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Two Bobbies
Two Bobbies: A True Story of Hurricane Katrina, Friendship, and Survival | Kirby Larson, Mary Nethery
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During Hurricane Katrina, evacuating New Orleans residents were forced to leave their pets behind. Bobbi the dog was initially chained to keep her safe, but after her owners failed to return, she had to break free. For months, Bobbi wandered the city's ravaged streets-dragging her chain behind her-followed by her feline companion, Bob Cat. After months of hunger and struggle, the Two Bobbies were finally rescued by a construction worker helping to rebuild the city. When he brought them to a shelter, volunteers made an amazing discovery about the devoted friends-Bob Cat was actually blind! He had survived the aftermath of the storm by following the sound Bobbi's chain made as she dragged it along the ground. At the shelter, the two bob-tailed friends refused to be parted, even for a moment. Could rescue workers find the Bobbies' owners? Or could they find a new home that would take them together? This remarkable true story of devotion and survival is a testament to the spirit that defined post-Katrina rescue missions, and is a perfect way to commemorate the this day in history.
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Two Bobbies by Kirby Larson,B book. True story about two animals who were left homeless after the storm Katrina. They went to a temporary shelter and they could not be separated . The volunteer observed and found out the cat was blind. Another reason why Bobbie the dog ,stood close to him .Finally after their story was televised, they were adopted.Bobbie the dog took great care of his friend Bob the cat ,throughout the Hurricane Katrina and after.

ERodriguez For this book I will first introduce the book and then guide the class to PR. After the group will create a Narrative Pyramid. They will reflect on key ideas and details of the story. http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/printouts/narrative-pyramid-30... 6y
ERodriguez EL 30/Encourage the use of diagrams and drawings as aids to identify concepts and see relationships. UDL/3.3/Guide information processing and visualization. #UCFLAE3414SuB18 6y
Thayes1787 I‘ve heard of this book before but never got a chance to read it! It sounds really emotional so I know I would be interested in it! Great post! 6y
DrSpalding I am glad that you enjoyed this book. Neat resources regarding the narrative pyramid! Try it with students. 6y
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Two Bobbies, a B book is not an award winner but is a great story to tell students. It gives a true story about a cat and dog that had to be felt behind after the devastation of hurricane Katrina and how they survived. There is a plot twist, which you could figure out and give a minilesson on inference with your students about. The theme of this book is friendship and survival. I would use this book as a S, while we are learning about hurricanes.

GGallegos A great resource to use would be: http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/calendar-activities/tropical-s... The UDL principles 2.5 is shown and can be used with this book. EL strategies used with this book are 29 and 28 presenting info in a different way and teaching about a hardship in our history(through animals). #UCFLAE3414SUB18 6y
Erothert I‘ve read this book too! The plot twist does definitely give a really good opportunity for a mini lesson for students to make inferences 6y
Thayes1787 This sounds like a great book to have students practice their predicting on what will happen next! I also love the activity that goes along with this book. I never had a chance to read this but am hoping to get it soon! :) 6y
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GGallegos @Erothert I honestly didn't see it coming! Looking back It makes complete sense, but I was read aloud to my mom (the first time I read it) so i was really focused on the words. Important lesson yo be learned: read the books before and comprehend. 6y
GGallegos @Thayes1787 I hope you can check it out soon! It's a cute story! Especially look up the real animals, there's a bunch of news articles...which could be another fun lesson. Looking at need articles related to the two bobbies🐶🐱 6y
DrSpalding Not HF- true story...revise genre. Use your genre quick guide. 6y
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This one likes being read outloud to🐱

DrSpalding Sweet kitty!💜🐈 6y
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Two bobbies is a Henry Bergh Children‘s Book Award (ASPCA) biographical picture book. Two bobbies is about a dog and a cat left behind during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Filled with sweet moments, two bobbies shows children the importance of friendship, no matter the cost. This book would be best utilized as a RA. I read this book for our TeachLIVE assignment and the avatars were really engaged in the story, asking lots of questions. The RA

