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I'm Glad My Mom Died
I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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A heartbreaking and hilarious memoir by iCarly and Sam & Cat star Jennette McCurdy about her struggles as a former child actorincluding eating disorders, addiction, and a complicated relationship with her overbearing motherand how she retook control of her life. Jennette McCurdy was six years old when she had her first acting audition. Her mothers dream was for her only daughter to become a star, and Jennette would do anything to make her mother happy. So she went along with what Mom called calorie restriction, eating little and weighing herself five times a day. She endured extensive at-home makeovers while Mom chided, Your eyelashes are invisible, okay? You think Dakota Fanning doesnt tint hers? She was even showered by Mom until age sixteen while sharing her diaries, email, and all her income. In Im Glad My Mom Died, Jennette recounts all this in unflinching detailjust as she chronicles what happens when the dream finally comes true. Cast in a new Nickelodeon series called iCarly, she is thrust into fame. Though Mom is ecstatic, emailing fan club moderators and getting on a first-name basis with the paparazzi (Hi Gale!), Jennette is riddled with anxiety, shame, and self-loathing, which manifest into eating disorders, addiction, and a series of unhealthy relationships. These issues only get worse when, soon after taking the lead in the iCarly spinoff Sam & Cat alongside Ariana Grande, her mother dies of cancer. Finally, after discovering therapy and quitting acting, Jennette embarks on recovery and decides for the first time in her life what she really wants. Told with refreshing candor and dark humor, Im Glad My Mom Died is an inspiring story of resilience, independence, and the joy of shampooing your own hair.
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Jennette McCurdy opens the door to her journey through childhood stardom and the tumultuous process of healing that followed the death of her mother.

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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Wow… the things this girl has been through 💔 her mother did so many horrible and unspeakable things to her… and the industry didn‘t do much better! I‘m glad she dead too and that sounds awful, but IYKYK! The last line gives me hope that she‘s ok… I will definitely be following her story. I listened to this one in 2 days! 5th audiobook!

**LOTS of trigger warnings


TheBookHippie I agree. 2mo
Amor4Libros Agree! That was a tough audiobook to listen to. 2mo
batsy Yes! A tough book to think about. 2mo
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Listening to the tagged and working on June birthday cards for #LitsyLove!!

Happy Saturday everyone 💛💛

KadaGul Wow, this looks 👀 so incredibly therapeutic🥰😊. I just started writing ✍️mine on Thursday. 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @KadaGul it was nice! Home alone and quiet! 🤫 💛🫶🏻 2mo
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Just starting this one is already brutal… I feel so bad for Jennette 💔💔

*** lots of trigger warnings


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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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I am on long car ride to home and just finished this book. It was so brutally honest. I felt sorry for Jennette but I am so happy that she realised her problems and faced them.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy

From bathing McCurdy until she was 16 to giving her vaginal “exams”, her mother was obsessive & possessive of her. Jenette was so busy pretending to be someone she wasn‘t for her job & family that she couldn‘t figure out who she was. She turned out to be a writer (something her mom said would make her fat). I‘m glad her mom died too. It was the only way for Jenette to survive. The success of this has landed her a big FAT book deal.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Wow finally an audiobook I enjoyed!

Jennette never wanted to be an actor and was coerced into it by her mother at age 6. What follows is a lifelong attempt to make her mother happy at the expense of her own desires. The memoir follows her journey as a child actor and into adulthood as she develops an eating disorder, which is encouraged by her mom.

Lots of trigger warnings for this one: eating disorders, emotional abuse, alcoholism.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Going to try out Spotify audiobooks!

Still reading the other one (tomb sweeping) but I wanted to do some stitching today and usually listen to podcasts while I do it.

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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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My girls were little when iCarly came out, slightly older when Sam & Kat, aired. As such they were very much the market demographic for these shows and by proxy I got sucked into watching them too. I loved Sam Puckett. Now, having listened to Jennette tell her story of how she came to be that TV icon we all loved, I feel kinda guilty. Man, did she hate it! 😬

If you're looking for a good, quick audiobook read I definitely suggest this one.

