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Running Out of Time
Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
21 posts | 36 read | 5 to read
Jessie lives with her family in the frontier village of Clifton, Indiana, in 1840...or so she believes. When diphtheria strikes the village and the children of Clifton start dying, Jessie's mother reveals a shocking secret -- it's actually 1996, and they are living in a reconstructed village that serves as a tourist site. In the world outside, medicine exists that can cure the dread disease, and Jessie's mother is sending her on a dangerous mission to bring back help. But beyond the walls of Clifton, Jessie discovers a world even more alien and threatening than she could have imagined, and soon she finds her own life in jeopardy. Can she get help before the children of Clifton, and Jessie herself, run out of time?
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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Eggs Perfect 👍🏼 4mo
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix

I enjoyed this very much when it first came out, and now there's a sequel I decided to reread. It's wonderful suspense for kids. I suspect recent events might have inspired the author to revisit the idea.

@purpleness #rereadingsummer

Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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Compelling and suspenseful novel of a frontier village called Clifton in 1840. Diphtheria has struck and children are dying; but there‘s another problem - a secret being kept by the adults in the community. One brave young girl, Jessie, tries to get help…


Clwojick Oooh love this cover 1y
TheSpineView Sounds good. Great job! 1y
Eggs @Clwojick Me too 🥰 1y
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Eggs @TheSpineView Thank You 🙏🏻 1y
RosePressedPages My teacher read this to my class in elementary school and I remember being so unsettled lol. Great review! 1y
Eggs @MadelineMcCrae This book reminds me of a movie by M. Night Shamalyin (spelling) 1y
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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My #MiddleGradeMay readathon plans include two graphic novels, a back list from the 90s, and a collection of classic Beverly Cleary novels. I hope you can join us! I can't wait to read some more middle grade. @megnews

Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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When I found out that the guest on this week‘s episode of my podcast was as into both the book at hand AND Colonial Williamsburg as I was growing up, I knew it was going to be a great ep... and it is! We‘re chatting all about Margaret Peterson Haddix‘s 1995 adventure novel Running Out of Time. I know I say this a lot, but this book was really my favorite! Link to listen in bio. 🎧

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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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The biggest score of today. I have been looking for this book for a long time. Yes, it is the story that got copied and made into “The Village”. The Friends Library bookstore in Mason, MI gets a lot of good books.

LeahBergen This one sounds great! 5y
Chrissyreadit I liked it too. I was so irritated by how clearly m. Night shaylomon plagiarized. 5y
Chrissyreadit @LeahBergen it‘s a good book. 5y
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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3.5/5⭐ I think a younger reader would appreciate it more than I did, though I did find parts compelling. Also I hope M. Night Shyamalan has acknowledged that his movie The Village clearly drew inspiration from this book. #owlsreadathon2019

TobeyTheScavengerMonk That was a whole big deal when The Village came out. If I remember correctly M. Night said he‘d never heard of this book. 5y
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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Oh my god...! This book is absolutely fantastic. This is written beautifully and I would so recommend it for anyone.

Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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Welp, it's that time on the month when you start frantically trying to figure out how to finish all the books you started....I brutally cut books from my January TBR earlier and I'm STILL having trouble. 🙈 #litsypartyofone

Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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First book of 2018 is a recommendation from @drbethandherkindle ! Currently borrowing it from her childhood bookshelf.

drbethandherkindle You‘re welcome 7y
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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Recommended these excellent YA books to @kitty_reads from the shelves in my childhood bedroom. So glad @Pamwurtzler hasn‘t purged in there yet because these books are EXCELLENT. Does anyone else share my love for these?

melrailey I loved those! I should reread them myself. 7y
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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I haven't received my #SummerSantaGoesPostal parcel yet 😞

But hopefully this parcel waiting for me is it. I can collect it tomorrow. Fingers crossed 🤞

Gissy 🤞🏼and in case you need more luck🖖🏼 7y
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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Sace I don't even want to think about it 😔 7y
TheWordJar Oh my! I don't think a statistic about death has depressed me so much. I have many books to go (hopefully!), but the reading must end at some point. 😩For now, we charge forth into the next story! 🏇 7y
asiriusreader Saw this yesterday. Had a mild panic attack. 😂 7y
BookHermit @sace @TheWordJar @asiriusreader Time to get brutally honest with the TBR😰 7y
Sace @BookHermit I've already informed my daughter she's going to inherit a lot of books. 😂 7y
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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I've been slacking Littens! I really have to put the hammer down if I want to pull off this #readathon. I hope I can stay awake!

#24in48 #help

Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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I was checking in books at work, and I saw this cover. Immediately a warm, nostalgic feeling came over me. I remember almost nothing about the plot, but that immediate visual memory tells me to reread it because it was clearly important to my childhood, and I need to relive the experience. #YesIWorkinaLibrary #childhoodfavorites

Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix

I started the year off feeling amped for the 2016 @bookriot Read Harder Challenge... it's now a week into November and I'm realizing that I'm only slightly more than halfway completed. Oops. Is it worth it to try to buckle down and finish it, or should I just scrap it and start fresh in 2017? 🤔

moranadatter Are you excited about the challenges that remain? 8y
BookNerdBritt @kmdartist I am - just stressed about being able to do it in time 😬 8y
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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When you're going back home on Friday and you have a few library books you need to finish, but you're in a bit of a reading rut and just want to sleep. Ack!!!! 😖😩

MyNamesParadise Story of my life!! 8y
Jokila 😥😥😥 8y
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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Decided to limit my all-time faves to books or series that I've loved for at least 10 years. Otherwise, I'd need to take a picture of the Library of Congress to get them all in there. Also just realized I forgot Ender's Game, what have I done?!?!?!
#augustofpages #alltimefaveboojs

BookNerdBritt Running Out of Time was one of my favorite books as a kid! 8y
ElyssaReads I tell you I associate Ender's with you and you cut it from your favorites?! I feel lost. Ha! 8y
BookFreakOut @ElyssaReads Nooo I will throw you a lifeline! 🚑 Here comes the ambulance to save you. I posted the picture and had to leave for life group when I realized it, siiiiggghh. 8y
BookFreakOut @BookNerdBritt It's so good! That 90s cover art, though. It's something. 8y
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Running Out of Time | Margaret Peterson Haddix
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Re-read a middle school favorite book...still a favorite over 15 years later! Interesting plot keeps you invested until the last page.

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