Ryanne.H Can followed up with this activity http://readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/glogging-about-natura... Students will research natural disasters and then present their findings on a poster board. For UDL guidelines 1.1 & 1.3 students will be able to display their understandings and use different alternatives of visuals, such as the internet. 6y
Ryanne.H For ESOL 46 & 26 students can encorporate hands on activities with the poster board, and maintaining books about natural disasters will help students better their understanding through simplified text. #UCFLAE3414SP18 6y
V.DeQuattro I want to read this book, it looks so cute!! I really liked the activity that you attached. Really goes with the moral of the story. @Ryanne.H 6y
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DrSpalding Excellent summary Annie. This is a wonderful book that incorporates a tragic, historical event along with the themes of friendship and survival. Excellent job using a high-quality resource. 6y
AmeliaS21 Great post! I almost chose this book for my read aloud! (Who doesn‘t love a story about animals??) This book seems great since it includes a historical event! 6y
Cruzdia1 Hi Ryanne! I agree that this book would be a great book to encourage students to participate in natural disaster research especially since we live in Florida where we also have hurricanes! 6y
Laura.S @Ryanne.H this book looks amazing! I love that it includes animals which engages the students. Also super important that it touches on the true story of Hurricane Katrina. 6y
Fiona_i I would really like to read this book. It sounds like such a good read. 6y
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Jess7 Awww 6y
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The story of the two bobbies is an animal (B) and some teaching strategies that can be implemented with the use of this book are IR, GR, PR, RA, and S.
It follows a dog and a cat during hurricane Katrina in New Orleans after being abandoned. A great teaching strategy for this book is RA which will allow children the opportunity to share their feelings about the book. In addition, this book may also be used as a S, IR, PR and GR.

Cruzdia1 Some teaching strategies that can be implemented with the use of this book are IR, GR, PR, RA, and S. This book is great for RA because it helps students learn how to use language to make sense of the world; it improves their information processing skills, vocabulary, and comprehension. Here is a link to an RA! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B69EEnvAzBs 6y
Cruzdia1 #UCFLAE3414SP18
A UDL strategy that can be implemented in this lesson is 1.2 offer alternatives for auditory information, in this lesson that would be listening to a read a-loud online. An EL strategy that could be used for this lesson is #11 place the language in meaningful context.
DrSpalding Nice video resource. Stopping and periodically asking comprehension questions is a wise strategy when using read aloud videos. 6y
Cruzdia1 This book is great for RA because it helps students learn how to use language to make sense of the world; it improves their information processing skills, vocabulary, and comprehension. Here is a link to an RA! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B69EEnvAzBs 6y
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Two Bobbies by: Kirby Larson & Mary Nethery; Genre: B; Teaching Strategy: RA. I feel this book would be a great read aloud book because it is engaging and is a great interactive book that could teach children empathy. This book could also be used in a social studies lesson because it correlates to a historical event (Hurricane Katrina). #UCFLAE3414SP18

Jeffersleighann This book is about two animals surviving hard times together with each other‘s friendship. The first time I read it, it was shocking how depressing it was (at first but SPOILER there is a happy ending) but it really captures the aspects of what was going on at the time in New Orleans. 6y
Jeffersleighann UDL: 1.3: Offer alternatives for visual information. I can do this with my resource https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B69EEnvAzBs which is somebody reading the book, which offers a visual reading of the book, or you can also use pictures from the actual Hurricane to show the devastation it had on the area. 6y
Jeffersleighann EL: 4. Link lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge (Like knowledge of hurricanes, or devastation from a natural disaster). 6y
DrSpalding Empathy, yes! This wonderful book shares themes about survival and friendship while also sharing some details about this tragic event. Make sure you show the children where New Orleans is in relation to where they live. Geography skills can easily be added when events occur in other locations. 6y
Jeffersleighann @DrSpalding This would be a great book to show Geography skills, I didn‘t realize that (: 6y
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Two Bobbies is an animal (B) written by Kirby Larson and Mary Nethery, and Illustrated by Jean Cassels. This book is great for a RA and can also be used for a GR, IR, PR, and S. Two Bobbies is a true story of friendship and survival. A cat and a dog who survived Hurricane Katrina together after being abandoned by their owners. #UCFLAE3414SP18

GraceNeg I mentioned multiple strategies for this book but I will choose PR because it gives the students an opportunity to share their feelings and thoughts with other peers. This link provides a comprehension assessment created for this book: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Two-Bobbies-Book-Unit-Assessment-220.... UDL 2.1 & ESOL 2,3, and 22. 6y
DrSpalding I like the choice of partner reading. TPT has some valuable resources. Again elaborate on the strategies and principles. 6y
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This is the RF story of two animals who were stranded after Hurricane Katrina. This is the tale of how they because best friends and we‘re rescued. https://suzyred.com/pbks2011_Two_Bobbies_Survival.html this lesson has a few worksheets to help the students better understand the topic and show that they have a better understanding. UDL 3.1 activate or apply background knowledge and EL 2 promote cooperation.

