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Lost Children Archive | Valeria Luiselli
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rsteve388 How did you like Lost Children Archive ? 4y
Cinfhen Congrats on completing #Winter #Booked2020 ☃️🎉💙This is your “official” entry for #FirstQuarterDrawing 😀 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job! ♥️👊🏻📚 4y
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Completed my #winter prompts for #Booked2020 .

Here‘s the list for your recording,
 @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage

1. #MillennialAuthor
2. #HatHeadCoveringOnCover
3. #LiveAndLearnSubjectMostlyNewToYou
4. #SetInHollywood
5. #CoverCrush
6. #FinishInADay

I‘m slowly working my way all over the other ‘seasons‘. 😊

Cinfhen Great job 🙌🏻❣️this counts as your “official” entry for First Quarter #Booked2020 5y
Cathythoughts Well done 🥳 lovely choices ❤️ I‘m one-half a book behind you 🤞🏻 5y
Cathythoughts @Cinfhen Cindy, is the deadline the last day of March? Thanks X 5y
Cinfhen No @Cathythoughts deadline will be midnight April 5 USA EST 🧡 5y
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Wang describes her struggles living with schizoaffective disorder, late-stage Lyme disease. I know many love this but I did not feel connected to her or engaged through these essays. I appreciate her sharing of her experiences with psychosis, but the essays felt impersonal. I learnt a lot, though, great perspective, & important that it‘s written by #ownvoices .Valuable read for anyone who wants to better understand or affected by mental illness.

Cinfhen I recently picked this up as a #KindleDeal but I struggled to connect and put it aside. I‘ll try again but I may end up sharing your views. 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Cinfhen all those positive reviews, and the subject matter, made me feel bad/harsh not loving it & giving it a so-so. 🤷‍♀️ 5y
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Cinfhen Sometimes as a reader a book just doesn‘t fit right. Or the timing is off. No reason to feel bad 💚 5y
shadowspeak17 I felt the same way. I‘d really hoped to like it, but I just couldn‘t connect. I felt too held at a distance. I took several psychology classes in college and am pretty familiar with the basic clinical stuff that she mentions from hearing it over and over again in class, so I didn‘t really want to read more of that sort of thing. I wanted a more personal look at things, but most of the essays felt so impersonal to me. I was bummed. 😕 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Hmmmm. Not moving to the top of my list, based on your review ... 4y
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