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The Black Fawn | Jim Kjelgaard
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This isn't my favorite of Kjelgaard's book, but it's still an enjoyable read. 12-year-old Bud is “farmed out“ from the orphanage to an older couple on a farm. But it turns out that they're just lonely now that all their kids have moved on and while they do need help around the farm, they're mostly just wanting to help a kid who needs it. Bud is wary at first, but gradually comes to love the couple and their home. His first week there, he comes ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) across a newborn fawn and believes that his life/fate/luck is connected to the life/fate/luck of the young buck. The story covers several years, and Bud always seems to see the black buck at important moments in his life. This is Kjelgaard, so there's also a lot about the importance of responsible hunting and land/game management, since that's kind of his soapbox, but it's presented well as always. I really loved the older couple in ⬇ 1w
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) this one. They are so kind and sincere in their desire to do good where they can. This is a bit more introspective than some of Kjelgaard's other books, and was published only about a year before he tragically committed suicide. It's not a sad book, but there is a bit of bittersweetness to the story.

#Roll100 @PuddleJumper
#GottaCatchEmAll - Set in the Countryside @PuddleJumper
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 1w
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I enjoyed this little “return to the hometown“ romance to start with, but was skimming by the end. The male MC has worked for literal years to gain the work position he just got because it will allow him to live close to his mom and siblings. Female MC waltzes back into town and ends up with a job as his subordinate. I lost all respect for her when she got super pissy because he wouldn't sleep with her because of the company's rules, despite her ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) literally saying she wasn't interested in anything serious/long-term and that she's planning to bail out of town as soon as she can. I'm sorry, you're angry because he isn't willing to sacrifice his ENTIRE CAREER for a short-term fling with his high school ex??? I just found her to be so self-absorbed and annoying from the get-go, and she got more so as the pages went on.

#ReadtheUSA2024 - Rhode Island
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This sequel to The Rise and Fall of DODO was a bit of a disappointment. The story lacked cohesion and I had so many questions about why we were doing some things and not doing other things, mostly why can we save the life of one person via time travel but not the other?? The complete focus on one of the team members vs the absolutely whatever attitude towards the other really turned me off. A lot of this just felt kind of pointless. ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) In the end, I also felt like we literally had spent over 500 pages going nowhere. Nothing was really particularly resolved and the set up definitely feels like it's leading into another book... that doesn't seem to exist, despite this one being published back in 2021. Ah well.

#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
TheSpineView That's a bummer 😕 1mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Looking great!!! 1mo
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Monster Crush | Erin Ellie Franey
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And with Ruby Reid the main character in Monster Crush, I've completed Bookchain! #BookChain #BookChain2024 @TheAromaofBooks

(note the Storygraph challenge has a few numbering anomalies so I had to renumber things)

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! And my numbering got wonky when I was copying prompts to reuse them in a different order 😂 I'm so impressed you've already made it through!! 2mo
Lauredhel It was fun! And a bit different. Now I'm eyeballing the new SBTB #SBTBingo summer reading challenge (edited) 2mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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Originally published in 1953, I've had this library edition for years and years. A middle grade read with delightful illustrations by Lisl Weil, it's a story about twins getting ready to celebrate their 10th birthday and also getting ready for a hobby show at school. It's a simple little story but super cute.


marleed Oh so sweet! 2mo
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This rating is definitely an “it's me not you“ kind of thing. I actually loved the concept of this book - a woman doesn't know anything about her birth mother, who died when she was young. Now that her father has passed away and her stepmother has dementia, she is going through their things and comes across a photo of her mother and a few other people. She posts on a forum, wondering if anyone can help identify the others. This leads to a ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) correspondence as she and the son of one of the men pictured try to piece together their parents' pasts. Most of the book is their letters and emails. Interspersed are descriptions of the photos that they are finding. The book isn't terribly long and was a very fast read, which is why I ended up finishing it haha However, the more they discovered, the sadder the story got. Even though they get a technically happy ending, all of the ⬇ 2mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) stories they discover are somewhat tragic and sad, and since everyone is dead now, there isn't any hope for reconciliation or change.

And as a side note, it felt like actually including photographs instead of 2-3 pages describing each one would have actually worked much better and added a higher level of emotional impact to the story.

I can see this appealing to people who aren't as determined to feel happy when they finish a book as ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) it was well-written, but it just wasn't the right fit for me. Real life is sad enough right now, I need happy fiction haha

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Soubhiville It actually sounds like a book I might love 🤣. At least it was short! 📚 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @Soubhiville - It has many positive reviews on GR, and I actually did overall enjoy the story. It just got so sad!!! But I know a lot of people don't mind or even sometimes enjoy that bittersweetness, so I can definitely see this being a more enjoyable read for many 😂 2mo
Gissy I concur with @Soubhiville sounds interesting🤷🏽‍♀️I stacked it😳☺️I don‘t know if I used the word grammatically correct (edited) 2mo
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The Mummy Case | Elizabeth Peters
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While I am always delighted to visited Amelia and Emerson, this isn't my favorite of the series. Their son Ramses is, frankly, obnoxious. The mystery is a little shaky. And every ten pages we have to listen to Emerson expounding on why he's more intelligent than anyone who has ever believed in any religion. But outside of those annoyances, there is still so much to enjoy. The setting, the non-Ramses characters (in fairness, Ramses matures and ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) becomes one of my favorite characters later in the series), and Amelia's sparkling narration are all just so fun. A softer pick than some of the others in the series, but a pick nonetheless.

#SeriesLove2024 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
#WickedWords - Date @AsYouWish
#ISpyBingo - God/Goddess, Palm Tree
CarolynM I‘ve always thought you need to have known Ramses as a child to fully appreciate him as an adult😆 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @CarolynM - This is the one where she gives him that speech impediment... I literally never have issues LISTENING to someone who has a lisp, stutter, or other issue with speaking out loud, but there is something about READING it that just really gets annoying 😂 I think she's trying to remind readers that he's only five or whatever, but either way I can't deal with how they just let him do whatever he wants/think he's clever for finding loopholes. 2mo
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TheAromaofBooks @CarolynM - But I do genuinely enjoy seeing the way his love for Egypt and its history is from a very early age onward 😂 And you can see where he gets his penchant for adventure and sneaking about!!! 2mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!🤩📖📚 2mo
Ruthiella I feel that Ramses has as a child displays the worst characteristics of his parents! 😂 But he does become more tolerable as he gets older and it occasionally allowed to finish a sentence. 2mo
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May wrap up:

Along with those pictured I made progress in the #192025 challenge (years 2000 & 2004) 65/106 complete. D and K for #AtoZ with G, Q, X and Y remaining. And 3 more #BookChain prompts completed for 23/34.

@Librarybelle @CBee @PuddleJumper @TheSpineView @Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks

Texreader Whoohoo! Way to go! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous month!!! 2mo
TheSpineView Great job! 2mo
Librarybelle Awesome!!! 2mo
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The Curse of the Pharaohs | Elizabeth Peters
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Rereading Crocodile on the Sandbank last month gave me the momentum I needed to start rereading this whole series. I really enjoyed this book even more the second time around. Amelia and Emerson are just a fantastic couple, and Amelia's narration is hilarious. The historical detail is also excellent. And maybe by the time I'm done rereading this series I'll remember whether it's spelled pharoah, phaoroh, or pharaoh. 😂

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