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This National Bestseller book written by Katherine Arden was an awesome read. It takes place in Russian Wilderness in the middle of winter. This story is about a young girl named Vasilisa who must dig deep and bring about dangerous gifts that she had kept hidden to keep her village safe from evil. I think this would be a great book for a literature circle in a 5th grade or middle school classroom. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh UDL 3.1 Activate and supply background knowledge and 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols. ESOL I would break the text down and associate pictures with words and pair with a partner 5y
haleyklein This looks like a really good read, thank you for sharing! 5y
DrSpalding What genre? You need a resource. 5y
14 likes3 comments
Giver | Lois Lowry
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This science fiction book written by Lois Lowry was a Newbery award winner. the book is about a young boy named Jonas living in a dystopian society where there is no pain and everyone is assigned a role. Jonas, at his thirteenth birthday, is given the honor of becoming the next receiver of memory and begins to uncover the truth about his society. I think this book would be good for a literature circle or a read aloud. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh UDL 3.1 Activate and supply background knowledge and 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols. ESOL I would break the text down and associate pictures with words and pair with a partner 5y
haleyklein I did this book as well how cool! Such a good read, I love your insight on the tools to make this better in a class room! Thank you for your share! 5y
Tinks I have heard about this book and was told it was a must read. Will definitely look into it. It reminds me of the hunger games. 5y
DrSpalding Resource? This is a quartet, or a series with four books that all are fantastic! These could be used in the upper elementary grades and of course in middle school. 5y
11 likes4 comments
Wrinkle in Time | Madeleine L'Engle
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A Wrinkle in Time is a Science Fiction book written by Madeleine L'Engle. This book has won the John Newberry Medal, the Sequoyah Book Award, the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award, and was runner-up for the Hans Christian Andersen Award. This book is about a young girl named Meg, her brother and their friend and their adventures through time. I loved this book and think any young reader will too. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh UDL 3.1 Activate and supply background knowledge and 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols. ESOL I would break the text down and associate pictures with words and pair with a partner. 5y
haleyklein Once again such a great book! Thank you for the share! 5y
ChrisC I actually started reading this book not to long ago. It‘s definitely an interesting read. 5y
DrSpalding Resource? This book could work well for literature circles or even a read aloud. Science-fiction tends to be a bit more difficult to comprehend and needs the knowledgeable educator to facilitate understanding. 5y
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This is a biography on our first President George Washington written by Laurie Calkhoven. I think this book would be great for any history class. This book gives you insights to how he helped to win Americas freedom, but it also talks about how he was not always the military guy. He was a quiet peaceful farmer. #ucflae3414F19

kradebaugh UDL 3.1 Activate and supply background knowledge and 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols. ESOL I would break the text down and associate pictures with words and pair with a partner. 5y
Jgolub13 President Washington lived a very interesting life. I wanted any biography of him to use in my future classroom. I will have to check this out. 5y
KristenScala I love biography books and I think they‘re a great asset to a classroom library especially since students should learn about people of our past! 5y
DrSpalding Of course, this biography would work quite well during a unit on the presidents during your social studies instruction. 5y
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This Biography written by Emma Carlson Berne is a look into the life and story of Helen Keller. I think this is a great book to have in any classroom. Helen Keller showed that no matter what obstacles you face if you try hard enough you can over come them. She also showed us that you do not have to be able to hear and see to find the beauty in life. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh UDL 3.1 Activate and supply background knowledge and 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols. ESOL I would break the text down and simplify and associate pictures with words and pair with a partner. 5y
DrSpalding Again, biographies and their use in the elementary classroom is very important. English learner strategy 28 actually asks for teachers to provide biographies. 5y
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This piece of Non-fiction I have owned for more than half my life. Written by Catherine Clinton. It gives all this historical facts that anyone could ever want to know about the Civil War. This would be a great book to use in a history class. It breaks down the entire conflict from beginning to end by the year. I feel this is must need for any classroom in upper grade levels. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh UDL 3.1 Activate and supply background knowledge and 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols. ESOL I would break the text down and associate pictures with words and pair with a partner. 5y
DrSpalding I agree that this could be a helpful resource in your intermediate grades. How wonderful you have owned this book for so long and it can become a part of your classroom library. Helping to supply background knowledge regarding the Civil War would be a wise use of this text! 5y
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Ponies | Laura Marsh
