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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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Owen had a fuzzy yellow blanket. "Fuzzy goes where I go," said Owen. But Mrs. Tweezers disagreed. She thought Owen was too old for a blanket. Owen disagreed. No matter what Mrs. Tweezers came up with, Blanket Fairies or vinegar, Owen had the answer. But when school started, Owen't mother knew just what to do, and everyone -- Owen, Fuzzy, and even Mrs. Tweezers -- was happy.
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Owen | Kevin Henkes

“ Now owen carrie‘s one of his not-so fuzzy handkerchiefs with him wherever he goes…”

Owen | Kevin Henkes
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Owen | Kevin Henkes

“Now owen carrie‘s one of his not so fuzzy handkerchiefs with him whenever he goes”

Owen | Kevin Henkes

I like this book for young kids. I know it‘s hard to not bring something special with you everywhere. It showed that all he needed was a little piece. I also love the pictures in the book they are so cute.

Owen | Kevin Henkes

Fuzzy wasn't very fuzzy anymore. But owen didn't mind.

Owen | Kevin Henkes

Throughout this book made me think of my very own childhood of my family trying to get me to get rid of my baby blanket and I would never budge. My family finally made it into a bigger throw blanket for me to keep on my bed and we too made a compromise.

Owen | Kevin Henkes

Owen, published in 1993 was such a cute read. It went on about the little boy still having his baby blanket while his parents tried to get him to outgrow it. They finally made a compromise and cut the blanket up to make handkerchiefs that he can carry around with him. The perfect book to talk about compromise.

Owen | Kevin Henkes
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Owen by Kevin Henkes is an award-winning Caldecott book that's about a bunny who adores his fuzzy yellow blanket. He takes his blanket everywhere with him.. Until his teacher, Mrs. Tweezers said he wasn't allowed to bring it to school. This book would benefit students by helping them relate to their own security blanket.   Since this is a realistic fiction book, the UDL I chose was Activate or supply background knowledge (3.1).

olivia_danko Students will get to make their own bunny rabbit mask to resemble Owen!
lesson plan: http://lessons.atozteacherstuff.com/298/bunny-rabbit-mask-paper-plate-craft/
olivia_danko I'd use EL 46 use discovery learning activities(hands-on-activities) since the students will get to craft their own bunny rabbit mask. 3y
DrSpalding The only problem with your resource is that the characters are mice and not rabbits. I do think you could create mice masks and use them for dramatic reenactment… Possibly during an author study. 3y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes

This book, a Caldecott Honor book, is about a little mouse who loves his yellow blanket. His neighbor tries to convince his parents to detach him from the blanket and they try..

Owen | Kevin Henkes

I would use this book in my future classroom, because it is a cute story and teaches children that it is okay to have an attachment to something as long as it is not taking over your life.

Owen | Kevin Henkes

Owen stuffed Fuzzy inside his pajama pants and went to sleep.

Owen | Kevin Henkes
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This F book is a super sweet PR for young readers. It is about a mouse who has a favorite blanket that he takes EVERYWHERE and to do EVERYTHING. His mom and dad can't seem to get Owen to let it go, so mom comes up with the best solution for when it is time to start school. I believe having the students read this story in pairs will better give them a chance for discussion.

YesseniaN Letting the children read together in pairs will increase discussion habits and share ideas/thoughts. As the children read the teacher can stop by the ESOL students and follow up with questions and connections to make sure everyone understands.
UDL principle: Foster collaboration and community (8.3)
Click on the link for activities, worksheets, and book purchase: https://kevinhenkes.com/mouse-books/owen-book/
cassandram Very interesting book! Definitely would want this book at my preschool for those children struggling to give up their blankets/pacifiers. 5y
CPettersen This sounds really cute! I definitely want to read this! The art style is so cute! 5y
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JennaMichelleCohn This whole collection by Kevin Henkel is amazing: Chrysanthemum, Angelina, etc. when I had pet mice, I named them after his characters. His stories are so well written and have such great positive messages, chrysanthemum specifically! Love that one! 5y
kradebaugh Love love this book. So cute so much fun. 5y
DrSpalding This author has so many wonderful books with beloved mice characters. I have a feeling your little one will enjoy Henkes books in the future. Share them with him. ❤️ (edited) 5y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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Owen is an adorable F picture book about a young mouse who struggles to give up his favorite comfort item. In the end his family works together to find a way to help him keep it around all the time! It won a caldecott for the beautiful pictures inside. For this book I would do a RA preferably with kindergarteners towards the beginning of the school year. http://web.uvic.ca:8080/wits/pdfs/schools/books/owen/owen.pdf this lesson plan is perfect for