brittanyg I would use GR because there are some vocabulary works students may not know. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
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A sweet NF picture book about a lost cat and dog during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. This is a perfect book to RA.

brittanyg Those are such cute animals!!! 7y
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This is a B that won the Social Studies Trade Book for Young People. I️ would use this as a RA and can relate from Hurricane Irma. It is about one cat and one dogs survival from Hurricane Katrina. UDL- 3.1, 2.1, and 7.2. EL- 1, 5, and 17. http://www.twobobbies.com/extras.htm #UCFLAE3414F17

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This NF story of a dog and a cat written by Kirby Larson and Mary Nethery illustrated by Jean Cassels is a touching story of the effect hurricane Katrina had on them. Great for SR, can ask students to listen for key details while reading about the effects on the two bobbies. UDL 6.3 facilitate managing information and resources. EL 29 offer a variety of reference materials at the students‘ instructional level for independent use. #ucflae3414f17

farynantenucci https://achievethecore.org/content/upload/two_bobbies_1_lit.docx this is a great resource for teachers providing a full 4 day lesson plan on the story following themes of friendship and survival including standards. 7y
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Two Bobbies is a NF picture book that was written by both Kirby Larson and Mary Nethery. This text would be an admirable SR activity since there are some concepts that may be unfamiliar or tricky for some students. It refers to a story about two pets, a cat and a dog, that survived Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

kkidwell It follows their lives for the months after the storm until they are adopted by a new family. There are a few surprises revealed along the way. It is an excellent source to begin discussing the topic of natural disasters, friendship, and community. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
kkidwell Link: http://www.twobobbies.com/extras.htm
The link is filled with a multitude of other links that discuss Hurricane Katrina Rescue Efforts and Preparing for Disasters. These links can aid the conversation(s) that this text will spark.
UDL: 3.2 Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships
ESOL: 8 Use direct instruction: modeling, explaining, scaffolding, name the strategy and show how to use it
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Two Bobbies by Kirby Larson is a NF story that would be great for SR. In the book Two Bobbies is tells the story of two animals, Bobbi and Bob cat, who are stranded together after hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. The two go everywhere together before someone realizes that the Bob cat is blind. In the end the two are adopted by a loving family and don‘t have to be separated. UDL 7.3 minimize threats and distractions #ucflae3414f17

emily_minnear EL 5 teach technical vocabulary supporting key concepts. https://achievethecore.org/content/upload/two_bobbies_1_lit.docx this link provides an excellent lesson plan for teachers to utilize when teaching this book. 7y
juliek1 I LOVED this book! It almost made me tear up - but I'm super soft when it comes to animals. Great lesson plan! 7y
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Two Bobbies by Kirby Larson and Mary Nethery, illustrated by Jean Cassels is a NF picture book that shares the story of Bobbi the dog and Bob Cat, who both have no tails, and their attempt at survival after Hurricane Katrina (Category 3) hit their hometown of New Orleans. This book would make a great RA to share with your class about true friendship.


AshleyAA The link downloads a lesson plan that you can incorporate in your class that emphasizes key vocabulary in the text and encourages students to discover the central message of the book. This can meet UDL 2.1, which relates to clarifying vocabulary, and 3.1, which relates to activating or supplying background knowledge. Also meets EL 5 and 13 that relate to teaching technical vocabulary and using preview/review activities. 7y
amandagrant A moving story that also illustrates the devastation after that powerful storm. I love when a book can evoke strong emotions from students, and this one does just that! 7y
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Two Bobbies, written by Kirby Larson and Mary Netherly (illustrated by Jean Cassels), tells a story of survival and friendship. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Bob Cat and Bobbi the dog (affectionately named the two Bobbies) lost everything. Only by staying together could Bobbi and Bob Cat survive. Bob Cat follows alongside Bobbi the dog, as they attempt to survive together.

