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The Obsession | Nora Roberts
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Another soft pick. This one starts strong with 12-year-old Naomi discovering that her dad is actually a serial killer and rescuing his latest victim. It's super creepy. Adult Namoi has changed her last name and tried to put her past behind her. She's a successful and somehow stupidly rich photographer and purchases a very rundown but beautiful old house in Washington state. That's where this book got muddled. I actually didn't mind the ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) “boring“ parts with her shopping for stuff for her house, painting, getting to know the neighbors, etc. But Roberts tries to introduce a second serial killer into the story and it just didn't mesh. The story needed to be either more focused on this killer or less, because I honestly just found him a distraction from the pleasant little romance story we had going on lol

So, a fine one-off, but not one I'll reread.
(edited) 2mo
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The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. | Neal Stephenson, Nicole Gallan
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Since I actually finished this 700pg book, you would think that I would have strong feelings about it. But I weirdly don't. There's a lot here that I enjoyed. It's a time-travel book, which isn't always my thing, but it's handled here in a way that actually did (mostly) make sense to me. I actually enjoyed the format, which is a mixture of journal entries from various characters, plus other documents, notes, transcripts, etc.

This book was ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) just tooooo long. There are a lot of sections where nothing is really happening. Part of this is kind of the point, how this little organization gets caught up in so much red tape and government bureaucracy/bloat, so I get it... but it still makes for some boring reading in various sections. There's a lot of action right at the end, which weirdly made this entire book feel like it was a big long prologue for book two. Like it doesn't ⬇ (edited) 2mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) end on a cliffhanger or anything, but it kind of felt like “we've got the band back together and now we're off to take on the world... and this book was all the story of how we got here.“

So a soft pick here, and the sheer length makes me hesitate to recommend it. I do have book 2 from the library and may get to it... someday haha

#Roll100 @PuddleJumper
#WickedWords - Shakespeare @AsYouWish
#ReadtheUSA - MA
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My #SeasonalCozies pick for May is The Cornish Wedding Murder, because our wedding anniversary takes place in May, and we will be visiting Cornwall! 💍👰🤵‍♂️🇬🇧

 @OriginalCyn620 and @CoffeeNBooks have already posted their Mother‘s Day themed picks, and @Read4life is continuing with the Calendar Murder Mystery series. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else will be reading!

julieclair For those interested, the link to the optional StoryGraph Challenge is https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/eea8f8fe-5afb-495b-8c57-9c1c5be... 3mo
Librarybelle Still thinking about mine! 3mo
PathfinderNicole I‘m doing this one! 3mo
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kspenmoll @PathfinderNicole Thanks for this suggestion- sounds like a fun mystery! I think I‘ll join you. 3mo
kspenmoll My wedding anniversary is May 18! 3mo
Avanders Oooh and yay! Have fun!! 😄 3mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig What fun! I think I have Memorial Day cozy stacked. 3mo
ElizaMarie My anniversary is May 22nd 💜🩷🩵 3mo
BookmarkTavern Happy anniversary! 🎉🎉 3mo
JessieKB Happy happy anniversary!!💗💗 I must get back on track this month 🙃 3mo
julieclair @PathfinderNicole @kspenmoll May Day Murder sounds like fun! I haven‘t heard of that series - The Wiccan Wheel. Hope you enjoy! 3mo
julieclair @kspenmoll @ElizaMarie Mine is May 23 💖 We will all be celebrating this month! 🥂 3mo
julieclair @sblbooks That one looks fun. I need a Montana book for #ReadTheUSA. Stacked! 3mo
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#LittenDetectives : we‘re two weeks away from our next #NancyDrewBR discussion!

Questions will be posted on the 15th!

In the meantime, @lauraisntwilder shared info on a video game based on last month‘s book on Shadow Ranch: https://store.steampowered.com/app/572740/Nancy_Drew_The_Secret_of_Shadow_Ranch/

lauraisntwilder I'm excited for this one! It's the only one I remember reading as a kid. 😊 4mo
Librarybelle @lauraisntwilder 😁❤️❤️ 4mo
Ruthiella Ready! 👍 4mo
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DebinHawaii I‘ve got to go grab my library hold this week. Can‘t wait! 🤗 4mo
BarkingMadRead Woohoo!! I‘m ready!! 4mo
DGRachel I don‘t think my library hold is going to be available on time (I‘m #3 and check outs are for 21 days), but I‘ll check on it again next week and buy the ebook if need be. 4mo
Roary47 That game looks fun! I‘m ready to read another fun mystery. I hope it‘s located somewhere I can claim another #ReadtheUSA 4mo
dabbe @DGRachel I'm in your exact same boat! 🤩 4mo
Librarybelle I hope it‘s a good one, @bookandbedandtea @Roary47 ! 4mo
Librarybelle Hope you‘re able to get it from the library @DGRachel @dabbe ! 4mo
Bookwormjillk @Roary47 ha! I was thinking the same thing! 4mo
Read4life I picked up my copy from the library Thursday so I‘m ready to go. 4mo
PurpleyPumpkin Just waiting for my library hold. Fingers crossed that it comes in soon!🤞🏽 4mo
Librarybelle Hopefully it comes in soon, @PurpleyPumpkin ! 4mo
CogsOfEncouragement My local library branch doesn‘t have this one, just put in my request for one of the copies in the system. Looking forward to another BR! 4mo
Librarybelle @CogsOfEncouragement Hope you get it soon! 4mo
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I ended up feeling pretty ambivalent towards my pick for this month's #ReadorDonate challenge. There are a lot of positive reviews for this one, but I found the pacing to be slow and never particularly warmed towards the characters. I never felt a sense of urgency, or like time was running out or that something bad was going to happen. Just... oh, your husband isn't who you thought he was. I guess we should find who he really was. Oh. Awkward. ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) The End. I personally didn't care for the sad ending, either, even though it technically worked.