AmyG I second the audiobook. 5mo
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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⭐️⭐️The traumatic experiences documented in Jennette McCurdys memoir are stomach turning. I am in the minority, but the writing style wasn‘t for me & sometimes I was bored. Which isn‘t a fair statement when rating a memoir. I‘m not a fan or super familiar with her work, probably due to age. I read it bc of the reviews & I was expecting humor & raw wit. But I don‘t feel there was much in the book. But I can see why the book is titled this way.

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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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I never watched her show or actually knew who she was. She‘s far kinder than I would or will be.
Had her mother lived, her life would be way worse, and I think that‘s hard for people to digest. Still true. Very good read. I hope she continues to heal.
For those of us who share the title‘s sentiment you‘re not alone, I see you. 💕

mcctrish She has a lot more grace than I do ( Jessica Simpson does too) 6mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish Seriously. I do not own this much grace. And I agree about Jessica as well. 6mo
marleed Same as you, I didn‘t know her as an actress - hadn‘t heard of the series. Her story was important to tell. I wish her joy! 6mo
TheBookHippie @marleed I so agree. May the rest of her days be joy. 6mo
monkeygirlsmama Just borrowed this one on audio through my Libby app. 5mo
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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January #wrapup

A light month and my favorite was I‘m Glad My Mom Died on audio. Great narration and storytelling.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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I think the title is a bit clickbait-y, her relationship and feelings towards her mom are more complicated and less callous than that. However, I don't think her situation would have gotten any better if her mom didn't die.

Litsi But it did get better. And in the last line we know that she is glad. 3mo
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @Litsi Yeah, that's what I meant. Her mom had to die for her life to be better. 3mo
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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I didn‘t even watch icarly but this book was really good.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Jennette McCurdy narrates this audio book, a mercilessly candid memoir of her life as a child actor. Her mother, a manipulative narcissist, pushed her into acting and trained her to be anorexic, before dying of cancer, leaving McCurdy rudderless and caught in a spiral of alcohol abuse and eating disorders. Short chapters and McCurdy's wry tone make this painful story bearable, but it is not for the faint of heart.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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You really never know what people are going through. Heartbreaking, maddening, humorous, vulnerable, resilient, and encouraging. It says a lot about the human spirit that she could survive all that and not be completely jaded and bitter. I hope her future is a bright, healthy, and happy one.

#nonfiction #memoir

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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More than late to the party, but this was so, so good. I‘m incredibly proud of her vulnerability in writing something so personal and even embarrassing at times, while still managing to stay funny throughout it all. You never know what someone might be going through so please stay kind. 5/5

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Don‘t you just love it when a book lives up to the hype!! I absolutely loved this. The audio was seriously addictive.

batsy It was surprisingly good! So brutally frank and sad, despite the dark humour. 6mo
Caroline2 @batsy Definitely. I welled up several times. 😢 6mo
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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I‘ve been trying to get through “Huck Finn” for two months, but devoured McCurdy‘s memoir in one week while I was bedridden. Go figure! I have a hard time reading books about ED, so this was only difficult for that reason. McCurdy‘s prose is simple and straight forward and often funny in the face of what was a horribly tragic adolescence. Felt like a long brunch with an old friend who‘s catching you up on their tough times.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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McCurdy is an engaging writer & it‘s difficult to read about all the trauma she suffered at the hands of her mom, grandma & Hollywood. I‘m so glad she‘s doing better & was brave enough to share her story. I listened to the audiobook read by her, & she does a phenomenal job with it. She‘s a natural storyteller & even got Miranda Cosgrove‘s voice down to the point that I wondered if those lines were read by Miranda.
I can‘t wait to read her fiction!

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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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This book made a lot of noise when it first came out, but I only got to it now. It was a quick but rather sad read. The author talks in detail of living with a narcissistic parent, of her experience being a child actor, especially one that is pushed by a mother. She honestly talks about her struggle with alcoholism and eating disorders. I‘m glad she is doing better now.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Wow. This book was overwhelming… From becoming an actress to encouraging eating disorders, Jennette‘s mother was the guiding light in her life. Once her mom passed away from breast cancer, the author has to face not only her mental health problems but that her mom was a major component in the start and continuation of unhealthy habits. A coming of age story that I couldn‘t put down even though it was a tough read.