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This a nonfiction book by Laura Marsh. This would be a great book for science this would a book that I would use as a read aloud and break the book down into pieces so that the information could be easily learned. This book talks about the differences between ponies and horses. It talks about how there are many breeds, colors and location of ponies, it even gives a historical background on ponies. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh The UDLs that I chose are 2.1 To Clarify vocabulary and symbols and 4.1 vary the methods for response and navigation. ESOL strategies 15 reinforcing key ideas, and 18 use commands and directions that involve over student actions. 5y
haleyklein I love the scholastics books! Awesome choice! 5y
Camrynm Your UDL principle and ESOL strategy seems like it would work very well with this NF book. 5y
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JRone I think a read-aloud would be great with this book. While reading aloud, you can tie in clarifying vocabulary if there are any confusing words children don't understand! 5y
alexblanco This is such a cute book, scholastic books are so fun and informative and kids love them! 5y
Jgolub13 National Geographic is a great resource! I remember loving these as a kid. I think your students would love this 5y
ArianaG Oh my goodness! These were my favorite as a kid! There very informational and exciting to learn new things! 5y
ccipriati I love National Geographic Kids books! I had a subscription when I was younger and I found out a ton of cool facts. 5y
sbombasi National Geographic is great to incorporate in the classroom for nonfiction! Especially with the great quality pics! 5y
Tinks I am a animal lover through and through. Will definitely get this. And, you can‘t go wrong with National Geographic. 5y
DrSpalding You do not get much better for non-fiction than National Geographic! Go to their website for amazing resources to use with their fabulous books. Include their books in your classroom library to benefit your students understanding of our world. 5y
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14 Cows for America | Carmen Agra Deedy
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This non-fiction book was a New York Times best seller written byCarmen Agra Deedy. It talks about a young man from Africa who after the 9-11 attacks decided to go home where he tells the story of what happened. He and his mother had 1 cow and he asked the tribe if he may give the cow to America because the cow represented life. The tribe talked called in the ambassador of America and they gave America 14 cows to represent life. #ucflae3414f19.

kradebaugh https://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewStandard/Preview/5745. The UDLs that I chose are 2.1 To Clarify vocabulary and symbols and 4.1 vary the methods for response and navigation. ESOL strategies 15 reinforcing key ideas, and 18 use commands and directions that involve overt student actions. 5y
haleyklein I love this book!! 5y
YvetteE This book seems to incorporate social studies and ethics to help students understand the great impact 9-11 had on America. This is the type of book that should be in every classroom! 5y
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YesseniaN This book sounds very interesting! I love the metaphor of cows and life, just from your summary, I want to know more about the book! I would like to see how a classroom of students reacts to the book content. 5y
Jewelwinkler I never knew what this book was about but thank you for sharing because now I really want to read it! 5y
DrSpalding Repeat?? 5y
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The War that Saved My Life | Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
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This Newberry Honor book by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. I have to admit made me cry at first. This is a historical fiction book is set in the onset of World War II and the main character Ada is truly struggling she has a physical disability and she being horribly abused by her mother but thanks to the War she able to escape her mother. This story is a how little girl survived and was able to make a difference. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh For my UDL's I chose 2.2 clarify syntax and structure and 3.1 activate or supply background knowledge. For ESOL I would monitor comprehension and check with questions, I would also simplify text if needed 5y
haleyklein Thank you for sharing!! 5y
maciforster Can‘t believe it made you cry!! Now I must read it if it was so good. 5y
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Mwinship Sounds like a great read, especially if it made you cry! Seems like a good book to incorporate into a history lesson. 5y
TristanPool If it made you cry, it‘s a great book! Sounds like this novel would pair well with a history lesson. 5y
ccipriati This sounds like an amazing book. I will definitely look for it! 5y
YvetteE I'm reading this right now! This is a book that will let children know life is not always easy, but faith and resilience will prevail. I love the background of Dr. Spalding's face:)
YesseniaN I love how you could use this book in many subjects, not just reading but history as well! 5y
DrSpalding That‘s a first to see my image behind the book! I think you won this in class… Am I right? If the book evoked that kind of emotion it is worthy of being incorporated into your classroom library and used during social studies instruction! 5y
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Little Women (Kobo) | Louisa May Alcott
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This classic is one of my most favorite books. Written by Louisa May Alcott. It takes place during one of my favorite periods in American history. It is a story of sisterhood, romance, and heartache. Its a story that pulls you in as you follow the sisters Amy, Jo, Meg and Beth as they experience life and death. I think this book would be great as a read aloud or a literature circle. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh For my UDL's I chose 2.2 clarify syntax and structure and 3.1 activate or supply background knowledge. For ESOL I would monitor comprehension and check with questions, I would also simplify text if needed 5y