So far, this challenge for me has been read AND donate, but that's working, too 😂


#ReadtheUSA - Texas
julieclair I have been wishy washy about whether to read this one. This review has helped me decide. Not reading it, lol. Happy donating! 4mo
TheAromaofBooks @julieclair - It gets a lot of positive reviews on GR, but it just didn't work for me. Although I may just be in a mood, because I'm noticing a lot of “soft picks“ and “so-so“ reads on my page this month 😂 4mo
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julieclair I think I might be in the same mood, lol! 4mo
SpellboundReader @TheAromaofBooks - Are you doing the #ReadTheUSA as an ongoing challenge or a yearly challenge? I'm curious as I just added a similar post, initially using a different tag. I've been working on my USA challenge for years. Wishing you the best of luck with yours. 🤗 📚 4mo
SpellboundReader @TheAromaofBooks - I think I answered my own question, as I just found the original post by @aperfectmjk from January. Sometimes there are so many different tags on Litsy that it's hard to keep track. 😃😬 4mo
TheAromaofBooks @BeeCurious - I do it every year just because it's a fun and easy thing to track, but wasn't aware of their being an “official“ challenge this time around haha You're right, there are so many different tags and craziness going on around here that it can be hard to keep track!! 4mo
SpellboundReader @TheAromaofBooks Thanks so much for answering and have fun with the challenge. I'll pay more attention to the books you list for the #ReadtheUSA tag. 🙂
Here's the link to the post by @aperfectmjk , just in case anyone else is interested for the remainder 2024 or 2025. https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2688730
One never can plan too early for reading challenges here. 👍
(edited) 4mo
SpellboundReader @DebLovestoRead - I thought you might be interested in this post and challenge, if you didn't already see it. 4mo
Deblovestoread @BeeCurious Thanks for the tag! 💜🌸💜 4mo
TheAromaofBooks @BeeCurious - Thank you for the link!! 4mo
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A soft pick for the first #BakerStreetIrregulars buddy read. I liked the concept and the characters, but the pacing was all over the place. This definitely had “first book in a series“ vibes (hopefully it is!!), with a lot of character introductions. So many different mysteries meant that some things felt glossed over in the end. However, all in all a fun read, and I would definitely pick up a sequel.

dabbe I'm halfway through and agree with you 💯! 4mo
BookishMadHatter This is the first Patterson book that's interested me in forever. The concept is making me curious 4mo
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I thoroughly enjoyed this cozy mystery! Thanks to @Read4life and @DebinHawaii for making me aware of it. Book 2 in a series. I haven‘t read Book 1, and that didn‘t matter. Set in a book-themed Manor hotel, which is hosting a Valentines week conference featuring Romance authors. Very fun, and the mystery kept me guessing.
#SeasonalCozies #ISpyBingo #Pantone2024 #SeriesLove2024 #ReadTheUSA (Virginia)

TheSpineView Awesome! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
DebinHawaii Glad you enjoyed it! I liked this one much more than the first & will go one to the next soon! 5mo
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julieclair @DebinHawaii I think I‘m not going to bother with the first book, since you and @Read4life both gave it lukewarm reviews. I‘m just going to go on to Book 3, at some point. 5mo
Read4life Like @DebinHawaii said, this one was much better than the first. I‘m glad you enjoyed it. I will also read book 3 at some point. I agree with skipping book 1. 5mo
julieclair @Read4life 👍😉 5mo
Andrew65 Excellent 🎉🎉🎉 5mo
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I read this for #FoodandLit January pick for Ghana 🇬🇭 I also used this for #ReadtheUSA Alabama. This story is about a daughter who is working on a neuroscience project with mice. Through the course of the story she loses people that are close to her. This is the fuel and inspiration she has to finish her studies on these mice. It is a very emotional story with a lot of downs. However, I really enjoyed the approach on some difficult topics.

Catsandbooks ❤️🇬🇭 5mo
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