ebrown incorporating ESOL students into the classroom using ESOL strategy #46 “use discovery learning activities (hands on activities)” because in the lesson plan it specifically blocks out time for students to draw about their favorite comfort item. This also coincides perfectly with the UDL strategy for comprehension in that it activates the students background knowledge. #ucflae3414f19 5y
DrSpalding Very nice Post! His books are a must for the primary classroom. Children love the mice and the very realistic stories that go along with them. They are very easy to relate to. 5y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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In this fiction children‘s book, Owen is a little mouse who can‘t seem to let go of his fuzzy blanket. However his parents and his neighbor Mrs. Tweezers are trying to come up with different ideas to get Owen to give up his “fuzzy” and become a big boy. #ucflae3414f19

Erinehart This would be a great book to incorporate a RL. ESOL strategy #44 is a great strategy to use because it focuses on making predictions, observing and reporting. A UDL strategy I would use is to increase mastery-orientated feedback. Allowing students to engage and provide feedback and questions will provide a better understanding of the text. (edited) 5y
Erinehart web.uvic.ca:8080/wits/pdfs/schools/books/owen/owen.pdf this lesson plan gives the students an opportunity to ask questions before reading, during reading, and after reading which falls hand in hand with the ESOL learning strategy. 5y
DrSpalding His books about mice are perfect for read aloud, RA! 5y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes

“Owen stuffed Fuzzy inside his pajama pants and went to sleep.“

Owen | Kevin Henkes

This book was very enjoyable to read because it had a great ending and it was funny when Owen would always somehow remain attached to his blanket while his parents were trying to get rid of it. I would use this book in my classroom to explain how it's okay to be attached to something as a comfort item as long as it's not taking over everything.

Owen | Kevin Henkes

Owen written by Kevin Henkes. Caldecott Honor book. Owen is attached to his blanket named Fuzzy. However, Owen's neighbor tries to convince Owen's parents that he needs to be separated from the blanket. Yet Owen is in denial and loves his blanket.

Owen | Kevin Henkes
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“Now Owen carries one of his not-so-fuzzy handkerchiefs with him wherever he goes...”

Owen | Kevin Henkes

This is a super cute book about growing up and compromising with your parents.

Owen | Kevin Henkes

This Caldecott award winning book is about a young mouse who has a blanket. His parents and neighbor are trying to get him to stop carrying his blanket. They instead cut it into handkerchiefs for him to carry. This is a great compromise book and a growing up book.

Owen | Kevin Henkes
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The book Owen, by Kevin Henkes, is Caldecott Award Winning, fiction, reader‘s theater. Owen is a story about a little mouse who can‘t go anywhere or do anything without his “fuzzy blanket”. The story explains his attachment to the blanket. The story is empowering because it shows that we can endure as humans we need love and comfort in times of sadness and loneliness. Website: www.kevonhenkes.com Hashtag: #UCFSU19 UDL: 3.2 EL: dictionary, visual

Owen | Kevin Henkes
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#lae3414sp19 “Owen” by Kevin Henkes (RF) is a Caldecott Award Winning book about a mouse named Owen who loves is blanket. His parents did not want him having it, and in the end they settle to make his blanket into small handkerchiefs. This story would be best read a RA because young students in the room can see if they relate to Owen and have the same situation with a beloved item, and see through their classmates they might not be the only

sydneydaniels I feel for that for UDL 1.1 and 3.3 would be best fitting. For ESOL, I believe 10 and 14 would work well for this book. The lesson plan: web.uvic.ca:8080/wits/pdfs/schools/books/owen/owen.pdf would work great for this story, making the students relate more to Owen by having their own special item. 5y
DrSpalding There are so many text to self connection is that children have with this particular book. Henkes is a master. While this seems like realistic fiction what genre is it really? 5y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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Owen by Kevin Henkes is a Caldecott honor book and is wonderful for teaching students about compromising. Owen loves his blanket “Fuzzy” and brings it everywhere but Owen is getting older and his parents, and Mrs. Tweezers, think he needs to get rid of it. They tried many things but Owen didn‘t like any of them, finally his mom came up with a great idea; to cut Fuzzy into small pieces and have them as handkerchiefs. (Continued in comments)

