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Real Life Organizing
Real Life Organizing: Clean and Clutter-Free in 15 Minutes a Day | Cassandra Aarssen
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Clutter Free Real Life Organizing offers clutter free storage solutions and advice that can help you create a Pinterest worthy home on a small budget: Learn how to organize your home, simplify life and have more time for the things you love. Organizational expert Cassandra Cas Aarssen, the guru from YouTubes ClutterBug channel, reveals her tips, tricks and secrets to a clean and clutter free home in just 15 minutes a day. Aarssen, spends her time organizing other peoples homes, teaching college workshops on organization, and creating weekly videos and blog posts. Cas offers diy Pinterest type tips to people like you who are interested in how to get rid of clutter and how to organize your home. Organized person on the outside: The secret to her success? Shes a giant mess on the inside, but an organized person who can teach you how to get rid of clutter and organize your home once and for all. Simplify your life: In her debut book, Real Life Organizing, Cas walks you through the steps you can take to create a beautiful, organized, clutter free, and almost self-cleaning home ? a DIY Pinterest home. Simplify your life. You do not have to get rid of all of your things, you do not have to be a yoga loving minimalist, and you do not have to radically change your lifestyle or personality in order to simplify your life and have an organized home. The truth is that you do not need to actually be an organized person to live like an organized person. Organize home: Through her years of experience as an industry expert, Cas has uncovered easy and inexpensive tips, tricks and solutions that allow her to maintain a clean, organized and functional home with minimal effort. After youve read Real Life Organizing, you too will be able to live a more organized life without having to give up your sanity. In Real Life Organizing: Get a Clean and Clutter-Free Home in Just 15 Minutes, you will learn how to: Create a Household Management Binder Make a Kids Cupboard in your kitchen Create an IN/OUT system Organize paperwork based on your unique style Create a Kitchen Command Center Organize your holidays with a gift closet Build the best toy organizing system And, enjoy a diy Pinterest home
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So this wasn't new profound information really. But... I felt it was a good reminder to keep my home something I love and love spending time with. I am going to try to incorporate morning and evening routines (the one that says afternoon is when I have a day off).

But I am looking forward to getting these done!

TheAromaofBooks Yes!!! Even before I read this book I had really been focusing on my morning chores & this read did inspire to make a little evening list, too. Also, have you read The Nesting Place? It's more about gratitude & embracing where you are in life/where you're living than it is about organization per se, but I really found it such an encouraging read! 3y
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks - I am tweaking this list. Because my school/work/home stuff is so not rigid its been difficult to figure it all out. That book you posted sounds right up my alley. I am gonna look for it now! 3y
TheAromaofBooks It really encouraged me a lot, although I've seen some reviewers complain that she's too chatty haha One thing that's stuck with me is the importance of making each area of your home purposeful/intentional - looking at different spaces around our house & making sure only things that serve that purpose are there is still a work in progress, but has frequently helped me when I've felt “stuck“ trying to figure out what isn't working in an area. 3y
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks It sounds great though! I like chatty :) But yeah I have been trying to organize my office space so far and its been ab it on the difficult side. I have a “vision“ but its more of the time and ability to do it... it my issue! I am super overwhelmed all the time!!! 3y
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This one is a soft pick. If you are new to home organization or looking for a place to start, this book is a great overview of some basic methods, written in a very friendly and approachable way. Aarssen encourages her readers to break things into manageable chunks, and I really liked her worksheets that encourage you to assess a cluttered/disorganized area by writing down the specific problem and then a specific solution. Usually each of these⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) solutions are something short and simple - so instead of something broad like “dresser is disorganized,“ you would find something more specific - “sock drawer is overflowing“ and then a solution - “purge at least 12 pairs of socks“ or something like that. That small task should take less than 15mins, which is where she gets the subtitle for her book. However, on the whole that subtitle is somewhat of a misnomer as she also recommends ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) maintaining your home with 15-minute evening and 15-minute morning “quick chores“ list. This system has actually worked wonders for me and I highly recommend it, but it does mean that you're already up to a total of 45mins for the day if you include your one organization project haha If you're looking for a lot of details, or something really new and thought-provoking, this probably isn't the book for you, but if you need an overview ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) with some clear starting points, I think this book could be very helpful. She also dedicates an entire chapter to organizing toys/children's areas, including tips for getting your children involved with keeping their own areas tidy and organized. I don't have children myself, but these tips seemed really practical. All in all, a friendly and engaging read, even if it isn't super groundbreaking. 3y
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TheAromaofBooks #Scarathlon2021 #TeamSlaughter @Clwojick
#Screamathon - 6886/8000pgs @4thhouseontheleft
#Spookoween - 24/25bks @TheSpineView
#20in4 - I forgot to publish my official goals but I am hoping to finish 4 books in 4 days, so this is 1/4!! @Andrew65
Andrew65 Great progress 👏👏👏 3y
ElizaMarie I am working on this one too. But yeah nothing that is being said is super profound or anything but. I am getting a good reminder of managing little chunks here and there! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @ElizaMarie - I tend to be someone who tears into a project and then loses steam rapidly, so I did like her suggestions for working on organization in smaller pieces, with clear solutions in mind. I was also struck by the reminder to identify valuable “real estate“ in my home & make sure it's being utilized to its full advantage! 3y
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I hope that by the end of the day.. this is cleared off! Esh! lets see!