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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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This was such a powerful book with a strong message. It was a really quick read but really hit me in a lot of ways. I can‘t really relate to some of it, but there were certain aspects that really resonated with me and I appreciated how candid and honest the author was about her life and experiences.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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What an excellent read! The short chapters made this book easy to fly through. It was hard to read about how her mom was abusing her and how young Jennette didn‘t know any better. I learned a lot about eating disorders. I‘d be eager to know what her mom‘s diagnoses would be in terms of mental health/disorders. It was great to read how Jennette got her life together & was able to move on from acting. I‘d be curious to see her one woman show.

Its_Amanda_Plz LOVED this one! 7mo
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Book 53 of 2023! This was a memoir by Jennette McCurdy, one of the stars of iCarly and Sam & Cat on Nickelodeon and how she overcame years of abuse from her mother, disordered eating, and substance abuse. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy

A biography that was needed. The conversation around abuse and neglect was in a gray area for many people growing up. And I think this was the healing process we needed.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Grew up a Jennette McCurdy fan from iCarly then lost interest in her career after the Sam and Cat spin off didn‘t do well. I loved this book. She‘s so vulnerable and hearing the memories from her childhood made me really feel for her. It was a little slow to start but I enjoyed her writing style and the way she told her story. Great read, definitely recommend!

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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I never watched Jennette McCurdy's show, but I was familiar with its popularity. When I started this one, I wasn't sure what to expect. She's so vulnerable with her writing right from the beginning that I instantly felt an emotional connection. The pure honesty of this, mixed with humor through the darkness she faced in her life made me appreciate her story and made me hope for healing and brightness for her future.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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I had never heard of Jennette before the memoir came out, but she has had a hard life. Great memoir!

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Library book club picked this, and surprisingly, I really liked it. Sad but darkly funny, and a sobering look not just. At the Hollywood machine, but at the affect of narcissism & mental illness on a family. 4 stars. Read by the author, which gives it added power. #memoir #darkhumor

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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This book is candid and well done, but wow is it sad. The first person narrative throughout lets you follow McCurdy‘s thinking as she very reluctantly comes to understand that her mother is, in fact, a truly abusive woman and not just an over involved mom who wants the best for her child. Glad she is finally finding some help and healing but you get the feeling she is just beginning to live her own life. Curious to see what comes next for her.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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This is such a sad a tragic story that Jeannette shared with the world. She lost her youth and teenage years at the hands of her abusive mother. She was mentally abused by her mother in ways, unimaginable! This was a very well written bio that was sad but somehow, Ms. Jennette somehow found ways to slip her humor that mad it a little easier to read. Totally recommend this. Trigger warnings, eating disorders #mentalabuse #survivor #eatingdisorder

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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I‘m on an audiobook tear….

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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A full memoir, one that‘s heartbreaking but depicts Real life…which is messy, miserable, and traumatic on many levels…the narrator is just trying to keep it all together like the rest of us. What I got from this is that We all have our shit but hopefully the journey has meaning, shaping us…hoping to come out on the other side…And hopefully not unscathed (bc for sure we will be affected) but undeterred from doing the work to help our future selves.

Milena I listened to the audiobook practically straight through. I‘m happy she is finding inner peace. This makes me wonder about the lives of other child stars… between her mom and the creepy directors and show creators…eek. 9mo
SnowEcho Yeah it‘s certainly a quick read and good to know it‘s also a quick listen. It seems like the child demographic is incredibly easy for people like the Nickelodeon producer or show runner to take advantage of. And having a momager seems terrible as they clearly have conflicting interests as a manager and as a mom. Seems to simply invite poor choices. That‘s not discounting some of the mom‘s seriously abusive behavior. Ugh. It‘s rough. 9mo
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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It's hard to read about what was going on behind-the-scenes with Jennette McCurdy in contrast to the bubblegum tone of a show like iCarly (that I recall watching with my nephews), & the kind of abuse that no one can tell is abuse because it passes off as helicopter parenting. Learning about the conditions of labour for child actors & the general factory-line methods at Nickelodeon was also rage-inducing. So much of everything is just so awful.