Kaelya This would be a great NF for PR so students can work collaboratively. The ESOL strategies could be 20 and 3. The UDL Guidelines 2.1, 2.2, and 3.1. #UCFLAE3414SuB18 https://kevinhenkes.com/ (edited) 6y
DrSpalding Expand on your EL/UDL. 🙂 6y
SierraC Sounds like a great book! I think this would perfect for my preschoolers! 6y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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Mrs. Tweezers has lots of #opinions about Owen and his blanket Fuzzy.
One of my favourite Kevin Henkes's picture books!
#150pnpcoverparty #catchingup @LeahBergen @CrowCAH

CrowCAH Beautiful illustration! 6y
ChrysFey I loved this book! 6y
LeahBergen Cute! 6y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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Owen, a F Caldecott Winner by Kevin Henkes, is an adorable story about comfort items. I could definitely relate and connect with this story, and it really reminded me of my sister. The story is about Owen, and his blanket fuzzy, and learning how to grow up, let go, and hold on. Here's a teaching guide direct from Kevin Henkes' website: http://www.kevinhenkes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/World-of-Kevin-Henkes-2011... #ucflae3414su17

DrSpalding Text to self connections abound with stories like this one. While it is a F selection, the plot is relatable. Excellent job citing the author's site for activities related to this award winner! 7y
StephanieP I really like how you connected the book to yourself. A lot of people tend to forget that even though there are children's books, we can still connect to them! 7y
tfundora Kevin Henkes books will always be one of my favorites! One of my favorites from him is "Julian baby of the world!" Is one of my favorites!! 7y
Ashleywwolfe Kevin Henkes books, particularly Owen and Chrysanthemum are classics in my eyes! And how @DrSpalding said, you kind of forget their mice after a while because they are so unbelievably relatable! 7y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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This F book is about Owen his favorite yellow blanket, Fuzzy. Owen's parents are worried- soon Owen will start school and he can't take it with him, but Owen isn't ready to part ways yet. The author makes this book very relatable, since everyone can think back to their beloved childhood possession. Check out the authors teaching guide http://www.kevinhenkes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/World-of-Kevin-Henkes-2011... #UCFLAE3414su17

SamanthaPuglisi This reminds me of the Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems. The child in that story loses their favorite stuffed animal. It's great to show students that they don't need to have any item as a crutch. 7y
DrSpalding Your post caused a peer to make a text to text connection. This is fabulous. I like that you went straight to the source and use the author's website as your resource. Great work! 7y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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Ashton enjoyed giving me a summary of the book for each page after reading it once yesterday. This F book by Kevin Henkes is a Caldecott honor book that discusses a pet mouse named Owen with a common childhood blankey. A teacher activity for comprehension and prediction can be found here: http://thepicturebookteachersedition.blogspot.com/2012/09/owen-by-kevin-henkes.h... #UCFLAE3414SP17

CaitlinPVeal I like that you tried it out with a child. What a great idea! Prediction can be a fun one to do with a class so I'm glad to see you found a lesson on that. 7y
DrSpalding Way to go Ashton! 7y
AmandaN Great book and love how you read it with a child to get their perspective. 7y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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I really enjoyed this F book. It's about a boy named owen who LOVES his little blankie and takes it everywhere. The neighbor convinces his parents that they need to get the blankie away from owen. Parents tried all the suggestions the neighbor had (Blanket Fairy, Vinegar, etc) nothing worked until the mom has a grand idea which works!



DrSpalding Kevin Henkes' mice characters and their experiences are so true to life. Nice resource! 7y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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Owen by Kevin Henkes is a fantastic book about the difficulties of becoming independent. During this Caldecott Honor award winning book, Owen learns to compromise his comfort with his newfound independence. The following link leads you to the page of the creative author behind this book. www.kevinhenkes.com #UCFLAE3414sp17

DrSpalding Woo hoo! Another quality author's site! 7y
AlexandriaJ I really enjoyed looking at the site that you shared! It had many little places that it can take you so you can become more knowledgeable about the author and it also shows you other books that he has written. 7y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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"Fuzzy goes where I go." Anyone who has ever had a favorite blanket will know how Owen feels in this modern fantasy story. Here is a lesson to go along with the book: http://thepicturebookteachersedition.blogspot.com/2012/09/owen-by-kevin-henkes.h... #UCFLAE3414sp17

DrSpalding Be sure to use the rubric to incorporate the essential parts of the post. Owen is a sweet story! 7y
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Owen | Kevin Henkes
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Kindergarten story-time this week!