“When you‘re small you can choose which way to grow”
I love this book. Super intriguing and keeps you interested the entire time. Would definitely want this in a classroom for older children.
I love this book. Super intriguing and keeps you interested the entire time. Would definitely want this in a classroom for older children.
This Science fiction book is a crazy read! You learn to love the boy Matt at the beginning while he is living with Celia. You later find out he is a clone and the books is crazy to read. I think this would be a great book for an older child to read. It keeps you engaged and is fun to read!
I love Brian Selznick!! Wonderful author with a different approach. He uses lots of illustrations and some words to get the message and the story across to the reader. I love this book!!
This Realistic fiction book is great! I loved reading this book. I love how it is words and picture combined to create a different experience while reading. Rose and Ben go off in search of what they are missing and it is a crazy and wonderful read. I would definitely recommend it!
“Would the world appear the same if you raced at light‘s phenomenal speed?”
I like this book because it talks about how Albert Einstein was an odd ball as a child. Even a genius like him didn‘t fit in growing up. This could be really inspirational for a child.
“And today, on every story where his name appears, theirs do, too.”
I love this book because it is about the popular super hero, Superman. This book brings the journey of how super man came to me in a colorful and fun book.
“This is how Sequoyah wrote his own name”
This is a super cool book because it is written in two different languages. This is a historical book that brings another language to light.
I loved this book because it incorporates diversity and a different perspective. For a future classroom I would want books that apply to all my students so I would love to have this one!
This is a super fun book! Great illustrations and a fun story line. I would definitely use this with a classroom!
This is a super fun book! I love Teddy Rosevelt and I enjoyed this book. Great illustrations and a good story.
This is a super cool book because it is about someone who is a successful doctor but still chooses to do poetry. It shows that all passions are important and should be supported.
“On the vast scale of the universe the globe we inhabit appears but as an atom”
I never know where a thesaurus came from so this book was super interesting to me. The illustrations are awesome and fun to look at. I would definitely have this book in my future classroom.
“The Earth and every living thing are made of star stuff”
This is a super beautiful book and it has a great story! I loved this book and would definitely read this to a future class!
I love this picture because she is working on architecture with her cat.
Love this book!! Great illustrations and a good story. I loved being able to see how she won the contest even though she was young. It is inspirational to see what amazing things people can do!
Albert Einstein is one of the most well known minds and this is a biography about him. I love that he started out being put down and now he is known as the genius of our time. This is an inspirational story because he was able to overcome everything that was put against him. The illustrations in this book are also awesome!
Everyone knows who superman is so this biography about the people who created it. I love stories about people who were shut down for their creative ideas and then end up creating something amazing. It is proof that hard word and dedication pay off in the end. Plus it is super fun to read about how a fan favorite was created.
This biography about Sequoyah‘s language is very interesting. Creating a language is a huge task and this man single handedly created one. The illustrations are great are very colorful and fun to look at. This book also brings different cultures to light and is very fun to read.
Having books in your library that are diverse and interesting for all groups of students is so important. This is a biography about the hair of black people. It talks about how it is beautiful regardless of the fact that it is different. Children see different and think wrong. This is an important book because it shows that different is beautiful too.
This biography is a great girl power book! This story is about a women who despite not being allowed to attend college gets a college education and becomes a famous editor. This book is awesome because it also talks about how Thanksgiving bécane a national holiday which even as an adult I never knew. I loved the illustrations as wel!
Teddy Rosevelt has always been my favorite president so this biography was super interesting to me. I love this book because it talks about how wild and crazy of a child Teddy was. This is good for children to hear because you don‘t have to be perfect to achieve great things. If you want to do something you will achieve it with hard work and knowledge. The illustrations are also awesome in this book!
This biography of a William Williams is so fun to read! He grew up writing poetry and then as an adult he became a doctor. Even though he had a great career as a doctor he still wrote poetry because it was his true calling. This book is great for kids because it shows them that all passions are meaningful and valuable.
This biography talks about how Peter Roget wrote the thesaurus. It is crazy to read because he started it when he was a young child. He had no idea it would become anything and now everyone uses thesauruses! It is an inspirational book because a young child‘s dream turned into something so amazing. I love the illustrations in this book as well!
In this biography about Carl Sagan there is amazing illustrations. I loved flipping through the pages because it was so beautiful. The story of Carl growing up interested in the stars and the world and then becoming a famous astronomer is so awesome to me. He went from a curious kid to Dr. Carl Sagan!
This biography of Maya Lin is very inspirational. I would definitely use this in a classroom. This book is about a young girl who wins an architecture contest and created the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. the illustrations in this book are simple and beautiful. This book is great because it shows that you can get anywhere even if you‘re young!
“Segregation tens to give an aura of inferiority. In order to have people in the United Stares understand one another it is necessary for them to live together, and the public school is one of the mechanism where all the children of all the people go”
love this book! Would definitely read it to a class or my own children. It is meaningful and tells a very important story. One of the many examples of parents fighting for their child‘s education.
This is a great nonfiction story about the Mendez family and how they fought for desegregation in the school systems. This is a great book because it will open the eyes of students to what people had to go through just to sit in the seats they are in currently. This book is easy to understand but it gets across a very important point!
LOVE this book!! Definitely want this in my school and at home library. It is fun and interesting! It is colorful and empowering for the children reading.
This nonfiction book about Teddy Roosevelt‘s daughter Alice is great! It is a wonderful female empowerment book! It also is fun and interesting to read. This book includes historical facts about the Roosevelt family as well as just Alice. I love the illustrations as well!!
“Marian looked out on a river of 75,000 people. Her heart beat wildly.”
Amazing book! Wonderful illustrations and a great story. This true and exciting story of how Anderson came to become such a famous singer is so beautiful. This is something i would love to read to future studwnts
This is a great nonfiction story about the singer Marina Anderson! I love Selznick‘s illustrations they are so gorgeous. this story ties together the pain and struggle she had to go through to become a singer. It is diverse and a story of persistance. This story can inspire so many different children and the best part is it‘s all true!
I love this book! I would definitely want this in my future library for children! Great facts and fun illustrations!
This is a super fun nonfiction book! I would love to have this in my classroom! A child could open it to any page and learn fun facts about animals. I love the illustrations as well. a they bring the child‘s interest and are fun. I love that the book is written as a interview with the animals. It makes it so much fun to read and so many great facts to learn!
“Dear mole rat: Have you ever thought about getting braces?”
Great book!! Would definitely read this in the future. talks about the planet and how to protect it along with animal facts. Super fun and interesting!