batsy The title & Babysitters Club-esque cover, which I love, belie a genuinely sad narrative about being under someone's control so totally that one's whole life seems like a lie. It sounds horrible to say but considering what her mom did, I'm glad her mom died too. Because sometimes that's what it takes for the child to survive, and hopefully one day, thrive. 11mo
kspenmoll Another thoughtful & thought provoking review. Thank you! 11mo
MidnightBookGirl You nailed it with your review!
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Centique I dont usually read celebrity memoirs but this one just blew my mind. Im glad she told her story because its so hard to comprehend what this level of dysfunction looks and feels like if youve never been there (which is the case for me). Im sure some other young people will read this and feel seen and hopefully be able to get support. Wonderful review @batsy 💕 11mo
Kenyazero Abuse that is passed off as helicopter parenting is a good way to describe a lot of this book. 11mo
batsy @Centique Thanks, Paula! Yes I'm really glad she risked telling her story and was brave about telling all of the "ugly" parts. 11mo
batsy @Kenyazero Yeah, I was so stressed reading it because you get the sense that this kind of stuff is normalised in the entertainment industry, but also that maybe no one around them spoke up about something being wrong even if they had a sense about it. 11mo
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Never heard of McCurdy before this memoir. Started listening to the audiobook because I kept seeing it everywhere. I was curious. I have to say it was wildly entertaining but heartbreaking.

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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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This one is still on my TBR but I‘ve heard good things 😊

#CelebMemoir 💗💛 #BookBinge 📚❤️📚

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs Oh yes it IS good 👍🏼 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks On my shelf 💛💗 12mo
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Well this was a rollercoaster! I don't normally read memoirs but my friend and I do the Popsugar Reading Challenge every year and that's one of the categories for 2023. Definitely check trigger warnings on this if you're interested in reading it. I'm glad she was finally able to speak her truth! 4⭐️

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Seems fitting for this book.

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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Here are my August picks for #bookspin. The only change from July is I‘ve replaced #14 and #18. 2/3rds of them are e-books languishing on my iPad and the rest are shorter books on my shelves that I‘d love to get to.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 12mo
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I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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I devoured this audiobook in 2 days, before I could even write my review for the other audiobook I finished. This is bravely transparent and wittingly written. Beautiful story of how its okay to miss someone and also be glad they're gone because they were toxic.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Smart, disturbing, and entertaining. I feel a little bad for being so entertained by it.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Powerful and honest memoir from McCurdy! An extremely dysfunctional mom resulted in a lot of personal issues for Jennette 😔 I hope she is doing much better now after writing this book…

#Pantone2023 @Clwojick

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ She really went through it with her mom. I really liked the way she wrote about it. I felt like she managed to be unflinching with both sharing her experiences and also places where she wasn‘t perfect and she did it in a way that was entertaining but didn‘t downplay what happened. I‘m glad she got to a better place by the end, and would read more by her in the future.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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Wow, that was a wild read. Jennette McCurdy tells all about growing up with her psycho mom, who pushed her into an acting career and encouraged her to develop an eating disorder. Her mom was A LOT, like severe untreated borderline personality disorder a lot. Mom also had recurring cancer, so just imagine the guilt trips. And then she died, and Jennette had to fix her life. Well-written and entertaining, though I found the audio narration flat.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy


I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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This is a difficult memoir to get through but I'm glad I did. It's an auto five stars from me, I don't rate memoirs, I'm not here to evaluate anyone's life.

As for the title, I'm glad my Mom died .... me too girl, it was rough to read, real rough.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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So cool that #BOTM has audiobooks now! It‘s a fun option if your not interested in the picks and don‘t want to skip. This was really good. Pretty triggering if you were raised by a BPD mother or if you‘ve suffered from a eating disorder. Would definitely recommend the audiobook as Jennette does a great job, you even hear her get emotional a couple times. I‘m sure this was cathartic to write. Happy healing girl ✨❤️‍🩹

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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This was good & well written, mostly telling from her point of view & feelings from the times in her life she was recounting. I‘d seen this pop up a few times, and the title intrigued me, but made me a bit uncomfortable. Jeannette was made to be uncomfortable her whole life, scarred by things her mother did to her, and sounds like it‘s been a long journey to become a healthier person. This was tough & sad to listen to, but glad I finally did.

I'm Glad My Mom Died | Jennette McCurdy
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I‘m sharing this book I received in the mail today from Simon & Schuster. I don‘t know who this is. All I know from hearing good things about this book is that this is a memoir about her life as a child star on a television show and her relationship with her mother. From what I‘ve heard, she didn‘t have a good relationship with her mother. I‘m looking forward to reading this and seeing what I think about it.