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😊😊😊 I have a pile also and I was caught up!! We went out of town this weekend so I‘m behind on everything! (edited) 3y
ElizaMarie @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I am trying to make a good working file cabinet in my office. With things I need to reference easily and then things that I just need to store “in case“. I did a couple of stuff already but.. we will see about the others (soon though) 3y
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Chrissyreadit I love label makers 🙌 3y
ElizaMarie @Chrissyreadit I never owned one! I mean... people who know me... assumed I have multiple! Ha! But yeah.. Now I have one of my own! 3y
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#bookspinbingo #bookspin

This is one of the best organizing books I have read. She goes into what kind of clutter bug you are and what is the best way to contain your stuff. My office is a hoarder‘s mess and my goal is to start making it work for me. I‘ve already ordered some supplies. I‘ll be sorting the piles of paper once my stuff arrives.

ElizaMarie Super excited that you enjoyed that book. I am happy we can talk about this journey together!!! #NewYearNewYou 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie Me too! My plan is to find 21 things today to donate or throw away. I‘m also going to try out a morning/evening routine list. I‘m not sure yet what to put on it. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Ooooo I will definitely check this one out!! 3y
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ElizaMarie @jb72 I struggle so much with routines! I would be interested to know what yours consisted of. I think I am gonna try to clean/organize 15 min when I get home today. Also plan on cleaning out my work bag (which is a bottomless pit of everything and nothing!) 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie I also struggle with routine as well. I‘ve never been one to have this set routine. It‘s always been “go with whatever” works in the moment. Work bags have always been a collection of everything for me (same with my purse). 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie This is a work in progress. Evening routine: straighten living room (normally if just me it doesn‘t get overly messy), make sure all dishes are done. Morning routine: (maybe) make bed, vacuum living room rug, do one load of laundry. 3y
ElizaMarie @jb72 I love all these! Great job! 3y
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Results of the Quiz:
1 - Butterfly: Visual person and likes to see everything out in the open to not misplace it. Overwhelmed with organizing, easily distracted.

- brightly colored or clear bins
- labelling
- bulletin boards
- have a clear vision of your space
- 21 item toss q monthly
- remind self less is more
- schedule daily organizing time
- 1 minute rule, if something takes 1 min or less, do it right now

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Downloaded this one today. It's part of the Audible library. Anyway I had meant to listen to it a while back and then I forgot about it and @jb72 reminded me of it. So... I am excited to see if I can incorporate it into my life!

jb72 I‘m looking forward to reading this one. I already do a 20 minute cleaning session for regular chores. 3y
ElizaMarie @jb72 do you do it daily? I try to think about this but then I end up falling off the wagon. I need to stick to some sort of schedule 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie The 20 minutes - yes I do daily. I try to get at least two done in a day. I fall off the wagon every single day with it. But my house in general is a disorganized mess. I‘m tired of and having no where to put my stuff. So I started the journey this year in the bathroom. I bought containers for stuff. I still need to make a few more but it‘s a lot better to have a place for stuff to be that‘s needed. 3y
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jb72 @ElizaMarie I‘ll have to listen to this on audio as well. The ebook on hoopla is missing pages and won‘t download correctly. 3y
ElizaMarie @jb72 I don‘t know if you have audible but it‘s available for free and it had PDFs of the worksheets 3y
jb72 @ElizaMarie my hoopla has the audiobook. 3y
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Focusing on movement & sorting this month.