ChelseaPerez They receive help along the way from a kind construction worker and by the efforts of a local shelter who find them a new home. No matter what, Bobbi the dog and Bob Cat remained happy, together. This is a great book for Read Alouds with an emphasis on characteristics of true friendship and also a great opportunity for discussing preparing for disasters. 7y
ChelseaPerez Here are two links to their website that helps the class to learn a bit more about, and make connections to, the real life Bobbi and Bob Cat, as well as a resource for an in depth read aloud instruction for teachers.
ChelseaPerez UDL 3.1 Activate or supply background knowledge-
Make explicit cross-curricular connections (e.g., teaching literacy strategies in the social studies classroom) OR Anchor instruction by linking to and activating relevant prior knowledge (e.g., using visual imagery, concept anchoring, or concept mastery routines)
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MakenzieT This is an incredible book! I love all your details and resource! 7y
ChelseaPerez EL Language Arts 9. Choose reading and writing activities that activate the prior knowledge of the students. 7y
DrSpalding Again, an excellent post with all the vital elements included. Wonderful resource that shows how the book can be used to teach many concepts. 7y
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Two Bobbies is a NF story writ. by Kirby Larson, illus. by Jean Cassels and would be great for RA. The story follows the adventure of a dog and cat who survived hurricane Katrina. There are themes of friendship and perseverance, which are great for kids to read about. UDL3.2 highlight patterns, big ideas, relationships. EL#4 link lesson topic to students‘ prior knowledge. #UCFLAE3414F17

Karlee.Diamond https://www.learningtogive.org/resources/two-bobbies-literature-guide This resource provides you with B, D, and A questions to guide student thinking about themes and other big ideas 7y
MadisonCarter This was my TLRA choice and even though each page was a mouthful, I️ still chose it because I️ just loved the story. Your UDL strategy is perfect, I‘m pretty sure I️ used it too. 7y
DrSpalding I have seen this resource previously. Excellent choice. This is a powerful story of friendship and survival. Two themes young children need to hear about. 7y
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Two Bobbies written by Kirby Larson and Illustrated by Jean Cassels. It is a NF through the eyes of two animals who survived hurricane Katrina. Very fun book to read to young students and great to discuss for text-to-reality purposes. Great for Read Aloud. UDL 7.2: Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity. EL 12: Teach 2 objectives, language and content.

Dbenford I like that the standards you used relate back to text-to-self connections for students. I think that you could do a lot with this book. Not only talking about hurricanes because we are in Florida but you could also relate this book to when students are in the stores with their parents and they run off and get lost or about friendship and what it feels like when your friends leave you. Good standards 7y
DrSpalding Be sure to add a website resource. The strategies and principles would work. 7y
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Two Bobbies a NF by Kirby Larson and Mary Nethery and illustrated by Jean Cassels is one of NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People Books that can best be used as a RA. About two unlikely friends surviving after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, this book is filled with ups and downs and a surprising twist at the end! http://www.twobobbies.com this goes to the Two Bobbies website, where you can watch the book trailer!

JordanD I would utilize UDL strategy 8.3 to foster community and collaboration in an activity relating to the story like the book. I would also use EL strategy 44 to focus on thinking skills especially predicting! #ucflae3414f17 7y
DrSpalding Yes! A National Council for Social Studies notable book. This is an excellent list that is published yearly to assist teachers with finding great social studies related books. This book is perfect for making predictions. Well done. 7y
Brittanyradzak I remember Dr. Spalding talking about this book and it seems like such a sweet book! I love your UDL strategy!! 7y
ChristinB Ever since Dr. Spalding recommended this book I cannot wait to get my hands on it! I️ hope to use this in my future class! 7y
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Two Bobbies written by Kirby Larson & Mary Nethery and illustrated by Jean Cassels is a NF story about two pets who were abandoned after Hurricane Katrina. The story follows their journey of survival after the hurricane all the way up until they were adopted again. This inspiring RA story has an important message about how important friendship is during hard times. This is a great addition to any classroom library! The attached link is a guide to

KarinaGuillen a 4 day lesson plan that coincides with the story. It includes preteaching and extension activities: https://achievethecore.org/content/upload/two_bobbies_1_lit.docx UDL principals 2.1 clarify vocabulary and symbols & 3.1 Activate or supply prior knowledge and EL principal 5 teach technical vocabulary supporting key concepts & 11 Place language in meaningful context could all be utilized using this assignment and story. 7y
DrSpalding Excellent EL/UDL principles aligned. Nice resource. Isn't it amazing that you could use this book for four days for so many reasons. 7y
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This NF book is a beautiful and heartwarming true story about a pup and her feline friend surviving one of the most devastating and destructive hurricanes to hit Louisiana, hurricane Katrina. Here are a few activities you can do for the book. http://www.learningtogive.org/resources/two-bobbies-literature-guide