Jgolub13 This is a classic book. I think the more we can incorporate classics into the classroom the more cultured our students will be 5y
ebrown little women is such a class, and I am so excited to see the movie that‘s coming out based on it! 5y
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CPettersen I feel like a book like this could teach a lot of lessons about life! Definitely need to read this one as an adult. 5y
Mwinship This is such a classic novel that I still haven‘t had the chance to read but I need to! There is a new movie coming out soon about it too! I wonder how it will compare to the book. 5y
DrSpalding Again you are missing a resource however the book and your universal design and English learner strategies work. This could be a book to share during social studies instruction. 5y
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This classic story written by Mark Twain is a story of that we have grown up hearing. A boy who is starving for adventure who doesn't always follow the rules. I think this would be a great book for a read aloud. I think this book touches our adventurous side and lets into a view of history. This book has been created into movies and has been read for generations. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh For my UDL's I chose 2.2 clarify syntax and structure and 3.1 activate or supply background knowledge. For ESOL I would monitor comprehension and check with questions, I would also simplify text if needed. 5y
cassandram Sounds like a really interesting story. I would like to read it! 5y
Erinehart This was such a great book growing up! 5y
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Camrynm So many memories as a kid! Love this book!! 5y
ebrown I love this book so much. I used to work on Tom Sawyer Island at Disney World, so Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn have a special place in my ❤️ 5y
YvetteE I love reading these stories to my kids at night before bed. FInn is such a clever fellow and my boys get to hear stories about a boy more mischevious than them! 5y
DrSpalding This is another classic! Look for a valuable resource. Just because it was written quite a long time ago does not mean that there are not lessons and ideas to assist you with implementing the story in the classroom. 5y
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The Secret Garden 100th Anniversary | Frances Hodgson Burnett
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This classic story of a little girl who looses her parents and has to change her whole by going to live with her uncle is a story that I hold near and dear to my hear as it was a book my grandmother read to me when I was a little girl and I now read to my daughter. Its a book that would be great for read aloud or a literature circle. This version was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett and I llustrated by Tasha Tudor. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh The UDL's I chose 2.2 clarify syntax and structure and 3.1 activate or supply background knowledge. ESOL To shorten text given and make sure that the students have a good understanding of the vocabulary given, 5y
DrSpalding This is a classic katie! I am sure you can find a valuable resource to align with your universal design and English learner strategies 5y
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Charlie & Mouse | Laurel Snyder
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This book written by Laurel Snyder and Illustrated by Emily Hughes is a winner of the Theodore Seuss Geisel award. This was a fun book to read. About two brothers. I think they find a way to have fun with life. I like the part where they interact with the grandpa the best. I encourage you to read this book. I think it would be a great read for 1st through 3rd grade. Defiantly glad I added it to my library. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh The UDL's I chose are 2.2 Clarify syntax and structure and 4.1 Vary the methods for response and navigation. For ESOL Continually monitor students' comprehension and teach question for clarification. 5y
YesseniaN This sounds like a great read, I would probably have the students read it in partners and have them discuss the sequence of the book! thanks for sharing it. 5y
DrSpalding Minor errors and missing some information. The front cover is enticing and of course being a Geisel award winner, you know it should be in your primary grade classroom library. 5y
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This is one of my favorite books to read to my kids. Written by Sam McBratney illustrated by Anita Jeram and became a tv series. This adorably cute book is about a parent and their child who talk about how much they love each other. This is a book I think could be read to any grade level but I think would be greatly loved by kindergarten through 2nd grade. I think this teaches kids that there is end to someones love.#ucflae3414f19

DrSpalding This post is missing some important information. Your storytelling was well received by your peers and heartwarming. 5y
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This is cute fantasy book by Audrey Penn and Illustrated by Barbara Leonard Gibson. I love this book and I think it would be a great add to any library where kids are involved. I read this book to my kids at home but I also read this book to my high school students. I think that this book helps to teach children that just because an adult shows affection to someone else doesn't mean they do not care about us. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh The UDL's I chose are 8.3 foster collaboration and community and 2.4 promote understanding across languages. For ESOL Teaching questioning for clarification and teach to two objectives, language, and content. 5y
DrSpalding This is a sequel to a book that many teachers share during the first week of school. 5y
The Crossover | Kwame Alexander
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This book is a cross between realistic fiction and poetry. This book by Kwame Alexander is a 2015 Newberry Medal Winner and 2015 Coretta Scott King Honor Award Winner. I think this book is one that I would use on a 5th to 8th grade level.
