granted and forget that every single one of them was won after a long and literally bloody fight. Many people have died so that we can have these rights now. They were not given us by the powers that be. They were taken. 5y
Tanisha_A @Izai.Amorim Amen. 5y
Aimeesue @Izai.Amorim @Tanisha_A EXACTLY. And they don't realize how quickly we can lose those rights in the event of "a National Emergency" or though attrition via carefully enacted, innocuous- seeming laws. This administration is just killing me inside. 5y
Izai.Amorim @Aimeesue @Tanisha_A This administration is killing everyone inside, even people who live very far away from the US. It will end someday but the damage it's done is here to stay. Especially in the environment... 5y
Suet624 Women are losing ground so quickly it‘s stunning. 5y
Aimeesue @Izai.Amorim Indeed. The amount of nonsense we Americans@believe is insane, and a lot of it's because we haven't had to deal with the fallout. Apparently it's now an Amer. characteristic - take undue advantage of your privilege and screw everybody else (women's rights, environment, vaccination, health care. List is endless. Makes me so angry. 5y
Aimeesue @Suet624 And a lot of them couldn't care less. Thanks, privilege! 5y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans

Oh I loved this!! Maggie was a really great character and I would‘ve loved to be in the Amazons!! The Flea was the perfect foil for her too, and Ida, what a strong young woman. I felt a bit sad when Ida cane back at the end with the little boy but got over it quickly when it clearly gave Mattie hope for the future. Funny, feisty and sweet, what a lovely book!

Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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‘What utter spinach‘ .... ‘what an essentially meaningless succession of sentences!‘ I think I want to talk like this all the time!!

charl08 I loved this book so much! 5y
Laru79 @charl08 I‘m loving it so far!! 5y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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I‘m so excited for these books to arrive from Book Depository! They were both on the Women‘s Prize long list & I was intrigued by these specifically. Bottled Goods is set in Communist Romania, blending magical realism and political turmoil. Old Baggage is the story of a woman who was a suffragette who finds herself in Middle Age, unsatisfied with her normal existence. Now I just need to win the lottery so I can quit my job and read all day!

LeahBergen I‘ve been eyeing Old Baggage 👍🏻 5y
HardcoverHearts @LeahBergen - once I heard the premise, I couldn‘t resist. I think I will try to get to it fairly quickly. 5y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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Started on this last night after a friend recommended it. I already love Mattie and The Flea. I think this‘ll be a good giggle!

CouronneDhiver Me too! I‘m only about 70 pages in but it‘s really good so far 5y
Laru79 Yay!! @CouronneDhiver I got distracted by chat about fantasy holiday destinations but will catch up later!! 5y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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I have now finished this delightful book - one of the finest I have read so far this year. Funny, sad and informative, with a cast of beautifully crafted characters. See my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2752173555. #book #lissaevans #oldbaggage #books #bookstagram #booksbooksbooks #bookishlife #booknerd #bookphotography #bookworm #bookcommunity #newbooks #booklove #fiction #suffragettes #womenssuffrage #votesforwomen

Old Baggage | Lissa Evans

I was charmed by this book. In places it was so funny that I was laughing out loud, yet in others really poignant. What do you do with your life when the battle is won - or most people think it is won? I found the characters appealing and believable, albeit that Mattie's opponent is a plot device, not fully formed. I also wondered if the book appeals to those of a certain age - not sure my daughter would enjoy it in the same way that I did.

Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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What a splendid novel! Great characters, a marvellous story and beautiful prose. I am facing that crushing dilemma that attends great books: I am eager to finish it to see how the story is resolved, but am also enjoying it so much that I don‘t want it to end. #lissaevans #oldbaggage #guardianbooks #book #books #bookstagram #bookish #booksbooksbooks #booknerd #bookworm #bookcommunity #bookphotography #tetherdown #dauntbooks #currentlyreading

Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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I loved this book; I was glued to the last 50 pages, and it might be the best thing I‘ve read so far this year. There is a very slight element of Interwar Britain Bingo but only slight. On the whole it was so well executed, a really lovely story about a range of women and relationships.

Old Baggage | Lissa Evans

Two things I discovered about this book while looking for the acknowledgements: (1) this is not the first book about this character, which I never would have guessed. The opening pages are exquisite and have none of the tells of a series. (2) this author wrote the book “Their Finest Hour” was based on (it was based on a book apparently). So many unknown unknowns!

Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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I enjoyed the lively writing, and the light weave of feminist history. Otherwise, a humongous disappointment: what could have been a profound exploration of personal and political reinvention in the lives of aging suffragettes devolved into a silly, bloated story with all the nuance of a TV movie for children, crowded with underdeveloped characters and stripped of any power by the inanest of moral lapses at the center of its ridiculous plot.

CouronneDhiver I fell in love with the cover, after seeing it on your channel. I hope I like it better than you did. Lol 🤞🏽 6y
TrishB I really liked this one 👍🏻 and hopefully @CouronneDhiver will too! 6y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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Just lovely and wonderful. Mattie is an awesome MC.
I loved the suffragette backdrop and the general comments - you‘ve won the vote isn‘t it time to stop now. If only.....
A feel good book with lots of hidden little messages.

Caroline2 Sounds brilliant! 👍🏻 6y
TrishB @Caroline2 I really enjoyed it 😁 6y
Caroline2 Stacked!!! 😆 6y
LeahBergen Nice work matching the bookmark! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
TrishB @LeahBergen 😁😁 so happy when someone notices! 6y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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I am so loving Mattie in this book, so far she‘s an awesome MC 👍🏻

readordierachel Love that! This sounds excellent. 6y
Caroline2 Great quote...stacked!! 👍🏻 6y
Cathythoughts Great quote ... so true 6y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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#howdouwantit - exactly like this 😁
Late brunch with daughter as we‘re off to see Mamma Mia 2

Cinfhen Perfect! I‘m sitting inside Barnes & Noble with my daughter having coffee and checking out cookbooks 😍 6y
youneverarrived Looks lovely! Me and my Mam went to see it yesterday, both thought it was brill 😁 such a feel good film ❤️ 6y
TNbookworm My daughter and I saw it Friday and LOVED it❤❤ 6y
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BarbaraBB Perfect! I can totally understand that‘s how u want it 💕 6y
TrishB @Cinfhen obviously mother/daughter day ❤️ 6y
TrishB @youneverarrived @TNbookworm it was great fun ❤️ kids (aged 22 and 17!) have been playing ABBA non stop now for about a week! 6y
Cathythoughts Lovely start to a lovely day 😉 6y
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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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I'm on a reading roll. This was brilliant. Hoping they make this into a film too...

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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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Oh my god. This is so good. What happens when you win the fight? When you‘ve won the battle for the thing you believe in, what do you do next? And how does life work out. Meet Mattie, the ex-suffragette struggling with being middle aged and wondering if her best years were actually the ones where she was getting arrested and imprisoned. In Old Baggage she tries to change the world again on a smaller scale but with huge ramifications for her.

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Old Baggage | Lissa Evans
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Current train book is the new Lissa Evans. I loved her last book, Crooked Heart, which I‘ve described as Good Night Mr Tom but if William was raised by an old lady and Mr Tom was a slightly crooked lady in her 40s! Old Baggage is about Mattie - who we met in Crooked Heart - an ex-suffragette trying to work out what to do with herself in the late 1920s. So far it‘s fabulous.

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