DrSpalding Nice post! Your resource is valuable and shows how this book can teach students not only about friendship and survival but also about the catastrophic hurricane that took place in 2005. 7y
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This NF book tells the story of 2 animals with stubby tails & how they survived Hurricane Katrina. Bobcat is blind & Bobbie is her seeing eye dog. After getting left behind, they survive on their own for months until they find a furr-ever home. This heart warming book would be great to tie into a unit on weather/ hurricanes. Classroom activities found here: https://media.bloomsbury.com/rep/files/twobobbiesclassroomactivities.pdf #UCFLAE3414su17

DrSpalding What a resource! It also could be used in a five senses science lesson according to the second idea on the guide. Quality book! Love the image!❤️🐕🐈 7y
Diana_S This looks so sweet I love this picture! I really want to read this book and you are right, this would be great for hurricane and storm lessons we would teach our students and how to prevent things like this, losing pets and loved ones, from happening. 7y
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This NF book tells a true story about a dog named Bobbi and a cat named Bob Cat, and their survival after hurricane Katrina. This book surely pulls on your heart strings, especially the ending! This book was such a great read, that has many lessons you can incorporate with it! This think has questions for before, during and after the book, as well as activities! https://www.learningtogive.org/resources/two-bobbies-literature-guide #UCFLAE3414sp17

DrSpalding Excellent resource. This animal biography shows how bright animals truly are!🐾 7y
JarecS I love animal books and your reflection has me wanting to pick it up and read it, especially to a future class 7y
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Two Bobbies is a story of the trials and tribulations of a dog and a cat left in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. It seems as if the two are simply friends, however, as the end of the book will show, they need each other for more than meets the eye. This is animal nonfiction. It is written by Kirby Larson and Mary Netherly! https://www.learningtogive.org/ resources/two-bobbies-literature-guide #ucflae3414sp17

DrSpalding https://www.learningtogive.org/resources/two-bobbies-literature-guide What a super resource for the book and civic engagement! 7y
AmberC What a great resource to teach young children positive values and ways to interact! 7y
KaylaC This books seems so sad, that is why I was hesitant to choose it for my teachlive read aloud. But so many people have said that it is such a good book and it would teach me and a lot of my future students about what happened in the past. 7y
Maya.A This is a great book to introduce a lesson on natural disasters and the importance of sticking together through hard times. This book looks like a great but sad read. 7y
DrSpalding Great book and wonderful resource. As your peers have mentioned it can be incorporated into science and social studies lessons. 7y
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Two bobbies is a non fiction book about two animals and their survival after Hurricane Katrina. I cried when I found out that Bob Cat was actually blind and that's why Bobbi is so protective. I found an activity that links it to Social Studies.http://www.socstrpr.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/06558-Hubbard.pdf #ucflae3414sp17

DrSpalding I cried too! That's how you know it's a good one! 7y
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Two Bobbies is a nonfiction text about two animals that get left in hurricane katrina. As they fight their way to survival they ended up finding a caring gentleman who took them to a shelter. The shelter took the two bobbies in and eventually found them a loving home!

DrSpalding Love this animal biography! 7y
RanaH Loved this book! It was sad finding out that that cat was actually blind :( 7y
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Two Bobbies is a nonfiction book about two friends and their survival after Hurricane Katrina. This is my read aloud choice. The story is very engaging to me because I love animals, I cried during the book. Bobbi and Bob Cat stick together, they never leave the others side. It turns out that Bob Cat is blind and that is why Bobbi is so protective of her https://www.learningtogive.org/resources/two-bobbies-literature-guide #ucflae3414sp17

HeyMsBowen I love this book! I read it in a Kindergarten room last week! :) 7y
DrSpalding What an awesome resource! 7y
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An Animal biography picture book. A sweet and touching true story about two animals who were abandoned after hurricane Katrina. Two Bobbies tells of a dog and a cat who both are without a tail. My pup KC (upper left corner is also tail-less!💓) These two unlikely friends stayed alive during this trying time because they stuck together. Based on a true story!!! For more information: http://www.twobobbies.com

DrSpalding Sweet story about how life is better when shared with others! Animal bio! 🐾 7y
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