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Spinning Silver | Naomi Novik
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Picking up this one cause it's due back to my library soon, plus #Less is just a little too slow for my mood right now. I've loved her #Uprooted and hopefully this is just as good. So far I'm really loving the story and the writing. Always love a good Fantasy / FairyTale especially with strong female characters.
#currentread #bookaholic #bookworm #bookaddict #Fantasy #FairyTale #librarianschoice

sebrittainclark I love this cover! 6y
BooknerdsLife @sebrittain thank you :) I love this cover too! But think the US edition matches with the plot more effectively 😊 6y
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Spinning Silver | Naomi Novik
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I absolutely, positively adored this novel. As she did in #uprooted, #naominovik crafts a brilliant fantasy world, grounded in folklore and fairytales, but not limited by their outlines. Her writing is lovely, but it‘s her strong characters here who shine most for me: each perspective has its moments of weakness and strength, confusion and clarity. I can‘t recommend this novel enough.

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Spinning Silver | Naomi Novik
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#amreading #Uprooted is one of my favorites. This one is different in a lot of ways. I'm still enjoying it.

MarriedtoMrT I LOVED it (but I also wasn‘t an Uprooted fan). 6y
BooknerdsLife Happy reading! ☺️I loved Uproot but I Love this one so much more!! 💙 6y
KatiePhillips This one was just recommended to me! 5y
annahenke @KatiePhillips it's great, but I love Uprooted even more. Same author! 5y
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3 of 8 read from my planned #AprilTBR I never did get into #Uprooted... What am I missing out on?

TrishB Not read Uprooted but Red Sister is great 😁 6y
callunakeep Uprooted has been on my TBR for what like forever! 6y
BookishTrish @callunakeep Let me know when you‘re going in! 6y
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BookishTrish @TrishB I didn‘t get very far into that one before I got distracted by other books. I‘m going to read it for sure. 6y
callunakeep @BookishTrish Would you like to do a buddy-read with Uprooted? 🤓 6y
BookishTrish @callunakeep I‘d love to. I need about two weeks to read my #screamsbymail #chunkster first. Does midmonth work for a start date? 6y
callunakeep That is actually PERFECT! My next week and a half are pretty busy as well! Just let me know when you are ready to start!🙌🏻 6y
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Uprooted | Naomi Novik
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I‘m so pleased with myself for finding this: a $2 thrift store find, untouched, brand new (the UK paperback version). Thank you to whoever didn‘t want a perfectly good NEW book 🥀 #uprooted #bookhaul

RainyDayReading 😱 so pretty! 6y
Coco LOVE this book! I enjoyed Noviks writing style too and ventured into her other series after falling head over heels for Uprooted! Hope you enjoy! 6y
That-Bookish-Hiker This cover! 😍😍 6y
Gissy You are so lucky! It is in perfect condition beautiful edition! 😍😍❤️ 6y
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This is coming your way @Chasing_Pages ! #Uprooted is for our #thebreakfastbookclub endeavor with @Tiffy_Reads . The Pride & Prejudice journal with my review goes with it; and the other book is mine, which you can read or not as you feel compelled. I LOVED Uprooted and can't wait to read everyone else's thoughts on it. 😄

Chasing_Pages Wasn‘t it great! I can‘t wait for her next book to come out this summer! 6y
Updrifting @Chasing_Pages I can't wait! 6y
Chasing_Pages Excited to read your book, it sounds really interesting! 6y
Updrifting @Chasing_Pages Thanks, hon. 6y
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Uprooted | Naomi Novik
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Finished this yesterday and freaking loved it!!! Been a long time since i read a stand alone fantasy. Amazing story.
#books #fantasy #review #uprooted #naominovik #ya #bookblogger

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Uprooted | Naomi Novik
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Every time I see this page, it makes me smile. Time for yet another re-read of my favorite fantasy of the last decade.

#uprooted #naominovik #signedbooks #booklove #fantasy #bookdragon

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Yes!! The next story of Vasya lives up to, if not surpasses, its predecessor, and is perfect for fans of #Uprooted, #Deathless, or #Wintersong. Love the lyrical prose, the atmosphere... Full review- https://springtimelibrarian.wordpress.com/2017/11/30/review-the-girl-in-the-towe...