Action: walking the dog
Books: 4/month
Cleaning: declutter 15 min /day

#BFC21, @wanderinglynn
Happy New Year - the fireworks are going off, although it isn't midnight here yet.

wanderinglynn Great goals! 🎉 And Team BFC21 will be here to cheer you on. 4y
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A quick and simple book about organizing. She breaks down organizing styles into four types of “bugs,” which is an interesting way to understand why some systems or organization hacks don‘t work for us or our family members. If you like her YouTube channel (ClutterBug), which I recommend, you‘ll enjoy this. 💙

Ruthiella Howdy stranger! 😀 4y
thebluestocking @Ruthiella Hello there!! Nice to “see” you. 💙 4y
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Really useful! It helped me figure out that my husband isn‘t actually a giant mess—he‘s just a different type of clutterbug and so we have to find compromises@for organizing. Also some great specific tips that I‘ve already been using.

TheBookAddict I may have to look into this! 5y
Loretta @TheBookAddict The author is on YouTube as well. Her channel name is “Clutterbug”. I watched a few videos before deciding to read the book, so you may find that useful! 5y
TheBookAddict @Loretta thank you! I shall look into it. 5y
Lauraandherbooks I need this, not that I have clutter but I want to learn to be better organized 5y
Loretta @Lauraandherbooks Yeah there‘s some really good, practical advice in this one. I haven‘t had a really good “home landing strip” yet so I‘m getting to work on that soon. 5y
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This is the goal! I spent all weekend working on my kitchen and it‘s alllllllllmost where I want it.

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Learning from this. Why do I think craft supplies should live in my office when I use them in the living room? Silly!

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About them New Year‘s Resolutions. #goals #organizing

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Came home from work today to a surprise coffee!! Apparently if you buy the biggest size you can still Roll up the Rim. So while drinking my bucket of buzz I decided some of my books needed a home and took over half my linen closet. I need some new bookshelves like you wouldn't believe 😂 It's going to suck when I come down from this caffeine high ☕#thebooksaretakingover #coffeefordays #needmoreshelves #noorganizationatall

TricksyTails I love this post so much. 😂😂😂 I can almost get a contact caffeine high just reading it! 🤣😍☕️ Also, ALL THE PRETTY BOOKS! 6y
FantasyChick Haha @TricksyTails I definitely did not need the extra caffeine (although my house got crazy clean real fast 😵)! But I won another coffee out of it, so yay!! #coffeecoffeecoffee 😂 6y
TricksyTails 😂 ALL THE COFFEE! ☕️♥️ I too love how clean everything is after I OD on caffeine! 6y
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Finch and I are excited to start organizing in the new year. We are going to start with my now defunct office so that maybe it will become useable again. This book had a lot of great tips and tricks that I‘m excited to try and even had a quiz to help me figure out what type of organizer I am. All in all, a helpful read. #newyearnewhabits #catsoflitsy

In other news, I didn‘t meet my Goodreads goal. Only 64/65 books for 2017. 😕

Bookzombie 64 books is still really great!! 💕🐱 7y
TommieMarie74 @Bookzombie Thanks! 😊 7y
keggergoldy Too bad you can't shelve cats... 7y
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Ending the year planning to organize my house in the new year. Not exactly a party but I‘m getting l ready to take on all my clutter. 😳

Redwritinghood Ugh - I need to do that too. After almost 20 years in the same house, you manage to accumulate a lot of stuff. 7y
TommieMarie74 @Redwritinghood Right?!? My house is just an enormous purse...full of junk I have to dig through to find what I actually need. 😳 7y
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