I think it is better read as an individual. The story is told by a boy who has to face life on and off the court and discovers that life can take you places you never wanted to go. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh The UDL's that I chose were 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols and 4.1 vary the methods for response and navigation. ESOL. Continually monitor students' comprehension and Use preview/review activitites. 5y
ChrisC I read this book as well. It‘s a good read and a very interesting story. 5y
DrSpalding You read so many chapter books and novels Katie! Good for you. Sometimes I enjoy them more than adult reads. Helpful resource and nice alignment. This book should definitely be in your classroom library in the intermediate grades. 5y
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Wishtree | Katherine Applegate
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I truly liked this book by Katherine Applegate. I think this book is great for literature circles. It was an easy read. I will say that it was easy to predict what would happen but it also made you want to continue reading it so that you could see if you were right in your predictions. I think this book touched on a delicate subject of not accepting someone because of something someone else did. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh The UDL's I chose are 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols and 3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge. ESOL Teach questioning for clarification and Use preview and review activities. 5y
DrSpalding I agree that this is a viable option for literature circles and you of course want to include preview and review strategies along with clarifying vocabulary. Nice alignment. 5y
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Waiting | Kevin Henkes
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This fantasy fiction book by Kevin Henkes was a Theodore Suess Giles Honor Book and Caldacott Honor. I think this book would be great for kindergarten or 1st grade. I think that it teaches kids that if you want something sometimes you have to wait for it to happen. I feel like this book also teaches kids not to judge someone by their outside appearances because you never know what is going on with them on the inside. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh https://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewStandard/Preview/5735. The UDL's I chose were 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols and 1.3 Other alternatives for visual information.
Resource: https://kevinhenkes.com/wp-content/uploads/Waiting_MemoryCards_Kevin_Henkes.pdf
(edited) 5y
DrSpalding Fantasy denotes fiction therefore you do not have to say that but I agree that this book makes for a wonderful read aloud, storytelling… You found an excellent resource by going straight to the author. Well done. 5y
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The book of poetry by Margarita Engle. Was sometimes hard to follow. I would choose this book for upper grade levels 5th to 7th grade. It spoke of young girl who was living life during the war in Cuba in the time of Teddy Roosevelt. It talks about her hard times and suffering. It comes in both English and Spanish. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh https://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewStandard/Preview/6261. I used the UDL's 3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge and Foster collaboration and community. I think this book would be great for a ESOL student especially one who speaks Spanish. I think breaking it down and moving through the text slowly making sure that visuals are used if needed. 5y
Mwinship Wow this book incorporates multiple languages as well as multiple subjects! Definitely sounds like an interesting read! 5y
DrSpalding What a great book for incorporating other cultures and also historical information. Sounds like a literature circle option during a social studies unit! 5y
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This realistic fiction book is a Newberry Honorwritten by Kate DiCamillo . This was a fun and exciting book to read. Full of adventure and mystery. Who wouldn't love a book about a little girl and her dog. I loved this book because it showed how people who are so different can come together to make a family. Family isn't always blood and this book shows how a dog can help bring people together to make a family. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh https://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewStandard/Preview/6261. The UDL's I chose were 1.1 Offer ways of customizing the display of information and 2.2 Clarify syntax and structure. for my ESOL I would read slow and clearly, make sure that I am clarifying the text and I read. 5y
Mwinship Wow, I remember this book from my childhood and being so excited for the movie! I did not know that it was awarding winning but not surprised! 5y
kgarzon I absolutely loved this book as a child, and the theme of found family is always a plus for the classroom! 5y
JRone This was a great book as a child. What made it even better was that there was a movie made to go along with it. Your UDL strategy is a perfect choice for this book. (edited) 5y
DrSpalding This book is full of adventure! It is currently being used in seminal County as a quality piece of literature in fourth grade. I believe they use it for approximately four weeks and integrate all of the language arts. All of this author‘s books should be considerations for your classroom library. 5y
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14 Cows for America | Carmen Agra Deedy
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This non-fiction book was a New York Times best seller written byCarmen Agra Deedy. It talks about a young man from Africa who after the 9-11 attacks decided to go home where he tells the story of what happened. He and his mother had 1 cow and he asked the tribe if he may give the cow to America because the cow represented life. The tribe talked called in the ambassador of America and they gave America 14 cows to represent life. #ucflae3414f19.

kpbrspbr https://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewStandard/Preview/5745. The UDLs that I chose are 2.1 To Clarify vocabulary and symbols and 4.1 vary the methods for response and navigation. ESOL strategies 15 reinforcing key ideas, and 18 use commands and directions that involve overt student actions. 5y
kradebaugh kpbrspbr is me kradebaugh. I have two litsy accounts for some reason. 5y
DrSpalding When a story is true and focuses on individuals, it would be considered a biography. This is a powerful story that should be shared with students around 9-11. 5y
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Wolf Hollow | Lauren Wolk
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This book is a historical fiction. I super enjoyed this book. It kept me on my toes and it was one I could not put down. If you like a story that teaches life lessons on how to stand up for what you believe in this is the book for you. It was written by Lauren Wolk it was on the New York Times Best Seller and a Newberry Honor book. #ucflae3414f19

kradebaugh https://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewStandard/Preview/5840. The UDL's I chose where 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols and 3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge. ESOL would be break the text down reading short pieces at a time and asking questions to clarify that the students understand what is being read. 5y
DrSpalding Make sure you use the English learner strategy numbers as well. I believe this is 28! Nice job using the FLDOE website as a resource. I thoroughly enjoyed this historical fiction novel as well. 5y
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